CNN A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal?...Not if you are a DemonRAT!

Of course homosexuals weren't born that way. Otherwise, they wouldn't make so much of an effort to recruit.

I wasn't recruited to be Polish, I was born of Polish ancestry.

Black folks aren't recruited into their race either. were "recruited"? You mean some gay guy made a pass at you and you felt the "desire"?

They tried to recruit me, they did not succeed.

But I didn't have to be recruited to be Polish. I was Polish the day I was born and will be on the day I die.

That's the difference. Being Polish is part of who I am, I didn't have a choice.
Awwww...sorry you were so conflicted about your sexuality

I was never conflicted at all. I just remember that back in the day, homosexuals used to try and recruit new members when they picked up hitchhikers. I don't know what they do today, teenagers don't hitchhike as much as they did 45 or 50 years ago. I guess they go to the schools?

They used to show the kids documentaries, warn us about it when I was a kid. Probably wouldn't be allow to show "boys beware" today.

Dude, all you had to do is say no. Sorry if you were so conflicted that it was difficult for you

Who says it was "difficult"?

The point was that the recruitment effort was made.

I didn't have to be recruited to become Polish, and black guys don't have to be recruited to become African American.
Of course homosexuals weren't born that way. Otherwise, they wouldn't make so much of an effort to recruit.

I wasn't recruited to be Polish, I was born of Polish ancestry.

Black folks aren't recruited into their race either. were "recruited"? You mean some gay guy made a pass at you and you felt the "desire"?

They tried to recruit me, they did not succeed.

But I didn't have to be recruited to be Polish. I was Polish the day I was born and will be on the day I die.

That's the difference. Being Polish is part of who I am, I didn't have a choice.
Awwww...sorry you were so conflicted about your sexuality

I was never conflicted at all. I just remember that back in the day, homosexuals used to try and recruit new members when they picked up hitchhikers. I don't know what they do today, teenagers don't hitchhike as much as they did 45 or 50 years ago. I guess they go to the schools?

They used to show the kids documentaries, warn us about it when I was a kid. Probably wouldn't be allow to show "boys beware" today.

Give us a fucking break with that 1950's propaganda . Did you also watch Refer Madness. Sure there are perverts that go after minors. Always have been and always will be. And the vast majority are heterosexual men. Your fear is very telling.

Humans respond as groups. Perhaps to much. The main issue is how do you get say Evangelical Christians to live side by side with LGBT people and vice versa? were "recruited"? You mean some gay guy made a pass at you and you felt the "desire"?

They tried to recruit me, they did not succeed.

But I didn't have to be recruited to be Polish. I was Polish the day I was born and will be on the day I die.

That's the difference. Being Polish is part of who I am, I didn't have a choice.
Awwww...sorry you were so conflicted about your sexuality

I was never conflicted at all. I just remember that back in the day, homosexuals used to try and recruit new members when they picked up hitchhikers. I don't know what they do today, teenagers don't hitchhike as much as they did 45 or 50 years ago. I guess they go to the schools?

They used to show the kids documentaries, warn us about it when I was a kid. Probably wouldn't be allow to show "boys beware" today.

Give us a fucking break with that 1950's propaganda . Did you also watch Refer Madness. Sure there are perverts that go after minors. Always have been and always will be. And the vast majority are heterosexual men. Your fear is very telling.

The documentary I linked was from the 1960's, not the 50's.

Straight men really don't have a record of trying to recruit boys into the Homosexual Lifestyle. I just haven't seen it.

Really. It seems like every fucking week there is a story about straight men getting sweep up for child porn ….children who are sexually abused by people who sell the videos and photos to these perverts who buy and share them- creating an incentive for further abuse Are these people some how better than these fictitious gay men who allegedly go after boys. When was the last time you heard of anything like what was depicted in your propaganda films.? were "recruited"? You mean some gay guy made a pass at you and you felt the "desire"?

They tried to recruit me, they did not succeed.

But I didn't have to be recruited to be Polish. I was Polish the day I was born and will be on the day I die.

That's the difference. Being Polish is part of who I am, I didn't have a choice.
Awwww...sorry you were so conflicted about your sexuality

I was never conflicted at all. I just remember that back in the day, homosexuals used to try and recruit new members when they picked up hitchhikers. I don't know what they do today, teenagers don't hitchhike as much as they did 45 or 50 years ago. I guess they go to the schools?

They used to show the kids documentaries, warn us about it when I was a kid. Probably wouldn't be allow to show "boys beware" today.

Dude, all you had to do is say no. Sorry if you were so conflicted that it was difficult for you

Who says it was "difficult"?

The point was that the recruitment effort was made.

I didn't have to be recruited to become Polish, and black guys don't have to be recruited to become African American. got hit on and it appears to have affected your entire life. were conflicted...or it wouldn't have affected you so much.

I got hit on when I was younger. I laughed and said no thanks. It affected me so much that it took me a while to even remember that it occurred. were "recruited"? You mean some gay guy made a pass at you and you felt the "desire"?

They tried to recruit me, they did not succeed.

But I didn't have to be recruited to be Polish. I was Polish the day I was born and will be on the day I die.

That's the difference. Being Polish is part of who I am, I didn't have a choice.
Awwww...sorry you were so conflicted about your sexuality

I was never conflicted at all. I just remember that back in the day, homosexuals used to try and recruit new members when they picked up hitchhikers. I don't know what they do today, teenagers don't hitchhike as much as they did 45 or 50 years ago. I guess they go to the schools?

They used to show the kids documentaries, warn us about it when I was a kid. Probably wouldn't be allow to show "boys beware" today.

Give us a fucking break with that 1950's propaganda . Did you also watch Refer Madness. Sure there are perverts that go after minors. Always have been and always will be. And the vast majority are heterosexual men. Your fear is very telling.

Humans respond as groups. Perhaps to much. The main issue is how do you get say Evangelical Christians to live side by side with LGBT people and vice versa?

Pretty simple. Live and let live...and MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS
Likewise, we don’t abide by a bunch of come-lately deviant sex cult myths & fables that “homos are born that way” and it’s ironic antithesis “a man born a man can have his dick chopped off & become a woman”.

Old religion, new cults neither one can become foundations of laws binding every citizen. Put that one in your pipe & smoke it PP.

Of course homosexuals weren't born that way. Otherwise, they wouldn't make so much of an effort to recruit.

I wasn't recruited to be Polish, I was born of Polish ancestry.

Black folks aren't recruited into their race either. were "recruited"? You mean some gay guy made a pass at you and you felt the "desire"?

They tried to recruit me, they did not succeed.

But I didn't have to be recruited to be Polish. I was Polish the day I was born and will be on the day I die.

That's the difference. Being Polish is part of who I am, I didn't have a choice.
Awwww...sorry you were so conflicted about your sexuality

I was never conflicted at all. I just remember that back in the day, homosexuals used to try and recruit new members when they picked up hitchhikers. I don't know what they do today, teenagers don't hitchhike as much as they did 45 or 50 years ago. I guess they go to the schools?

They used to show the kids documentaries, warn us about it when I was a kid. Probably wouldn't be allow to show "boys beware" today.

LOL! It exposes all the old pervert techniques. :abgg2q.jpg:

Nothing wrong with that. :)
They tried to recruit me, they did not succeed.

But I didn't have to be recruited to be Polish. I was Polish the day I was born and will be on the day I die.

That's the difference. Being Polish is part of who I am, I didn't have a choice.
Awwww...sorry you were so conflicted about your sexuality

I was never conflicted at all. I just remember that back in the day, homosexuals used to try and recruit new members when they picked up hitchhikers. I don't know what they do today, teenagers don't hitchhike as much as they did 45 or 50 years ago. I guess they go to the schools?

They used to show the kids documentaries, warn us about it when I was a kid. Probably wouldn't be allow to show "boys beware" today.

Give us a fucking break with that 1950's propaganda . Did you also watch Refer Madness. Sure there are perverts that go after minors. Always have been and always will be. And the vast majority are heterosexual men. Your fear is very telling.

Humans respond as groups. Perhaps to much. The main issue is how do you get say Evangelical Christians to live side by side with LGBT people and vice versa?

Pretty simple. Live and let live...and MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS

Weird how it’s only the lowlife pieces of shits amongst us that always make that play...I wonder why?
Good, legit, positive contributors understand a society without boundaries is a disgusting Liberal society full of disgusting human beings.
That play?

You mean hitting on someone? Like hetero males do to hetero females ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME? were "recruited"? You mean some gay guy made a pass at you and you felt the "desire"?

They tried to recruit me, they did not succeed.

But I didn't have to be recruited to be Polish. I was Polish the day I was born and will be on the day I die.

That's the difference. Being Polish is part of who I am, I didn't have a choice.
Awwww...sorry you were so conflicted about your sexuality

I was never conflicted at all. I just remember that back in the day, homosexuals used to try and recruit new members when they picked up hitchhikers. I don't know what they do today, teenagers don't hitchhike as much as they did 45 or 50 years ago. I guess they go to the schools?

They used to show the kids documentaries, warn us about it when I was a kid. Probably wouldn't be allow to show "boys beware" today.

Dude, all you had to do is say no. Sorry if you were so conflicted that it was difficult for you

Who says it was "difficult"?

The point was that the recruitment effort was made.

I didn't have to be recruited to become Polish, and black guys don't have to be recruited to become African American.

I love it! When men make passes at women, it's "boys will be boys"....when men make passes at men, it's "being recruited". :71:
That play?

You mean hitting on someone? Like hetero males do to hetero females ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME?
I remember when all the pearl clutching went on about men being hit on by other men........women just laugh and laugh and laugh about that.
The best thing about this nobody running for president are the entertaining responses from the homo haters. I love it, your hate sustains me! lol
That play?

You mean hitting on someone? Like hetero males do to hetero females ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME?

We aren't talking about "hitting on" someone, but instead trying to recruit straights into the Gay Lifestyle. I think that most homosexual activists like to recruit teenagers because adults don't take that kind of shit as well. If you look at the Covington preppies, the Adult groups that were pestering them, both the indians as well as the Black Hebrew Israelites, chose to get in the face of kids because they knew that adults wouldn't take that crap from either one of those ships of fools.
They tried to recruit me, they did not succeed.

But I didn't have to be recruited to be Polish. I was Polish the day I was born and will be on the day I die.

That's the difference. Being Polish is part of who I am, I didn't have a choice.
Awwww...sorry you were so conflicted about your sexuality

I was never conflicted at all. I just remember that back in the day, homosexuals used to try and recruit new members when they picked up hitchhikers. I don't know what they do today, teenagers don't hitchhike as much as they did 45 or 50 years ago. I guess they go to the schools?

They used to show the kids documentaries, warn us about it when I was a kid. Probably wouldn't be allow to show "boys beware" today.

Dude, all you had to do is say no. Sorry if you were so conflicted that it was difficult for you

Who says it was "difficult"?

The point was that the recruitment effort was made.

I didn't have to be recruited to become Polish, and black guys don't have to be recruited to become African American.

I love it! When men make passes at women, it's "boys will be boys"....when men make passes at men, it's "being recruited". :71:

We are talking about homosexuals approaching Straight Men, not people of their same sexual orientation.

I could care less about the interactions between gays- they can do whatever the hell they want.
Gays have been number one on the GOP "List of those we hate" for decades.
They are still number one today.

Ironicaly they've the most gay following
Log Cabin Republicans | About Us
yi1j5.jpg - GOP gay group booted from N.C. convention - May 20, 2004

The Unhappy Lot of the Log Cabin Republicans

There was a collective Log Cabin Republican (LCR) clutching of pearls heard round the nation last week. The occasion was the release of the 2016 Republican Party Platform. The conservative manifesto enshrines a litany of American exceptionalist bigotry, especially towards LGBT people. It includes a definition of marriage as solely between a man and a woman, endorses the debunked practice of gay conversion therapy and, of course, demands bathroom visitation based on birth gender.


At this point, the only gays supporting the GOP are bottom masochists. They love being spat upon.

I disagree entirely. I don't see where a man's desire or repulsion at taking it in the ass should have any bearing on who he casts his ballot for. J. Edgar Hoover was a very conservative Republican, and also very flaming. Outstanding NY attorney who used to work for The Donald, Roy Cohn was also a Republican and as queer as a $3 Bill.

The truth of the matter is that if a man desire butt sex with other fellows, if he is discrete telling people on a Need to Know basis only, he need never fear discrimination.

If a homosexual tells a prospective employer that his sexual practices, he should expect not to be hired because he's giving too much information. Not because of "bigotry"
Who tells their boss about their sex life?

Makes one wonder if you even have a job.

Are you on disability?

And your argument? Bizarre.

And the argument? Also bizarre.

The creepies on the right always say things like "butt sex". I'll tell you why that's wrong on so many level.

First, many women like "butt sex". And a woman who does and is married to a right winger who doesn't is usually called one of two things, one is divorced and the other is a "cheater".

And the fact that right wingers reduce every comment about gays to sex proves that sex is the only thing that keeps them in a relationship. One wonders if right wingers have relationships beyond fuking because they can't imagine a relationship that consists of more than fuking. They simply don't know what "being in love" means. Clearly, they don't have a clue.
just pitiful.
We are talking about homosexuals approaching Straight Men, not people of their same sexual orientation.

Wrong. YOU are. And don't like being in the same position that women are in. Awwwwww. Maybe it was how you were dressed? Maybe you were giving off the vibe...
I am working so dreadfully hard today at the recruitment office. I need one of those deli ticket machines for all the new recruits storming the place. There are always spikes when the new seasons of Will and Grace or RuPaul’s Drag Race airs.
Awwww...sorry you were so conflicted about your sexuality

I was never conflicted at all. I just remember that back in the day, homosexuals used to try and recruit new members when they picked up hitchhikers. I don't know what they do today, teenagers don't hitchhike as much as they did 45 or 50 years ago. I guess they go to the schools?

They used to show the kids documentaries, warn us about it when I was a kid. Probably wouldn't be allow to show "boys beware" today.

Dude, all you had to do is say no. Sorry if you were so conflicted that it was difficult for you

Who says it was "difficult"?

The point was that the recruitment effort was made.

I didn't have to be recruited to become Polish, and black guys don't have to be recruited to become African American.

I love it! When men make passes at women, it's "boys will be boys"....when men make passes at men, it's "being recruited". :71:

We are talking about homosexuals approaching Straight Men, not people of their same sexual orientation.

I could care less about the interactions between gays- they can do whatever the hell they want.

Yes....and? You get hit say no, thank goes on. How hard is that to figure out?
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.


Get ready for the gaslighting. If you take note he’s a homosexual they’ll say “it’s no big deal why are you obsessed with that?”
View attachment 241821

Would it be too insanely old-fashioned of me to say, "Yeah, but what's his platform?"
I am working so dreadfully hard today at the recruitment office. I need one of those deli ticket machines for all the new recruits storming the place. There are always spikes when the new seasons of Will and Grace or RuPaul’s Drag Race airs.
and I have more toaster ovens than I know what to do with.......1st world gay problems....

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