CNN A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal?...Not if you are a DemonRAT!

I think I only will go with psychiatrists and scientists over you brain-dead bigots...

they'd have a grand time here.....


Christ never mentions gays. He does very specifically condemn adulterers like Trump, though, who divorce and remarry.

You are the one who needs to read your New Testament, kiddo.
Christ mentions nothing in the Bible. However, testament is made as to what Christ said before it was written. Specifically the New Testament. Read Romans 1 & Jude 1 when you get a minute.

And, Christ doesn’t condemn any adulterer or other sinner. He condemns the sin. In Jude 1 he refers to the gravity of those promoting the sin of homosexuality in a culture as promised by God to be punished with eternal damnation. One of the gravest punishments doled out by God his father. Jesus was the intervener on behalf of sinners between them & his more ruthless father. In Jude 1 he was witnessed by Jude his daily servant as saying “ if you fuck this one up even I can’t help/ intervene for you”. That’s how serious it is to promote homosexuality in God’s eyes.
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Gays have been number one on the GOP "List of those we hate" for decades.
They are still number one today.

Ironicaly they've the most gay following
Log Cabin Republicans | About Us
yi1j5.jpg - GOP gay group booted from N.C. convention - May 20, 2004

The Unhappy Lot of the Log Cabin Republicans

There was a collective Log Cabin Republican (LCR) clutching of pearls heard round the nation last week. The occasion was the release of the 2016 Republican Party Platform. The conservative manifesto enshrines a litany of American exceptionalist bigotry, especially towards LGBT people. It includes a definition of marriage as solely between a man and a woman, endorses the debunked practice of gay conversion therapy and, of course, demands bathroom visitation based on birth gender.


At this point, the only gays supporting the GOP are bottom masochists. They love being spat upon.
Gays have been number one on the GOP "List of those we hate" for decades.
They are still number one today.

Ironicaly they've the most gay following
Log Cabin Republicans | About Us
yi1j5.jpg - GOP gay group booted from N.C. convention - May 20, 2004

The Unhappy Lot of the Log Cabin Republicans

There was a collective Log Cabin Republican (LCR) clutching of pearls heard round the nation last week. The occasion was the release of the 2016 Republican Party Platform. The conservative manifesto enshrines a litany of American exceptionalist bigotry, especially towards LGBT people. It includes a definition of marriage as solely between a man and a woman, endorses the debunked practice of gay conversion therapy and, of course, demands bathroom visitation based on birth gender.


At this point, the only gays supporting the GOP are bottom masochists. They love being spat upon.

I disagree entirely. I don't see where a man's desire or repulsion at taking it in the ass should have any bearing on who he casts his ballot for. J. Edgar Hoover was a very conservative Republican, and also very flaming. Outstanding NY attorney who used to work for The Donald, Roy Cohn was also a Republican and as queer as a $3 Bill.

The truth of the matter is that if a man desire butt sex with other fellows, if he is discrete telling people on a Need to Know basis only, he need never fear discrimination.

If a homosexual tells a prospective employer that his sexual practices, he should expect not to be hired because he's giving too much information. Not because of "bigotry"
Christ never mentions gays. He does very specifically condemn adulterers like Trump, though, who divorce and remarry.

You are the one who needs to read your New Testament, kiddo.
Christ mentions nothing in the Bible. However, testament is made as to what Christ said before it was written. Specifically the New Testament. Read Romans 1 & Jude 1 when you get a minute.

And, Christ doesn’t condemn any adulterer or other sinner. He condemns the sin. In Jude 1 he refers to the gravity of those promoting the sin of homosexuality in a culture as promised by God to be punished with eternal damnation. One of the gravest punishments doled out by God his father. Jesus was the intervener on behalf of sinners between them & his more ruthless father. In Jude 1 he was witnessed by Jude his daily servant as saying “ if you fuck this one up even I can’t help/ intervene for you”. That’s how serious it is to promote homosexuality in God’s eyes.

Christ all fucking mighty! This is the United States of America. We abide by the Constitution, not an ancient book of myths and fables written by superstitious uneducated goat herders
disagree entirely. I don't see where a man's desire or repulsion at taking it in the ass should have any bearing on who he casts his ballot for. J. Edgar Hoover was a very conservative Republican, and also very flaming. Outstanding NY attorney who used to work for The Donald, Roy Cohn was also a Republican and as queer as a $3 Bill.

The truth of the matter is that if a man desire butt sex with other fellows, if he is discrete telling people on a Need to Know basis only, he need never fear discrimination.
Another one obsessed by butt sex. Yes it is all about butt sex. Do you have wet dreams about butt sex? Has it ever occurred to you that iyt is about commitment and relationships?
If a homosexual tells a prospective employer that his sexual practices, he should expect not to be hired because he's giving too much information. Not because of "bigotry"
Yes...don't ask don't tell. Heard that before! Employers don't ask about sexual orientation. But if a straight employee can put pictures of his family on his desk, bring his spouse to an office party, and post pictures of his wedding on social media without fear of reprisals, a gay person should also be able to.
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Christ all fucking mighty! This is the United States of America. We abide by the Constitution, not an ancient book of myths and fables written by superstitious uneducated goat herders

St. Paul was a very educated individual from a pious family. Not a goat herder at all but a city slicker from Tarsus , one of the major cities during his time.
Christ stated he came to fulfill the law. When a law is fulfilled, it's over. Read your New Testament, Romans, Collossians, Hebrews.
This is an admission the Old Testament law against homosexuality is over. Bacon and pole smoking are no longer abominations! Well done!

Christ never mentions gays. He does very specifically condemn adulterers like Trump, though, who divorce and remarry.

You are the one who needs to read your New Testament, kiddo.

You lose.

Romans 1:26-27[edit]

Saint Paul writing his Epistles
Epistle to the Romans 1:26–27 (English Majority Text Version, EMTV):

“ For this reason [viz. idolatry], God gave them up to passions of dishonor; for even their females exchanged the natural use for that which is contrary to nature, and likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed by their lust for one another, males with males, committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error."
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.

A nonstarter, this takes the definition of a nobody to a whole new extreme.
Christ all fucking mighty! This is the United States of America. We abide by the Constitution, not an ancient book of myths and fables written by superstitious uneducated goat herders

St. Paul was a very educated individual from a pious family. Not a goat herder at all but a city slicker from Tarsus , one of the major cities during his time.

It’s still theocratic authoritarian bullshit

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
'Journalists' calling for violence against Catholic high school students after being duped and reporting another completely fake news report is not a big thing to them, either...nothing to apologize for or fire vile 'journalists' over...
Christ never mentions gays. He does very specifically condemn adulterers like Trump, though, who divorce and remarry.

You are the one who needs to read your New Testament, kiddo.
Christ mentions nothing in the Bible. However, testament is made as to what Christ said before it was written. Specifically the New Testament. Read Romans 1 & Jude 1 when you get a minute.

And, Christ doesn’t condemn any adulterer or other sinner. He condemns the sin. In Jude 1 he refers to the gravity of those promoting the sin of homosexuality in a culture as promised by God to be punished with eternal damnation. One of the gravest punishments doled out by God his father. Jesus was the intervener on behalf of sinners between them & his more ruthless father. In Jude 1 he was witnessed by Jude his daily servant as saying “ if you fuck this one up even I can’t help/ intervene for you”. That’s how serious it is to promote homosexuality in God’s eyes.

Christ all fucking mighty! This is the United States of America. We abide by the Constitution, not an ancient book of myths and fables written by superstitious uneducated goat herders
Christaphobic bigot.
Christ never mentions gays. He does very specifically condemn adulterers like Trump, though, who divorce and remarry.

You are the one who needs to read your New Testament, kiddo.
Christ mentions nothing in the Bible. However, testament is made as to what Christ said before it was written. Specifically the New Testament. Read Romans 1 & Jude 1 when you get a minute.

And, Christ doesn’t condemn any adulterer or other sinner. He condemns the sin. In Jude 1 he refers to the gravity of those promoting the sin of homosexuality in a culture as promised by God to be punished with eternal damnation. One of the gravest punishments doled out by God his father. Jesus was the intervener on behalf of sinners between them & his more ruthless father. In Jude 1 he was witnessed by Jude his daily servant as saying “ if you fuck this one up even I can’t help/ intervene for you”. That’s how serious it is to promote homosexuality in God’s eyes.

Christ all fucking mighty! This is the United States of America. We abide by the Constitution, not an ancient book of myths and fables written by superstitious uneducated goat herders
Christaphobic bigot.
Not, I just believe in the Constitution and reject Christian Dominionism. Keep it in your churches and out of my legislature, town hall , and bedroom
Last edited:
Christ all fucking mighty! This is the United States of America. We abide by the Constitution, not an ancient book of myths and fables written by superstitious uneducated goat herders

St. Paul was a very educated individual from a pious family. Not a goat herder at all but a city slicker from Tarsus , one of the major cities during his time.

It’s still theocratic authoritarian bullshit

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Says the homosexual unbeliever with no morality.
Christ never mentions gays. He does very specifically condemn adulterers like Trump, though, who divorce and remarry.

You are the one who needs to read your New Testament, kiddo.
Christ mentions nothing in the Bible. However, testament is made as to what Christ said before it was written. Specifically the New Testament. Read Romans 1 & Jude 1 when you get a minute.

And, Christ doesn’t condemn any adulterer or other sinner. He condemns the sin. In Jude 1 he refers to the gravity of those promoting the sin of homosexuality in a culture as promised by God to be punished with eternal damnation. One of the gravest punishments doled out by God his father. Jesus was the intervener on behalf of sinners between them & his more ruthless father. In Jude 1 he was witnessed by Jude his daily servant as saying “ if you fuck this one up even I can’t help/ intervene for you”. That’s how serious it is to promote homosexuality in God’s eyes.

Christ all fucking mighty! This is the United States of America. We abide by the Constitution, not an ancient book of myths and fables written by superstitious uneducated goat herders
Christaphobic bigot.
Not, I just believe in the Constitution

Actually, the Constitution was written by Godly men, and if it wasn't for the Great Awakening in the 18th Century, we would have never had the American Revolution, the Constitution to establish One Nation Under God.

Remember that America's national motto is "In God We Trust".
'Journalists' calling for violence against Catholic high school students after being duped and reporting another completely fake news report is not a big thing to them, either...nothing to apologize for or fire vile 'journalists' over...
Real journalists have retracted unlike your propagandists, super duper. Before the decision wasn't now we've got a
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.


The Mexicrat Party takes great pride in all their twisted, weird shit...the more fucked in the head the candidate the better.
They hate family values, normalcy, decency, morality...the further they can get from stand-up productive White Christian, heterosexual male the better.
Their perfect candidate would be a barely legal Brown person whom barely speaks English whom is gender confused, gay or bisexual whom has a deeply rooted hatred for American values, traditions and culture.

You're doing it again.

This thread is about some gay guy. You're obsessed with skin color.
disagree entirely. I don't see where a man's desire or repulsion at taking it in the ass should have any bearing on who he casts his ballot for. J. Edgar Hoover was a very conservative Republican, and also very flaming. Outstanding NY attorney who used to work for The Donald, Roy Cohn was also a Republican and as queer as a $3 Bill.

The truth of the matter is that if a man desire butt sex with other fellows, if he is discrete telling people on a Need to Know basis only, he need never fear discrimination.
Another one obsessed by butt sex. Yes it is all about butt sex. Do you have wet dreams about butt sex? Has it ever occurred to you that iyt is about commitment and relationships?

When I was a teenager, particularly before I bought my first car and was hitchhiking, homosexuals did try to recruit me into their ranks. They never mentioned "commitment" at all.

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