CNN Accidently Proves President Trump's Innocence, That Capitol Violence Was Not 'Spur Of The Moment' 'Incited Insurrection'

Doesn't matter what you thought, Stupid.
I didn’t think it, I heard it. The slogan was stop the steal. The intent was to stop Biden from being inaugurated.
A legitimate position in the event of serious fraud.

Trying to overthrow the will of the people and attacking congress in an attempt to force them to go against the law, all because of Trump's lies is a legitimate position? You know that's nuts ---- right?
Um no.
If massive fraud takes place, and is ignored by the Establishment, then people have a democratic right to protest.
it happens all over the world when Democracy is overturned.
What did you expect to happen, when corruption is not only ignored but rewarded.

So you want to overturn an election because you believed Trump's lies. you're an idiot.
I believe most people just want an audit. It could have cleared up this whole mess in 2 or 3 days. Now we have 4 years of conflict ahead of us. Any idea why they would refuse an audit. In my country we oftern have 2, 3 or 4 audits if it's close or contested.
I thought America was the bastion of democracy.

Cool. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit?
In the States that mattered. Where the fraud took place. After they closed the doors, Kicked out the observers and papered over the windows. Thats the kind of stuff that DOESN'T even happen in Middle East or African elections.
Sorry, but this thread is obsolete.
The riot and breach of the Capitol was definitely planned.

"""In this Jan. 6, 2021 image from video provided by Robyn Stevens Brody, a line of men wearing helmets and olive drab body armor walk up the marble stairs outside the U.S. Capitol in Washington in an orderly single-file line, each man holding the jacket collar of the man ahead. The formation, known as "Ranger File," is standard operating procedure for a combat team "stacking up" to breach a building. (Robyn Stevens Brody via AP)"""

"Capitol rioters included highly trained ex-military and cops"


That old ladywith the pink hat, in the bottom left corner. You reckon she's a hardcore, domestic terroist

Could have been when she was younger, but there is no doubt she is filming terrorist in a military formation known as “Ranger File,” which is standard operating procedure for a combat team that is “stacking up” to breach a building — instantly recognizable to any U.S. soldier or Marine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Who cares.

Any patriotic citizen who doesn't want our form of government overthrown cares. That would leave out Trump and most of his followers.
Doesn't matter what you thought, Stupid.
I didn’t think it, I heard it. The slogan was stop the steal. The intent was to stop Biden from being inaugurated.
A legitimate position in the event of serious fraud.

Trying to overthrow the will of the people and attacking congress in an attempt to force them to go against the law, all because of Trump's lies is a legitimate position? You know that's nuts ---- right?
Um no.
If massive fraud takes place, and is ignored by the Establishment, then people have a democratic right to protest.
it happens all over the world when Democracy is overturned.
What did you expect to happen, when corruption is not only ignored but rewarded.

So you want to overturn an election because you believed Trump's lies. you're an idiot.
I believe most people just want an audit. It could have cleared up this whole mess in 2 or 3 days. Now we have 4 years of conflict ahead of us. Any idea why they would refuse an audit. In my country we oftern have 2, 3 or 4 audits if it's close or contested.
I thought America was the bastion of democracy.

Cool. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit?
In the States that mattered. Where the fraud took place. After they closed the doors, Kicked out the observers and papered over the windows. Thats the kind of stuff that DOESN'T even happen in Middle East or African elections.

Where do you think that happened? You said all that was wanted was a post election audit. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit? We can discuss your crazy accusations about kicking out observers next.
Doesn't matter what you thought, Stupid.
I didn’t think it, I heard it. The slogan was stop the steal. The intent was to stop Biden from being inaugurated.
A legitimate position in the event of serious fraud.

Trying to overthrow the will of the people and attacking congress in an attempt to force them to go against the law, all because of Trump's lies is a legitimate position? You know that's nuts ---- right?
Um no.
If massive fraud takes place, and is ignored by the Establishment, then people have a democratic right to protest.
it happens all over the world when Democracy is overturned.
What did you expect to happen, when corruption is not only ignored but rewarded.

So you want to overturn an election because you believed Trump's lies. you're an idiot.
I believe most people just want an audit. It could have cleared up this whole mess in 2 or 3 days. Now we have 4 years of conflict ahead of us. Any idea why they would refuse an audit. In my country we oftern have 2, 3 or 4 audits if it's close or contested.
I thought America was the bastion of democracy.

Cool. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit?
In the States that mattered. Where the fraud took place. After they closed the doors, Kicked out the observers and papered over the windows. Thats the kind of stuff that DOESN'T even happen in Middle East or African elections.

Where do you think that happened? You said all that was wanted was a post election audit. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit? We can discuss your crazy accusations about kicking out observers next.

Penn, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, to name a few. But then you are a dishonest chinese stooge.
Penn, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, to name a few. But then you are a dishonest chinese stooge.
There’s been many audits. Either you weren’t told about them to keep you in the dark or you know they exist and refuse to believe them because you’ll only accept one result regardless of what actually happened.
Of course the attack was planned, and trump helped to plan and orchestrate it. It's clear that he knew what was in place when he gave his speech.
The attack with the sum total of a broken window and door panel?
Where they formed an orderly queue between the velvet ropes?
Where nobody came with a gun?
Where they btook selfies of themselves carrying out "insurrection" then left peacefully?

Did you watch the film? They were hitting people with crutches and flag poles. Is that normal peaceful protest in your book?
A storm in a teacup.

An attempted coup at out capitol.
No, Pro Democracy protesters opposing a coup by oligarchs and technocrats.
Would happen in any country given the absolute state of the corrupt election count,

Nope. There is no doubt what the purpose was.

No Trump people had guns. No guns, no revolution. Hell, no insurrection either. Just a nice simple protest. Only the Trump people didn't knock over statures, or try to set fires like your assholes did.

When did liberals storm the capitol in an effort to overthrow congressional action on an election?

They tried to stop the inauguration of an elected President using extreme violence and threats. Why was it not classified as insurrection?

When did they erect a scaffold with hangman's noose in front of the capitol, and then attack the capitol yelling "where is Pence" ?

You mean the hangman's noose that was totally inoperable?

What a silly remark

You mean a truthful remark.
You have a rope tied off to a crossbeam,a footlong piece of rope with a noose at the terminal end.
How exactly would you hang someone with this contraption?
It was obviously a symbolic gesture....but leave to a dem to think it's would actually function.

Are you daffy? Nobody imagined that they would defile our Capital, either.

I suggest you look up John Sullivan.
While you may actually do it I dont expect you to respond or comment on your findings.

Which John Sullivan? Do you mean the one who filmed the shooting of Ashli Abbitt, and was arrested yesterday for participating in the riot?

Do you understand who he is?

He claims he was just there taking video. The capitol's cameras will show if that is true or false. Either way, he is just one person among hundreds. Don't worry. They will identify and find the vast majority of the attackers, and we will know who they are, and what their purpose was.

Already saw the video.
It's why he's been arrested.
Doesn't matter what you thought, Stupid.
I didn’t think it, I heard it. The slogan was stop the steal. The intent was to stop Biden from being inaugurated.
A legitimate position in the event of serious fraud.

Trying to overthrow the will of the people and attacking congress in an attempt to force them to go against the law, all because of Trump's lies is a legitimate position? You know that's nuts ---- right?
Um no.
If massive fraud takes place, and is ignored by the Establishment, then people have a democratic right to protest.
it happens all over the world when Democracy is overturned.
What did you expect to happen, when corruption is not only ignored but rewarded.

So you want to overturn an election because you believed Trump's lies. you're an idiot.
I believe most people just want an audit. It could have cleared up this whole mess in 2 or 3 days. Now we have 4 years of conflict ahead of us. Any idea why they would refuse an audit. In my country we oftern have 2, 3 or 4 audits if it's close or contested.
I thought America was the bastion of democracy.

Cool. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit?
In the States that mattered. Where the fraud took place. After they closed the doors, Kicked out the observers and papered over the windows. Thats the kind of stuff that DOESN'T even happen in Middle East or African elections.

Where do you think that happened? You said all that was wanted was a post election audit. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit? We can discuss your crazy accusations about kicking out observers next.

Penn, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, to name a few. But then you are a dishonest chinese stooge.
Penn, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, to name a few. But then you are a dishonest chinese stooge.
There’s been many audits. Either you weren’t told about them to keep you in the dark or you know they exist and refuse to believe them because you’ll only accept one result regardless of what actually happened.

When you count the same fraudulent votes do you really expect the numbers to change?
Doesn't matter what you thought, Stupid.
I didn’t think it, I heard it. The slogan was stop the steal. The intent was to stop Biden from being inaugurated.
A legitimate position in the event of serious fraud.

Trying to overthrow the will of the people and attacking congress in an attempt to force them to go against the law, all because of Trump's lies is a legitimate position? You know that's nuts ---- right?
Um no.
If massive fraud takes place, and is ignored by the Establishment, then people have a democratic right to protest.
it happens all over the world when Democracy is overturned.
What did you expect to happen, when corruption is not only ignored but rewarded.

So you want to overturn an election because you believed Trump's lies. you're an idiot.
I believe most people just want an audit. It could have cleared up this whole mess in 2 or 3 days. Now we have 4 years of conflict ahead of us. Any idea why they would refuse an audit. In my country we oftern have 2, 3 or 4 audits if it's close or contested.
I thought America was the bastion of democracy.

Cool. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit?
In the States that mattered. Where the fraud took place. After they closed the doors, Kicked out the observers and papered over the windows. Thats the kind of stuff that DOESN'T even happen in Middle East or African elections.

Where do you think that happened? You said all that was wanted was a post election audit. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit? We can discuss your crazy accusations about kicking out observers next.

Penn, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, to name a few. But then you are a dishonest chinese stooge.
Doesn't matter what you thought, Stupid.
I didn’t think it, I heard it. The slogan was stop the steal. The intent was to stop Biden from being inaugurated.
A legitimate position in the event of serious fraud.

Trying to overthrow the will of the people and attacking congress in an attempt to force them to go against the law, all because of Trump's lies is a legitimate position? You know that's nuts ---- right?
Um no.
If massive fraud takes place, and is ignored by the Establishment, then people have a democratic right to protest.
it happens all over the world when Democracy is overturned.
What did you expect to happen, when corruption is not only ignored but rewarded.

So you want to overturn an election because you believed Trump's lies. you're an idiot.
I believe most people just want an audit. It could have cleared up this whole mess in 2 or 3 days. Now we have 4 years of conflict ahead of us. Any idea why they would refuse an audit. In my country we oftern have 2, 3 or 4 audits if it's close or contested.
I thought America was the bastion of democracy.

Cool. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit?
In the States that mattered. Where the fraud took place. After they closed the doors, Kicked out the observers and papered over the windows. Thats the kind of stuff that DOESN'T even happen in Middle East or African elections.

Where do you think that happened? You said all that was wanted was a post election audit. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit? We can discuss your crazy accusations about kicking out observers next.

Penn, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, to name a few. But then you are a dishonest chinese stooge.

You can look up the rest for yourself dumb ass.
Doesn't matter what you thought, Stupid.
I didn’t think it, I heard it. The slogan was stop the steal. The intent was to stop Biden from being inaugurated.
A legitimate position in the event of serious fraud.

Trying to overthrow the will of the people and attacking congress in an attempt to force them to go against the law, all because of Trump's lies is a legitimate position? You know that's nuts ---- right?
Um no.
If massive fraud takes place, and is ignored by the Establishment, then people have a democratic right to protest.
it happens all over the world when Democracy is overturned.
What did you expect to happen, when corruption is not only ignored but rewarded.

So you want to overturn an election because you believed Trump's lies. you're an idiot.
I believe most people just want an audit. It could have cleared up this whole mess in 2 or 3 days. Now we have 4 years of conflict ahead of us. Any idea why they would refuse an audit. In my country we oftern have 2, 3 or 4 audits if it's close or contested.
I thought America was the bastion of democracy.

Cool. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit?
In the States that mattered. Where the fraud took place. After they closed the doors, Kicked out the observers and papered over the windows. Thats the kind of stuff that DOESN'T even happen in Middle East or African elections.

Where do you think that happened? You said all that was wanted was a post election audit. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit? We can discuss your crazy accusations about kicking out observers next.

Penn, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, to name a few. But then you are a dishonest chinese stooge.

You can look up the rest for yourself dumb ass.

You are such a fucking retard. You think the fox is going to investigate his raid of the chicken shed? Even YOU can't be that stupid. You ARE a dishonest piece of shit though. That's obvious.
Penn, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, to name a few. But then you are a dishonest chinese stooge.
There’s been many audits. Either you weren’t told about them to keep you in the dark or you know they exist and refuse to believe them because you’ll only accept one result regardless of what actually happened.

When you count the same fraudulent votes do you really expect the numbers to change?
It’s impossible to keep up with the accusations.

First the Dominion machines were switching votes. So they did a hand recount. Then the signatures weren’t matched, so they audited the signatures. Then they claimed ballots out of suitcases, except they tracked the suitcases on cameras for the entire day and there was nothing wrong. Then it was people who had moved out of state so they double checked the address lists and saw that they were in state.

Every time you came up with an accusation, the audit proved it was false.
Sorry, but this thread is obsolete.
The riot and breach of the Capitol was definitely planned.

"""In this Jan. 6, 2021 image from video provided by Robyn Stevens Brody, a line of men wearing helmets and olive drab body armor walk up the marble stairs outside the U.S. Capitol in Washington in an orderly single-file line, each man holding the jacket collar of the man ahead. The formation, known as "Ranger File," is standard operating procedure for a combat team "stacking up" to breach a building. (Robyn Stevens Brody via AP)"""

"Capitol rioters included highly trained ex-military and cops"


Antifa thugs...


Doesn't matter what you thought, Stupid.
I didn’t think it, I heard it. The slogan was stop the steal. The intent was to stop Biden from being inaugurated.
A legitimate position in the event of serious fraud.

Trying to overthrow the will of the people and attacking congress in an attempt to force them to go against the law, all because of Trump's lies is a legitimate position? You know that's nuts ---- right?
Um no.
If massive fraud takes place, and is ignored by the Establishment, then people have a democratic right to protest.
it happens all over the world when Democracy is overturned.
What did you expect to happen, when corruption is not only ignored but rewarded.

So you want to overturn an election because you believed Trump's lies. you're an idiot.
I believe most people just want an audit. It could have cleared up this whole mess in 2 or 3 days. Now we have 4 years of conflict ahead of us. Any idea why they would refuse an audit. In my country we oftern have 2, 3 or 4 audits if it's close or contested.
I thought America was the bastion of democracy.

Cool. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit?
In the States that mattered. Where the fraud took place. After they closed the doors, Kicked out the observers and papered over the windows. Thats the kind of stuff that DOESN'T even happen in Middle East or African elections.

Where do you think that happened? You said all that was wanted was a post election audit. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit? We can discuss your crazy accusations about kicking out observers next.

Penn, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, to name a few. But then you are a dishonest chinese stooge.

You can look up the rest for yourself dumb ass.

You are such a fucking retard. You think the fox is going to investigate his raid of the chicken shed? Even YOU can't be that stupid. You ARE a dishonest piece of shit though. That's obvious.
You think someone like Trump is going to ever admit he lost?
Doesn't matter what you thought, Stupid.
I didn’t think it, I heard it. The slogan was stop the steal. The intent was to stop Biden from being inaugurated.
A legitimate position in the event of serious fraud.

Trying to overthrow the will of the people and attacking congress in an attempt to force them to go against the law, all because of Trump's lies is a legitimate position? You know that's nuts ---- right?
Um no.
If massive fraud takes place, and is ignored by the Establishment, then people have a democratic right to protest.
it happens all over the world when Democracy is overturned.
What did you expect to happen, when corruption is not only ignored but rewarded.

So you want to overturn an election because you believed Trump's lies. you're an idiot.
I believe most people just want an audit. It could have cleared up this whole mess in 2 or 3 days. Now we have 4 years of conflict ahead of us. Any idea why they would refuse an audit. In my country we oftern have 2, 3 or 4 audits if it's close or contested.
I thought America was the bastion of democracy.

Cool. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit?
In the States that mattered. Where the fraud took place. After they closed the doors, Kicked out the observers and papered over the windows. Thats the kind of stuff that DOESN'T even happen in Middle East or African elections.

Where do you think that happened? You said all that was wanted was a post election audit. Which state do you think didn't have a post election audit? We can discuss your crazy accusations about kicking out observers next.

Penn, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, to name a few. But then you are a dishonest chinese stooge.

You can look up the rest for yourself dumb ass.

You are such a fucking retard. You think the fox is going to investigate his raid of the chicken shed? Even YOU can't be that stupid. You ARE a dishonest piece of shit though. That's obvious.
You think someone like Trump is going to ever admit he lost?
He most certainly shouldn't. Ever.
Trump summoned the mob inviting them to rally January 6! It's going to be wild! Trump enticed the mob to action, to march on the Capitol. Trump incited the mob is to violence, to fight like hell and act through strength. Trump surrogates, Giuliani and the hammerhead Congressman Bo or Mo Whatshisname exported the mob to kick ass and take names and employ trial by combat.

Then Trump unleashed the mob.

And all this because Trump concocted a lie about winning a landslide victory. His massive, yet fragile ego cannot countenance losing. So he made up a story far too many sycophantic partisan, cynical gullible people were too willing to deny.

These poor people claim to love law, unless they disagree with the law. They clam to love order, unless disorder is the only way they can effect the change they want. They claim to respect Blue Lives Matter, unless the police are doing their rightful jobs and prot citing the lives of their political opponents. These people are outraged when athletes kneel in protest of the National Anthem, but have no problem beating policemen with pole with American flags attached.

The reason Washington, D.C. Looks like an armed Green Zone is all due to the behavior of armed cadres in service to a petulant, bruised and volatile egomaniac. And those people call Democrats scum, dangerous and seditious.

If I were a Trump supporter, I could not feel more ashamed by what has been done, said and broken in his name.

There are damn good, justified reasons he has been impeached twice and will be forever regarded as the worst person ever to be our president. If I supported him at any point during his despicable tenure, I would be working hard to make amends.
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."-President Donald Trump
Penn, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, to name a few. But then you are a dishonest chinese stooge.
There’s been many audits. Either you weren’t told about them to keep you in the dark or you know they exist and refuse to believe them because you’ll only accept one result regardless of what actually happened.

When you count the same fraudulent votes do you really expect the numbers to change?
It’s impossible to keep up with the accusations.

First the Dominion machines were switching votes. So they did a hand recount. Then the signatures weren’t matched, so they audited the signatures. Then they claimed ballots out of suitcases, except they tracked the suitcases on cameras for the entire day and there was nothing wrong. Then it was people who had moved out of state so they double checked the address lists and saw that they were in state.

Every time you came up with an accusation, the audit proved it was false.

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