CNN Analyst Calls President Nazi-Like....

The analyst is 100% correct

Just to clarify, you think THIS is 'Nazi-like?

“It’s time to stand up. It’s time to fight back. It’s time to reclaim our heritage, and it’s time and we are ready. ... We are looking for this fight! The future of our country depends on it. It's long past time we get back up, that we stand up, that we reclaim what every American thought was their birthright: the American Dream."
Trump has followed Hitler’s playbook to a tee. If not for the Holocaust, I suspect you would celebrate the Nazi’s as heroes.

WOW You wouldn't know a real Natzi if one kicked you in the balls.

Seen an concentration camps, gas ovens, skeletons in them or starving inmates in those concentration camps??

Didn't think so.

You sure are stupid.
Oh IS THAT HOW THEY GOT THEIR START? No, they got their start from grievance warriors like yourself who supported people who claimed they would settle whatever personal score your bitchass has against minority groups that you blame for your personal failures. I very much doubt it would be hard to convince you to start up the ovens for Muslims.
YES. Taken with everything Trump has said and campaigned on, absolutely yes.

BlackFlag, I want to thank you for proving 2 things for not only ME to see but everyone on this board:

1) By answering 'YES' to my question of if you thought the quote I posted was 'Nazi-like', YOU JUST PROVED / DEMONSTRATED YOU DID NOT EVEN BOTHER TO OPEN THE LINK AND READ THE ARTICLE!

You HATE the President so much, so irrationally - like all your butt-hurt snowflakes - and are so eager to attack him and anything he says that you just accepted Trump said this and immediately agreed with the dumbass Trump-Hating CNN Analyst believing such a statement is 'Nazi-Like' without bothering to even LOOK at what was actually said.


“It’s time to stand up. It’s time to fight back. It’s time to reclaim our heritage, and it’s time and we are ready. ... We are looking for this fight! The future of our country depends on it. It's long past time we get back up, that we stand up, that we reclaim what every American thought was their birthright: the American Dream."

And maybe you can explain why Obama took a 'NAZI' on as HIS VP?!

You just proved you are just as stupid and just as easily led by your own HATE to attack President Trump for doing the exact same thing Democrats have done / do but being to stupid to know Democrats have already done them.

This was BIDEN'S quote in 2011.

At CPAC, President Trump said almost the same thing word for word....Biden was celebrated for saying it. Trump-hating ignorant partisan morons rushed to call him a Nazi for saying the same thing, not realizing Biden said it 1st!

Thanks for helping me make a point about Trump-hating partisans, Fake News, and snowflakes!


So who said it? If it was Trump, it was to appeal to his base of inbred white supremacists. If it was Biden, that’s not his base. So who said it?
Damn, after I pointed out how your personal hatred prevented you from being bothered with reading the article to educate yourself, you then refused to read THAT post.

Who said it?

Obama VP BIDEN, dumbass.

And after you get busted for NOT reading the evidence you so often call for and embarrass yourself by ranting about Trump using Biden's quote to do so, you now seek to justify doing so by claiming the words given to a liberal crowd are not the same as those same words given to a conservative crowd.


You are so full of shit your eyes are turning brown!



Perhaps you should stop now before you embarrass yourself even more. :p
It isn't?
Know what "Nazi" is short for? "Nazional" -- 'national'. Nazis were all about Nation and Fatherland and superior race and heritage and a glorious past.

Sound familiar? How 'bout "Jews will not replace us"? How 'bout "registering" and/or deporting adherents of a particular religion?

And first things first --------------------- Linkie?
dude, too fking funny!!!!

Now if you love your country you're a nazi. fk dude, can't make this up!! you all have lost all sanity. I swear.
YES. Taken with everything Trump has said and campaigned on, absolutely yes.

BlackFlag, I want to thank you for proving 2 things for not only ME to see but everyone on this board:

1) By answering 'YES' to my question of if you thought the quote I posted was 'Nazi-like', YOU JUST PROVED / DEMONSTRATED YOU DID NOT EVEN BOTHER TO OPEN THE LINK AND READ THE ARTICLE!

You HATE the President so much, so irrationally - like all your butt-hurt snowflakes - and are so eager to attack him and anything he says that you just accepted Trump said this and immediately agreed with the dumbass Trump-Hating CNN Analyst believing such a statement is 'Nazi-Like' without bothering to even LOOK at what was actually said.


“It’s time to stand up. It’s time to fight back. It’s time to reclaim our heritage, and it’s time and we are ready. ... We are looking for this fight! The future of our country depends on it. It's long past time we get back up, that we stand up, that we reclaim what every American thought was their birthright: the American Dream."

And maybe you can explain why Obama took a 'NAZI' on as HIS VP?!

You just proved you are just as stupid and just as easily led by your own HATE to attack President Trump for doing the exact same thing Democrats have done / do but being to stupid to know Democrats have already done them.

This was BIDEN'S quote in 2011.

At CPAC, President Trump said almost the same thing word for word....Biden was celebrated for saying it. Trump-hating ignorant partisan morons rushed to call him a Nazi for saying the same thing, not realizing Biden said it 1st!

Thanks for helping me make a point about Trump-hating partisans, Fake News, and snowflakes!


So who said it? If it was Trump, it was to appeal to his base of inbred white supremacists. If it was Biden, that’s not his base. So who said it?
Damn, after I pointed out how your personal hatred prevented you from being bothered with reading the article to educate yourself, you then refused to read THAT post.

Who said it?

Obama VP BIDEN, dumbass.

And after you get busted for NOT reading the evidence you so often call for ad embarrass yourself by ranting about Trump using Biden's quote to do so, you now seek to justify doing so by claiming the words given to a liberal crowd are not the same as those same words given to a conservative crowd.


You are so full of shit your eyes are turning brown!



Perhaps you should stop now before you embarrass yourself even more. :p
So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
It isn't?
Know what "Nazi" is short for? "Nazional" -- 'national'. Nazis were all about Nation and Fatherland and superior race and heritage and a glorious past.

Sound familiar? How 'bout "Jews will not replace us"? How 'bout "registering" and/or deporting adherents of a particular religion?

And first things first --------------------- Linkie?
dude, too fking funny!!!!

Now if you love your country you're a nazi. fk dude, can't make this up!! you all have lost all sanity. I swear.

Apparently you can make it up, as you just demonstrated.

Why you would want to make it up is revealing of a moron with no argument. Speaking of which we're still waiting for that measles right-to-life campaign.
The American Dream is nothing "Nazi-like." All American nationals deserve a chance at the The American Dream. Illegal aliens and refugees that refuse to assimilate do not.


That snowflake thing in your signature just made me laugh.

I'm thinking about the drunk white guys on their couches getting all butt hurt because someone is KNEELING during a song.

That ties in with the NAZI thing. Let's make ppl go salute Hitler. Let's make ppl stand in a silly position during a song.

Them closet big government folks humor me (and probably you also).
dude, we have a constitution and anyone kneeling during that song are disrespectful of people who died and suffered for their right to kneel. Pointing out assholes who kneel is not telling them not to. Instead, we call them unpatriotic and disrespectful to our men and women in the military serving yesteryear and today. So get your fking facts straight. your fake news is enemy of my country. And if their behavior affects the game they play, the owners have a right to do whatever to protect their business. you are just a fool.
So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
After embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are uneducated and have no desire to educate yourself, that you would rather remain ignorant and falsely attack the President, you just won't give it up...

It isn't?
Know what "Nazi" is short for? "Nazional" -- 'national'. Nazis were all about Nation and Fatherland and superior race and heritage and a glorious past.

Sound familiar? How 'bout "Jews will not replace us"? How 'bout "registering" and/or deporting adherents of a particular religion?

And first things first --------------------- Linkie?
dude, too fking funny!!!!

Now if you love your country you're a nazi. fk dude, can't make this up!! you all have lost all sanity. I swear.

Apparently you can make it up, as you just demonstrated.

Why you would want to make it up is revealing of a moron with no argument. Speaking of which we're still waiting for that measles right-to-life campaign.
close the border. it's fking simple. It is you that wants the measles. as you just demonstrated. And love for country and the american dream is for everyone. nowhere near what you're spewing.
YES. Taken with everything Trump has said and campaigned on, absolutely yes.

BlackFlag, I want to thank you for proving 2 things for not only ME to see but everyone on this board:

1) By answering 'YES' to my question of if you thought the quote I posted was 'Nazi-like', YOU JUST PROVED / DEMONSTRATED YOU DID NOT EVEN BOTHER TO OPEN THE LINK AND READ THE ARTICLE!

You HATE the President so much, so irrationally - like all your butt-hurt snowflakes - and are so eager to attack him and anything he says that you just accepted Trump said this and immediately agreed with the dumbass Trump-Hating CNN Analyst believing such a statement is 'Nazi-Like' without bothering to even LOOK at what was actually said.


“It’s time to stand up. It’s time to fight back. It’s time to reclaim our heritage, and it’s time and we are ready. ... We are looking for this fight! The future of our country depends on it. It's long past time we get back up, that we stand up, that we reclaim what every American thought was their birthright: the American Dream."

And maybe you can explain why Obama took a 'NAZI' on as HIS VP?!

You just proved you are just as stupid and just as easily led by your own HATE to attack President Trump for doing the exact same thing Democrats have done / do but being to stupid to know Democrats have already done them.

This was BIDEN'S quote in 2011.

At CPAC, President Trump said almost the same thing word for word....Biden was celebrated for saying it. Trump-hating ignorant partisan morons rushed to call him a Nazi for saying the same thing, not realizing Biden said it 1st!

Thanks for helping me make a point about Trump-hating partisans, Fake News, and snowflakes!


So who said it? If it was Trump, it was to appeal to his base of inbred white supremacists. If it was Biden, that’s not his base. So who said it?
Damn, after I pointed out how your personal hatred prevented you from being bothered with reading the article to educate yourself, you then refused to read THAT post.

Who said it?

Obama VP BIDEN, dumbass.

And after you get busted for NOT reading the evidence you so often call for and embarrass yourself by ranting about Trump using Biden's quote to do so, you now seek to justify doing so by claiming the words given to a liberal crowd are not the same as those same words given to a conservative crowd.


You are so full of shit your eyes are turning brown!



Perhaps you should stop now before you embarrass yourself even more. :p

He's one stupid dumbass sheeple.
So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
After embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are uneducated and have no desire to educate yourself, that you would rather remain ignorant and falsely attack the President, you just won't give it up...

You faked a quote and the audience it was addressed to. You can never hide that Nazi’s backed and still back Trump.
So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
After embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are uneducated and have no desire to educate yourself, that you would rather remain ignorant and falsely attack the President, you just won't give it up...


Before you separate your shoulder patting yourself on the back for what you think was a "trap", read your own link --- you know, the one you tried to hide in tiny tiny font. Biden is addressing a state political party, not "white people". That changes what the pronoun "we" means. And in actual context, Biden never advocated rounding up people and deporting or registering them, or even shutting them out, based on their religion; Biden never played footsie with David Duke and Richard Spencer; Biden never got nailed for refusing to rent to black people; Biden never shoved a foreign prime minister out of his way or walked in front of the Queen or fagged out of going to honor WWI fallen because it was "raining"; Biden never threatened the First Amendment or called for people to be penalized for not going through robotic Jingoism exercises; Biden never cozied up to foreign dick-tators making every excuse in the book for them..... You get the idea.

By the way d'jever notice that when Rump goes to polish Putin's knob it's in Finland, and when he goes to kowtow to Kim it's in Vietnam? It's always Rump making the trip, not the other way around, which tells us who needs who. So we are indeed fortunate that while Rump may pursue Hitlerian fantasies, his insatiable narcissism makes him a klutz at actually executing it.
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You faked a quote and the audience it was addressed to. You can never hide that Nazi’s backed and still back Trump.
See, now you are flat-out LYING in your attempt to justify not reading the article and not knowing what you were talking about. Go back and read the 1st post again.

The quote was not / is not fake.

I never attributed the quote to ANYONE. I just asked if it was ''Nazi-Like'.

Like I said, BF, perhaps you should just walk away before you continue to embarrass yourself further.

You faked a quote and the audience it was addressed to. You can never hide that Nazi’s backed and still back Trump.
See, now you are flat-out LYING in your attempt to justify not reading the article and not knowing what you were talking about. Go back and read the 1st post again.

The quote was not / is not fake.

I never attributed the quote to ANYONE. I just asked if it was ''Nazi-Like'.

Like I said, BF, perhaps you should just walk away before you continue to embarrass yourself further.

Addrrssed to Nazi’s yes, addressed to those who would fight Nazi’s it’s meaning is completely different.
The American Dream is nothing "Nazi-like." All American nationals deserve a chance at the The American Dream. Illegal aliens and refugees that refuse to assimilate do not.


That snowflake thing in your signature just made me laugh.

I'm thinking about the drunk white guys on their couches getting all butt hurt because someone is KNEELING during a song.

That ties in with the NAZI thing. Let's make ppl go salute Hitler. Let's make ppl stand in a silly position during a song.

Them closet big government folks humor me (and probably you also).
dude, we have a constitution and anyone kneeling during that song are disrespectful of people who died and suffered for their right to kneel. Pointing out assholes who kneel is not telling them not to. Instead, we call them unpatriotic and disrespectful to our men and women in the military serving yesteryear and today. So get your fking facts straight. your fake news is enemy of my country. And if their behavior affects the game they play, the owners have a right to do whatever to protect their business. you are just a fool.

You seem really angry about this kneeling thing. I get really angry about the NAZI thing. Long as we admit we all have snowflake issues we are super sensitive about we can communicate.
So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
After embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are uneducated and have no desire to educate yourself, that you would rather remain ignorant and falsely attack the President, you just won't give it up...


Before you separate your shoulder patting yourself on the back for what you think was a "trap", read your own link --- you know, the one you tried to hide in tiny tiny font. Biden is addressing a state political party, not "white people". That changes what the pronoun "we" means. And in actual context, Biden never advocated rounding up people and deporting or registering them, or even shutting them out, based on their religion; Biden never played footsie with David Duke and Richard Spencer; Biden never got nailed for refusing to rent to black people; Biden never shoved a foreign prime minister out of his way or walked in front of the Queen or fagged out of going to honor WWI fallen because it was "raining"; Biden never threatened the First Amendment or called for people to be penalized for not going through robotic Jingoism exercises; Biden never cozied up to foreign dick-tators making every excuse in the book for them..... You get the idea.

So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
After embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are uneducated and have no desire to educate yourself, that you would rather remain ignorant and falsely attack the President, you just won't give it up...


Before you separate your shoulder patting yourself on the back for what you think was a "trap", read your own link --- you know, the one you tried to hide in tiny tiny font. Biden is addressing a state political party, not "white people". That changes what the pronoun "we" means. And in actual context, Biden never advocated rounding up people and deporting or registering them, or even shutting them out, based on their religion; Biden never played footsie with David Duke and Richard Spencer; Biden never got nailed for refusing to rent to black people; Biden never shoved a foreign prime minister out of his way or walked in front of the Queen or fagged out of going to honor WWI fallen because it was "raining"; Biden never threatened the First Amendment or called for people to be penalized for not going through robotic Jingoism exercises. You get the idea.
So you are now trying to justify ignorance,laziness, and false attacks on the President? LOL...

Dude, it was a simple question - 'Is this comment 'Nazi-like'. I did not tell anyone who made it. I just asked the question. I did not tell BF or anyone else to attribute is to the President or to call him 'Nazi--like' in their ignorance.

You and BF put away your embarrassment and your 'victim' card & put on your big boy pants.
The American Dream is nothing "Nazi-like." All American nationals deserve a chance at the The American Dream. Illegal aliens and refugees that refuse to assimilate do not.


That snowflake thing in your signature just made me laugh.

I'm thinking about the drunk white guys on their couches getting all butt hurt because someone is KNEELING during a song.

That ties in with the NAZI thing. Let's make ppl go salute Hitler. Let's make ppl stand in a silly position during a song.

Them closet big government folks humor me (and probably you also).
dude, we have a constitution and anyone kneeling during that song are disrespectful of people who died and suffered for their right to kneel. Pointing out assholes who kneel is not telling them not to. Instead, we call them unpatriotic and disrespectful to our men and women in the military serving yesteryear and today. So get your fking facts straight. your fake news is enemy of my country. And if their behavior affects the game they play, the owners have a right to do whatever to protect their business. you are just a fool.

You seem really angry about this kneeling thing. I get really angry about the NAZI thing. Long as we admit we all have snowflake issues we are super sensitive about we can communicate.
me angry? nope. I just a call a unpatriot an unpatriot. And I will call it to their faces. each and every one of them. The league doesn't want it. Not me. I don't need football. If they don't like the millions they make and wish to dissolve the league because they can't be respectful to our country, I give two fking shits. I have many other things to do in my life. you?
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So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
After embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are uneducated and have no desire to educate yourself, that you would rather remain ignorant and falsely attack the President, you just won't give it up...


Before you separate your shoulder patting yourself on the back for what you think was a "trap", read your own link --- you know, the one you tried to hide in tiny tiny font. Biden is addressing a state political party, not "white people". That changes what the pronoun "we" means. And in actual context, Biden never advocated rounding up people and deporting or registering them, or even shutting them out, based on their religion; Biden never played footsie with David Duke and Richard Spencer; Biden never got nailed for refusing to rent to black people; Biden never shoved a foreign prime minister out of his way or walked in front of the Queen or fagged out of going to honor WWI fallen because it was "raining"; Biden never threatened the First Amendment or called for people to be penalized for not going through robotic Jingoism exercises. You get the idea.
So you are now trying to justify ignorance,laziness, and false attacks on the President? LOL...

Dude, it was a simple question - 'Is this comment 'Nazi-like'. I did not tell anyone who made it. I just asked the question. I did not tell BF or anyone else to attribute is to the President or to call him 'Nazi--like' in their ignorance.

You and BF put away your embarrassment and your 'victim' card & put on your big boy pants.

And you pulled the same shit you tried to pull with that hide-the-link bullshit in the OP. Took a quote out of its context, which is crucial to determine who "we" refers to, which in turn directs everything that follows. "We" in this case was the members of the Florida Democratic Party. Your own link --- once it could be found with an electron microscope ---- proves that.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Samantha Vinograd, kendrick lamar.jpg

As a member of the Obama "My Brother's Keeper" WH administration, mostly likely, much like her former boss and his star-struck "GIRL POWER" wife, Samantha Vinograd is a HATER.

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*
So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
After embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are uneducated and have no desire to educate yourself, that you would rather remain ignorant and falsely attack the President, you just won't give it up...


Before you separate your shoulder patting yourself on the back for what you think was a "trap", read your own link --- you know, the one you tried to hide in tiny tiny font. Biden is addressing a state political party, not "white people". That changes what the pronoun "we" means. And in actual context, Biden never advocated rounding up people and deporting or registering them, or even shutting them out, based on their religion; Biden never played footsie with David Duke and Richard Spencer; Biden never got nailed for refusing to rent to black people; Biden never shoved a foreign prime minister out of his way or walked in front of the Queen or fagged out of going to honor WWI fallen because it was "raining"; Biden never threatened the First Amendment or called for people to be penalized for not going through robotic Jingoism exercises. You get the idea.
So you are now trying to justify ignorance,laziness, and false attacks on the President? LOL...

Dude, it was a simple question - 'Is this comment 'Nazi-like'. I did not tell anyone who made it. I just asked the question. I did not tell BF or anyone else to attribute is to the President or to call him 'Nazi--like' in their ignorance.

You and BF put away your embarrassment and your 'victim' card & put on your big boy pants.

And you pulled the same shit you tried to pull with that hide-the-link bullshit in the OP. Took a quote out of its context, which is crucial to determine who "we" refers to, which in turn directs everything that follows. "We" in this case was the members of the Florida Democratic Party. Your own link --- once it could be found with an electron microscope ---- proves that.

So is it that you dislike the content of the speech, or who said it, hmm?

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