CNN Analyst Calls President Nazi-Like....

Trump proves he has hated America for a long time by claiming our past is full of failures and blunders. He doesn't believe we have a government of the people, but that we are run by a ruling class who are beholden to foreign interest. Ginning up his base with false allegations about a broad swath of the population. Yeah that does remind me of the 30's somewhat. But Germany was a fledgling Democracy in the mist of a tremendous economic upheaval. (it was real , not the phony one the cons here have dreamed up). So I seriously doubt he could use emergency power like Hitler did to make himself a dictator, but his rhetoric is similar.
so are you saying no other president declared an emergency?

Ummmm, no. He uses similar rhetoric, but no way will he be able to dissolve Congress the way Hitler dissolved the German Parliament. His claims of failures and blunder of leaders in the past is as unpatriotic as I have ever heard spoken by an American president.
so one is not allowed to discuss things that happened in the past? REally? wow, and you know when obammy was president all I heard was bush, bush, bush, bush.
It isn't?
Know what "Nazi" is short for? "Nazional" -- 'national'. Nazis were all about Nation and Fatherland and superior race and heritage and a glorious past.

Sound familiar? How 'bout "Jews will not replace us"? How 'bout "registering" and/or deporting adherents of a particular religion?

And first things first --------------------- Linkie?
You fucking losers. Explain this you fucking loser. How many train stations are named after nazis in Israel you fucking loser?

Bringing up one of Trump’s felons isn’t your best idea.
No, but bringing up the snowflakes / Pelosi's beloved self-admitted 2-time Felon Perjurer is appropriate here. :p
Why? You want to shift the topic to Trump and his syndicate’s crimes?
No, let's stay focused on how you got BUSTED refusing to read an article, refused to educate yourself, and instead was content to embrace your own ignorance and hatred for the President to falsely attack the President.

Liberals always try to portray themselves as smarter than anyone else; yet time and time again they prove they are not - they are just louder, more intolerant, and personally attack anyone who points out they are wrong.

You want to get defensive and lash out against ME because YOU embarrassed yourself. LOL... That's fine. A lot of you snowflakes don't believe in personal accountability of owning up to your 'mistakes'. It's nothing new and not surprising.
we have a constitution and anyone kneeling during that song are disrespectful of people who died and suffered for their right to kneel

They were kneeling in protest of police killing unarmed black people, not the military. There is no fealty to the flag amendment in the Constitution.

Did Hitler punish German athletes for not being patriotic enough?

I don't know.....
what does kneeling during the anthem have to do with inner city chaos?
There is no fealty to the flag amendment in the Constitution.
You are correct, it's called patriotism and respect for our forefathers, yesteryears and current military for putting their lives on the line for us. It's simple. the fact you wish to wiz on them is your problem. again, they fought for your right to be an asshole.

I know it's the game to pretend it's about the military but the protests were about police actions, not the military. So in your world when someone kneels for a fallen brother, it's like pissing on them huh? Ya'll think using the freedoms and rights our forefathers fought and died for is disrespectful of their sacrifice, which was for those freedoms and rights? That's being a completely disrespectful of their sacrifice, imo.
Bringing up one of Trump’s felons isn’t your best idea.
No, but bringing up the snowflakes / Pelosi's beloved self-admitted 2-time Felon Perjurer is appropriate here. :p
Why? You want to shift the topic to Trump and his syndicate’s crimes?
No, let's stay focused on how you got BUSTED refusing to read an article, refused to educate yourself, and instead was content to embrace your own ignorance and hatred for the President to falsely attack the President.

Liberals always try to portray themselves as smarter than anyone else; yet time and time again they prove they are not - they are just louder, more intolerant, and personally attack anyone who points out they are wrong.

You want to get defensive and lash out against ME because YOU embarrassed yourself. LOL... That's fine. A lot of you snowflakes don't believe in personal accountability of owning up to your 'mistakes'. It's nothing new and not surprising.
No you lied about a quote and the audience it was addressed to. But that’s definitely better than agreeing to talk about Trump’s crimes. You definitely want to sprint away from that.
we have a constitution and anyone kneeling during that song are disrespectful of people who died and suffered for their right to kneel

They were kneeling in protest of police killing unarmed black people, not the military. There is no fealty to the flag amendment in the Constitution.

Did Hitler punish German athletes for not being patriotic enough?

I don't know.....
what does kneeling during the anthem have to do with inner city chaos?
There is no fealty to the flag amendment in the Constitution.
You are correct, it's called patriotism and respect for our forefathers, yesteryears and current military for putting their lives on the line for us. It's simple. the fact you wish to wiz on them is your problem. again, they fought for your right to be an asshole.

I know it's the game to pretend it's about the military but the protests were about police actions, not the military. So in your world when someone kneels for a fallen brother, it's like pissing on them huh? Ya'll think using the freedoms and rights our forefathers fought and died for is disrespectful of their sacrifice, which was for those freedoms and rights? That's being a completely disrespectful of their sacrifice, imo.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:like I stated in my post, they all fought for your right to piss on the flag and the graves of our military. Makes folks like you unpatriotic and assholes. Asshole

BTW, what is different from police and military?
Trump proves he has hated America for a long time by claiming our past is full of failures and blunders. He doesn't believe we have a government of the people, but that we are run by a ruling class who are beholden to foreign interest. Ginning up his base with false allegations about a broad swath of the population. Yeah that does remind me of the 30's somewhat. But Germany was a fledgling Democracy in the mist of a tremendous economic upheaval. (it was real , not the phony one the cons here have dreamed up). So I seriously doubt he could use emergency power like Hitler did to make himself a dictator, but his rhetoric is similar.
so are you saying no other president declared an emergency?

Ummmm, no. He uses similar rhetoric, but no way will he be able to dissolve Congress the way Hitler dissolved the German Parliament. His claims of failures and blunder of leaders in the past is as unpatriotic as I have ever heard spoken by an American president.
so one is not allowed to discuss things that happened in the past? REally? wow, and you know when obammy was president all I heard was bush, bush, bush, bush.

Yes discussion is good. So Discuss......What were these blunders and failures that our past was full of?

Sure we've made mistakes, big ones and little ones too, but we're still the most prosperous nation on earth and have been for quite some time now. To support someone who denigrates our past like that is unconscionable.
Trump proves he has hated America for a long time by claiming our past is full of failures and blunders. He doesn't believe we have a government of the people, but that we are run by a ruling class who are beholden to foreign interest. Ginning up his base with false allegations about a broad swath of the population. Yeah that does remind me of the 30's somewhat. But Germany was a fledgling Democracy in the mist of a tremendous economic upheaval. (it was real , not the phony one the cons here have dreamed up). So I seriously doubt he could use emergency power like Hitler did to make himself a dictator, but his rhetoric is similar.
so are you saying no other president declared an emergency?

Ummmm, no. He uses similar rhetoric, but no way will he be able to dissolve Congress the way Hitler dissolved the German Parliament. His claims of failures and blunder of leaders in the past is as unpatriotic as I have ever heard spoken by an American president.
so one is not allowed to discuss things that happened in the past? REally? wow, and you know when obammy was president all I heard was bush, bush, bush, bush.

Yes discussion is good. So Discuss......What were these blunders and failures that our past was full of?

Sure we've made mistakes, big ones and little ones too, but we're still the most prosperous nation on earth and have been for quite some time now. To support someone who denigrates our past like that is unconscionable.
Iraq war? Vietnam War? korean War!
So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
After embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are uneducated and have no desire to educate yourself, that you would rather remain ignorant and falsely attack the President, you just won't give it up...

You faked a quote and the audience it was addressed to. You can never hide that Nazi’s backed and still back Trump.

What comes after "Nazi", dumbass? It's "Germany" you stupid fuck! This is America.

The Nazi party has never been , and is very unlikely to be in power here. Mainly because we killed a shit ton of them in WW2 to the point they were decimated. This is 2019, and you dumbasses are still running with the 2016 Democrat election primer that made them lose! Derp!

It's also 2019, and Nazis were defeated in 1944. History. Learn it.
So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
After embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are uneducated and have no desire to educate yourself, that you would rather remain ignorant and falsely attack the President, you just won't give it up...

You faked a quote and the audience it was addressed to. You can never hide that Nazi’s backed and still back Trump.

What comes after "Nazi", dumbass? It's "Germany" you stupid fuck! This is America.

The Nazi party has never been , and is very unlikely to be in power here. Mainly because we killed a shit ton of them in WW2. This is 2019, and you dumbasses are still running with the 2016 Democrat election primer that made them lose! Derp!

It's also 2019, and Nazis were defeated in 1944. History. Learn it.
The motives that fueled the Nazi’s are alive and well in your Trump movement. You want me to shut up about it and join in your complacency? Well go fuck yourself, trash.
So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
After embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are uneducated and have no desire to educate yourself, that you would rather remain ignorant and falsely attack the President, you just won't give it up...

You faked a quote and the audience it was addressed to. You can never hide that Nazi’s backed and still back Trump.

What comes after "Nazi", dumbass? It's "Germany" you stupid fuck! This is America.

The Nazi party has never been , and is very unlikely to be in power here. Mainly because we killed a shit ton of them in WW2. This is 2019, and you dumbasses are still running with the 2016 Democrat election primer that made them lose! Derp!

It's also 2019, and Nazis were defeated in 1944. History. Learn it.
The motives that fueled the Nazi’s are alive and well in your Trump movement. You want me to shut up about it and join in your complacency? Well go fuck yourself, trash.

You have no self-awareness or shame. Being proven wrong and then quintupling down exposes what an ignorant and undisciplined idiot you are. You are a walking example of "Don't be like that guy".
we have a constitution and anyone kneeling during that song are disrespectful of people who died and suffered for their right to kneel

They were kneeling in protest of police killing unarmed black people, not the military. There is no fealty to the flag amendment in the Constitution.

Did Hitler punish German athletes for not being patriotic enough?

I don't know.....
did trump punish anyone? what the fk you talking about?

And unarmed blackmen? I have a bridge to nowhere for sale. where is most gun violence outside the military?
we have a constitution and anyone kneeling during that song are disrespectful of people who died and suffered for their right to kneel

They were kneeling in protest of police killing unarmed black people, not the military. There is no fealty to the flag amendment in the Constitution.

Did Hitler punish German athletes for not being patriotic enough?

I don't know.....
what does kneeling during the anthem have to do with inner city chaos?
There is no fealty to the flag amendment in the Constitution.
You are correct, it's called patriotism and respect for our forefathers, yesteryears and current military for putting their lives on the line for us. It's simple. the fact you wish to wiz on them is your problem. again, they fought for your right to be an asshole.

I know it's the game to pretend it's about the military but the protests were about police actions, not the military. So in your world when someone kneels for a fallen brother, it's like pissing on them huh? Ya'll think using the freedoms and rights our forefathers fought and died for is disrespectful of their sacrifice, which was for those freedoms and rights? That's being a completely disrespectful of their sacrifice, imo.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:like I stated in my post, they all fought for your right to piss on the flag and the graves of our military. Makes folks like you unpatriotic and assholes. Asshole

BTW, what is different from police and military?

Again, nobody has been pissing on the flag during the National Anthem ceremonies. They were kneeling. Nobody was protesting the military killing unarmed black folks. If you don't agree with citizens using the rights those brave soldiers fought and died for that's fine, but is does not make those using those rights, who so many have sacrificed everything for, assholes.

I guess in a police state their is very little difference.

But since we're not a police state just yet, law enforcement is just that, law enforcement.
So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
After embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are uneducated and have no desire to educate yourself, that you would rather remain ignorant and falsely attack the President, you just won't give it up...

You faked a quote and the audience it was addressed to. You can never hide that Nazi’s backed and still back Trump.

What comes after "Nazi", dumbass? It's "Germany" you stupid fuck! This is America.

The Nazi party has never been , and is very unlikely to be in power here. Mainly because we killed a shit ton of them in WW2. This is 2019, and you dumbasses are still running with the 2016 Democrat election primer that made them lose! Derp!

It's also 2019, and Nazis were defeated in 1944. History. Learn it.
The motives that fueled the Nazi’s are alive and well in your Trump movement. You want me to shut up about it and join in your complacency? Well go fuck yourself, trash.

You have no self-awareness or shame. Being proven wrong and then quintupling down exposes what an ignorant and undisciplined idiot you are. You are a walking example of "Don't be like that guy".
Proven wrong? :rolleyes:

Weak, trash
No you lied about a quote and the audience it was addressed to.

You are a sad, embarrassed, exposed f*ing LIAR who is pathetically claiming something that is not true after humiliating himself in an attempt to salvage anything ;left of his destroyed credibility.

HERE is exactly what I posted in the very 1st post in this thread:

“It’s time to stand up. It’s time to fight back. It’s time to reclaim our heritage, and it’s time and we are ready. ... We are looking for this fight! The future of our country depends on it. It's long past time we get back up, that we stand up, that we reclaim what every American thought was their birthright: the American Dream."

SERIOUSLY? THIS is 'Nazi-Like'?

- I simply posted Joe Biden's quote from the article.

- If you had bothered to open up the link and read the actual article you would not have embarrassed yourself by making an ignorant and un-informed assumption and would not have falsely accused President Trump.

Stop blaming others for your embarrassing mistake and self-imposed ignorance. Put your 'big boy' pants on 0or return to the child's table where they will allow you to continue your tantrum and will show you empathy while you whip out your 'Victim' card, continue to lie, and blame others.

The only thing you are doing, besides continuing to embarrass yourself, is demonstrate how snowflakes refuse to admit their own mistakes, refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions, and will continue to spin anything and everything to avoid accepting the fact that you f*ed up. If that is your intent, please continue....

If you do, you will be speaking to yourself, as I have no more time to spare on a 'Michael Cohen-wannabe' lying snowflake. I'm going to get back to the thread topic now and stop this derailing of the thread....

Have a nice day...enjoy the view from the kids' table.
we have a constitution and anyone kneeling during that song are disrespectful of people who died and suffered for their right to kneel

They were kneeling in protest of police killing unarmed black people, not the military. There is no fealty to the flag amendment in the Constitution.

Did Hitler punish German athletes for not being patriotic enough?

I don't know.....
what does kneeling during the anthem have to do with inner city chaos?
There is no fealty to the flag amendment in the Constitution.
You are correct, it's called patriotism and respect for our forefathers, yesteryears and current military for putting their lives on the line for us. It's simple. the fact you wish to wiz on them is your problem. again, they fought for your right to be an asshole.

I know it's the game to pretend it's about the military but the protests were about police actions, not the military. So in your world when someone kneels for a fallen brother, it's like pissing on them huh? Ya'll think using the freedoms and rights our forefathers fought and died for is disrespectful of their sacrifice, which was for those freedoms and rights? That's being a completely disrespectful of their sacrifice, imo.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:like I stated in my post, they all fought for your right to piss on the flag and the graves of our military. Makes folks like you unpatriotic and assholes. Asshole

BTW, what is different from police and military?

Again, nobody has been pissing on the flag during the National Anthem ceremonies. They were kneeling. Nobody was protesting the military killing unarmed black folks. If you don't agree with citizens using the rights those brave soldiers fought and died for that's fine, but is does not make those using those rights, who so many have sacrificed everything for, assholes.

I guess in a police state their is very little difference.

But since we're not a police state just yet, law enforcement is just that, law enforcement.
again, I give two fking shits if someone kneels in disrespect of the country. to piss on dead police graves. those brave men that run toward a gun rather than from it. yeah, those military. the ones that protect our citizens when possible. the ones running toward fire, just like the military. if the dude wishes to piss off americans and the hand that pays him, again, I give two shits. but I have the same right to call them all unpatriotic and anti cop, anti america. and you sir have to accept it!! so asshole what now?
No you lied about a quote and the audience it was addressed to.

You are a sad, embarrassed, exposed f*ing LIAR who is pathetically claiming something that is not true after humiliating himself in an attempt to salvage anything ;left of his destroyed credibility.

HERE is exactly what I posted in the very 1st post in this thread:

“It’s time to stand up. It’s time to fight back. It’s time to reclaim our heritage, and it’s time and we are ready. ... We are looking for this fight! The future of our country depends on it. It's long past time we get back up, that we stand up, that we reclaim what every American thought was their birthright: the American Dream."

SERIOUSLY? THIS is 'Nazi-Like'?

- I simply posted Joe Biden's quote from the article.

- If you had bothered to open up the link and read the actual article you would not have embarrassed yourself by making an ignorant and un-informed assumption and would not have falsely accused President Trump.

Stop blaming others for your embarrassing mistake and self-imposed ignorance. Put your 'big boy' pants on 0or return to the child's table where they will allow you to continue your tantrum and will show you empathy while you whip out your 'Victim' card, continue to lie, and blame others.

The only thing you are doing, besides continuing to embarrass yourself, is demonstrate how snowflakes refuse to admit their own mistakes, refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions, and will continue to spin anything and everything to avoid accepting the fact that you f*ed up. If that is your intent, please continue....

If you do, you will be speaking to yourself, as I have no more time to spare on a 'Michael Cohen-wannabe' lying snowflake. I'm going to get back to the thread topic now and stop this derailing of the thread....

Have a nice day...enjoy the view from the kids' table.
Addressed to a Nazi-sympathetic crowd, as you implied, it would certainly be Nazi-like.
So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
After embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are uneducated and have no desire to educate yourself, that you would rather remain ignorant and falsely attack the President, you just won't give it up...

You faked a quote and the audience it was addressed to. You can never hide that Nazi’s backed and still back Trump.

What comes after "Nazi", dumbass? It's "Germany" you stupid fuck! This is America.

The Nazi party has never been , and is very unlikely to be in power here. Mainly because we killed a shit ton of them in WW2. This is 2019, and you dumbasses are still running with the 2016 Democrat election primer that made them lose! Derp!

It's also 2019, and Nazis were defeated in 1944. History. Learn it.
The motives that fueled the Nazi’s are alive and well in your Trump movement. You want me to shut up about it and join in your complacency? Well go fuck yourself, trash.

The motives that fueled the Bolsheviks and led to mass imprisonment and executions are alive and well in the Democrat party and the mainstream media.
So you posted an out of context “gotcha.” Meanwhile, it’s Trump who appeals to Nazi’s. They wanted Obama and Biden dead.
After embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are uneducated and have no desire to educate yourself, that you would rather remain ignorant and falsely attack the President, you just won't give it up...

You faked a quote and the audience it was addressed to. You can never hide that Nazi’s backed and still back Trump.

What comes after "Nazi", dumbass? It's "Germany" you stupid fuck! This is America.

The Nazi party has never been , and is very unlikely to be in power here. Mainly because we killed a shit ton of them in WW2. This is 2019, and you dumbasses are still running with the 2016 Democrat election primer that made them lose! Derp!

It's also 2019, and Nazis were defeated in 1944. History. Learn it.
The motives that fueled the Nazi’s are alive and well in your Trump movement. You want me to shut up about it and join in your complacency? Well go fuck yourself, trash.
The fact that to justify your uneducated and false accusation of the President, after being busted for not even bother reading the link, you are calling anyone who supports President Trump is a 'Nazi' has got to be ne of the dumbest, most ignorant comments ever made by vile, intolerant, uneducated partisans.

It just shows the depth of ignorance and hatred the Left has for anyone who disagrees with their beliefs and agenda.

The fact that snowflakes can not actually debate an issue without resorting to blatantly lying, mischaracterizing the fakes, making sweeping generalizations, false unsubstantiated accusations, and finally resorting to personal attacks are, in themselves, testaments to the limited knowledge / acceptance of actual facts and the limits of their ability to efficiently and effectively and honestly debate.

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