CNN Anchor Tells Nancy Pelosi That Trump Was Acquitted — She Interrupts, Claims He Wasn’t

Why would it be any faster in the Senate?

Because the Trump team With all republican senators voting to have the material witnesses, would have boxed him in.... He needed them to acquit him... his threats to what he'd do to them if they did not support him would be nullified, cuz they would have held the upper hand.

If he fought the subpoena it would have been visible and front and center, to the public who would know he was acting guilty to fight them, if he was innocent... causing for more calls to impeach him out of office

The courts, in the middle of a trial would have been fast tracked if they were used, and his appointed judges could not help his stonewalling with the world watching and chief justice watching.

Trump would not have wanted the impeachment trial hanging open, and over his head....


Any one of those reasons above.....??

The House could have done the same, but did nothing for a month.
NONE of your concerns take his guilt away.

NONE of the would have, could have or should haves of what went on in the House prevented the Senate From accepting evidence and hearing witnesses.

I find it hard to even understand why anyone would not want to have justice served?
You still are to stupid to breed, it is not NOW and never has been the JOB of the senate to investigate the charges, they simply review the charges and evidence presented and rebutted by the House managers and the defense. Since the House does not call defense witnesses the Senate will usually allow the defense to call them but all it does for the prosecution is call witnesses already interviewed by the House for clarification. IT IS THE JOB OF THE HOUSE TO CALL WITNESSES AND GATHER EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE CHARGES THEY LEVEL against the President.
Hearing witnesses and evaluating evidence submitted in the trial IS THE JURY'S duty.

That is not investigating....that's what is expected in a trial.

An impeachment trial is not a real trial, dingbat. The witness gave their testimony during the inquiry. That's why they call it the "inquiry."
Because the Trump team With all republican senators voting to have the material witnesses, would have boxed him in.... He needed them to acquit him... his threats to what he'd do to them if they did not support him would be nullified, cuz they would have held the upper hand.

If he fought the subpoena it would have been visible and front and center, to the public who would know he was acting guilty to fight them, if he was innocent... causing for more calls to impeach him out of office

The courts, in the middle of a trial would have been fast tracked if they were used, and his appointed judges could not help his stonewalling with the world watching and chief justice watching.

Trump would not have wanted the impeachment trial hanging open, and over his head....


Any one of those reasons above.....??

The House could have done the same, but did nothing for a month.
NONE of your concerns take his guilt away.

NONE of the would have, could have or should haves of what went on in the House prevented the Senate From accepting evidence and hearing witnesses.

I find it hard to even understand why anyone would not want to have justice served?

Obviously, the House was more worried about their schedule than pursuing justice. Again, why should they be allowed to require the Senate to make up for their lack?
It was house managers/prosecutors asking for witnesses... Why should a prosecution team be denied any material witness or any material evidence to be presented in trial so the jury can have all the facts?

That would NEVER be allowed in a trial... prosecutors do NOT stop building their case for the trial, all the way up to the trial and during the trial.... they do not stop and twiddle their thumbs once they filed the indictment.
Not a court, stupid. The Constitution lays out the impeachment process. The House didn’t follow the Constitution, the Senate did.
TOTAL FABRICATION on your part... the Constitution defines NO SUCH THING.....

Maybe you should actually read the Constitution before making your FALSE claim, silly one!!!
Because the Trump team With all republican senators voting to have the material witnesses, would have boxed him in.... He needed them to acquit him... his threats to what he'd do to them if they did not support him would be nullified, cuz they would have held the upper hand.

If he fought the subpoena it would have been visible and front and center, to the public who would know he was acting guilty to fight them, if he was innocent... causing for more calls to impeach him out of office

The courts, in the middle of a trial would have been fast tracked if they were used, and his appointed judges could not help his stonewalling with the world watching and chief justice watching.

Trump would not have wanted the impeachment trial hanging open, and over his head....


Any one of those reasons above.....??

The House could have done the same, but did nothing for a month.
NONE of your concerns take his guilt away.

NONE of the would have, could have or should haves of what went on in the House prevented the Senate From accepting evidence and hearing witnesses.

I find it hard to even understand why anyone would not want to have justice served?
You still are to stupid to breed, it is not NOW and never has been the JOB of the senate to investigate the charges, they simply review the charges and evidence presented and rebutted by the House managers and the defense. Since the House does not call defense witnesses the Senate will usually allow the defense to call them but all it does for the prosecution is call witnesses already interviewed by the House for clarification. IT IS THE JOB OF THE HOUSE TO CALL WITNESSES AND GATHER EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE CHARGES THEY LEVEL against the President.
Hearing witnesses and evaluating evidence submitted in the trial IS THE JURY'S duty.

That is not investigating....that's what is expected in a trial.

An impeachment trial is not a real trial, dingbat. The witness gave their testimony during the inquiry. That's why they call it the "inquiry."
Yes it is not a Criminal trial, but it is suppose be real trial...

Andrew Johnson impeachment was a trial, with new witnesses and new evidence.... please stop trying to baffle me with your Trump bull $hit.... I know how to research history, and read.
Calling witnesses after both the prosecution and defense has rested its case, though, is not.
Mitch set the rules with just republican senators, that there would be no evidence and witnesses allowed...till after they presented their cases....then they would take a vote....

It was a HUGE stink, Schumer tried and tried to get the witness and evidence allowed to be presented during each side's arguments... the Rs walked lock step and kept voting it down.

Like I said, there simply is no other way to describe this so called trial, but a SHAM.....crooked.
They used the same rules used in the Clinton trial. Those rules were approved 100-0.

You really are dumb, and a serial liar.
Each impeachment is different.

The Andrew Johnson impeachment trial had 41 live witnesses.

The Clinton trial had a special prosecutor, Ken Starr doing all of the investigating, all of the witness depositions without Whitehouse lawyers, collected and got all material evidence without obstruction from the President, and turned over the Starr report to the House and Senate.

Barr/DOJ refused a special prosecutor for the Ukraine scandal

None of that is an excuse for the House not doing it's job. Stop your pathetic whining.

What job? Spending years and years in court fighting for evidence that legally should have been turned over?

Being in a hurry is no excuse for not doing their job. Stop the pathetic whining.
The House could have done the same, but did nothing for a month.
NONE of your concerns take his guilt away.

NONE of the would have, could have or should haves of what went on in the House prevented the Senate From accepting evidence and hearing witnesses.

I find it hard to even understand why anyone would not want to have justice served?

Obviously, the House was more worried about their schedule than pursuing justice. Again, why should they be allowed to require the Senate to make up for their lack?
It was house managers/prosecutors asking for witnesses... Why should a prosecution team be denied any material witness or any material evidence to be presented in trial so the jury can have all the facts?

That would NEVER be allowed in a trial... prosecutors do NOT stop building their case for the trial, all the way up to the trial and during the trial.... they do not stop and twiddle their thumbs once they filed the indictment.
Not a court, stupid. The Constitution lays out the impeachment process. The House didn’t follow the Constitution, the Senate did.
TOTAL FABRICATION on your part... the Constitution defines NO SUCH THING.....

Maybe you should actually read the Constitution before making your FALSE claim, silly one!!!
Yes, the Constitution spells out the responsibilities of the House and Senate regarding impeachment.

you are a clueless moron.
Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

In a REAL trail with real juries the outcome would have been a hung jury. No acquittal, no conviction, no exoneration.
The House could have done the same, but did nothing for a month.
NONE of your concerns take his guilt away.

NONE of the would have, could have or should haves of what went on in the House prevented the Senate From accepting evidence and hearing witnesses.

I find it hard to even understand why anyone would not want to have justice served?
You still are to stupid to breed, it is not NOW and never has been the JOB of the senate to investigate the charges, they simply review the charges and evidence presented and rebutted by the House managers and the defense. Since the House does not call defense witnesses the Senate will usually allow the defense to call them but all it does for the prosecution is call witnesses already interviewed by the House for clarification. IT IS THE JOB OF THE HOUSE TO CALL WITNESSES AND GATHER EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE CHARGES THEY LEVEL against the President.
Hearing witnesses and evaluating evidence submitted in the trial IS THE JURY'S duty.

That is not investigating....that's what is expected in a trial.

An impeachment trial is not a real trial, dingbat. The witness gave their testimony during the inquiry. That's why they call it the "inquiry."
Yes it is not a Criminal trial, but it is suppose be real trial...

Andrew Johnson impeachment was a trial, with new witnesses and new evidence.... please stop trying to baffle me with your Trump bull $hit.... I know how to research history, and read.
Sorry, but it has never been a real trial. All the Senate does is vote on the articles of impeachment. It doesn't do investigations.
Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

In a REAL trail with real juries the outcome would have been a hung jury. No acquittal, no conviction, no exoneration.

In a real trial, the jury arrives at a verdict by unanimous vote. It doesn't call witnesses, and it doesn't issue subpoenas.
Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

In a REAL trail with real juries the outcome would have been a hung jury. No acquittal, no conviction, no exoneration.

This was impeachment, not a court trial, so your post is irrelevant.
Because the Trump team With all republican senators voting to have the material witnesses, would have boxed him in.... He needed them to acquit him... his threats to what he'd do to them if they did not support him would be nullified, cuz they would have held the upper hand.

If he fought the subpoena it would have been visible and front and center, to the public who would know he was acting guilty to fight them, if he was innocent... causing for more calls to impeach him out of office

The courts, in the middle of a trial would have been fast tracked if they were used, and his appointed judges could not help his stonewalling with the world watching and chief justice watching.

Trump would not have wanted the impeachment trial hanging open, and over his head....


Any one of those reasons above.....??

The House could have done the same, but did nothing for a month.
NONE of your concerns take his guilt away.

NONE of the would have, could have or should haves of what went on in the House prevented the Senate From accepting evidence and hearing witnesses.

I find it hard to even understand why anyone would not want to have justice served?
You still are to stupid to breed, it is not NOW and never has been the JOB of the senate to investigate the charges, they simply review the charges and evidence presented and rebutted by the House managers and the defense. Since the House does not call defense witnesses the Senate will usually allow the defense to call them but all it does for the prosecution is call witnesses already interviewed by the House for clarification. IT IS THE JOB OF THE HOUSE TO CALL WITNESSES AND GATHER EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE CHARGES THEY LEVEL against the President.
Hearing witnesses and evaluating evidence submitted in the trial IS THE JURY'S duty.

That is not investigating....that's what is expected in a trial.

LOL you damn retard. It is not the JOB of the JURY to call witnesses that is the defense and prosecutors job, you know the House and the defense lawyers. God you get stupider with every post.
you are partly mistaken....

yes the prosecution and defense request witnesses in an impeachment,

HOWEVER, Mitch's trial rules state that the Senators get to vote on if they will allow any witnesses at all, and if yes, then the senators get to vote on each and every witness called and whether to allow them to testify, and the rules did not permit any of the witnesses that testified during the house inquiry, to testify live, allowing the president's team to cross examine them....

The Trial was a complete SHAM, rgs, there's no way around it....

And yes, it is what it is.... he got his acquittal, come hell or high water.... and ya'll Cheer!!!
Winner, at all costs!!!

No matter the destruction of the rule of law, the destruction of our constitution, the destruction of equal branches of governmnt, with the destruction of the power of the House, the ONLY REPRESENTATION, ''We the People'' have in our govt.... which ultimately means... the destruction of all the founders believed in.... ''We are a Nation of Laws, not men...'' you all have seemed to have chosen the opposite of what they believed in,
and what we used to stand for...

This whole event, just gets added to the complete lawlessness and every day occurrences of the past 3 years, the whole thing is disheartening, and makes me realize, the USA really is not, what I imagined it was.... my entire life... :(
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The House could have done the same, but did nothing for a month.
NONE of your concerns take his guilt away.

NONE of the would have, could have or should haves of what went on in the House prevented the Senate From accepting evidence and hearing witnesses.

I find it hard to even understand why anyone would not want to have justice served?
You still are to stupid to breed, it is not NOW and never has been the JOB of the senate to investigate the charges, they simply review the charges and evidence presented and rebutted by the House managers and the defense. Since the House does not call defense witnesses the Senate will usually allow the defense to call them but all it does for the prosecution is call witnesses already interviewed by the House for clarification. IT IS THE JOB OF THE HOUSE TO CALL WITNESSES AND GATHER EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE CHARGES THEY LEVEL against the President.
Hearing witnesses and evaluating evidence submitted in the trial IS THE JURY'S duty.

That is not investigating....that's what is expected in a trial.

LOL you damn retard. It is not the JOB of the JURY to call witnesses that is the defense and prosecutors job, you know the House and the defense lawyers. God you get stupider with every post.
you are partly mistaken....

yes the prosecution and defense request witnesses in an impeachment,

HOWEVER, Mitch's trial rules state that the Senators get to vote on if they will allow any witnesses at all, and if yes, then the senators get to vote on each and every witness called and whether to allow them to testify, and the rules did not permit any of the witnesses that testified during the house inquiry, to testify live, allowing the president's team to cross examine them....

The Trial was a complete SHAM, rgs, there's no way around it....

And yes, it is what it is.... he got his acquittal, come hell or high water.... and ya'll Cheer!!! Win, at all costs!!!

No matter the destruction of the rule of law, the destruction of our constitution, the destruction of equal branches of governmnt, with the destruction of the power of the House, the ONLY REPRESENTATION, ''We the People'' have in our govt.... which ultimately means... the destruction of all the founders believed in.... ''We are a Nation of Laws, not men...'' you all have seemed to have chosen the opposite of what they believed in,
and what we used to stand for...

This whole event, just gets added to the complete lawlessness and every day occurrences of the past 3 years, the whole thing is disheartening, and makes me realize, the USA really is not, what I imagined it was.... my entire life... :(

Bullshit and lies is all you have.
NONE of your concerns take his guilt away.

NONE of the would have, could have or should haves of what went on in the House prevented the Senate From accepting evidence and hearing witnesses.

I find it hard to even understand why anyone would not want to have justice served?
You still are to stupid to breed, it is not NOW and never has been the JOB of the senate to investigate the charges, they simply review the charges and evidence presented and rebutted by the House managers and the defense. Since the House does not call defense witnesses the Senate will usually allow the defense to call them but all it does for the prosecution is call witnesses already interviewed by the House for clarification. IT IS THE JOB OF THE HOUSE TO CALL WITNESSES AND GATHER EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE CHARGES THEY LEVEL against the President.
Hearing witnesses and evaluating evidence submitted in the trial IS THE JURY'S duty.

That is not investigating....that's what is expected in a trial.

LOL you damn retard. It is not the JOB of the JURY to call witnesses that is the defense and prosecutors job, you know the House and the defense lawyers. God you get stupider with every post.
you are partly mistaken....

yes the prosecution and defense request witnesses in an impeachment,

HOWEVER, Mitch's trial rules state that the Senators get to vote on if they will allow any witnesses at all, and if yes, then the senators get to vote on each and every witness called and whether to allow them to testify, and the rules did not permit any of the witnesses that testified during the house inquiry, to testify live, allowing the president's team to cross examine them....

The Trial was a complete SHAM, rgs, there's no way around it....

And yes, it is what it is.... he got his acquittal, come hell or high water.... and ya'll Cheer!!! Win, at all costs!!!

No matter the destruction of the rule of law, the destruction of our constitution, the destruction of equal branches of governmnt, with the destruction of the power of the House, the ONLY REPRESENTATION, ''We the People'' have in our govt.... which ultimately means... the destruction of all the founders believed in.... ''We are a Nation of Laws, not men...'' you all have seemed to have chosen the opposite of what they believed in,
and what we used to stand for...

This whole event, just gets added to the complete lawlessness and every day occurrences of the past 3 years, the whole thing is disheartening, and makes me realize, the USA really is not, what I imagined it was.... my entire life... :(

Bullshit and lies is all you have.
no, sadly, it really isn't....
He didn't win the election either.


Winner that. They deny reality still and wonder why they keep losing. A lot of the reason is because they pretend that losing winning and so have to be satisfied with losing.

They've built a trap for themselves with this denial.

They didn't lose, so there is no reason to appeal to more voters, as their loss wasn't a repudiation of their direction. In fact, instead of recognizing this, they've doubled down and gone further left.

Self-perpetuating cycle. And if/when they lose again in November I have little doubt it will still be somebody else's fault....again.
Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

In a REAL trail with real juries the outcome would have been a hung jury. No acquittal, no conviction, no exoneration.

In a "real trial" all the jurors who had made disparaging statements about the accused in public would have been stricken from the jury.

You people are too stupid for words.
The House could have done the same, but did nothing for a month.
NONE of your concerns take his guilt away.

NONE of the would have, could have or should haves of what went on in the House prevented the Senate From accepting evidence and hearing witnesses.

I find it hard to even understand why anyone would not want to have justice served?
You still are to stupid to breed, it is not NOW and never has been the JOB of the senate to investigate the charges, they simply review the charges and evidence presented and rebutted by the House managers and the defense. Since the House does not call defense witnesses the Senate will usually allow the defense to call them but all it does for the prosecution is call witnesses already interviewed by the House for clarification. IT IS THE JOB OF THE HOUSE TO CALL WITNESSES AND GATHER EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE CHARGES THEY LEVEL against the President.
Hearing witnesses and evaluating evidence submitted in the trial IS THE JURY'S duty.

That is not investigating....that's what is expected in a trial.

LOL you damn retard. It is not the JOB of the JURY to call witnesses that is the defense and prosecutors job, you know the House and the defense lawyers. God you get stupider with every post.
you are partly mistaken....

yes the prosecution and defense request witnesses in an impeachment,

HOWEVER, Mitch's trial rules state that the Senators get to vote on if they will allow any witnesses at all, and if yes, then the senators get to vote on each and every witness called and whether to allow them to testify, and the rules did not permit any of the witnesses that testified during the house inquiry, to testify live, allowing the president's team to cross examine them....

The Trial was a complete SHAM, rgs, there's no way around it....

And yes, it is what it is.... he got his acquittal, come hell or high water.... and ya'll Cheer!!!
Winner, at all costs!!!

No matter the destruction of the rule of law, the destruction of our constitution, the destruction of equal branches of governmnt, with the destruction of the power of the House, the ONLY REPRESENTATION, ''We the People'' have in our govt.... which ultimately means... the destruction of all the founders believed in.... ''We are a Nation of Laws, not men...'' you all have seemed to have chosen the opposite of what they believed in,
and what we used to stand for...

This whole event, just gets added to the complete lawlessness and every day occurrences of the past 3 years, the whole thing is disheartening, and makes me realize, the USA really is not, what I imagined it was.... my entire life... :(
The impeachment was a sham, so why do you believe the Dims are entitled to anything different during the trial?
Im glad I visited again today. From whining that President Trump didnt really win the election to whining that he didnt really get acquitted.

No wonder Pinochet was driven to helicopters.

These people arent really human and you cant work with Marxists who are not only divorced from reality but convinced that you are insane for accepting reality. What was the first clue? When they said females could have penises? That should have been the tip off for everyone.

And when I was last here they were just moving from confidently predicting Trumps removal to groveling for "at least censure". Now its "he was really not acquitted".

Looking forward to chuckling and watching the screaming at the sky in November...and wondering if its little green men they will blame this time.
Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

Pelosi is sort of alone in all the branches of government in denying his acquittal. She is a danger to the country. This stuttering, stammering, blinking old bat is what rises to the top over there?
Yeah Nancy, Clinton was also impeached, but in the end, no one cared and it didn't stop Clinton's agenda nor have any real or lasting impact.

OK. We know Democrats arent all that bright. And playing with language is the tool they turn to often. But it should be noticed that she claimed he wasnt acquitted because he was "impeached forever". Two entirely different things.

"He can say he is acquitted..but he is impeached forever". Both true statements if she is backed into a corner..sort of like Bill Clinton defining "is".

Bus, as John Roberts said, he is acquitted.
They didn’t even send Bolton a subpoena.

Your excuses for them not doing their job isn’t working. They rushed it so they could go on vacation.
His assistant already had one wo was called to testify first, and took it to court, and bolton shared the same lawyer with him....

and remember, it was at the time of the impeachment, 10 months of the House trying to get Don Mcghan to testify on the Mueller report , trump obstruction of Justice.... and the president has fought it all the way, all the courts have ruled HE HAS TO TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS, and the president keeps appealing it, it is now up to the SC level and if they take the case....not certain if they have.... and if they do, it will be another 5 or 6 months.... and likely not to give a ruling till after the election so not to interfere with it...

the president's plan of STONEWALLING was and is working for him....

AND THAT IS NOT, what our Founders had in mind with the power of Impeachment given to the House.

The House already knew it would take years of court battles to get through all of Trump's obstruction, in to his own impeachment.... and impeachment is not something that one can wait a half a year or two.... sorry, I do not agree with you if you think it should....

The House didn’t do its job. Period.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

That is Lamar Alexander's opinion and his problem for not acting on it.

Just because he said, does not make it true.

It's not a reflection on Trump that Alexander doesn't have any balls.

And to OVERWHELMING....then why do you stupid asses keep saying you need witnesses.

Do you know what OVERWHELMING means ?
It took balls for any Republican Senator to be impartial and vote for and with the truth, that they all knew was the OVERWHELMING truth....

No Republican Senator had vote with the truth and the Law, THEY GAVE THOSE BALLS AWAY BEFORE THE TRIAL BEGAN and sealed the deal when they voted for no witnesses and no evidence to be presented in the trial...

the fear of The Wrath of Trump was too frightening for them....they were shakin' in their boots, ALL ball less....

except Romney,
but to you all, he's a useless piece of shit, RINO
Bullshit, no overwhelming truth other than you libtards are stupid.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

That is Lamar Alexander's opinion and his problem for not acting on it.

Just because he said, does not make it true.

It's not a reflection on Trump that Alexander doesn't have any balls.

And to OVERWHELMING....then why do you stupid asses keep saying you need witnesses.

Do you know what OVERWHELMING means ?
It took balls for any Republican Senator to be impartial and vote for and with the truth, that they all knew was the OVERWHELMING truth....

No Republican Senator had vote with the truth and the Law, THEY GAVE THOSE BALLS AWAY BEFORE THE TRIAL BEGAN and sealed the deal when they voted for no witnesses and no evidence to be presented in the trial...

the fear of The Wrath of Trump was too frightening for them....they were shakin' in their boots, ALL ball less....

except Romney,
but to you all, he's a useless piece of shit, RINO
I have REPEATEDLY ask you to list for us in any previous IMPEACHMENT the witnesses the Senate called that were NOT originally called by and interviewed by the HOUSE. I must assume your failure to do so means there have been NONE EVER. I will repeat for you, because you obviously are to stupid to have grasp it yet, even though I have posted it several times now,The HOUSE Investigates, they call witnesses and they gather evidence. They are tasked with that part of the Impeachment procedures. The Senate is task with hearing from the House managers all the charges , the House presents all the testimony and evidence they have gathered that support those charges. The ONLY time the Senate has EVER called a witness was when they wanted clarification from some witness the House had already interviewed. The Senate then votes on the individual charges.
Dude, you are banging your head against a retarded wall..........and you would get a more coherent response from that retarded wall.
I will not let her LIE repeatedly about how an Impeachment works. There may actually be people that read this stuff that do not know she is LYING.
I know she is lying. Anyone with a brain knows she is lying.

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