CNN Anchor Tells Nancy Pelosi That Trump Was Acquitted — She Interrupts, Claims He Wasn’t

Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

In a REAL trail with real juries the outcome would have been a hung jury. No acquittal, no conviction, no exoneration.

This was impeachment, not a court trial, so your post is irrelevant.


Not in the Public Domain, thinking, not biased and educated voters, watched the circus put on by Moscow Mitch, and how trump reacted when he was not removed from office:

  • Megalomania and vindictive actions to destroy those who testified against him while under oath (the dirt bag even fired the twin brother who had done nothing wrong)
  • Let's wait and see how the election plays out. My sense is the Senate will turn blue, and Speaker Pelosi will remain the leader in the H. or Rep.
  • Moscow Mitch will loss his seat and no longer be able to use his misfeasance, nonfeasance and malfeasance
  • And, even if trump wins, he will be the longest running lame duck in history.
And, when he has a complete mental breakdown, he will be removed from office when the 25th Amendment is invoked.

The House didn’t do its job. Period.
does that make Trump any less guilty?

Lamar Alexander R, says the evidence was OVERWHELMING and proved Trump was guilty as charged.... only Lamar's excuse is that he didn't want him removed and he'd rather let voters decide in November....

That is Lamar Alexander's opinion and his problem for not acting on it.

Just because he said, does not make it true.

It's not a reflection on Trump that Alexander doesn't have any balls.

And to OVERWHELMING....then why do you stupid asses keep saying you need witnesses.

Do you know what OVERWHELMING means ?
It took balls for any Republican Senator to be impartial and vote for and with the truth, that they all knew was the OVERWHELMING truth....

No Republican Senator had vote with the truth and the Law, THEY GAVE THOSE BALLS AWAY BEFORE THE TRIAL BEGAN and sealed the deal when they voted for no witnesses and no evidence to be presented in the trial...

the fear of The Wrath of Trump was too frightening for them....they were shakin' in their boots, ALL ball less....

except Romney,
but to you all, he's a useless piece of shit, RINO
The charges were bogus. Please vote for the Democrat candidate for President. They're gonna need every vote they can get.
there isn't much of a choice, but to vote for whomever that the dem candidate might be.... kinda like how yall felt about voting for Trump, because of Hillary fear....!
All Dems are commie idiots. Go Trump.
Nancy is correct, Trump wasn't acquitted...

'cause where Nancy lives in FarLeftWingerTopia the word "acquitted" doesn't mean the same thing that it does in the Universe that the rest of us inhabit.:dunno:
He didn't win the election either.


Winner that. They deny reality still and wonder why they keep losing. A lot of the reason is because they pretend that losing winning and so have to be satisfied with losing.
he did win the election, through the only means possible, the electoral college....

we object to people claiming he won ''we the people's vote'', because we the people, the so called popular vote, actually chose Clinton, well over and above Trump... ''We the people'' did not choose president Trump, ''we the people'' chose clinton over trump, by nearly 3 million votes...

we have merely a consolation prize....with winning the popular vote....

you, have a president.... that's all that truly counts.... we know that....
You still are to stupid to breed, it is not NOW and never has been the JOB of the senate to investigate the charges, they simply review the charges and evidence presented and rebutted by the House managers and the defense. Since the House does not call defense witnesses the Senate will usually allow the defense to call them but all it does for the prosecution is call witnesses already interviewed by the House for clarification. IT IS THE JOB OF THE HOUSE TO CALL WITNESSES AND GATHER EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE CHARGES THEY LEVEL against the President.
Hearing witnesses and evaluating evidence submitted in the trial IS THE JURY'S duty.

That is not investigating....that's what is expected in a trial.

LOL you damn retard. It is not the JOB of the JURY to call witnesses that is the defense and prosecutors job, you know the House and the defense lawyers. God you get stupider with every post.
you are partly mistaken....

yes the prosecution and defense request witnesses in an impeachment,

HOWEVER, Mitch's trial rules state that the Senators get to vote on if they will allow any witnesses at all, and if yes, then the senators get to vote on each and every witness called and whether to allow them to testify, and the rules did not permit any of the witnesses that testified during the house inquiry, to testify live, allowing the president's team to cross examine them....

The Trial was a complete SHAM, rgs, there's no way around it....

And yes, it is what it is.... he got his acquittal, come hell or high water.... and ya'll Cheer!!! Win, at all costs!!!

No matter the destruction of the rule of law, the destruction of our constitution, the destruction of equal branches of governmnt, with the destruction of the power of the House, the ONLY REPRESENTATION, ''We the People'' have in our govt.... which ultimately means... the destruction of all the founders believed in.... ''We are a Nation of Laws, not men...'' you all have seemed to have chosen the opposite of what they believed in,
and what we used to stand for...

This whole event, just gets added to the complete lawlessness and every day occurrences of the past 3 years, the whole thing is disheartening, and makes me realize, the USA really is not, what I imagined it was.... my entire life... :(

Bullshit and lies is all you have.
no, sadly, it really isn't....
Yep. 100% bullshit and lies.

you don’t fool anyone.
Im glad I visited again today. From whining that President Trump didnt really win the election to whining that he didnt really get acquitted.

No wonder Pinochet was driven to helicopters.

These people arent really human and you cant work with Marxists who are not only divorced from reality but convinced that you are insane for accepting reality. What was the first clue? When they said females could have penises? That should have been the tip off for everyone.

And when I was last here they were just moving from confidently predicting Trumps removal to groveling for "at least censure". Now its "he was really not acquitted".

Looking forward to chuckling and watching the screaming at the sky in November...and wondering if its little green men they will blame this time.
He was the savior of Chile:

it was the President that illegally held back first hand witnesses and direct evidence
FUCK YOU BITCH. Who do you think you are talking to, some grade school simpleton? NAME THE STATUTE LAW HE BROKE if it was illegal!!!

NAME THE STATUTE LAW HE BROKE if it was illegal!!!

You see Bitch, you cannot bullshit me. I'm in the process of reviewing hours of live testimony from the hearings right now to be reported on soon here in the future. THE EXACT CASE LAW was given during the Senate Trial stating right down to the precedent why all of Nancy's subpoenas were illegal, as agreed upon by the DOJ OLC. And that, as agreed upon by legal experts going back to 1819 and used by every president going back to Nixon and ever since, that the president's top advisors CANNOT BE COMPELLED to give congressional testimony because it would undermine their ability and all future advisors in their ability to give their president safe and effective advise on matters of national issues if they had to worry that their advice might later then become part of the public record. That was all explained and documented in great exhaustive detail during the trial which you somehow missed and I will be going back over it at some point in the near future in my own thread.

They claim the House was not allowed to oversea the President or executive branch.... we the people have no right to know any thing they are doing.... the President and admin and Cabinet is above the law.... lawless.

FUCK OFF, YOU STUPID WENCH. Yes, I know, Maxine Waters like you claimed that "impeachment is whatever they(Congress) says it is, that there is no law," fortunately, the Constitution does not agree with you. We do not have a Parliamentary system, the President DOES NOT serve at the pleasure of the Congress. We have three equal branches of government, and the Congress no more has the absolute power to take away the Executive's powers and privileges which the Law affords him to force him to do anything they want without Due Process, than the Executive has the power to force members of Congress to come to the WH and compel them to answer questions to him.

That is not an opinion, it is the SETTLED LAW as established by the top legal experts over the past +200 years, you DO NOT have a "right" to know anything they are doing, and I DARE YOU TO PRODUCE THE STATUTES which say otherwise.

The House Impeachment was a partisan JOKE designed to effect a predetermined outcome within a predetermined timetable (to railroad the president out of office to remove him from the 2020 ballot), dumped upon the body of the Senate and it was fortunately stopped there, not just for Trump's sake but for all future administrations.
Aside from you loosing your temper with the poster, I agree with your information concerning the facts of the matter. Trump was being railroaded, and everybody knows it even them. Nancy Pelosi knew it wouldn't work, and wanted nothing to do with it, but she succumbed to the pressures and followed the party into the fire. Now we see the spin machine working over time trying to hold out that they impeached Trump, they impeached Trump. LOL. If it wasn't so pitiful, it would be hilarious. No one's laughing anymore. Time to give Trump his deserved 4 more years, and work to fix things better and better. His popularity is soaring, and that's what Pelosi knew would happen, but the rookie side of her party overthrew her, and made her look like a washed up has been.
When Trump is reelected he is going to even be more busy then his first term. You Progs gave this man resolve.
He didn't win the election either.


Winner that. They deny reality still and wonder why they keep losing. A lot of the reason is because they pretend that losing winning and so have to be satisfied with losing.
he did win the election, through the only means possible, the electoral college....

we object to people claiming he won ''we the people's vote'', because we the people, the so called popular vote, actually chose Clinton, well over and above Trump... ''We the people'' did not choose president Trump, ''we the people'' chose clinton over trump, by nearly 3 million votes...

we have merely a consolation prize....with winning the popular vote....

you, have a president.... that's all that truly counts.... we know that....
Only in high population Dem strongholds with questionable vote totally. Trust me, the system worked like it was designed to do keeping the queen bitch out.
He didn't win the election either.


Winner that. They deny reality still and wonder why they keep losing. A lot of the reason is because they pretend that losing winning and so have to be satisfied with losing.
he did win the election, through the only means possible, the electoral college....

we object to people claiming he won ''we the people's vote'', because we the people, the so called popular vote, actually chose Clinton, well over and above Trump... ''We the people'' did not choose president Trump, ''we the people'' chose clinton over trump, by nearly 3 million votes...

we have merely a consolation prize....with winning the popular vote....

you, have a president.... that's all that truly counts.... we know that....
Only in high population Dem strongholds with questionable vote totally. Trust me, the system worked like it was designed to do keeping the queen bitch out.
people are people, the area they live, matters naught... the woman in Brooklyn's son can be sent off to war and killed just like the mother in Wyoming's son can be sent off to war and killed... the man in Jersey city has to pay the same federal income tax on the same taxable income as a man in South Dakota....

PEOPLE are affected by what our govt does, not vast areas of land or desserts or mountains...

the electoral college as our founders created was good, but it's been changed since then by most all states but 2, where the people within a State are disenfranchised on their federal presidential vote, when their state issues electors via WINNER TAKES ALL, instead of electors issued proportionately as a percentage of how their citizen voted. LONG STORY FOR ANOTHER THREAD.... :)
The House could have done the same, but did nothing for a month.
NONE of your concerns take his guilt away.

NONE of the would have, could have or should haves of what went on in the House prevented the Senate From accepting evidence and hearing witnesses.

I find it hard to even understand why anyone would not want to have justice served?
You still are to stupid to breed, it is not NOW and never has been the JOB of the senate to investigate the charges, they simply review the charges and evidence presented and rebutted by the House managers and the defense. Since the House does not call defense witnesses the Senate will usually allow the defense to call them but all it does for the prosecution is call witnesses already interviewed by the House for clarification. IT IS THE JOB OF THE HOUSE TO CALL WITNESSES AND GATHER EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE CHARGES THEY LEVEL against the President.
Hearing witnesses and evaluating evidence submitted in the trial IS THE JURY'S duty.

That is not investigating....that's what is expected in a trial.

LOL you damn retard. It is not the JOB of the JURY to call witnesses that is the defense and prosecutors job, you know the House and the defense lawyers. God you get stupider with every post.
you are partly mistaken....

yes the prosecution and defense request witnesses in an impeachment,

HOWEVER, Mitch's trial rules state that the Senators get to vote on if they will allow any witnesses at all, and if yes, then the senators get to vote on each and every witness called and whether to allow them to testify, and the rules did not permit any of the witnesses that testified during the house inquiry, to testify live, allowing the president's team to cross examine them....

The Trial was a complete SHAM, rgs, there's no way around it....

And yes, it is what it is.... he got his acquittal, come hell or high water.... and ya'll Cheer!!!
Winner, at all costs!!!

No matter the destruction of the rule of law, the destruction of our constitution, the destruction of equal branches of governmnt, with the destruction of the power of the House, the ONLY REPRESENTATION, ''We the People'' have in our govt.... which ultimately means... the destruction of all the founders believed in.... ''We are a Nation of Laws, not men...'' you all have seemed to have chosen the opposite of what they believed in,
and what we used to stand for...

This whole event, just gets added to the complete lawlessness and every day occurrences of the past 3 years, the whole thing is disheartening, and makes me realize, the USA really is not, what I imagined it was.... my entire life... :(
Look you RAGING LOON Take Clinton's Impeachment, 3 witnesses were called by the Senate, 3 . Why, because the Senators had questions about their testimony to the House. Be specific now and cite for me when all the witnesses were called by Clinton's defense team and all the prosecution witness by the House in the Clinton Impeachment.... I am about feed up with your abject IGNORANCE and LYING. The Senate does NOT TRY THE CASE they simply listen to the evidence presented by the House and the defense and render a verdict. GOD YOU ARE SO FUCKING CLUELESS it hurts.
The House could have done the same, but did nothing for a month.
NONE of your concerns take his guilt away.

NONE of the would have, could have or should haves of what went on in the House prevented the Senate From accepting evidence and hearing witnesses.

I find it hard to even understand why anyone would not want to have justice served?
You still are to stupid to breed, it is not NOW and never has been the JOB of the senate to investigate the charges, they simply review the charges and evidence presented and rebutted by the House managers and the defense. Since the House does not call defense witnesses the Senate will usually allow the defense to call them but all it does for the prosecution is call witnesses already interviewed by the House for clarification. IT IS THE JOB OF THE HOUSE TO CALL WITNESSES AND GATHER EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE CHARGES THEY LEVEL against the President.
Hearing witnesses and evaluating evidence submitted in the trial IS THE JURY'S duty.

That is not investigating....that's what is expected in a trial.

LOL you damn retard. It is not the JOB of the JURY to call witnesses that is the defense and prosecutors job, you know the House and the defense lawyers. God you get stupider with every post.
you are partly mistaken....

yes the prosecution and defense request witnesses in an impeachment,

HOWEVER, Mitch's trial rules state that the Senators get to vote on if they will allow any witnesses at all, and if yes, then the senators get to vote on each and every witness called and whether to allow them to testify, and the rules did not permit any of the witnesses that testified during the house inquiry, to testify live, allowing the president's team to cross examine them....

The Trial was a complete SHAM, rgs, there's no way around it....

And yes, it is what it is.... he got his acquittal, come hell or high water.... and ya'll Cheer!!!
Winner, at all costs!!!

No matter the destruction of the rule of law, the destruction of our constitution, the destruction of equal branches of governmnt, with the destruction of the power of the House, the ONLY REPRESENTATION, ''We the People'' have in our govt.... which ultimately means... the destruction of all the founders believed in.... ''We are a Nation of Laws, not men...'' you all have seemed to have chosen the opposite of what they believed in,
and what we used to stand for...

This whole event, just gets added to the complete lawlessness and every day occurrences of the past 3 years, the whole thing is disheartening, and makes me realize, the USA really is not, what I imagined it was.... my entire life... :(

Cry us a river.

You can't support any of your statements above.

The house had it's chance and blew it.

Then Jerry Nadless is stupid enough to come into the senate chambers and somehow think he is going to shame them into doing his job by saying in effect.....

"We didn't do our job, and if you don't make up for our is a coverup."

Please tell us more acquittal at all costs.

You pricks have been looking for an excuse to impeach Trump for the past 3+ years. Please deny that...or don't.
Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

In a REAL trail with real juries the outcome would have been a hung jury. No acquittal, no conviction, no exoneration.

This was impeachment, not a court trial, so your post is irrelevant.


Not in the Public Domain, thinking, not biased and educated voters, watched the circus put on by Moscow Mitch, and how trump reacted when he was not removed from office:

  • Megalomania and vindictive actions to destroy those who testified against him while under oath (the dirt bag even fired the twin brother who had done nothing wrong)
  • Let's wait and see how the election plays out. My sense is the Senate will turn blue, and Speaker Pelosi will remain the leader in the H. or Rep.
  • Moscow Mitch will loss his seat and no longer be able to use his misfeasance, nonfeasance and malfeasance
  • And, even if trump wins, he will be the longest running lame duck in history.
And, when he has a complete mental breakdown, he will be removed from office when the 25th Amendment is invoked.

Please offer up odds on each of your prognostications.

I'd be curious if you are really stupid enough to bet on them happening.
Can stupid be fixed? Of course stupid can be voted out in the most state that are active! The President was acquitted period. This drug addicted is a joke! Her agenda was destroyed
Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

In a REAL trail with real juries the outcome would have been a hung jury. No acquittal, no conviction, no exoneration.

This was impeachment, not a court trial, so your post is irrelevant.


Not in the Public Domain, thinking, not biased and educated voters, watched the circus put on by Moscow Mitch, and how trump reacted when he was not removed from office:

  • Megalomania and vindictive actions to destroy those who testified against him while under oath (the dirt bag even fired the twin brother who had done nothing wrong)
  • Let's wait and see how the election plays out. My sense is the Senate will turn blue, and Speaker Pelosi will remain the leader in the H. or Rep.
  • Moscow Mitch will loss his seat and no longer be able to use his misfeasance, nonfeasance and malfeasance
  • And, even if trump wins, he will be the longest running lame duck in history.
And, when he has a complete mental breakdown, he will be removed from office when the 25th Amendment is invoked.

Please offer up odds on each of your prognostications.

I'd be curious if you are really stupid enough to bet on them happening.

I don't bet on wishful thinking. Especially when reading posts by people like you, those who continue to support a megalomaniac; by 2024 we will be very lucky if we as a nation survive four more years of Trumpism.

Trump has not created the economic recovery which began six months into the first Obama Administration. This is one more of many of trumps BIG LIES.

Mexico has not paid for the Wall at our Southern Border. We, the American Taxpayers have paid to repair and replace an already existing wall (one of his new replacement walls fell in a wind storm, BTW); let us not also forget that the billions of money appropriated to improve military bases was taken by trump to try and build more sections of the wall.

He has alienated our allies in NATO, in Ukraine, our NATO Allies were left by him for their military to be attacked by the Russian Bear; in Syria he ordered out forces to fall back and protect an oil field, which left their base to Russian Forces and left the hegemony in the Middle East to Putin.

He failed miserably his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare on day one, and has not done anything but repeal a few parts of Obamacare which only served to deny needy citizens health care they cannot afford.

He has promised, since the tax fraud he signed has come into the light, that he will provide the middle class with a tax cut. What he says can never be believed, it has been reported that he has lied and mislead the public over 15,000 times since his inauguration.

He promised to cut the national debt, and during the last fiscal year he oversaw the deficit balloon to over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

I hope that this complete failure as president leads to a massive lose on Nov 3rd next. and hope to see the good people in Kentucky send McConnell home for good.
She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....

Wasted more time and money on that? [emoji1787]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump is INNOCENT.............Now is fixed for the MOONBAT leftist here.

He never did the so called crimes he was accused of..................Charges so Idiotic that they couldn't even name a REAL CRIME STATUTE to charge him with.

Now the Moonbats move back to Russia Russia a broken record.
Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

In a REAL trail with real juries the outcome would have been a hung jury. No acquittal, no conviction, no exoneration.

This was impeachment, not a court trial, so your post is irrelevant.


Not in the Public Domain, thinking, not biased and educated voters, watched the circus put on by Moscow Mitch, and how trump reacted when he was not removed from office:

  • Megalomania and vindictive actions to destroy those who testified against him while under oath (the dirt bag even fired the twin brother who had done nothing wrong)
  • Let's wait and see how the election plays out. My sense is the Senate will turn blue, and Speaker Pelosi will remain the leader in the H. or Rep.
  • Moscow Mitch will loss his seat and no longer be able to use his misfeasance, nonfeasance and malfeasance
  • And, even if trump wins, he will be the longest running lame duck in history.
And, when he has a complete mental breakdown, he will be removed from office when the 25th Amendment is invoked.

Please offer up odds on each of your prognostications.

I'd be curious if you are really stupid enough to bet on them happening.

I don't bet on wishful thinking. Especially when reading posts by people like you, those who continue to support a megalomaniac; by 2024 we will be very lucky if we as a nation survive four more years of Trumpism.

Trump has not created the economic recovery which began six months into the first Obama Administration. This is one more of many of trumps BIG LIES.

Mexico has not paid for the Wall at our Southern Border. We, the American Taxpayers have paid to repair and replace an already existing wall (one of his new replacement walls fell in a wind storm, BTW); let us not also forget that the billions of money appropriated to improve military bases was taken by trump to try and build more sections of the wall.

He has alienated our allies in NATO, in Ukraine, our NATO Allies were left by him for their military to be attacked by the Russian Bear; in Syria he ordered out forces to fall back and protect an oil field, which left their base to Russian Forces and left the hegemony in the Middle East to Putin.

He failed miserably his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare on day one, and has not done anything but repeal a few parts of Obamacare which only served to deny needy citizens health care they cannot afford.

He has promised, since the tax fraud he signed has come into the light, that he will provide the middle class with a tax cut. What he says can never be believed, it has been reported that he has lied and mislead the public over 15,000 times since his inauguration.

He promised to cut the national debt, and during the last fiscal year he oversaw the deficit balloon to over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

I hope that this complete failure as president leads to a massive lose on Nov 3rd next. and hope to see the good people in Kentucky send McConnell home for good.

Hey, who ever said that cleaning up the mess sick politicians had made for the last 30+ years would be purdy ?? :)

All I can say is that there is a new Sheriff in town, and his name is Trump.. MAGA.
Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

In a REAL trail with real juries the outcome would have been a hung jury. No acquittal, no conviction, no exoneration.

This was impeachment, not a court trial, so your post is irrelevant.


Not in the Public Domain, thinking, not biased and educated voters, watched the circus put on by Moscow Mitch, and how trump reacted when he was not removed from office:

  • Megalomania and vindictive actions to destroy those who testified against him while under oath (the dirt bag even fired the twin brother who had done nothing wrong)
  • Let's wait and see how the election plays out. My sense is the Senate will turn blue, and Speaker Pelosi will remain the leader in the H. or Rep.
  • Moscow Mitch will loss his seat and no longer be able to use his misfeasance, nonfeasance and malfeasance
  • And, even if trump wins, he will be the longest running lame duck in history.
And, when he has a complete mental breakdown, he will be removed from office when the 25th Amendment is invoked.

Please offer up odds on each of your prognostications.

I'd be curious if you are really stupid enough to bet on them happening.

I don't bet on wishful thinking. Especially when reading posts by people like you, those who continue to support a megalomaniac; by 2024 we will be very lucky if we as a nation survive four more years of Trumpism.

Trump has not created the economic recovery which began six months into the first Obama Administration. This is one more of many of trumps BIG LIES.

Mexico has not paid for the Wall at our Southern Border. We, the American Taxpayers have paid to repair and replace an already existing wall (one of his new replacement walls fell in a wind storm, BTW); let us not also forget that the billions of money appropriated to improve military bases was taken by trump to try and build more sections of the wall.

He has alienated our allies in NATO, in Ukraine, our NATO Allies were left by him for their military to be attacked by the Russian Bear; in Syria he ordered out forces to fall back and protect an oil field, which left their base to Russian Forces and left the hegemony in the Middle East to Putin.

He failed miserably his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare on day one, and has not done anything but repeal a few parts of Obamacare which only served to deny needy citizens health care they cannot afford.

He has promised, since the tax fraud he signed has come into the light, that he will provide the middle class with a tax cut. What he says can never be believed, it has been reported that he has lied and mislead the public over 15,000 times since his inauguration.

He promised to cut the national debt, and during the last fiscal year he oversaw the deficit balloon to over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

I hope that this complete failure as president leads to a massive lose on Nov 3rd next. and hope to see the good people in Kentucky send McConnell home for good.


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