CNN Anchor Tells Nancy Pelosi That Trump Was Acquitted — She Interrupts, Claims He Wasn’t


Not in the Public Domain, thinking, not biased and educated voters, watched the circus put on by Moscow Mitch, and how trump reacted when he was not removed from office:

  • Megalomania and vindictive actions to destroy those who testified against him while under oath (the dirt bag even fired the twin brother who had done nothing wrong)
  • Let's wait and see how the election plays out. My sense is the Senate will turn blue, and Speaker Pelosi will remain the leader in the H. or Rep.
  • Moscow Mitch will loss his seat and no longer be able to use his misfeasance, nonfeasance and malfeasance
  • And, even if trump wins, he will be the longest running lame duck in history.
And, when he has a complete mental breakdown, he will be removed from office when the 25th Amendment is invoked.

Please offer up odds on each of your prognostications.

I'd be curious if you are really stupid enough to bet on them happening.

I don't bet on wishful thinking. Especially when reading posts by people like you, those who continue to support a megalomaniac; by 2024 we will be very lucky if we as a nation survive four more years of Trumpism.

Trump has not created the economic recovery which began six months into the first Obama Administration. This is one more of many of trumps BIG LIES.

Mexico has not paid for the Wall at our Southern Border. We, the American Taxpayers have paid to repair and replace an already existing wall (one of his new replacement walls fell in a wind storm, BTW); let us not also forget that the billions of money appropriated to improve military bases was taken by trump to try and build more sections of the wall.

He has alienated our allies in NATO, in Ukraine, our NATO Allies were left by him for their military to be attacked by the Russian Bear; in Syria he ordered out forces to fall back and protect an oil field, which left their base to Russian Forces and left the hegemony in the Middle East to Putin.

He failed miserably his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare on day one, and has not done anything but repeal a few parts of Obamacare which only served to deny needy citizens health care they cannot afford.

He has promised, since the tax fraud he signed has come into the light, that he will provide the middle class with a tax cut. What he says can never be believed, it has been reported that he has lied and mislead the public over 15,000 times since his inauguration.

He promised to cut the national debt, and during the last fiscal year he oversaw the deficit balloon to over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

I hope that this complete failure as president leads to a massive lose on Nov 3rd next. and hope to see the good people in Kentucky send McConnell home for good.
Hey, who ever said that cleaning up the mess sick politicians had made for the last 30+ years would be purdy ?? :)

All I can say is that there is a new Sheriff in town, and his name is Trump.. MAGA.

Your sheriff is all for Law and Order, yet justice seems not to be on his agenda. Leading his biddable fools at rallies, all yelling, "lock her up" goes well beyond our system of jurisprudence, but I guess you don't care. Do you also salute your sheriff with a stiff right arm at 45 degrees and the palm of the right hand down? Seems so, metaphorically.
You got nothing but babbel in your rebuttal....What did somebody strike a nerve ? LOL.

We know who the anti-Americans are in this country, and it definitely ain't the Trump supporters.

"baggel"? The only nerve which struck me was attached to the funny bone. trump is not making america great, he has given Putin hegemony in the Middle East, Putin and Russia an advantage in their aggression in Ukraine and rearming offensive weapons, when the moron you support sabotaged the SALT protocols with his foolish rhetoric.

He, all by himself, created a deficit in the last fiscal year of a Trillion Dollars. Not exactly what he promised.

Please define who and what you believe are "un-Americans"?
We know who the anti-Americans are in this country, and it definitely ain't the Trump supporters.
It's "anti-American" for the prez to purge anyone from the government who tells the truth about him, investigated him, or reports to Congress that Putin is once again working to elect him.
LOL... Well then lock him up.. Oh wait you don't have a crime just like you didn't with the house impeachement bullcrap. LOL
Obstruction of a congressional investigation and of a special counsel investigation is a crime. He is guilty of both.
LOL you damn retard. It is not the JOB of the JURY to call witnesses that is the defense and prosecutors job, you know the House and the defense lawyers. God you get stupider with every post.
you are partly mistaken....

yes the prosecution and defense request witnesses in an impeachment,

HOWEVER, Mitch's trial rules state that the Senators get to vote on if they will allow any witnesses at all, and if yes, then the senators get to vote on each and every witness called and whether to allow them to testify, and the rules did not permit any of the witnesses that testified during the house inquiry, to testify live, allowing the president's team to cross examine them....

The Trial was a complete SHAM, rgs, there's no way around it....

And yes, it is what it is.... he got his acquittal, come hell or high water.... and ya'll Cheer!!!
Winner, at all costs!!!

No matter the destruction of the rule of law, the destruction of our constitution, the destruction of equal branches of governmnt, with the destruction of the power of the House, the ONLY REPRESENTATION, ''We the People'' have in our govt.... which ultimately means... the destruction of all the founders believed in.... ''We are a Nation of Laws, not men...'' you all have seemed to have chosen the opposite of what they believed in,
and what we used to stand for...

This whole event, just gets added to the complete lawlessness and every day occurrences of the past 3 years, the whole thing is disheartening, and makes me realize, the USA really is not, what I imagined it was.... my entire life... :(
Look you RAGING LOON Take Clinton's Impeachment, 3 witnesses were called by the Senate, 3 . Why, because the Senators had questions about their testimony to the House. Be specific now and cite for me when all the witnesses were called by Clinton's defense team and all the prosecution witness by the House in the Clinton Impeachment.... I am about feed up with your abject IGNORANCE and LYING. The Senate does NOT TRY THE CASE they simply listen to the evidence presented by the House and the defense and render a verdict. GOD YOU ARE SO FUCKING CLUELESS it hurts.
Calm down RGS, allow yourself to be wrong every once in a while, it won't be the end of the world.... we all make mistakes.

as I have explained to you before, EVERY IMPEACHMENT IS DIFFERENT, based on the circumstances

Clinton had a special prosecutor, Kenneth Starr doing all of the official investigating and had a grand jury.

Andrew Johnson, had a full trial, as our founders intended imo and was tried, with 41 witnesses before the Senators, in full public view, and if the Senators had questions after the witnesses were questioned by both the prosecutor and cross examination by the defense, the Senators also asked their questions of the witnesses, in FULL public view.

Trump's trial was a sham, because it had neither.

Are you saying that the House investigation was incomplete? Had the Senate called all the witnesses who testified to the House, asked them questions, then voted to acquit, would you have accepted the outcome, or are you in actuality demanding NEW witnesses?

Had the Senate called only new witnesses that put Joe Biden in a bad light, would you have accepted it, or are you in actuality demanding that only witnesses YOU approve of be called?

IOW, is it a sham only because you don't like the outcome? Final question, would you be complaining about the lack of witnesses had the Senate voted to convict? I predict you would have had absolutely no issue with that at all.
the trial was a SHAM because the lead Juror, Mitch McConnell, said he was NOT impartial as his Constitutional oath required, and said he was working with the Defendant's legal team hand in hand, to deliver a guaranteed acquittal by the Republicans in the Senate...

All the other things that were an absolute disgrace to justice, like not allowing new evidence that showed up after the indictment/after the Articles of impeachment, or new cooperative witnesses like Bolton, extend from Mitch's unconstitutional commitment to the Defense team and all of us in the public due to him saying this openly....that he would deliver an acquittal to the President... before the trial even began....and before the prosecutors and defense team, even presented their arguments..... made the trial a SHAM before it began.

Honestly, I know you and others would see it the same way I do, if this was a Democratic Majority leader of the Senate, saying this about a Democratic President being impeached, before the trial even began....
Obamacare website cost more than the wall will when completed.
Because Mexico will pay for the wall as promised?
Who cares who pays for it, just as long as it works when finished. Can't say that about Obama care though, because it still don't work after many so called finishes.
There is absolutely no evidence the wall will work, quite to the contrary. Don't you get it's just a physical embodiment of Trump's bigotry and a monument to his ignorance?
As for the ACA, we'll never know if it could have worked better than it already has given the GOP, now POT, sabotage of the bill since its inception.

Solid Majority Still Opposes New Construction on Border Wall
Solid Majority Still Opposes New Construction on Border Wall

Despite Republican efforts, ACA popularity reaches new high
Despite Republican efforts, ACA popularity reaches new high
Other than the wall around Obama’s home and the Israeli wall reducing terrorism by 98%?
Please offer up odds on each of your prognostications.

I'd be curious if you are really stupid enough to bet on them happening.

I don't bet on wishful thinking. Especially when reading posts by people like you, those who continue to support a megalomaniac; by 2024 we will be very lucky if we as a nation survive four more years of Trumpism.

Trump has not created the economic recovery which began six months into the first Obama Administration. This is one more of many of trumps BIG LIES.

Mexico has not paid for the Wall at our Southern Border. We, the American Taxpayers have paid to repair and replace an already existing wall (one of his new replacement walls fell in a wind storm, BTW); let us not also forget that the billions of money appropriated to improve military bases was taken by trump to try and build more sections of the wall.

He has alienated our allies in NATO, in Ukraine, our NATO Allies were left by him for their military to be attacked by the Russian Bear; in Syria he ordered out forces to fall back and protect an oil field, which left their base to Russian Forces and left the hegemony in the Middle East to Putin.

He failed miserably his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare on day one, and has not done anything but repeal a few parts of Obamacare which only served to deny needy citizens health care they cannot afford.

He has promised, since the tax fraud he signed has come into the light, that he will provide the middle class with a tax cut. What he says can never be believed, it has been reported that he has lied and mislead the public over 15,000 times since his inauguration.

He promised to cut the national debt, and during the last fiscal year he oversaw the deficit balloon to over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

I hope that this complete failure as president leads to a massive lose on Nov 3rd next. and hope to see the good people in Kentucky send McConnell home for good.
Hey, who ever said that cleaning up the mess sick politicians had made for the last 30+ years would be purdy ?? :)

All I can say is that there is a new Sheriff in town, and his name is Trump.. MAGA.

Your sheriff is all for Law and Order, yet justice seems not to be on his agenda. Leading his biddable fools at rallies, all yelling, "lock her up" goes well beyond our system of jurisprudence, but I guess you don't care. Do you also salute your sheriff with a stiff right arm at 45 degrees and the palm of the right hand down? Seems so, metaphorically.
You got nothing but babbel in your rebuttal....What did somebody strike a nerve ? LOL.

We know who the anti-Americans are in this country, and it definitely ain't the Trump supporters.

"baggel"? The only nerve which struck me was attached to the funny bond. trump is not making america great, he has given Putin hegemony in the Middle East, Putin and Russia an advantage in their aggression in Ukraine and rearming offensive weapons, when the moron you support sabotaged the SALT protocols with his foolish rhetoric.

Please define who and what you believe are "un-Americans"?
Un-Americans are who they are, and they know who they are by the words that they speak.
you are partly mistaken....

yes the prosecution and defense request witnesses in an impeachment,

HOWEVER, Mitch's trial rules state that the Senators get to vote on if they will allow any witnesses at all, and if yes, then the senators get to vote on each and every witness called and whether to allow them to testify, and the rules did not permit any of the witnesses that testified during the house inquiry, to testify live, allowing the president's team to cross examine them....

The Trial was a complete SHAM, rgs, there's no way around it....

And yes, it is what it is.... he got his acquittal, come hell or high water.... and ya'll Cheer!!!
Winner, at all costs!!!

No matter the destruction of the rule of law, the destruction of our constitution, the destruction of equal branches of governmnt, with the destruction of the power of the House, the ONLY REPRESENTATION, ''We the People'' have in our govt.... which ultimately means... the destruction of all the founders believed in.... ''We are a Nation of Laws, not men...'' you all have seemed to have chosen the opposite of what they believed in,
and what we used to stand for...

This whole event, just gets added to the complete lawlessness and every day occurrences of the past 3 years, the whole thing is disheartening, and makes me realize, the USA really is not, what I imagined it was.... my entire life... :(
Look you RAGING LOON Take Clinton's Impeachment, 3 witnesses were called by the Senate, 3 . Why, because the Senators had questions about their testimony to the House. Be specific now and cite for me when all the witnesses were called by Clinton's defense team and all the prosecution witness by the House in the Clinton Impeachment.... I am about feed up with your abject IGNORANCE and LYING. The Senate does NOT TRY THE CASE they simply listen to the evidence presented by the House and the defense and render a verdict. GOD YOU ARE SO FUCKING CLUELESS it hurts.
Calm down RGS, allow yourself to be wrong every once in a while, it won't be the end of the world.... we all make mistakes.

as I have explained to you before, EVERY IMPEACHMENT IS DIFFERENT, based on the circumstances

Clinton had a special prosecutor, Kenneth Starr doing all of the official investigating and had a grand jury.

Andrew Johnson, had a full trial, as our founders intended imo and was tried, with 41 witnesses before the Senators, in full public view, and if the Senators had questions after the witnesses were questioned by both the prosecutor and cross examination by the defense, the Senators also asked their questions of the witnesses, in FULL public view.

Trump's trial was a sham, because it had neither.

Are you saying that the House investigation was incomplete? Had the Senate called all the witnesses who testified to the House, asked them questions, then voted to acquit, would you have accepted the outcome, or are you in actuality demanding NEW witnesses?

Had the Senate called only new witnesses that put Joe Biden in a bad light, would you have accepted it, or are you in actuality demanding that only witnesses YOU approve of be called?

IOW, is it a sham only because you don't like the outcome? Final question, would you be complaining about the lack of witnesses had the Senate voted to convict? I predict you would have had absolutely no issue with that at all.
the trial was a SHAM because the lead Juror, Mitch McConnell, said he was NOT impartial as his Constitutional oath required, and said he was working with the Defendant's legal team hand in hand, to deliver a guaranteed acquittal by the Republicans in the Senate...

All the other things that were an absolute disgrace to justice, like not allowing new evidence that showed up after the indictment/after the Articles of impeachment, or new cooperative witnesses like Bolton, extend from Mitch's unconstitutional commitment to the Defense team and all of us in the public due to him saying this openly....that he would deliver an acquittal to the President... before the trial even began....and before the prosecutors and defense team, even presented their arguments..... made the trial a SHAM before it began.

Honestly, I know you and others would see it the same way I do, if this was a Democratic Majority leader of the Senate, saying this about a Democratic President being impeached, before the trial even began....
Democrats presented their partisan case unobstructed.

That’s why Trumps approval skyrocketed.
Hilarious. Flee Amerikkka while you still can.
That word salad doesn't address the issue at hand. Which is.........
It's "anti-American" for the prez to purge anyone from the government who tells the truth about him, investigated him, or reports to Congress that Putin is once again working to elect him.
We know who the anti-Americans are in this country, and it definitely ain't the Trump supporters.
It's "anti-American" for the prez to purge anyone from the government who tells the truth about him, investigated him, or reports to Congress that Putin is once again working to elect him.
LOL... Well then lock him up.. Oh wait you don't have a crime just like you didn't with the house impeachement bullcrap. LOL
Obstruction of a congressional investigation and of a special counsel investigation is a crime. He is guilty of both.
Well lock him up then.. Rotflmbo.
LOL you damn retard. It is not the JOB of the JURY to call witnesses that is the defense and prosecutors job, you know the House and the defense lawyers. God you get stupider with every post.
you are partly mistaken....

yes the prosecution and defense request witnesses in an impeachment,

HOWEVER, Mitch's trial rules state that the Senators get to vote on if they will allow any witnesses at all, and if yes, then the senators get to vote on each and every witness called and whether to allow them to testify, and the rules did not permit any of the witnesses that testified during the house inquiry, to testify live, allowing the president's team to cross examine them....

The Trial was a complete SHAM, rgs, there's no way around it....

And yes, it is what it is.... he got his acquittal, come hell or high water.... and ya'll Cheer!!!
Winner, at all costs!!!

No matter the destruction of the rule of law, the destruction of our constitution, the destruction of equal branches of governmnt, with the destruction of the power of the House, the ONLY REPRESENTATION, ''We the People'' have in our govt.... which ultimately means... the destruction of all the founders believed in.... ''We are a Nation of Laws, not men...'' you all have seemed to have chosen the opposite of what they believed in,
and what we used to stand for...

This whole event, just gets added to the complete lawlessness and every day occurrences of the past 3 years, the whole thing is disheartening, and makes me realize, the USA really is not, what I imagined it was.... my entire life... :(
Look you RAGING LOON Take Clinton's Impeachment, 3 witnesses were called by the Senate, 3 . Why, because the Senators had questions about their testimony to the House. Be specific now and cite for me when all the witnesses were called by Clinton's defense team and all the prosecution witness by the House in the Clinton Impeachment.... I am about feed up with your abject IGNORANCE and LYING. The Senate does NOT TRY THE CASE they simply listen to the evidence presented by the House and the defense and render a verdict. GOD YOU ARE SO FUCKING CLUELESS it hurts.
Calm down RGS, allow yourself to be wrong every once in a while, it won't be the end of the world.... we all make mistakes.

as I have explained to you before, EVERY IMPEACHMENT IS DIFFERENT, based on the circumstances

Clinton had a special prosecutor, Kenneth Starr doing all of the official investigating and had a grand jury.

Andrew Johnson, had a full trial, as our founders intended imo and was tried, with 41 witnesses before the Senators, in full public view, and if the Senators had questions after the witnesses were questioned by both the prosecutor and cross examination by the defense, the Senators also asked their questions of the witnesses, in FULL public view.

Trump's trial was a sham, because it had neither.

None of that excuses the House for not doing their job. The Constitution says the House investigates impeachment, not the Senate.

13 witnesses and over 2800 documents submitted. You keep lying about no witnesses or evidence. It isn't working.

That lie won't fly, get a new one.

I can't decide if you are really as stupid as your many posts suggest, or that you are an agitator in training and still can't pass muster as a successful one. Of course I might be correct on both counts.

Committee hearings are not trials. Anyone who is not stupid or willingly obtuse knows this. And, BTW, your comment is nothing more than an echo of so many others, please don't pretend you had an original thought. I know you don't have that ability.
Learn how the impeachment process is laid out in the Constitution, Moron.
Hilarious. Flee Amerikkka while you still can.
That word salad doesn't address the issue at hand. Which is.........
It's "anti-American" for the prez to purge anyone from the government who tells the truth about him, investigated him, or reports to Congress that Putin is once again working to elect him.
Cry me a River. All you Leftards are being purged and sent to the Gulags. Deal with it.
Cry me a River. All you Leftards are being purged and sent to the Gulags. Deal with it.
I see. So to justify the purge you now falsely accused all those effected of being "leftards?" That's what members of a cult say. You do know Maguire was appointed by Trump, right?
I don't bet on wishful thinking. Especially when reading posts by people like you, those who continue to support a megalomaniac; by 2024 we will be very lucky if we as a nation survive four more years of Trumpism.

Trump has not created the economic recovery which began six months into the first Obama Administration. This is one more of many of trumps BIG LIES.

Mexico has not paid for the Wall at our Southern Border. We, the American Taxpayers have paid to repair and replace an already existing wall (one of his new replacement walls fell in a wind storm, BTW); let us not also forget that the billions of money appropriated to improve military bases was taken by trump to try and build more sections of the wall.

He has alienated our allies in NATO, in Ukraine, our NATO Allies were left by him for their military to be attacked by the Russian Bear; in Syria he ordered out forces to fall back and protect an oil field, which left their base to Russian Forces and left the hegemony in the Middle East to Putin.

He failed miserably his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare on day one, and has not done anything but repeal a few parts of Obamacare which only served to deny needy citizens health care they cannot afford.

He has promised, since the tax fraud he signed has come into the light, that he will provide the middle class with a tax cut. What he says can never be believed, it has been reported that he has lied and mislead the public over 15,000 times since his inauguration.

He promised to cut the national debt, and during the last fiscal year he oversaw the deficit balloon to over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

I hope that this complete failure as president leads to a massive lose on Nov 3rd next. and hope to see the good people in Kentucky send McConnell home for good.
Hey, who ever said that cleaning up the mess sick politicians had made for the last 30+ years would be purdy ?? :)

All I can say is that there is a new Sheriff in town, and his name is Trump.. MAGA.

Your sheriff is all for Law and Order, yet justice seems not to be on his agenda. Leading his biddable fools at rallies, all yelling, "lock her up" goes well beyond our system of jurisprudence, but I guess you don't care. Do you also salute your sheriff with a stiff right arm at 45 degrees and the palm of the right hand down? Seems so, metaphorically.
You got nothing but babbel in your rebuttal....What did somebody strike a nerve ? LOL.

We know who the anti-Americans are in this country, and it definitely ain't the Trump supporters.

"baggel"? The only nerve which struck me was attached to the funny bond. trump is not making america great, he has given Putin hegemony in the Middle East, Putin and Russia an advantage in their aggression in Ukraine and rearming offensive weapons, when the moron you support sabotaged the SALT protocols with his foolish rhetoric.

Please define who and what you believe are "un-Americans"?

Un-Americans are who they are, and they know who they are by the words that they speak.

LOL, you used a word, a perjorative at that, and can't define it. Typical of a tumpanzee. Want me to define that pejorative?

I'll be happy to:

Someone who continues to support the trump administration with a "see no evil" closed mind:


This is how I see you, and others who continue to support trump.
Hey, who ever said that cleaning up the mess sick politicians had made for the last 30+ years would be purdy ?? :)

All I can say is that there is a new Sheriff in town, and his name is Trump.. MAGA.

Your sheriff is all for Law and Order, yet justice seems not to be on his agenda. Leading his biddable fools at rallies, all yelling, "lock her up" goes well beyond our system of jurisprudence, but I guess you don't care. Do you also salute your sheriff with a stiff right arm at 45 degrees and the palm of the right hand down? Seems so, metaphorically.
You got nothing but babbel in your rebuttal....What did somebody strike a nerve ? LOL.

We know who the anti-Americans are in this country, and it definitely ain't the Trump supporters.

"baggel"? The only nerve which struck me was attached to the funny bond. trump is not making america great, he has given Putin hegemony in the Middle East, Putin and Russia an advantage in their aggression in Ukraine and rearming offensive weapons, when the moron you support sabotaged the SALT protocols with his foolish rhetoric.

Please define who and what you believe are "un-Americans"?

Un-Americans are who they are, and they know who they are by the words that they speak.

LOL, you used a word, a perjorative at that, and can't define it. Typical of a tumpanzee. Want me to define that pejorative?

I'll be happy to:

Someone who continues to support the trump administration with a "see no evil" closed mind:


This is how I see you, and others who continue to support trump.
That's scary if you see me like that.
Your sheriff is all for Law and Order, yet justice seems not to be on his agenda. Leading his biddable fools at rallies, all yelling, "lock her up" goes well beyond our system of jurisprudence, but I guess you don't care. Do you also salute your sheriff with a stiff right arm at 45 degrees and the palm of the right hand down? Seems so, metaphorically.
You got nothing but babbel in your rebuttal....What did somebody strike a nerve ? LOL.

We know who the anti-Americans are in this country, and it definitely ain't the Trump supporters.

"baggel"? The only nerve which struck me was attached to the funny bond. trump is not making america great, he has given Putin hegemony in the Middle East, Putin and Russia an advantage in their aggression in Ukraine and rearming offensive weapons, when the moron you support sabotaged the SALT protocols with his foolish rhetoric.

Please define who and what you believe are "un-Americans"?

Un-Americans are who they are, and they know who they are by the words that they speak.

LOL, you used a word, a perjorative at that, and can't define it. Typical of a tumpanzee. Want me to define that pejorative?

I'll be happy to:

Someone who continues to support the trump administration with a "see no evil" closed mind:


This is how I see you, and others who continue to support trump.
That's scary if you see me like that.

If you are supporting trump that is exactly how I see you!
We know who the anti-Americans are in this country, and it definitely ain't the Trump supporters.
It's "anti-American" for the prez to purge anyone from the government who tells the truth about him, investigated him, or reports to Congress that Putin is once again working to elect him.
LOL... Well then lock him up.. Oh wait you don't have a crime just like you didn't with the house impeachement bullcrap. LOL
Obstruction of a congressional investigation and of a special counsel investigation is a crime. He is guilty of both.

We know who the anti-Americans are in this country, and it definitely ain't the Trump supporters.
It's "anti-American" for the prez to purge anyone from the government who tells the truth about him, investigated him, or reports to Congress that Putin is once again working to elect him.
LOL... Well then lock him up.. Oh wait you don't have a crime just like you didn't with the house impeachement bullcrap. LOL
Obstruction of a congressional investigation and of a special counsel investigation is a crime. He is guilty of both.
Obviously not.
you are partly mistaken....

yes the prosecution and defense request witnesses in an impeachment,

HOWEVER, Mitch's trial rules state that the Senators get to vote on if they will allow any witnesses at all, and if yes, then the senators get to vote on each and every witness called and whether to allow them to testify, and the rules did not permit any of the witnesses that testified during the house inquiry, to testify live, allowing the president's team to cross examine them....

The Trial was a complete SHAM, rgs, there's no way around it....

And yes, it is what it is.... he got his acquittal, come hell or high water.... and ya'll Cheer!!!
Winner, at all costs!!!

No matter the destruction of the rule of law, the destruction of our constitution, the destruction of equal branches of governmnt, with the destruction of the power of the House, the ONLY REPRESENTATION, ''We the People'' have in our govt.... which ultimately means... the destruction of all the founders believed in.... ''We are a Nation of Laws, not men...'' you all have seemed to have chosen the opposite of what they believed in,
and what we used to stand for...

This whole event, just gets added to the complete lawlessness and every day occurrences of the past 3 years, the whole thing is disheartening, and makes me realize, the USA really is not, what I imagined it was.... my entire life... :(
Look you RAGING LOON Take Clinton's Impeachment, 3 witnesses were called by the Senate, 3 . Why, because the Senators had questions about their testimony to the House. Be specific now and cite for me when all the witnesses were called by Clinton's defense team and all the prosecution witness by the House in the Clinton Impeachment.... I am about feed up with your abject IGNORANCE and LYING. The Senate does NOT TRY THE CASE they simply listen to the evidence presented by the House and the defense and render a verdict. GOD YOU ARE SO FUCKING CLUELESS it hurts.
Calm down RGS, allow yourself to be wrong every once in a while, it won't be the end of the world.... we all make mistakes.

as I have explained to you before, EVERY IMPEACHMENT IS DIFFERENT, based on the circumstances

Clinton had a special prosecutor, Kenneth Starr doing all of the official investigating and had a grand jury.

Andrew Johnson, had a full trial, as our founders intended imo and was tried, with 41 witnesses before the Senators, in full public view, and if the Senators had questions after the witnesses were questioned by both the prosecutor and cross examination by the defense, the Senators also asked their questions of the witnesses, in FULL public view.

Trump's trial was a sham, because it had neither.

Are you saying that the House investigation was incomplete? Had the Senate called all the witnesses who testified to the House, asked them questions, then voted to acquit, would you have accepted the outcome, or are you in actuality demanding NEW witnesses?

Had the Senate called only new witnesses that put Joe Biden in a bad light, would you have accepted it, or are you in actuality demanding that only witnesses YOU approve of be called?

IOW, is it a sham only because you don't like the outcome? Final question, would you be complaining about the lack of witnesses had the Senate voted to convict? I predict you would have had absolutely no issue with that at all.
the trial was a SHAM because the lead Juror, Mitch McConnell, said he was NOT impartial as his Constitutional oath required, and said he was working with the Defendant's legal team hand in hand, to deliver a guaranteed acquittal by the Republicans in the Senate...

All the other things that were an absolute disgrace to justice, like not allowing new evidence that showed up after the indictment/after the Articles of impeachment, or new cooperative witnesses like Bolton, extend from Mitch's unconstitutional commitment to the Defense team and all of us in the public due to him saying this openly....that he would deliver an acquittal to the President... before the trial even began....and before the prosecutors and defense team, even presented their arguments..... made the trial a SHAM before it began.

Honestly, I know you and others would see it the same way I do, if this was a Democratic Majority leader of the Senate, saying this about a Democratic President being impeached, before the trial even began....
Dimwingers in the Senate coordinated with Clinton during his trial.

You really are uninformed, and stupid.

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