CNN are asking President Trump to accept the hold-up and move on.


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
I never think that this could happen for this election a real fraud going on in front us.
That i know so far a did not go blind .
Because the night of the election President Trump had a comfortable lead and suddenly the counting stopped so that Biden would come and take everything the next morning.
They really think we’re idiots.

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The only people that watch CNN are simple minded imbeciles or those who are forced to in airports. Make flying great again and ground CNN.
I only catch CNN here in France i don"t have other American media just sadly the no good CNN.
The only people that watch CNN are simple minded imbeciles or those who are forced to in airports. Make flying great again and ground CNN.
It is a goo thing she does an watches our backs because there are a lot of us that o not watch it.
I never think that this could happen for this election a real fraud going on in front us.
That i know so far a did not go blind .
Because the night of the election President Trump had a comfortable lead and suddenly the counting stopped so that Biden would come and take everything the next morning.
They really think we’re idiots.

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America is in the middle of an ongoing coup against both Donald Trump and our ancient system of government. Everyone everywhere can see this happening in real time and the vultures are circling.
I don’t know if you noticed and think like me this election night was very strange I went to bed around 3.00 am French time and at that time Trump was well ahead and in the early morning again he was doing pretty good he had the Wisconsin , Michigan, Georgia, Penssylvania, North Carolina and To see after all his advance melt like snow in the sun!
I did not understand why all the votes were for Biden and it is not normal because the beginning of the election happened very differently, you agree with me?
I never think that this could happen for this election a real fraud going on in front us.
That i know so far a did not go blind .
Because the night of the election President Trump had a comfortable lead and suddenly the counting stopped so that Biden would come and take everything the next morning.
They really think we’re idiots.

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The thread premise is a lie – as ridiculous as it is wrong.
I only catch CNN here in France i don"t have other American media just sadly the no good CNN.

I used to use Daily Kos as my source for hard left viewpoints, but CNN has gone so far into the progressive tank that they are now the standard to be compared to.
I never think that this could happen for this election a real fraud going on in front us.
That i know so far a did not go blind .
Because the night of the election President Trump had a comfortable lead and suddenly the counting stopped so that Biden would come and take everything the next morning.
They really think we’re idiots.

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President Trump will move on. On to the Supreme Court.
I hope you are right;) Because someone had to be blind not to see what was going the night of the election President Trump was doing very well and Boom Big Freeze they stop counting the vote everyone notice that and Hiden came and take it all the day after.
This is why this election was a hold-up !
A link below:

Election Insanity: They Stop Counting Votes - Geller Report News

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