CNN Bias / Incompetence Blows Up In Their Face: Trump Fact-Checkers Found Fact-LESS

Is there anyone who can debunk Trump that you cannot smear?
I love how pointing out the actual FACTS CNN deliberately ignored is what you call 'smearing them'.


No, seriously Im asking...Is there anyone who can or will debunk Trump that you will not smear? Is anyones word good enough?
Someone point me to the Mainstream Media's fact checkers fact checking Hillary's speeches.

perhaps you should read more. she's been nothing but investigated for decades.

the problem is you whining wingers don't like reality.
damn, you don't care what lies you post,

It's 'cute' watching liberals so desperate because they can not produce any actual FACTS to defend their arguments or corrupt politicians having to resort to the weak-ass 'Oh, I declare your source is not valid because I said so.' It reminds me oh a catfish on a hook, how it wiggles and thrashes while making that whiny, grunting sound. :p

like I said, maybe you should stop posting proven lies from a site run by proven liars, troll boy,.
I don't have a clue about the drought. I have not looked up any information about the drought.

  1. a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall; a shortage of water resulting from this.
    synonyms: dry spell, lack of rain, shortage of water

When was the last time it rained in Cali?

9:23 a.m. EDT September 3, 2014

(Photo: Justin Sullivan, Getty Images)

California is in the third year of one of the state's worst droughts in the past century, one that's led to fierce wildfires, water shortages and restrictions, and potentially staggering agricultural losses.

The dryness in California is only part of a longer-term, 15-year drought across most of the Western USA, one that bioclimatologist Park Williams said is notable because "more area in the West has persistently been in drought during the past 15 years than in any other 15-year period since the 1150s and 1160s" — that's more than 850 years ago.

Very simple to understand and no need to study. Drought is prolonged periods without rain. Rain is water from the sky. California has had very little sky water over the past years.

Trump said there is no drought. Is he correct?
Is there anyone who can debunk Trump that you cannot smear?
I love how pointing out the actual FACTS CNN deliberately ignored is what you call 'smearing them'.


No, seriously Im asking...Is there anyone who can or will debunk Trump that you will not smear? Is anyones word good enough?
Someone point me to the Mainstream Media's fact checkers fact checking Hillary's speeches.

What allegations should they fact check and I'll search it
Someone point me to the Mainstream Media's fact checkers fact checking Hillary's speeches.

She addressed this in her press conference..... OH WAIT, she hasn't held a press conference in AGES!

Here's the good news, thanks to Trump Hillary's habitual LIES, corruption, and incompetence are being dragged out into the daylight for all the people to see and she will be destroyed once and for all. Then we will continue the march on liberals and liberalism destroying that blight on the country. They shot their bit fat lying filth mouths off one too many times so now its on. We are not going to bargain with them. We are not going to compromise with them. We are going to destroy them. It will be 100 years before they return to power if ever.
and? she's given plenty of interviews. your point?

Can you read? Did I say 'interviews'? I specifically said 'PRESS Conferences! It was reported just yesterday, and I provided the link in another thread (feel free to look it up), how reporters were openly LAUGHING at her for dodging and refusing to answer questions AGAIN!

Everyone knows Hillary doesn't do an appearance or an interview unless she has control of the discussion and questions....and she hasn't given a press conference reportedly in 145 days!

Thanks for proving you have no credibility.
like I said, maybe you should stop posting proven lies from a site run by proven liars, troll boy,.

1. YOU declaring a site is 'not valid' is like YOU calling someone a racist because they disagree with Barry's policies.

2. When Liberals resort to personal attacks and name-calling it is a sure sign they are out of intellectual ammo and have nothing more to contribute. It is a sign of 'surrender'.

I accept your surrender, Jill.

Have a nice weekend.
lol, the RWnuts lying about Trump's lying. The layers of dishonesty continue to pile up.
Et Tu, NYC?

The article clearly PROVES CNN omitted facts, lied their asses off, and in this instance what Trump said was proven, documented TRUTH. And in the face of such fact, the only ones defending Liars in this case are YOU, JILL, and CC.

I am not saying Trump has not lied and will not. I am just pointing out how CNN DELBERATELY LIED in an attempt to falsely smear CNN. If you guys don't have the courage, ethics, and integrity to admit that, that isn't my problem, It's yours..... Of course that would completely explain why you're so 'in the tank' for Hillary.
Is there anyone who can debunk Trump that you cannot smear?
I love how pointing out the actual FACTS CNN deliberately ignored is what you call 'smearing them'.


No, seriously Im asking...Is there anyone who can or will debunk Trump that you will not smear? Is anyones word good enough?
Someone point me to the Mainstream Media's fact checkers fact checking Hillary's speeches.

perhaps you should read more. she's been nothing but investigated for decades.

the problem is you whining wingers don't like reality.
Found it, too bad it isn't from the MSM though.
Home | Lying Crooked Hillary
Is there anyone who can debunk Trump that you cannot smear?
I love how pointing out the actual FACTS CNN deliberately ignored is what you call 'smearing them'.


No, seriously Im asking...Is there anyone who can or will debunk Trump that you will not smear? Is anyones word good enough?
Someone point me to the Mainstream Media's fact checkers fact checking Hillary's speeches.

What allegations should they fact check and I'll search it
One of these will work --> Home | Lying Crooked Hillary
LOL, anyone who thinks they can damage Trump fact checking should probably take another look and try to understand why there is such a wealth of information available to them. Donald Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.

Is there anyone who can debunk Trump that you cannot smear?
I love how pointing out the actual FACTS CNN deliberately ignored is what you call 'smearing them'.


Have you ever brought up "FACTS" on Breibarts documented diliberate falsehoods.
Let me think,,,,,no!
Easyt65 again uses a proven lying talking point resource, what a surprise. No wonder "credibility" isn't your middle name, Gomer.
Is there anyone who can debunk Trump that you cannot smear?
I love how pointing out the actual FACTS CNN deliberately ignored is what you call 'smearing them'.


No, seriously Im asking...Is there anyone who can or will debunk Trump that you will not smear? Is anyones word good enough?
Someone point me to the Mainstream Media's fact checkers fact checking Hillary's speeches.

perhaps you should read more. she's been nothing but investigated for decades.

the problem is you whining wingers don't like reality.
She has had a problem,not getting herself in trouble for a long time.her actions have brought the attention.
A thinking person would question someone that has 30 years worth of investigations.
LOL, anyone who thinks they can damage Trump fact checking should probably take another look and try to understand why there is such a wealth of information available to them. Donald Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.

PoliticusUSA? I'll bet you think that's credible evidence.
LOL, anyone who thinks they can damage Trump fact checking should probably take another look and try to understand why there is such a wealth of information available to them. Donald Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.

PoliticusUSA? I'll bet you think that's credible evidence.

That's from Politifact and it doesn't matter since just about every media outfit has come to the same conclusion, Trump is a pathological liar.
LOL, anyone who thinks they can damage Trump fact checking should probably take another look and try to understand why there is such a wealth of information available to them. Donald Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.

PoliticusUSA? I'll bet you think that's credible evidence.

That's from Politifact and it doesn't matter since just about every media outfit has come to the same conclusion, Trump is a pathological liar.

You linked to the site PoliticusUSA. There you will find subjects being discussed such as "Proof of the GOP War on Women." Yeah, that's a credible impartial site.

You mean every gang of leftwing propaganda mongers has reached the same conclusion? Who could have predicted that?

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