CNN BREAKING: Moderate House Republicans revolt

Oh give me a break. Grow up with you?

One day you're going on and on about how the Tea Party is crushed and obsolete and now you're blathering on about how big and bad and threatening the Tea Party is.

It was an open vote and the R's voted on behalf of their constituents and fulfilled their campaign promises.

Plain and simple.

The R's did NOT vote on behalf of their constituents....74% of the Nation is AGAINST using the shutdown to defund/delay ACA. If 74% of the public is against this plan then you are NOT representing your constituents at all rather you're acting in your own personal interest.

Just because they don't support ACA doesn't mean they support shutting down the government.

Oh bite me.

Show me one poll of registered Republican voters who are pro Obamacare.

I don't give a flying fuck about any national poll that surveys 18 to 100 year olds who don't even vote or who aren't registered with a party.

That methodology is sheer and unadulterated bullshit.

And that's the type of garbage that your media gives you to regurgitate on message boards.

To anyone who knows how to read polls we know that type of methodology is used as propaganda.
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President Obama took the words right out of my mouth.

Let us know when the hostage crisis is over......:lmao:

If we're lucky the Republican Tea Party will hold out much longer than just a few days... give them enough rope.

I guess you didn't get the memo kidrocks.

It's been reported that the DNC is broke. You should be worried about your own party instead of Tea Partiers.

I just saw that, too. Maybe there's hope.

No democrat wants a shutdown, and with luck enough sane republicans want the same.

With hope, common sense Republicans will stand up and say "I am sick of being forced into positions harmful to my country because of the small radical fringe of the party"

King and Dent tried that last night. Two reps.

The rest of the party disagreed with them. :)
I just saw that, too. Maybe there's hope.

No democrat wants a shutdown, and with luck enough sane republicans want the same.

Interestingly enough, what is the rationale for Obama delaying the employer mandate but not the individual mandate? How is it he can delay the law but Congress can't do it as part of it's constitutionally granted authority?

Explain that logic to me if you please.

Dear TemplarKormac: If Luddly or one other proACA prochoice liberal will team up with Sallow, can you and either me or Kaz challenge them to a head to head bullring debate.

And ask which question can they explain first
A. how can you justify being prochoice and against federal govt mandating either fines penalties or taxes on people for wanting the "free choice of abortion"
but fining/taxing people for wanting a "free choice of health care alternatives" other than mandated insurance or fines/taxes to federal govt.
B. how can Obama delay the employer mandates (and/or also justify exemptions for large interest groups) while blocking delay of the individual mandates and blame that on others?

Kaz: do you want to refine the questions?
can we pick 1-3 points and give these supporters of ACA a "choice" of
which they care to explain first?

What two players against what two players?
Can we set it up that players can get help from teammates or not?
I just want to see the answers, I don't care whom they come from!
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King and Dent tried that last night. Two reps.

The rest of the party disagreed with them.

They are the 2 that publically announced they were voting for a clean CR. There are others they just didn't want to say it to the public
Oh give me a break. Grow up with you?

One day you're going on and on about how the Tea Party is crushed and obsolete and now you're blathering on about how big and bad and threatening the Tea Party is.

It was an open vote and the R's voted on behalf of their constituents and fulfilled their campaign promises.

Plain and simple.

The R's did NOT vote on behalf of their constituents....74% of the Nation is AGAINST using the shutdown to defund/delay ACA. If 74% of the public is against this plan then you are NOT representing your constituents at all rather you're acting in your own personal interest.

Just because they don't support ACA doesn't mean they support shutting down the government.

Oh bite me.

Show me one poll of registered Republican voters who are pro Obamacare.

I don't give a flying fuck about any national poll that surveys 18 to 100 year olds who don't even vote or who aren't registered with a party.

That methodology is sheer and unadulterated bullshit.

And that's the type of garbage that your media gives you to regurgitate on message boards.

To anyone who knows how to read polls we know that type of methodology is used as propaganda. sound just like the guy that made!! Read what you wrote and then read what the unskewed guy wrote about 2012 polls. HAHA!

We know how well unskewedpolls turned out to be, let's see how right you are.
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King and Dent tried that last night. Two reps.

The rest of the party disagreed with them.

They are the 2 that publically announced they were voting for a clean CR. There are others they just didn't want to say it to the public

Why not?

If the public is so against a shutdown, and blames the republicans, why would any republican be afraid of saying so?

Because they are afraid that next election they will pay for it.
King and Dent tried that last night. Two reps.

The rest of the party disagreed with them.

They are the 2 that publically announced they were voting for a clean CR. There are others they just didn't want to say it to the public

Why not?

If the public is so against a shutdown, and blames the republicans, why would any republican be afraid of saying so?

Because they are afraid that next election they will pay for it.

Because 10% of their district voters are TPM, who will de-elect them in a primary. Obama and Reid are having a ball because the gop has put itself in the position of EiITHER having gop house members shut down the govt over obamacare, which is unpopular with even some gopers who are not TPM, OR voting for a CR and invoking the wrath of the TPM
Pubs- Party, money, and me first every time, a disgrace.

Oh, I disagree. I share some of the TP's frustration of unrestrained spending from 2000-2008, and while some of Obama's deficits were tied to the recession, he still has been less than willing to make cuts to future increased spending ... without actually being forced to.

However, this whole sorry episode really illustrates ,even more than Newt's shutdown, that trying to force the other side to eat the shite sandwich w/o any compromise, just doesn't work in a representative, two party, democracy.
Kinda crazy people on the left are actually "cheering" for certain Republicans...really shows what a mess that party is.

Imagine different people thinking differently. Something a liberal can't comprehend.

Well, yeah, some republicans are actually realizing this threat shouting and blackmailing is a really stupid and idiotic idea and want out of it.

The Democrats are holding very firm on their position though, hmm....really tells you something.

Yes, it tells you which side is actually willing to negotiate.

The republicans have sent, what, 3 different versions of their budget to the senate? The senate's come back with. . . "Fuck you! No cuts! Clean CR!" every time.

I'm having a hard time seeing how the Republicans are the ones being unreasonable, here.
Imagine different people thinking differently. Something a liberal can't comprehend.

Well, yeah, some republicans are actually realizing this threat shouting and blackmailing is a really stupid and idiotic idea and want out of it.

The Democrats are holding very firm on their position though, hmm....really tells you something.

Yes, it tells you which side is actually willing to negotiate.

The republicans have sent, what, 3 different versions of their budget to the senate? The senate's come back with. . . "Fuck you! No cuts! Clean CR!" every time.

I'm having a hard time seeing how the Republicans are the ones being unreasonable, here.

It's quite simple...the ACA shouldn't be negotiated. It's a law already in effect.
Well, yeah, some republicans are actually realizing this threat shouting and blackmailing is a really stupid and idiotic idea and want out of it.

The Democrats are holding very firm on their position though, hmm....really tells you something.

Yes, it tells you which side is actually willing to negotiate.

The republicans have sent, what, 3 different versions of their budget to the senate? The senate's come back with. . . "Fuck you! No cuts! Clean CR!" every time.

I'm having a hard time seeing how the Republicans are the ones being unreasonable, here.

It's quite simple...the ACA shouldn't be negotiated. It's a law already in effect.

Everything in the budget is laws already in effect. The idea of making spending cuts means negotiating the amount of money distributed to laws already in effect.

Try again.

On top of that, what did the Dems suggest we cut in stead of Obamacare once it was established that the congress wasn't going with the clean CR idea?

Oh yeah, nothing. Just resubmit the same request. Definition of insanity, anyone?
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They are the 2 that publically announced they were voting for a clean CR. There are others they just didn't want to say it to the public

Why not?

If the public is so against a shutdown, and blames the republicans, why would any republican be afraid of saying so?

Because they are afraid that next election they will pay for it.

Because 10% of their district voters are TPM, who will de-elect them in a primary. Obama and Reid are having a ball because the gop has put itself in the position of EiITHER having gop house members shut down the govt over obamacare, which is unpopular with even some gopers who are not TPM, OR voting for a CR and invoking the wrath of the TPM

More than 10% will deelect them. If they want to keep their offices, they will stand firm against the enemy.
I guess you didn't get the memo kidrocks.

It's been reported that the DNC is broke. You should be worried about your own party instead of Tea Partiers.


DNC is broke? That's news to me. Care to elaborate?

The Democratic National Committee is nearly broke - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blogTerm Sheet

The DNC Goes Broke | FrontPage Magazine

While Americans are focused on a government shutdown precipitated in large part by America’s debt crisis, the fundraising arm of the party that advocates spending trillions of dollars in borrowed money has a debt crisis of its own. As a result of spending during the 2012 election campaign, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is nearly broke, even as it struggles to pay its own vendors.

The numbers paint a bleak picture. At the end of May, the DNC had $6 million in cash and $19.8 million in debt, and was paying off its bills at a rate of less than $1 million per month.

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