CNN BREAKING: Moderate House Republicans revolt

It would be terrible for us on the world market to shut down. The left-wingers agree, the center-left and now what's left of the center-right agree, but it looks like we've got a shutdown on the way courtesy of assholes on the far-right who think a 27 yr-old should not be allowed basic health coverage while they pass only the best government health coverage for themselves.

The people who think it's Obama and his people who are fascist really need to look themselves in the mirror.

Feingold Gets Town-Hall Fury Over ObamaCare | NewsReal Blog

Feingold Gets Town-Hall Fury Over ObamaCare
Posted on January 12 2010

Both Politico and local ABC affiliate WISN bury the lede a bit in their coverage of a town-hall meeting conducted by Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) in Milwaukee. It’s understandable, as the controversy over racially-charged comments by Harry Reid are leading the political news these days. More significant, though, is the fact that Democrats are still facing town-hall fury over ObamaCare — even presumably safe Democrats like Feingold.

I'd say republicans feel it is their duty to represent their districts, no matter how misguided it may be. Who remembers all the town hall meetings there were before Obamacare passed on Christmas eve?

Obamacare Was Passed with Partisan Politics and by Trading Votes for Favors | Founding Fathers Know Best
Well, it is all but over. Everyone reports to work tomorrow, but only to change your voicemail message, retrieve your coffee cups, and pack your other essential items into a cardboard box to take to your car. You can't leave town, because you could be called back at any time, as soon as the republicans sober up. In the meantime, spend some time with you wife, kick back, turn on the sports channel, get caught up on your "honey do" list, and rest assured that you will be paid anyway. Be gone by noon, and be aware that you will be fired if you work from home.

This is the Tea Party's idea of being "fiscally responsible".
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Both Quotes Spot on. Bachmann a loon and David Scott is correct

Is he correct? Is everyone that opposes Obamacare just opposing it because they hate the president?

Fuck yeah, another psychic introducing me to myself. Here I thought I opposed it for the reasons I stated in my response to Interpol a minute ago. Nope.

Apparently I want people to die and I hate the president. I guess when I voted for him in '08 I didn't realize I was a racist misanthrope yet.

Thats all you got? That goofy "not everyone" dodge? I'm sure you know when people speak they dont speak in absolutes. Right Einstein? If I said birds fly would you put up a fuss on behalf of the ostrich dummy?

Ok, so I hit a nerve obviously and all you have is sarcastic "banter" you think is cutting edge...try harder

Try harder? LMFAO!

Your entire argument is that republicans hate people and you're gonna criticize me for not posting anything more than sarcastic banter? HAHAHAHAHA! You're choosing to ignore every argument that anyone has actually verbalized and just make assumptions. Whether it's absolute or not, I can tell you what it ain't. . . .

Worthy of actual debate ;)

Just figured I'd respond to a couple of meaningless posts with a couple of meaningless posts of my own. Grats on making the list!
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Well, it is all but over. Everyone reports to work tomorrow, but only to change your voicemail message, retrieve your coffee cups, and pack your other essential items into a cardboard box to take to your car. You can't leave town, because you could be called back at any time, as soon as the republicans sober up. In the meantime, spend some time with you wife, kick back, turn on the sports channel, get caught up on your "honey do" list, and rest assured that you will be paid anyway. Be gone by noon, and be aware that you will be fired if you work from home.

This is the Tea Party's idea of being "fiscally responsible".

Are there no single people or heterosexual women working for the government?
Well, it is all but over. Everyone reports to work tomorrow, but only to change your voicemail message, retrieve your coffee cups, and pack your other essential items into a cardboard box to take to your car. You can't leave town, because you could be called back at any time, as soon as the republicans sober up. In the meantime, spend some time with you wife, kick back, turn on the sports channel, get caught up on your "honey do" list, and rest assured that you will be paid anyway. Be gone by noon, and be aware that you will be fired if you work from home.

This is the Tea Party's idea of being "fiscally responsible".

Are there no single people or heterosexual women working for the government?

Why yes! I am glad you asked! Here is what they are doing!

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How's that revolt going? Lol

They tried, were shot down by the Tea Party, congratulations! Congress's approval ratings (10%) are at an all time low today. Just you wait until tomorrow. There will be blood. The tail is wagging the dog.
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How's that revolt going? Lol

They tried, were shot down by the Tea Party, congratulations! Congress's approval ratings (10%) are at an all time low today. Just you wait until tomorrow. There will be blood.

The blood has already been spilled. It's called our wallets. Fuck all those thieves in DC.

It's Republican vs Republican now and yes, more blood will be spilled.

(pass the popcorn please)
How's that revolt going? Lol

They tried, were shot down by the Tea Party, congratulations! Congress's approval ratings (10%) are at an all time low today. Just you wait until tomorrow. There will be blood. The tail is wagging the dog.

No one shot them down liar. I have a thread up on it. The revolt never got started.

King and Dent couldn't get anyone to join them.


Another asshole thread by you. I love it. Epic fail.

Oh and I just have to ask who's going to spill who's blood? Too funny.
How's that revolt going? Lol

They tried, were shot down by the Tea Party, congratulations! Congress's approval ratings (10%) are at an all time low today. Just you wait until tomorrow. There will be blood. The tail is wagging the dog.

No one shot them down liar. I have a thread up on it. The revolt never got started.

King and Dent couldn't get anyone to join them.


Another asshole thread by you. I love it. Epic fail.

Oh and I just have to ask who's going to spill who's blood? Too funny.

The underlying threat of the Tea Party is always there, just you ask the disposed members of the GOP who dared oppose them. Those that survive that onslaught have Rush Limbaugh to answer to. Submission is the only alternative in order to survive the wrath of the Tea Party. Submit or die... politically. There's your blood.
How's that revolt going? Lol

They tried, were shot down by the Tea Party, congratulations! Congress's approval ratings (10%) are at an all time low today. Just you wait until tomorrow. There will be blood. The tail is wagging the dog.

No one shot them down liar. I have a thread up on it. The revolt never got started.

King and Dent couldn't get anyone to join them.


Another asshole thread by you. I love it. Epic fail.

Oh and I just have to ask who's going to spill who's blood? Too funny.

The revolt never got started because the Communist Tea Party does not allow dissension amongst their own. Carry on comrades.
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WOW! Boehner just spoke. Very, very briefly.

Boehner looked dejected. Boehner looked lost. Boehner looked very unhappy. Boehner looked defeated.

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