CNN BREAKING: Moderate House Republicans revolt

“We’re very excited,” said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). “It’s exactly what we wanted, and we got it.”

On cusp of shutdown, House conservatives excited, say they are doing the right thing - The Washington Post

“Your hate for this president is coming before your love of this country, because if you love this country you would not be closing it down.”

-Rep. David Scott, D-Ga

Both Quotes Spot on. Bachmann a loon and David Scott is correct

So, did you think Obama was correct when he called Bush "unpatriotic"? Of course not. That only works one way with you.

This sums up the situation nicely -
"We have people in the conference, I believe, who'd be just as happy to have the government shutdown," King said. "They live in these narrow echochambers. They listen to themselves and their tea party friends. That keeps them going, forgetting that the rest of the country thinks we're crazy."

You know that's the same Rep. King of New York that the Democrats bash every week for his anti Muslim rhetoric, right?

He is also pro NSA surveillance and in favor of attacking Syria...

No wonder you love him...
“Your hate for this president is coming before your love of this country, because if you love this country you would not be closing it down.”

-Rep. David Scott, D-Ga

Both Quotes Spot on. Bachmann a loon and David Scott is correct

Is he correct? Is everyone that opposes Obamacare just opposing it because they hate the president?

Fuck yeah, another psychic introducing me to myself. Here I thought I opposed it for the reasons I stated in my response to Interpol a minute ago. Nope.

Apparently I want people to die and I hate the president. I guess when I voted for him in '08 I didn't realize I was a racist misanthrope yet.

Thats all you got? That goofy "not everyone" dodge? I'm sure you know when people speak they dont speak in absolutes. Right Einstein? If I said birds fly would you put up a fuss on behalf of the ostrich dummy?

Ok, so I hit a nerve obviously and all you have is sarcastic "banter" you think is cutting edge...try harder
It would be terrible for us on the world market to shut down. The left-wingers agree, the center-left and now what's left of the center-right agree, but it looks like we've got a shutdown on the way courtesy of assholes on the far-right who think a 27 yr-old should not be allowed basic health coverage while they pass only the best government health coverage for themselves.

The people who think it's Obama and his people who are fascist really need to look themselves in the mirror.

You assholes keep saying that this has been brought about by only the tea party extremists.

It's a lie. Every R with the exception of 2 from NY State voted to keep the government open and delay Obamacare.

2 D's voted with the R's.

Stop your lying.
People really are sick of these 11th hour threats whatever the Republican crisis of the day is.

Bill Maher was saying on his first show this season that Michelle Obama is suggesting that Americans hydrate more, drink more water. The Republicans came out against that. So now it isn't water anymore it's socialism juice.

It isn't really funny, but then again, it really is.

I heard about a Moderate objection to shutting down the government earlier but I wasn't counting on them following through. It's getting real hard to find any fucks to give anymore.

you seriously think that anybody sane enough takes maher for real? he is a hateful leftard loon and for your side he might be a prophet but you look ridiculous citing him in all that awe as if his opinion matters. :cuckoo:
To put it to some perspective for you - it is as if you are citing Sean Hannity, though it is not even fair to him, since he is much more sensible than this unhinged librul :D
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“Your hate for this president is coming before your love of this country, because if you love this country you would not be closing it down.”

-Rep. David Scott, D-Ga

Both Quotes Spot on. Bachmann a loon and David Scott is correct

So, did you think Obama was correct when he called Bush "unpatriotic"? Of course not. That only works one way with you.

Are you talking about your own quote or what?
I have a great idea!!!

Let the House vote on the Senate bill.

what are you guys afraid of? democracy?

They just did you idiot.
Funny how the Senate hasn't brought anything up for a vote from the House.

What are they afraid of?

They aren't afraid. Reid made a statement earlier:

Reid issued a statement before the House voted, saying in part:

"To be absolutely clear, the Senate will reject both the one-year delay of the Affordable Care Act and the repeal of the medical device tax. After weeks of futile political games from Republicans, we are still at square one: Republicans must decide whether to pass the Senate's clean CR, or force a Republican government shutdown."

House Ties Government Funding To One-Year Obamacare Delay : The Two-Way : NPR

Nobody's afraid of the Teaparty. You should know that by now. Lol
People really are sick of these 11th hour threats whatever the Republican crisis of the day is.

Bill Maher was saying on his first show this season that Michelle Obama is suggesting that Americans hydrate more, drink more water. The Republicans came out against that. So now it isn't water anymore it's socialism juice.

It isn't really funny, but then again, it really is.

I heard about a Moderate objection to shutting down the government earlier but I wasn't counting on them following through. It's getting real hard to find any fucks to give anymore.

Its their new Freedom Fries. Remember that? Republicans man....sheesh
It would be terrible for us on the world market to shut down. The left-wingers agree, the center-left and now what's left of the center-right agree, but it looks like we've got a shutdown on the way courtesy of assholes on the far-right who think a 27 yr-old should not be allowed basic health coverage while they pass only the best government health coverage for themselves.

The people who think it's Obama and his people who are fascist really need to look themselves in the mirror.

You assholes keep saying that this has been brought about by only the tea party extremists.

It's a lie. Every R with the exception of 2 from NY State voted to keep the government open and delay Obamacare.

2 D's voted with the R's.

Stop your lying.

yes and you bought into the drama hook line and sinker because you are a partisan moron
I have a great idea!!!

Let the House vote on the Senate bill.

what are you guys afraid of? democracy?

This is what happens when you let the Congress make their own rules. Each House of Congress should have to consider and vote on the work of the other.

Stop these games.

Just curious. . . when Harry Reid won't let the Republicans' measures out of the congress go to vote on the senate floor, do you feel equally frustrated?

Or ultimately are you just in favor of whatever set of rules facilitates the laws you want passed at any given time?
Both Quotes Spot on. Bachmann a loon and David Scott is correct

So, did you think Obama was correct when he called Bush "unpatriotic"? Of course not. That only works one way with you.

Are you talking about your own quote or what?

Can you read or what? Scott basically called Republicans "unpatriotic" for wanting to repeal or delay Obamacare.

Reading Comprehension 101, thanks for playing.
They just did you idiot.
Funny how the Senate hasn't brought anything up for a vote from the House.

What are they afraid of?

They aren't afraid. Reid made a statement earlier:

Reid issued a statement before the House voted, saying in part:

"To be absolutely clear, the Senate will reject both the one-year delay of the Affordable Care Act and the repeal of the medical device tax. After weeks of futile political games from Republicans, we are still at square one: Republicans must decide whether to pass the Senate's clean CR, or force a Republican government shutdown."

House Ties Government Funding To One-Year Obamacare Delay : The Two-Way : NPR

Nobody's afraid of the Teaparty. You should know that by now. Lol

Then why is he rejecting bills to fund the government? Three times now.
It would be terrible for us on the world market to shut down. The left-wingers agree, the center-left and now what's left of the center-right agree, but it looks like we've got a shutdown on the way courtesy of assholes on the far-right who think a 27 yr-old should not be allowed basic health coverage while they pass only the best government health coverage for themselves.

The people who think it's Obama and his people who are fascist really need to look themselves in the mirror.

You assholes keep saying that this has been brought about by only the tea party extremists.

It's a lie. Every R with the exception of 2 from NY State voted to keep the government open and delay Obamacare.

2 D's voted with the R's.

Stop your lying.

yes and you bought into the drama hook line and sinker because you are a partisan moron

Look who's talking? You freaking partisan hack.
You assholes keep saying that this has been brought about by only the tea party extremists.

It's a lie. Every R with the exception of 2 from NY State voted to keep the government open and delay Obamacare.

2 D's voted with the R's.

Stop your lying.

yes and you bought into the drama hook line and sinker because you are a partisan moron

Look who's talking? You freaking partisan hack.

People really are sick of these 11th hour threats whatever the Republican crisis of the day is.

Bill Maher was saying on his first show this season that Michelle Obama is suggesting that Americans hydrate more, drink more water. The Republicans came out against that. So now it isn't water anymore it's socialism juice.

It isn't really funny, but then again, it really is.

I heard about a Moderate objection to shutting down the government earlier but I wasn't counting on them following through. It's getting real hard to find any fucks to give anymore.

you seriously think that anybody sane enough takes maher for real? he is a hateful leftard loon and for your side he might be a prophet but you look ridiculous citing him in all that awe as if his opinion matters. :cuckoo:
To put it to some perspective for you - it is as if you are citing Sean Hannity, though it is not even fair to him, since he is much more sensible than this unhinged librul :D

Bill Maher wasn't the point of that example. The point is Rs don't have anything productive to do, they are simply anti Obama i.e. The Freaking Party of No.

And America knows it.

Try not to be such a dunce, OK?
People really are sick of these 11th hour threats whatever the Republican crisis of the day is.

Bill Maher was saying on his first show this season that Michelle Obama is suggesting that Americans hydrate more, drink more water. The Republicans came out against that. So now it isn't water anymore it's socialism juice.

It isn't really funny, but then again, it really is.

I heard about a Moderate objection to shutting down the government earlier but I wasn't counting on them following through. It's getting real hard to find any fucks to give anymore.

you seriously think that anybody sane enough takes maher for real? he is a hateful leftard loon and for your side he might be a prophet but you look ridiculous citing him in all that awe as if his opinion matters. :cuckoo:
To put it to some perspective for you - it is as if you are citing Sean Hannity, though it is not even fair to him, since he is much more sensible than this unhinged librul :D

Bill Maher wasn't the point of that example. The point is Rs don't have anything productive to do, they are simply anti Obama i.e. The Freaking Party of No.

And America knows it.

Try not to be such a dunce, OK?

you could not have stated that without him, could you? your opinion need reaffirming from the authority, otherwise you don't feel confident enough to express it :lol:
guess what - maher is of no authority here. next time try to be a big girl and think for yourself. wait... :lmao:

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