CNN BREAKING: Moderate House Republicans revolt

I have a great idea!!!

Let the House vote on the Senate bill.

what are you guys afraid of? democracy?

This sums up the situation nicely -
"We have people in the conference, I believe, who'd be just as happy to have the government shutdown," King said. "They live in these narrow echochambers. They listen to themselves and their tea party friends. That keeps them going, forgetting that the rest of the country thinks we're crazy."
The facts are simple: short time this is Republican lunacy (McCain just said so on TV) and in the long run it will destroy the party, in which ashes the phoenix of the Tea Party will rise and then plucked by the Dems.

This is foolishness on behalf of the TeaPs.
If the House finally votes on the Senate bill, it would pass with flying colors.

All Dems would vote yes and at least 17 Republicans would vote yes, and then the bill goes to Obama to sign.

Boehner won't let the House vote on the Senate bill cause he knows it will pass.

This is legislative terrorism.
The House passed a bill and sent it on to the Senate. If all the Democrats and all the Republicans voted for it, it would already be on the Presidents desk to be signed.

You see how that works?
I have a great idea!!!

Let the House vote on the Senate bill.

what are you guys afraid of? democracy?

This is what happens when you let the Congress make their own rules. Each House of Congress should have to consider and vote on the work of the other.

Stop these games.
The facts are simple: short time this is Republican lunacy (McCain just said so on TV) and in the long run it will destroy the party, in which ashes the phoenix of the Tea Party will rise and then plucked by the Dems.

This is foolishness on behalf of the TeaPs.

this is what happens when you have no long game and all you do is react to things.

Remember the tea party/social con motto..." do as i say, not as i do".
The facts are simple: short time this is Republican lunacy (McCain just said so on TV) and in the long run it will destroy the party, in which ashes the phoenix of the Tea Party will rise and then plucked by the Dems.

This is foolishness on behalf of the TeaPs.

If the Democrats say that the sky is red

And the Republicans say that the sky is yellow

And McCain says no, the sky really is red

That does not make the sky red. Just sayin.
It would be terrible for us on the world market to shut down. The left-wingers agree, the center-left and now what's left of the center-right agree, but it looks like we've got a shutdown on the way courtesy of assholes on the far-right who think a 27 yr-old should not be allowed basic health coverage while they pass only the best government health coverage for themselves.

The people who think it's Obama and his people who are fascist really need to look themselves in the mirror.
I have a great idea!!!

Let the House vote on the Senate bill.

what are you guys afraid of? democracy?

This is what happens when you let the Congress make their own rules. Each House of Congress should have to consider and vote on the work of the other.

Stop these games.

Just curious. . . when Harry Reid won't let the Republicans' measures out of the congress go to vote on the senate floor, do you feel equally frustrated?

Or ultimately are you just in favor of whatever set of rules facilitates the laws you want passed at any given time?
“We’re very excited,” said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). “It’s exactly what we wanted, and we got it.”

On cusp of shutdown, House conservatives excited, say they are doing the right thing - The Washington Post

“Your hate for this president is coming before your love of this country, because if you love this country you would not be closing it down.”

-Rep. David Scott, D-Ga

So, why exactly are we questioning people's patriotism?
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It would be terrible for us on the world market to shut down. The left-wingers agree, the center-left and now what's left of the center-right agree, but it looks like we've got a shutdown on the way courtesy of assholes on the far-right who think a 27 yr-old should not be allowed basic health coverage while they pass only the best government health coverage for themselves.

The people who think it's Obama and his people who are fascist really need to look themselves in the mirror.

I'm against Obamacare.

Do I think that a 27 year old should not be -allowed- basic coverage? I don't recall that being one of my motives.

All I thought was that the government shouldn't get to decide which of the world's moral ills are so bad that I have no choice but to help pay for them. I didn't realize I hated people.

Thank you for using your psychic powers to explain what's going on in my brain to me. Here I thought I was a proponent of individual freedoms and the right of each person to use their money as it please -their- conscience, but apparently I just want people to die.
“We’re very excited,” said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). “It’s exactly what we wanted, and we got it.”

On cusp of shutdown, House conservatives excited, say they are doing the right thing - The Washington Post

“Your hate for this president is coming before your love of this country, because if you love this country you would not be closing it down.”

-Rep. David Scott, D-Ga

Both Quotes Spot on. Bachmann a loon and David Scott is correct
“We’re very excited,” said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). “It’s exactly what we wanted, and we got it.”

On cusp of shutdown, House conservatives excited, say they are doing the right thing - The Washington Post

“Your hate for this president is coming before your love of this country, because if you love this country you would not be closing it down.”

-Rep. David Scott, D-Ga

Both Quotes Spot on. Bachmann a loon and David Scott is correct

Is he correct? Is everyone that opposes Obamacare just opposing it because they hate the president?

Fuck yeah, another psychic introducing me to myself. Here I thought I opposed it for the reasons I stated in my response to Interpol a minute ago. Nope.

Apparently I want people to die and I hate the president. I guess when I voted for him in '08 I didn't realize I was a racist misanthrope yet.
People really are sick of these 11th hour threats whatever the Republican crisis of the day is.

Bill Maher was saying on his first show this season that Michelle Obama is suggesting that Americans hydrate more, drink more water. The Republicans came out against that. So now it isn't water anymore it's socialism juice.

It isn't really funny, but then again, it really is.

I heard about a Moderate objection to shutting down the government earlier but I wasn't counting on them following through. It's getting real hard to find any fucks to give anymore.

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