CNN BREAKING: Moderate House Republicans revolt

Interesting that we are hearing nothing about moderate Democrats perhaps because there are none or maybe because they lack the courage to stand up to the more extreme wing of their party.

Or maybe they are not Flaming Lunatics drooling Tea?:lol:
That's because they're revolting.
They'll be reelected. The far right ones that got in on killing Obamacare won't.

You are deluding yourself, the far right ones won't be re-elected if they cave.

Moderates may get primaried.

But the Far right wins either way...the establishment Romney/Christie Republicans only care about getting re-elected...they caved in rather than stand their ground against bad law.

That's the way it will play.

This isn't quite as good as prevailing against the Democrats and the Obamacare...that was long odds to begin with... but it moves the sticks in the right direction, both literally and figuratively.

A bad law? This is not how you change it. The GOP has had years to make amendments and they insist it needs to be abolished. Lunatics!!
They'll be reelected. The far right ones that got in on killing Obamacare won't.

You are deluding yourself, the far right ones won't be re-elected if they cave.

Moderates may get primaried.

But the Far right wins either way...the establishment Romney/Christie Republicans only care about getting re-elected...they caved in rather than stand their ground against bad law.

That's the way it will play.

This isn't quite as good as prevailing against the Democrats and the Obamacare...that was long odds to begin with... but it moves the sticks in the right direction, both literally and figuratively.

A bad law? This is not how you change it. The GOP has had years to make amendments and they insist it needs to be abolished. Lunatics!!

Democrats had years to address our spending problem. But they insist on more spending! Lunatics!
Actually a couple days of shutdown might be more than the Baggers can take. The independent voters will be through with them...
Actually a couple days of shutdown might be more than the Baggers can take. The independent voters will be through with them...

Screw it. Let's bring this house of cards down.

I'm prepared


Yeah, it will be fin to watch your 401K become dust and watch your RE holdings lose oooohhh....20%. Delightful!


I don't expect much from Odummer.

Only 20%?

The whole thing is a democratic win/win, no matter which way it goes, so sho cares if the Republicans have a civil war or not? Just like with Bush's wars, the republicans have no exit stratagy. All they can do now is to start feeding on each other.
The whole thing is a democratic win/win, no matter which way it goes, so sho cares if the Republicans have a civil war or not? Just like with Bush's wars, the republicans have no exit stratagy. All they can do now is to start feeding on each other.


They have nothing to lose, but for a least a little while, someone is speaking for me and denying the Obama tyranny

My Congressman seems to have been the vanguard for this:
"When House Republicans passed a stopgap bill Friday funding the government–with the exception of the president’s Affordable Care Act–all of the chamber’s Republicans voted for it. Except one.

Rep. Scott Rigell (R-Va.), the lone GOP congressman to vote against the plan to defund the health care act, had his reasons for doing so. The representative for the Virginia Beach area, which has a heavy military presence, voted no because the bill fails to replace the sequester and because he doesn’t support the reliance on such continuing resolutions–that is, emergency funding measures Congress can use rather than pass the necessary bills in time.

Now, he’s no fan of Obamacare. In a release about his decision, Rigell noted that “he appreciated leadership’s effort to defund the health care law as part of the appropriations process and agrees it should be defunded.”

But even so, Rigell’s vote shows he’s more deeply concerned about the breakdown of Congress’s traditional funding process than the political showdown playing out between Republicans and Democrats over Obamacare. And he’s right that our stopgap approach to running the government is something that needs to change."

It's understandable because he represent an area that is military, government employees, vendors, and businesses and industries that depend on the well being of the aforementioned. It gets to be a little more complex than some people believe it to be:
This is regarding "sequestration".
Daily Press: Sequester Impact on Military a Disgrace | U.S. Representative Scott Rigell
If the House finally votes on the Senate bill, it would pass with flying colors.

All Dems would vote yes and at least 17 Republicans would vote yes, and then the bill goes to Obama to sign.

Boehner won't let the House vote on the Senate bill cause he knows it will pass.

This is legislative terrorism.

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