CNN BREAKING: Moderate House Republicans revolt

I just saw that, too. Maybe there's hope.

No democrat wants a shutdown, and with luck enough sane republicans want the same.

Interestingly enough, what is the rationale for Obama delaying the employer mandate but not the individual mandate? How is it he can delay the law but Congress can't do it as part of it's constitutionally granted authority?

Explain that logic to me if you please.
If that's true... WOW! A civil war within the GOP will be sure to follow.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer is reporting right now that a moderate House Republican revolt is underway as we speak. Key moderate Republicans say that's enough and are lobbying 20 to 30 GOP moderates behind them. Stay tuned. Link ASAP.

First on CNN: Moderate House Republicans working to line up votes on their own plan ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Moderate House Republicans are working to line up votes against a House GOP plan in what would effectively be a revolt, sources say.

To do what exactly?
Interesting that we are hearing nothing about moderate Democrats perhaps because there are none or maybe because they lack the courage to stand up to the more extreme wing of their party.

Or they see what the far right wing of the GOP is doing is idiotic.

The Obama/Reid position of we will not negotiate on anything is highly idiotic yet the moderate Democrats have nothing to say.
Interesting that we are hearing nothing about moderate Democrats perhaps because there are none or maybe because they lack the courage to stand up to the more extreme wing of their party.

Or they see what the far right wing of the GOP is doing is idiotic.

The Obama/Reid position of we will not negotiate on anything is highly idiotic yet the moderate Democrats have nothing to say.

Put it this way:

The Democrats are saying: We want a clean funding bill

The Republicans are saying: We want a clean funding bill...and delay obamacare

in case you can't figure it out, it's the later of the two that's asking for more.
I just saw that, too. Maybe there's hope.

No democrat wants a shutdown, and with luck enough sane republicans want the same.

Interestingly enough, what is the rationale for Obama delaying the employer mandate but not the individual mandate? How is it he can delay the law but Congress can't do it as part of it's constitutionally granted authority?

Explain that logic to me if you please.

Corporations are not people, my friends.
Interesting that we are hearing nothing about moderate Democrats perhaps because there are none or maybe because they lack the courage to stand up to the more extreme wing of their party.

Or they see what the far right wing of the GOP is doing is idiotic.

The Obama/Reid position of we will not negotiate on anything is highly idiotic yet the moderate Democrats have nothing to say.

Not a Democrat but I think Obama should be telling the House Tea Party Republicans to stick their "proposal" up their collective asses.

Obama MIGHT have more balls than I thought. Either that or he has learned that you can't negotiate with the T Party Republicans so why bother trying.
CNN BREAKING: Moderate House Republicans revolt
That's because they're revolting.
They'll be reelected. The far right ones that got in on killing Obamacare won't.

You are deluding yourself, the far right ones won't be re-elected if they cave.

Moderates may get primaried.

But the Far right wins either way...the establishment Romney/Christie Republicans only care about getting re-elected...they caved in rather than stand their ground against bad law.

That's the way it will play.

This isn't quite as good as prevailing against the Democrats and the Obamacare...that was long odds to begin with... but it moves the sticks in the right direction, both literally and figuratively.
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That's because they're revolting.
They'll be reelected. The far right ones that got in on killing Obamacare won't.

You are deluding yourself, the far right ones won't be re-elected if they cave.

Moderates may get primaried.

But the Far right wins either way...the establishment Romney/Christie Republicans only care about getting re-elected...they caved in rather than stand their ground against bad law.

That's the way it will play.

This isn't quite as good as prevailing against the Democrats and the Obamacare...that was long odds to begin with... but it moves the sticks in the right direction, both literally and figuratively.

Sorry about the duplicate Thread. Maybe the Mods will merge us.

This news is very good. If they are able to pull it off....ohhh the Baggers are gonna be pissed....
Or they see what the far right wing of the GOP is doing is idiotic.

The Obama/Reid position of we will not negotiate on anything is highly idiotic yet the moderate Democrats have nothing to say.

Not a Democrat but I think Obama should be telling the House Tea Party Republicans to stick their "proposal" up their collective asses.

Obama MIGHT have more balls than I thought. Either that or he has learned that you can't negotiate with the T Party Republicans so why bother trying.

I don't know why try to negotiate with a Iranian regime that has told both Republican and Democrat administrations and the world as whole to go F- themselves but he is willing to waste time with that. The only reason I can see not to try and negotiate with the Republicans is he wants a government shutdown and if that's the case he is willing to screw over a great many people to score some cheap political points not a great example of leadership in my opinion.

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