CNN, Carrying Hillarie's water, relegates Fiorina to kiddie table despite her standing in polls

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
Chickens! BAwk bawk bawk!
According to a count by Carly for America, Fiorina has polled in the top 10 nationally since the last debate and has even broken into the top five on state-level polls. But that's just since August 6, and CNN's methodology for picking which candidates qualify for the main event versus the kiddie table includes polls from July 16 to September 10.

"The first 10 candidates–ranked from highest to lowest in polling order from an average of all qualifying polls released between July 16 and September 10 who satisfy the criteria requirements outlined in this document–will be invited to participate in 'Segment B' of the September 16, 2015 Republican Presidential Primary Debate," CNN explains in its criteria statement, issued May 21.

For CNN, this seems like a pure numbers game: The network is averaging numbers and developing a ranking system thereafter. But Fiorina claims CNN wouldn't budge on its rules because she's the GOP's most serious threat to Hillary Clinton, who is leading in the Democractic primary race.

"The mainstream media is doing everything they can to keep Carly out of the debate because they know Carly is Hillary's fiercest and most effective critic," Fiorina's camp wrote in an email to voters. "Rather than standing with the conservative grassroots that are supporting Carly, the RNC is standing with the Clinton News Network."

Cowardly and dishonest of them
Neither woman will get their party's nomination.
"CNN, Carrying Hillarie's water, relegates Fiorina to kiddie table despite her standing in polls."

This is clearly failed, moronic 'reasoning.'

The makeup of the CNN republican 'debate' has nothing to do with Clinton, the notion that it does is idiocy.
"CNN, Carrying Hillarie's water, relegates Fiorina to kiddie table despite her standing in polls."

This is clearly failed, moronic 'reasoning.'

The makeup of the CNN republican 'debate' has nothing to do with Clinton, the notion that it does is idiocy.
The news is out Carly Fiorina will be on the prime stage for CNN's debate. CNN received tons of complaints, and probably a lot of pressure from the RNC--so they are adjusting their candidates. But she's definitely going to be 1st stage.

CNN unveils changes to debate criteria after Carly Fiorina complaints - Washington Times
Good to hear. She has gone up to 10% in some polls.

I want to see her devastate that blowhard Trump.
Here is exactly what Trump will say about Carly Fiorina:

Carly Fiorina is a nice lady. No, she is. She tried, and she tried very hard, but you know what? She wasn't good enough to run HP. She just wasn't good enough.
She tried hard, she tired very hard, but again...she wasn't good enough to beat the extremely beatable Barbara Boxer. So ask yourselves this question: Why will she be good enough now?

Don't get me wrong, she's a nice lady, a very nice lady. As you know, I revere, cherish, and love women! They will be very well taken care of in my administration. But she's simply not good enough for America. We deserve a winner, a proven winner, like me. I will make America great again.

Carly-, sorry, thanks for playing....but.......

Holy Crap--Does Donald Trump always talking in platitudes. He reminds me of an old drunk, sitting on a bar stool all day long sqwaulking at other customers that are willing to put up with him.

Holy Crap--Does Donald Trump always talking in platitudes. He reminds me of an old drunk, sitting on a bar stool all day long sqwaulking at other customers that are willing to put up with him.


Carly may help undo Trump a bit, at least with women. It all depends if she finds an opportunity to get Trump to banter with her a little and really insult her on stage. Trump will still keep a good following, but he may really hurt himself with women if he isn't careful.
This is good news. CNN has a responsibility to put the best GOP candidates on the air. I think "the best" is using some of their 3-4,000 analysts and polling them to see who has a real shot. But other than that...this works okay for it's purposes.

Good for the GOP, good for CNN and good for America that the GOP voters will hear a new voice. She is a formidable woman who likely is better equipped than a lot in the field.
I am sure a lot of folks who who don't support her didn't like the fact that someone doing so well was relegated, and some who doing badly (like Bush) are not.
In three weeks, Bush will close down in embarasment
CNN to Change Their Debate Rules

...we now believe we should adjust the criteria to ensure the next debate best reflects the most current state of the national race. In the event that any candidate is polling in the top 10 in an average of approved national polls released between August 7th and September 10th, we will add those candidates to our top tier debate, even if those candidates did not poll in the top 10 in an average of approved national polls between July 16th and September 10th. We have discussed these changes with the Republican National Committee and the Reagan Library and they are fully supportive.

The part in bold is the most informative. It appears the RNC is getting so much heat about their selection process that they're backing off from supporting only The Establishment.

This may mean that some that didn't male the Big Show on Fox may be on this one. Read more @ CNN Just Announced Huge News About Its Upcoming Debate for Candidates Like Carly Fiorina
"The mainstream media is doing everything they can to keep Carly out of the debate because they know Carly is Hillary's fiercest and most effective critic," Fiorina's camp wrote in an email to voters. "Rather than standing with the conservative grassroots that are supporting Carly, the RNC is standing with the Clinton News Network."

I guess Fiorina's camp came to that conclusion based on her losing to Barbara Boxer 4 years ago by only a million votes?

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