CNN Claims 'Opertaion Warp Speed' Ocurred Under Biden

Piling lies on top of lies, so many lies that people cannot keep up with the lies from the MSM.

Also, that getting vaccines in arms was Biden. Except that before Trump left office there were nearly 30 million vaccines given out and it was Trump who had orders outstanding for 800 million or so doses.

The fact that the Pfizer vaccine wasn't approved for use until December 11, and the J&J much later also is part of the equation.

After all it is the Communist News Network
She misspoke. It's that simple. This isn't fox news, where they intentionally mislead you with lies and don't care if they look stupid because they know their viewers are idiots anyway.
Nice try at deflecting to FoxNews. I happened to be watching CNN to see how bad it was, and she indeed said it happened under Biden. No one on the panel corrected her.

It was funny how they were shitting their pants over Tim Scott.

So..... you were watching CNN when she misspoke but you didn't watch her correction just moments later? Interesting. Some of you ppl are so desperate. Is there some sort of medal or award being given out to those that can prove they are the bigger partisan hack?

Yes, her lame “apology”, where she still credits Biden for getting shots into arms, even though President Trump was already rolling out a million shots a day by Jan 20th and had already planned out 100 million for the next 100 days. So no, Biden doesn’t get credit for enacting President Trump’s plan already in motion.
And the part about needles in arms is also false anyway. There were ~30 million vaccines administered when Trump left office.
As of 20 January, the day Mr Biden became president, about 16.5 million vaccines had been administered in the US, according to official statistics.

The Trump NAZIS have to LIE repeatedly to try to make the FAILURE Tramp look less bad.

The day Trump left 1.5 million vaccines were administered and those number continued to increase. xiden can't take credit for that.

To China maybe, but as of 20 January, the day Mr Biden became president, about 16.5 million vaccines had been administered in the US, according to official statistics.

The number is higher, and anyway it puts to a lie that Biden is responsible for vaccines in the arm.

Operation Warp Speed created these vaccines in record time (Biden and Harris both mocked the vaccines in 2020), and the first one was not approved until December 11, 2020. The others not until later.

Biden lied when he stated there were no vaccines when he took office.

Trump had placed orders for 800 million or so doses before leaving office.

xiden and kneepads were both vaccinated before the regime assumed their office.

She misspoke. It's that simple. This isn't fox news, where they intentionally mislead you with lies and don't care if they look stupid because they know their viewers are idiots anyway.
Nice try at deflecting to FoxNews. I happened to be watching CNN to see how bad it was, and she indeed said it happened under Biden. No one on the panel corrected her.

It was funny how they were shitting their pants over Tim Scott.

So..... you were watching CNN when she misspoke but you didn't watch her correction just moments later? Interesting. Some of you ppl are so desperate. Is there some sort of medal or award being given out to those that can prove they are the bigger partisan hack?

Yes, her lame “apology”, where she still credits Biden for getting shots into arms, even though President Trump was already rolling out a million shots a day by Jan 20th and had already planned out 100 million for the next 100 days. So no, Biden doesn’t get credit for enacting President Trump’s plan already in motion.

She didn't apologize, she corrected her earlier statement where she misspoke. I thought you watched the whole cnn segment and concluded that she intentionally tried to mislead the public into thinking Biden was responsible for operation warp speed. :laugh: This is why facts matter, not misleading disinformation from random ppl on the internet, which right wingers seem to put an immense amount of stock in. The left is consistently bashed for being "sheep" and believing everything they read from scientists and doctors, but here you have a random cut up news segment purposely being spread around and trump cult loyalists are jumping on it like it's gospel. You're even lying about "watching"cnn, as if it actually happened, smh. Lets try to do better.
Operation Warp Speed happened during the Trump admin......

Because the Trump admin saw that getting vaccines to people was a TOP PRIORITY in combating the pandemic....

Which is why there is such a major push by the GOP to make sure everyone gets vaccinated instead of pushing Democrat conspiracies about how the vax doesn't work, or how some Dems claim the vax is nothing more than the mark of the beast
She misspoke. It's that simple. This isn't fox news, where they intentionally mislead you with lies and don't care if they look stupid because they know their viewers are idiots anyway.
But CNN has been doing it for years and decades.
t's pretty obvious from the phasing that it was a simple misstatement.

Next fauxrage please.

And the part about needles in arms is also false anyway. There were ~30 million vaccines administered when Trump left office. And that includes Joe Biden who then lied shortly after when he claimed that there were no vaccines when he took office.
Yet no one corrected it.
The average CNN viewer, like me, is smart enough to figure it out.
Piling lies on top of lies, so many lies that people cannot keep up with the lies from the MSM.

Also, that getting vaccines in arms was Biden. Except that before Trump left office there were nearly 30 million vaccines given out and it was Trump who had orders outstanding for 800 million or so doses.

The fact that the Pfizer vaccine wasn't approved for use until December 11, and the J&J much later also is part of the equation.

It's pretty obvious from the phasing that it was a simple misstatement.

Next fauxrage please.

How could he mistatment when he got the shot under the Trump administration.

He who?
This thread is an example of how the right takes advantage of ppl's stupidity. Someone intentionally posts some nonsense on the internet and maga is like, yeah, nail on the head!! Instant new conspiracy theory that the right passes off as a fact. smh :rolleyes:
She misspoke. It's that simple. This isn't fox news, where they intentionally mislead you with lies and don't care if they look stupid because they know their viewers are idiots anyway.
Piling lies on top of lies, so many lies that people cannot keep up with the lies from the MSM.

Also, that getting vaccines in arms was Biden. Except that before Trump left office there were nearly 30 million vaccines given out and it was Trump who had orders outstanding for 800 million or so doses.

The fact that the Pfizer vaccine wasn't approved for use until December 11, and the J&J much later also is part of the equation.

The leftist propagandist love to re-write history...they spread the lie, and they do it often, and their uninformed base eats it up like hotcakes.
Piling lies on top of lies, so many lies that people cannot keep up with the lies from the MSM.

Also, that getting vaccines in arms was Biden. Except that before Trump left office there were nearly 30 million vaccines given out and it was Trump who had orders outstanding for 800 million or so doses.

The fact that the Pfizer vaccine wasn't approved for use until December 11, and the J&J much later also is part of the equation.

The really sad part - no one corrected her, and it's likely virtually all of CNNs thirty or so viewers believed that statement wholeheartedly.
Piling lies on top of lies, so many lies that people cannot keep up with the lies from the MSM.

Also, that getting vaccines in arms was Biden. Except that before Trump left office there were nearly 30 million vaccines given out and it was Trump who had orders outstanding for 800 million or so doses.

The fact that the Pfizer vaccine wasn't approved for use until December 11, and the J&J much later also is part of the equation.

The leftist propagandist love to re-write history...they spread the lie, and they do it often, and their uninformed base eats it up like hotcakes.

This is pure projection, as usual. I don't know how anyone can say the left spreads lies when this story is very definition of that.
Piling lies on top of lies, so many lies that people cannot keep up with the lies from the MSM.

Also, that getting vaccines in arms was Biden. Except that before Trump left office there were nearly 30 million vaccines given out and it was Trump who had orders outstanding for 800 million or so doses.

The fact that the Pfizer vaccine wasn't approved for use until December 11, and the J&J much later also is part of the equation.

The leftist propagandist love to re-write history...they spread the lie, and they do it often, and their uninformed base eats it up like hotcakes.

wait This is pure projection, as usual. I don't know how anyone can say the left spreads lies when this story is very definition of that.

do you have proof the video is doctored or something?
Operation Warp Speed created these vaccines in record time
BULLSHIT, both Russia and Pfizer created vaccines faster than Operation Snail's Pace. Moderna was started BEFORE there ever was an Operation Snail's Pace, Pfizer took no money from Snail's Pace, and the only "Trumpcine" to come from Snail's Pace, J&J, is poison according to Trumpists.
Piling lies on top of lies, so many lies that people cannot keep up with the lies from the MSM.

Also, that getting vaccines in arms was Biden. Except that before Trump left office there were nearly 30 million vaccines given out and it was Trump who had orders outstanding for 800 million or so doses.

The fact that the Pfizer vaccine wasn't approved for use until December 11, and the J&J much later also is part of the equation.

The leftist propagandist love to re-write history...they spread the lie, and they do it often, and their uninformed base eats it up like hotcakes.

This is pure projection, as usual. I don't know how anyone can say the left spreads lies when this story is very definition of that.

do you have proof the video is doctored or something?

It wasn't doctored. It was simply cut off before she corrected herself and then made to look like that was the final word and that she actually meant it. Just scroll up to my earlier post where i posted her retraction moments later.
Operation Warp Speed created these vaccines in record time
BULLSHIT, both Russia and Pfizer created vaccines faster than Operation Snail's Pace. Moderna was started BEFORE there ever was an Operation Snail's Pace, Pfizer took no money from Snail's Pace, and the only "Trumpcine" to come from Snail's Pace, J&J, is poison according to Trumpists.

This is true. Both Moderna and Pfizer, which had nothing to do with the money from operation warp speed both finished their vaccines way before J&J.

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