CNN Debate.No Mention Of The Debt,Yet Candidates Promise So Much Free Stuff?

:offtopic: Why hasn't Anderson Cooper 6969 brought up the debt yet? Meanwhile we have Hillary and Kernel Sanders speaking about free college and health-care. Why hasn't anyone brought up the fact that when that debt goes over the 20 Trillion mark,,,we could collapse and there wont be any more money for free stuff !!!!
Well Democrats on the stage? lets hear how they plan on paying for all of this free stuff when we could soon owe 20 Trillion.:night:
Republicans so stupid. I mean, come on. To think that college, infrastructure, investing in America and other things that would build the economy is "free stuff" is just the absolute height of tarded stupid. It really is. Those morons are simply beyond hope.

Dumbass, how many students are you paying for now?

You bastards have turned all the reform of the earlier part of the 20th century around and are now destroying our middle class. YOu're a coward and a piece of shit.
and they want the rich to help pay down the debt? what about the interest alone? its not as if there is an extra 18 Trillion dollars just sitting around in banks,,,,anyone have any idea how many billionaires it would take to have 18 trillion dollars?

It sure as fuck wasn't spent on our own country. Motherfucker. It wasn't spent by nation building in the middle east and their tax cuts.

We can start turning this around by getting rid of both problems and a 10% increase in taxes on the rich.

You want us to be a third world shit hole. Traitor.

We have punished the rich enough.

That ship has rightfully sailed

By debt, do you mean the trillions from the Bush Tax Cuts that tripled with Afghan and Iraq?
Bush isn't president and can't do anything about it. Obama wanted the job, it's his responsibility. Hillary now wants the job and if she gets it, it will be her responsibility. Where the debt came from is really immaterial when it comes to what they're going to do about it, and based on what we've heard so far, they will make it worse..
>>> already planning on stocking up on canned food that lasts 10/20 years in case Hillary is President,,,and digging a hole 100 feet under my house.
The Republicans are offering lower taxes and more spending on the military, as usual.

That plan by itself always increases the deficits and debt.


The military has been cut far past what it has ever been in decades. We no longer have the capability to fight on 2 fronts and barely have enough to fight a SERIOUS threat on 1 front...and MORE cuts are still scheduled and coming. Whenever Liberals want to cut the budget, they never go after fraud, waste, abuse, pet pork projects, etc - they go after the military.

Obama slashed the military's budget yet sill managed to set 'Monthly', 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit spending records en-route to adding over $6 Trillion in only 4 years, more than every US President in US history COMBINED!

Tell me, NY, how much of the nearly $1 TRILLION Stimulus went to the military....or infrastructure or jobs for that matter? That boon-doggle contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-benefitting pieces of pork and resulted in costing tax payers OVER $742,000 dollars PER JOB Obama claimed to have created. $500 MILLION of that money went to Obama donors who lost money investing in Solyndra...more was used to help ensure they did not lose money investing in 12 other failed Green Energy companies as a loss to US tax payers.

The military NEEDS to be built up, as we are in one of the most dangerous times in my lifetime while our military is at it's weakest I have seen it in that same time span. The military, our infrastructure, and people without jobs needed that $500 million more than Obama investors or the money Liberal politicians used for self-party benefitting pork projects.

Blah blah. So where does the money come from to fund a massive increase in military spending?
Or massive increases in education spending? Or massive increases in healthcare spending? Or massive increases in any of the areas democrats love to promise new spending?
The democrat party has gone from JFK "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" to "I'm gonna give you free stuff for your vote". Sad.

What "free stuff" has Obama given out that wasn't previously given out under Bush?

Be specific.
Bush isn't president and can't do anything about it. Obama wanted the job, it's his responsibility. If you can't defend his actions on their own merits, they're really not defensible.
I love the GOP woman on CNN who said she had debate envy. She was hoping after they get rid of the idiots in their race they might get talking about substance instead of name calling...

Truth is Democrats are far closer to picking a candidate than GOP... RWers a jealous that Democrats can conduct themselves in public so much better. I would let Sanders and Clinton debate every week, they are both good at it and most people like them more, the more they see them. They are trying to nail down solutions...

The GOP debates are car crash TV right now... It is like episodes of Survivor, they will eat there own, alpha dogging but let them at it... They are saying things to make them look more right than the next guy...

The crazies are all going to disagree with me but they still think the country was better under Bush than Obama.. A detached sense of reality..

The country was definitely better for people like the Koch Brothers under Bush.

For the rest of America, however, it sucked.

i'll just leave this here........................................

Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1% - Sep ...
Sep 15, 2013 - President Obama has been loud and clear about his fight against income inequality, but he admitted that the rich have fared far better than the ...
In order to continue trying to blame Bush for every ill experienced in America, the democrats have to pretend the last 7 years didn't really happen. They're good at pretending.
I love the GOP woman on CNN who said she had debate envy. She was hoping after they get rid of the idiots in their race they might get talking about substance instead of name calling...

Truth is Democrats are far closer to picking a candidate than GOP... RWers a jealous that Democrats can conduct themselves in public so much better. I would let Sanders and Clinton debate every week, they are both good at it and most people like them more, the more they see them. They are trying to nail down solutions...

The GOP debates are car crash TV right now... It is like episodes of Survivor, they will eat there own, alpha dogging but let them at it... They are saying things to make them look more right than the next guy...

The crazies are all going to disagree with me but they still think the country was better under Bush than Obama.. A detached sense of reality..

The country was definitely better for people like the Koch Brothers under Bush.

For the rest of America, however, it sucked.

i'll just leave this here........................................

Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1% - Sep ...
Sep 15, 2013 - President Obama has been loud and clear about his fight against income inequality, but he admitted that the rich have fared far better than the ...
In order to continue trying to blame Bush for every ill experienced in America, the democrats have to pretend the last 7 years didn't really happen. They're good at pretending.
yah, blame bush for the mess pelosi and reid caused when they deliberatly crashed the economy by making banks give loans to anyone that could breathe.
We had a PAYGO program in place for a decade that was handling the debt problem. Republicans killed it in Bush's first term.

Yet that little thing called 9/11/01 kicked in, then 2 wars.... Democrats took over the purse strings for the last 2 years of Bush's time in office. Up until that point only $1.5 Trillion had been added to the debt. 2 interesting things happened after the Liberals took over Congress: 1) $2.5 Trillion was added to the debt in those last 2 years compared to the $1.5 Trillion over the 1st 6 Bush years, and 2) No more Budgets were passed. Democrats began pushing 'Continuing Resolutions' .The country went 4, 5, 6 years without having an actual budget! Way to go Dems!

Then, as mentioned, Obama put government spending on CRACK, spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave. His very 1st economic / spending bill was the failed Stimulus: Nearly $1 Trillion, over 7,00 pieces of DNC-Only Pork, and a price-tag of over $742,000 PER Job. Nice....

Bush killed PAYGO so he could cut taxes and keep spending.

and you think this isn't enough:


Why don't you tell us what IS enough. Tell us how much taller that column on the left has to be before you'll consider us safe.

I know your greatest fantasy is to be invaded by a communist country,but couldnt you just move to one?
I mean it would be easier for everyone involved.
Do it for the chiiiiildren if nothing else...

So you can't tell us how much is enough.

You want more and more defense spending but have no idea how much is enough.

You're an idiot.

and you think this isn't enough:


Why don't you tell us what IS enough. Tell us how much taller that column on the left has to be before you'll consider us safe.

I know your greatest fantasy is to be invaded by a communist country,but couldnt you just move to one?
I mean it would be easier for everyone involved.
Do it for the chiiiiildren if nothing else...

So you can't tell us how much is enough.

You want more and more defense spending but have no idea how much is enough.

You're an idiot.

I'm an idiot?
So tell me ya dick slurping much is enough?
Thats right ..YOU DONT KNOW!!!
and they want the rich to help pay down the debt? what about the interest alone? its not as if there is an extra 18 Trillion dollars just sitting around in banks,,,,anyone have any idea how many billionaires it would take to have 18 trillion dollars?

It sure as fuck wasn't spent on our own country. Motherfucker. It wasn't spent by nation building in the middle east and their tax cuts.

We can start turning this around by getting rid of both problems and a 10% increase in taxes on the rich.

You want us to be a third world shit hole. Traitor.

We have punished the rich enough.

That ship has rightfully sailed


If this is what you call "punishment", I'm sure that the rich would still happily welcome an army of women in thigh-high boots with whips and chains...



  • IncomeGrowth.jpg
    55 KB · Views: 185
:offtopic: Why hasn't Anderson Cooper 6969 brought up the debt yet? Meanwhile we have Hillary and Kernel Sanders speaking about free college and health-care. Why hasn't anyone brought up the fact that when that debt goes over the 20 Trillion mark,,,we could collapse and there wont be any more money for free stuff !!!!
Well Democrats on the stage? lets hear how they plan on paying for all of this free stuff when we could soon owe 20 Trillion.:night:

Each of us are already on the hook for over $40,000 to pay the debt and it gets bigger by the second. I cringe when I hear more freebies being offered to get the votes. All those people who vote for a living are excited about the thought of getting a little more of their neighbor's money. At least if a burglar steals from you they go to jail if they get caught. Government proudly steals from you while threatening you will jail for resisting.
and they want the rich to help pay down the debt? what about the interest alone? its not as if there is an extra 18 Trillion dollars just sitting around in banks,,,,anyone have any idea how many billionaires it would take to have 18 trillion dollars?

It sure as fuck wasn't spent on our own country. Motherfucker. It wasn't spent by nation building in the middle east and their tax cuts.

We can start turning this around by getting rid of both problems and a 10% increase in taxes on the rich.

You want us to be a third world shit hole. Traitor.

We have punished the rich enough.

That ship has rightfully sailed


If this is what you call "punishment", I'm sure that the rich would still happily welcome an army of women in thigh-high boots with whips and chains...


It's Obama's policies lining the pockets of the rich. I wish I was one of them but I'm not.

Again, the rich pay their fair share.

"CNN Debate.No Mention Of The Debt,Yet Candidates Promise So Much Free Stuff?"

More lies and whining from the ridiculous right.

More whining that is called truth.... just more whining from Clayton.

The right is right, and the left are pathetic deadbeats looking for the easy route... No sweat off their brow....

"CNN Debate.No Mention Of The Debt,Yet Candidates Promise So Much Free Stuff?"

More lies and whining from the ridiculous right.

More whining that is called truth.... just more whining from Clayton.

The right is right, and the left are pathetic deadbeats looking for the easy route... No sweat off their brow....

what Hillary was saying was to just tax the rich who wont donate to her global cankle-nation cause.
Hillary won.....because she showed up for snoozer of a debate. She was pampered and not questioned about her illegal acts and her dishonesty. She was even supported and facilitated by one of her opponents who demanded that everyone forget about her illegal acts. It was a cordial display of a party that wants to act like they are everything they are not; Honest, responsible, and friendly.

BTW, this debate only got slightly more than half of the viewers the Republican debate drew.

Hillary Clinton won. She won because she’s a strong debater. She won because Bernie Sanders is not. She won because the first Democratic presidential debate focused on liberal policies—and not her email scandal or character.

The embattled front-runner won herself a news cycle or two, because she stretched the truth and played to a friendly audience. It won’t always be so.

It took more than an hour before CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Clinton about the covert email system she established as secretary of State in defiance of federal regulations, subverting the Freedom of Information Act, thwarting congressional oversight, and jeopardizing U.S. secrets. And, even then, her chief rival offered Clinton cover.

Why the Clinton Email Scandal Is So Sticky
Reasonable doubt stems from the Clintons’ history of innuendo and inquiry.

“What I did was allowed by the State Department,” said the woman who headed the State Department, “but it wasn’t the best choice.” Clinton noted that the GOP-led Benghazi committee—the panel that discovered her rogue email system—is on record trying to undermine her credibility. GOP partisans were partisan, and yet, she dramatically declared, “I’m still standing.”

The Democratic crowd roared. “I think the secretary is right,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a populist threatening Clinton from the left. “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about emails.”

Professional Democrats and the party’s strongest voters are certainly tired of hearing about the email scandal, but it’s not going to go away—not with the FBI investigating whether confidential information was mishandled under Clinton’s system and not with independent voters losing faith in Clinton’s word.

Hillary Clinton: Come Clean or Get Out
The email scandal is a distraction from the important work of the Democratic Party.

Character and judgment are gateway political issues. An untrustworthy candidate might check all your policy boxes, might tickle your ideological buttons, and might even grind away long enough to get your vote—but you’re not going to like it.

That is Clinton’s problem. Like it was in 2008, her character is the issue that threatens to consume all others.

The email scandal recalls questions about Clinton’s integrity that go back to the Rose Law Firm/Whitewater and the White House Travel Office. Flip-flopping on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Keystone XL pipeline add weight to the argument made by Democrats and Republicans alike that Clinton is a malleable opportunist.

There are many people, including me, who know a side of Clinton that is strong (2012: “What I Learned Covering Hillary Clinton”) and compelling (2013: “Best Bet for a Third Clinton Term Is if She Runs as the ‘Real Hillary’—Warm, Open, and Honest”), which makes her actions this year shamefully inept (“Memo to Hillary: You’re Still The Problem”).

Sorry For What, Hillary?
Apologies aren’t answers to these 19 questions Clinton must answer.

On the day of the debate, two stories underscored Clinton’s vulnerability.

“A ‘Cancer’ on the Clinton Candidacy” by Politico’s Glenn Thrush and Annie Karni climbs inside the Clinton campaign to describe a paranoid candidate with mediocre political skills refusing advice of staff to come clean on the email issue. “We need to throw the facts to the dogs, and let ‘em chew on it,” senior advisor John Podesta reportedly told the candidate. In the deeply reported story based on interviews with 50 advisers, donors, Democratic operatives, and friends, Clinton’s team appears to throw her under the bus.

That’s certainly how Bill and Hillary Clinton interpreted the story, according to three people who talked to them today. “They’re pissed,” said one.

“How to Beat Hillary Clinton” by the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza, featured an October 2007 memo by aides to then-Sen. Barack Obama signaling their successful character attack against Clinton. She “can’t be trusted or believed”; “She’s driven by political calculation”; “She embodies trench warfare vs. Republicans”; “She prides herself on working the system not changing it.”

While held in high favor with Democrats and leading the field in national polls, Clinton is struggling to build enthusiasm behind her nomination bid. On that narrow cause, she may have helped herself Tuesday night.​
Hillary Clinton Won (But It Won’t Always Be This Way)

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