CNN Debate.No Mention Of The Debt,Yet Candidates Promise So Much Free Stuff?

it's hilarious watching you losers fall apart and cry if you cant frame every debate. things the Left is supposedly against got much worse on the Progressive watch.

So that's a no, Obama didn't in fact create the Food Stamp program. Is that what you're saying?

here's a tissue for crying into since left-wing crybabies fall apart if they cant frame every debate

point out for me please which right-winger here said OR implied obama created the food stamp program ok?

or just keep looking stupid, your choice

I asked what "free stuff" Obama has given out that wasn't given out under Bush.

You answered with Food Stamps.

Which part confused you sparky?

the part still confusing me is the part where i've explained to you 3 times at least that the premise of your question is moronic and you're still crying like a baby that you cant frame every debate. help me to unserstand who can be that much of a pussy they cant admit the obvious??

So for the record, you can't name anything new that Obama is handing out. Got it.

You make this shit too easy turnip.

so for the record you're making a fool of yourself expecting an answer to a question nobody on the Right asked.
Did those people need assistance?

Since even the Obama administration admits millions of dollars are being ripped off each year in fraud (yet the politicians won't try to tackle the problem), I would say NOT ALL OF THEM, No. The bigger problem is the bad economy and failed policies that have forced the people who do need them to need them.

Right, the economy took a shit. Hence they needed it. How is that "Obama handing out free stuff" if those people needed it. Help from a program that you admit they needed and existed before Obama took office.

good one idiot. it's so easy to expose the lies you tell yourself fool. how can people need things heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR if things are so much better now??
liberals are idiots who lie to themselves. democrats WANTED to spend literally almost a trillion more on various "jobs bills" and other things but were "obstructed" by Congressional Republicans.

budget deficits are set to INCREASE in outlying years after obama leaves office due to policies implemented by obama, mainly obamacare

idiots and hypocrites
liberals are idiots who lie to themselves. democrats WANTED to spend literally almost a trillion more on various "jobs bills" and other things but were "obstructed" by Congressional Republicans.

budget deficits are set to INCREASE in outlying years after obama leaves office due to policies implemented by obama, mainly obamacare

idiots and hypocrites

As if repubs have a great record.
if, in
Did those people need assistance?

Since even the Obama administration admits millions of dollars are being ripped off each year in fraud (yet the politicians won't try to tackle the problem), I would say NOT ALL OF THEM, No. The bigger problem is the bad economy and failed policies that have forced the people who do need them to need them.

Right, the economy took a shit. Hence they needed it. How is that "Obama handing out free stuff" if those people needed it. Help from a program that you admit they needed and existed before Obama took office.
If, in fact, the money was used to give assistance to those that needed it, your argument would have merit.
But much of it went to basic "pork" and plenty of "save the environment" stuff.....Cash for Clunkers was an expensive program that actually hurt the less fortunate. The program eliminated good, used CHEAP cars from the marketplace, but cost us many millions in debt to cover it. Solyndra and others like it. Shrimp on treadmills. A high speed train to Las Vegas (real good for the poor)......I can go on and on.....
is it really worth giving Iran Nuclear Bombs to have free stuff? i guess the free loaders dont care so long as the bombs doesnt land on their houses.
Only tards believe America is giving Iran nuclear weapons. Are you a tard?
if, in
Did those people need assistance?

Since even the Obama administration admits millions of dollars are being ripped off each year in fraud (yet the politicians won't try to tackle the problem), I would say NOT ALL OF THEM, No. The bigger problem is the bad economy and failed policies that have forced the people who do need them to need them.

Right, the economy took a shit. Hence they needed it. How is that "Obama handing out free stuff" if those people needed it. Help from a program that you admit they needed and existed before Obama took office.
If, in fact, the money was used to give assistance to those that needed it, your argument would have merit.
But much of it went to basic "pork" and plenty of "save the environment" stuff.....Cash for Clunkers was an expensive program that actually hurt the less fortunate. The program eliminated good, used CHEAP cars from the marketplace, but cost us many millions in debt to cover it. Solyndra and others like it. Shrimp on treadmills. A high speed train to Las Vegas (real good for the poor)......I can go on and on.....
You're right. Fuck the environment. It only needs to last until you're gone, right?
if, in
Did those people need assistance?

Since even the Obama administration admits millions of dollars are being ripped off each year in fraud (yet the politicians won't try to tackle the problem), I would say NOT ALL OF THEM, No. The bigger problem is the bad economy and failed policies that have forced the people who do need them to need them.

Right, the economy took a shit. Hence they needed it. How is that "Obama handing out free stuff" if those people needed it. Help from a program that you admit they needed and existed before Obama took office.
If, in fact, the money was used to give assistance to those that needed it, your argument would have merit.
But much of it went to basic "pork" and plenty of "save the environment" stuff.....Cash for Clunkers was an expensive program that actually hurt the less fortunate. The program eliminated good, used CHEAP cars from the marketplace, but cost us many millions in debt to cover it. Solyndra and others like it. Shrimp on treadmills. A high speed train to Las Vegas (real good for the poor)......I can go on and on.....
You're right. Fuck the environment. It only needs to last until you're gone, right?

Or until the left fuck things up so bad we get nuked THEN it will be global warming indeed there Adolf.

Weird, the republican caused the debt with their tax cuts for the top 10% and wars.

Do you idiots really believe our infrastructure, science, r&d and education that hasn't seen a increase is the cause? Because this is what you want to cut!

Oh'yesss,,,you want to give tax breaks which cost trillions of bucks and get us into more war.

Shame on you bastards.
is it really worth giving Iran Nuclear Bombs to have free stuff? i guess the free loaders dont care so long as the bombs doesnt land on their houses.
Only tards believe America is giving Iran nuclear weapons. Are you a tard?

Like the continued attack on our 2A civil rights, its a marathon, not a sprint. Ref my above post about getting nuked

liberals are idiots who lie to themselves. democrats WANTED to spend literally almost a trillion more on various "jobs bills" and other things but were "obstructed" by Congressional Republicans.

budget deficits are set to INCREASE in outlying years after obama leaves office due to policies implemented by obama, mainly obamacare

idiots and hypocrites

As if repubs have a great record.

What is weird is it is the republicans that caused the debt through getting this country bogged down in war and granting trillion dollar tax cuts.

All this for what? It hasn't repaired a road, hasn't innovated tech and hasn't fixed our schools.
and they want the rich to help pay down the debt? what about the interest alone? its not as if there is an extra 18 Trillion dollars just sitting around in banks,,,,anyone have any idea how many billionaires it would take to have 18 trillion dollars?
liberals are idiots who lie to themselves. democrats WANTED to spend literally almost a trillion more on various "jobs bills" and other things but were "obstructed" by Congressional Republicans.

budget deficits are set to INCREASE in outlying years after obama leaves office due to policies implemented by obama, mainly obamacare

idiots and hypocrites

Leftist liberal nutjobs think 'government' = 'Americans' that only look to expand government, not sustain or reduce it


and you think this isn't enough:


Why don't you tell us what IS enough. Tell us how much taller that column on the left has to be before you'll consider us safe.

I think it is time to investigate our defense department and ask why that isn't enough??? SOmething needs to be held accountable.
:offtopic: Why hasn't Anderson Cooper 6969 brought up the debt yet? Meanwhile we have Hillary and Kernel Sanders speaking about free college and health-care. Why hasn't anyone brought up the fact that when that debt goes over the 20 Trillion mark,,,we could collapse and there wont be any more money for free stuff !!!!
Well Democrats on the stage? lets hear how they plan on paying for all of this free stuff when we could soon owe 20 Trillion.:night:
Republicans so stupid. I mean, come on. To think that college, infrastructure, investing in America and other things that would build the economy is "free stuff" is just the absolute height of tarded stupid. It really is. Those morons are simply beyond hope.

Dumbass, how many students are you paying for now?
Weird, the republican caused the debt with their tax cuts for the top 10% and wars.

Do you idiots really believe our infrastructure, science, r&d and education that hasn't seen a increase is the cause? Because this is what you want to cut!

Oh'yesss,,,you want to give tax breaks which cost trillions of bucks and get us into more war.

Shame on you bastards.

In case you didn't notice, EVERY income tax bracket got a tax cut under Bush not just the top 10%. By the way, almost 50% don't pay any income taxes. Perhaps if those leeches would do their part, things would be better. You're answer, though, is to raise taxes on those already paying and continue to let those not paying continue to not pay.
and they want the rich to help pay down the debt? what about the interest alone? its not as if there is an extra 18 Trillion dollars just sitting around in banks,,,,anyone have any idea how many billionaires it would take to have 18 trillion dollars?

It sure as fuck wasn't spent on our own country. Motherfucker. It wasn't spent by nation building in the middle east and their tax cuts.

We can start turning this around by getting rid of both problems and a 10% increase in taxes on the rich.

You want us to be a third world shit hole. Traitor.

and you think this isn't enough:


Why don't you tell us what IS enough. Tell us how much taller that column on the left has to be before you'll consider us safe.

I think it is time to investigate our defense department and ask why that isn't enough??? SOmething needs to be held accountable.

What are you going to investigate? The Constitution authorizes military spending. Don't like it, tough shit.

and you think this isn't enough:


Why don't you tell us what IS enough. Tell us how much taller that column on the left has to be before you'll consider us safe.

I think it is time to investigate our defense department and ask why that isn't enough??? SOmething needs to be held accountable.

Considering Obama is afraid to represent it, or to use it as any kind of bartering tool, then why fund the military at all?

Fuck it right?

and they want the rich to help pay down the debt? what about the interest alone? its not as if there is an extra 18 Trillion dollars just sitting around in banks,,,,anyone have any idea how many billionaires it would take to have 18 trillion dollars?

It sure as fuck wasn't spent on our own country. Motherfucker. It wasn't spent by nation building in the middle east and their tax cuts.

We can start turning this around by getting rid of both problems and a 10% increase in taxes on the rich.

You want us to be a third world shit hole. Traitor.

Yet 45 million are on food stamps and you have no problem with them getting something they don't pay the taxes that fund it.

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