CNN Debate.No Mention Of The Debt,Yet Candidates Promise So Much Free Stuff?

specifics: he's TRIPLED the free phone program

13 MILLION MORE are on food stamps then were under Bush in obama's SEVENTH YEAR (closer to eighth year)

So he created the food stamp program? Interesting, I never knew that.

Still waiting for you to answer what Obama is giving out that Bush didn't.

it's hilarious watching you losers fall apart and cry if you cant frame every debate. things the Left is supposedly against got much worse on the Progressive watch.

So that's a no, Obama didn't in fact create the Food Stamp program. Is that what you're saying?

here's a tissue for crying into since left-wing crybabies fall apart if they cant frame every debate

point out for me please which right-winger here said OR implied obama created the food stamp program ok?

or just keep looking stupid, your choice

I asked what "free stuff" Obama has given out that wasn't given out under Bush.

You answered with Food Stamps.

Which part confused you sparky?

the part still confusing me is the part where i've explained to you 3 times at least that the premise of your question is moronic and you're still crying like a baby that you cant frame every debate. help me to unserstand who can be that much of a pussy they cant admit the obvious??
i asked you to show where ANY right-winger here said obama invented or began ANY of these programs. OF COURSE you cant and wont answer because that would prove the intellectual vacuity of your question.
So he created the food stamp program? Interesting, I never knew that.

Still waiting for you to answer what Obama is giving out that Bush didn't.

it's hilarious watching you losers fall apart and cry if you cant frame every debate. things the Left is supposedly against got much worse on the Progressive watch.

So that's a no, Obama didn't in fact create the Food Stamp program. Is that what you're saying?

here's a tissue for crying into since left-wing crybabies fall apart if they cant frame every debate

point out for me please which right-winger here said OR implied obama created the food stamp program ok?

or just keep looking stupid, your choice

I asked what "free stuff" Obama has given out that wasn't given out under Bush.

You answered with Food Stamps.

Which part confused you sparky?

the part still confusing me is the part where i've explained to you 3 times at least that the premise of your question is moronic and you're still crying like a baby that you cant frame every debate. help me to unserstand who can be that much of a pussy they cant admit the obvious??

So for the record, you can't name anything new that Obama is handing out. Got it.

You make this shit too easy turnip.
:offtopic: Why hasn't Anderson Cooper 6969 brought up the debt yet? Meanwhile we have Hillary and Kernel Sanders speaking about free college and health-care. Why hasn't anyone brought up the fact that when that debt goes over the 20 Trillion mark,,,we could collapse and there wont be any more money for free stuff !!!!
Well Democrats on the stage? lets hear how they plan on paying for all of this free stuff when we could soon owe 20 Trillion.:night:

Repubs talk about the debt all the time...just talk.
So that's a no, Obama didn't in fact create the Food Stamp program. Is that what you're saying?

No, he just set the record for most number of Americans FORCED into having to need / use them.
Repubs talk about the debt all the time...just talk.

Yeah, unlike the Libs who GROW it...

(Obama: Set 'Monthly', 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending records, often breaking his own to set new ones; added over $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years; added more debt than EVERY US President COMBINED...)
They're preaching to their choir of extremely low information dopes who are incapable of fathoming the simple concept that there's no such thing as a free lunch. And the dolts are aided and abetted by the dimocrats on stage last night and the entire party from the DNC on down who know such levels of spending are dangerously unsustainable, but pander away just the same.
Did those people need assistance?

Since even the Obama administration admits millions of dollars are being ripped off each year in fraud (yet the politicians won't try to tackle the problem), I would say NOT ALL OF THEM, No. The bigger problem is the bad economy and failed policies that have forced the people who do need them to need them.

and you think this isn't enough:


Why don't you tell us what IS enough. Tell us how much taller that column on the left has to be before you'll consider us safe.
We had a PAYGO program in place for a decade that was handling the debt problem. Republicans killed it in Bush's first term.

Yet that little thing called 9/11/01 kicked in, then 2 wars.... Democrats took over the purse strings for the last 2 years of Bush's time in office. Up until that point only $1.5 Trillion had been added to the debt. 2 interesting things happened after the Liberals took over Congress: 1) $2.5 Trillion was added to the debt in those last 2 years compared to the $1.5 Trillion over the 1st 6 Bush years, and 2) No more Budgets were passed. Democrats began pushing 'Continuing Resolutions' .The country went 4, 5, 6 years without having an actual budget! Way to go Dems!

Then, as mentioned, Obama put government spending on CRACK, spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave. His very 1st economic / spending bill was the failed Stimulus: Nearly $1 Trillion, over 7,00 pieces of DNC-Only Pork, and a price-tag of over $742,000 PER Job. Nice....

and you think this isn't enough:


Why don't you tell us what IS enough. Tell us how much taller that column on the left has to be before you'll consider us safe.

I know your greatest fantasy is to be invaded by a communist country,but couldnt you just move to one?
I mean it would be easier for everyone involved.
Do it for the chiiiiildren if nothing else...
Do you really expect liberals to address the debt problem?

We had a PAYGO program in place for a decade that was handling the debt problem. Republicans killed it in Bush's first term.

And there you go.. typical bedwetter response to everything... Booooosssshhhhhhh. Never mind that Obama has accumulated more debt than all his predecessors combined. It's all Bush's fault.
I keep hearing the ignorant ramblings of Liberal/Obama-apologists blaming Bush for the economy, spoon-fed that B$ by Obama and Libs engaging in their normal 'Blame-shifting'. For God's sake be HONEST!

- The Bush administration is credited with $4 Trillion in New Debt over 8 YEARS.

- In his 1st 6 years $1.5 Trillion was added to the debt, which isn't bad considering 9/11/01, the economic breakdown as a result of 9/11/01, and engaging in 2 wars.

- Democrats took a near Super Majority control (3 seats shy) of Congress at the beginning of Bush's 7th year. They owned Congress, so this meant THEY controlled the govt's purse strings. In this last 2 years $2.5 Trillion was added in new debt, $1 trillion MORE than was added in Bush 1st 6 YEARS! Liberals, who controlled Congress, were doing the spending, but they claim it was 'Bush's Debt' because HE was President. (These last 2 years is also when even Liberals claim the economy started going south....when spending was controlled by THEM.)

- Democrats held this massive majority control of Congress through the end of Obama's 2nd year as President. Seeing as how Liberals controlled the purse strings and thus the spending and addition of debt during Bush's last 2 years in office, the horrible economy Obama constantly whined / whines about having inherited was not 'BUSH's economy but was instead the LIBERAL'S economy! Under Bush, when they controlled the budget and added $2.5 Trillion to the debt in Bush's last 2 years in office they claimed it was 'BUSH's debt because HE was President. After Bush left office and Obama took over, they did not apply the same argument. The massive debt Obama continued to pile on was NOT called 'Obama's Debt' because HE was in office - instead the Liberals continued to blame Bush!

- Obama went on to compound the economic problem by setting new US records for 'Monthly', 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending. He and the Libs added OVER $6 TRILLION in only 4 (FOUR) years. DEMOCRATS - OBAMA - added more debt in his 1st 4 years than EVERY US President COMBINED.
--- (And if you included even $2 Trillion of the $2.5 trillion the Libs added in Bush's last 2 years that would mean in 6 years Liberals added over $8 Trillion in new debt.)

Yet, almost a decade after the man left office, we are still burdened with havig to listen to ignorant partisan Obama/Liberal apostates blame Bush. :rolleyes:
Did those people need assistance?

Since even the Obama administration admits millions of dollars are being ripped off each year in fraud (yet the politicians won't try to tackle the problem), I would say NOT ALL OF THEM, No. The bigger problem is the bad economy and failed policies that have forced the people who do need them to need them.

Right, the economy took a shit. Hence they needed it. How is that "Obama handing out free stuff" if those people needed it. Help from a program that you admit they needed and existed before Obama took office.
Right, the economy took a shit. Hence they needed it. How is that "Obama handing out free stuff" if those people needed it. Help from a program that you admit they needed and existed before Obama took office.

Obama was / is in LARGE part the REASON why so many people have needed it.

One example, Obama promised - vowed - that Americans would NOT lose their jobs because of the ACA. It was a LIE! The ink from his signature on the bill was not even dry yet when he stared handing out waivers allowing companies to ignore the ACA so they would not cut the forecasted number of jobs! Many companies did not fire their employees but instead changed a majority of their 'Full-Time' positions to 'Part-Time' so they could avoid the Obamacare mandates. People who were dependent on those jobs to make a living suddenly found themselves screwed! Because of the ACA the number of 'Full-Time positions dropped to almost an all-time low. ...but I guess it was worth it for him to push his agenda through...

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