CNN Debate.No Mention Of The Debt,Yet Candidates Promise So Much Free Stuff?

Sallow, I am sure whatever you're posting is enlightening, but I am unable to see it. Thank you, though.

Military toys..and of course Waxman asking about the 12 Billion in CASH on PALLETS that Bush shipped to Iraq on Cargo Planes.
I love the GOP woman on CNN who said she had debate envy. She was hoping after they get rid of the idiots in their race they might get talking about substance instead of name calling...

Truth is Democrats are far closer to picking a candidate than GOP... RWers a jealous that Democrats can conduct themselves in public so much better. I would let Sanders and Clinton debate every week, they are both good at it and most people like them more, the more they see them. They are trying to nail down solutions...

The GOP debates are car crash TV right now... It is like episodes of Survivor, they will eat there own, alpha dogging but let them at it... They are saying things to make them look more right than the next guy...

The crazies are all going to disagree with me but they still think the country was better under Bush than Obama.. A detached sense of reality..
The democrat party has gone from JFK "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" to "I'm gonna give you free stuff for your vote". Sad.

What "free stuff" has Obama given out that wasn't previously given out under Bush?

Be specific.

specifics: he's TRIPLED the free phone program

13 MILLION MORE are on food stamps then were under Bush in obama's SEVENTH YEAR (closer to eighth year)

So he created the food stamp program? Interesting, I never knew that.

Still waiting for you to answer what Obama is giving out that Bush didn't.
The democrat party has gone from JFK "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" to "I'm gonna give you free stuff for your vote". Sad.

What "free stuff" has Obama given out that wasn't previously given out under Bush?

Be specific.

specifics: he's TRIPLED the free phone program

13 MILLION MORE are on food stamps then were under Bush in obama's SEVENTH YEAR (closer to eighth year)

So he created the food stamp program? Interesting, I never knew that.

Still waiting for you to answer what Obama is giving out that Bush didn't.

it's hilarious watching you losers fall apart and cry if you cant frame every debate. things the Left is supposedly against got much worse on the Progressive watch.
I love the GOP woman on CNN who said she had debate envy. She was hoping after they get rid of the idiots in their race they might get talking about substance instead of name calling...

Truth is Democrats are far closer to picking a candidate than GOP... RWers a jealous that Democrats can conduct themselves in public so much better. I would let Sanders and Clinton debate every week, they are both good at it and most people like them more, the more they see them. They are trying to nail down solutions...

The GOP debates are car crash TV right now... It is like episodes of Survivor, they will eat there own, alpha dogging but let them at it... They are saying things to make them look more right than the next guy...

The crazies are all going to disagree with me but they still think the country was better under Bush than Obama.. A detached sense of reality..

you're a self-deluding idiot. nobody on the right is afraid of hillary the way the white male prog pansies seemed to be last night
:offtopic: Why hasn't Anderson Cooper 6969 brought up the debt yet? Meanwhile we have Hillary and Kernel Sanders speaking about free college and health-care. Why hasn't anyone brought up the fact that when that debt goes over the 20 Trillion mark,,,we could collapse and there wont be any more money for free stuff !!!!
Well Democrats on the stage? lets hear how they plan on paying for all of this free stuff when we could soon owe 20 Trillion.:night:
Republicans so stupid. I mean, come on. To think that college, infrastructure, investing in America and other things that would build the economy is "free stuff" is just the absolute height of tarded stupid. It really is. Those morons are simply beyond hope.

But ploughing $3.7 trillion (and thousands of lives) into a hole in the Middle East is money well spent...

Sorry but the GOP history on Deficit spending is terrible.

So is the Dems.... this is whey many of us are fed up with both parties... especially the GOP... we expect better.
I love the GOP woman on CNN who said she had debate envy. She was hoping after they get rid of the idiots in their race they might get talking about substance instead of name calling...

Truth is Democrats are far closer to picking a candidate than GOP... RWers a jealous that Democrats can conduct themselves in public so much better. I would let Sanders and Clinton debate every week, they are both good at it and most people like them more, the more they see them. They are trying to nail down solutions...

The GOP debates are car crash TV right now... It is like episodes of Survivor, they will eat there own, alpha dogging but let them at it... They are saying things to make them look more right than the next guy...

The crazies are all going to disagree with me but they still think the country was better under Bush than Obama.. A detached sense of reality..

The country was definitely better for people like the Koch Brothers under Bush.

For the rest of America, however, it sucked.
They need to go ahead and change their name to: the Socialist party of the United states

this is nothing Democratic about that party and that bunch of ALL WHITE candidates you saw last night.

anyone even know Chaffee and Webb were running for President?

what a snaky and sneaky party. vote for them if you want to take us all the way into the sewer and lose more of your freedoms doing it
Sallow, I am sure whatever you're posting is enlightening, but I am unable to see it. Thank you, though.

Military toys..and of course Waxman asking about the 12 Billion in CASH on PALLETS that Bush shipped to Iraq on Cargo Planes.

obama blew twice that amount in taxpayer money to his campaign donating cronies for "green" jobs that never materialized

ok continue drooling
I love the GOP woman on CNN who said she had debate envy. She was hoping after they get rid of the idiots in their race they might get talking about substance instead of name calling...

Truth is Democrats are far closer to picking a candidate than GOP... RWers a jealous that Democrats can conduct themselves in public so much better. I would let Sanders and Clinton debate every week, they are both good at it and most people like them more, the more they see them. They are trying to nail down solutions...

The GOP debates are car crash TV right now... It is like episodes of Survivor, they will eat there own, alpha dogging but let them at it... They are saying things to make them look more right than the next guy...

The crazies are all going to disagree with me but they still think the country was better under Bush than Obama.. A detached sense of reality..

The country was definitely better for people like the Koch Brothers under Bush.

For the rest of America, however, it sucked.

i'll just leave this here........................................

Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1% - Sep ...
Sep 15, 2013 - President Obama has been loud and clear about his fight against income inequality, but he admitted that the rich have fared far better than the ...
I love the GOP woman on CNN who said she had debate envy. She was hoping after they get rid of the idiots in their race they might get talking about substance instead of name calling...

Truth is Democrats are far closer to picking a candidate than GOP... RWers a jealous that Democrats can conduct themselves in public so much better. I would let Sanders and Clinton debate every week, they are both good at it and most people like them more, the more they see them. They are trying to nail down solutions...

The GOP debates are car crash TV right now... It is like episodes of Survivor, they will eat there own, alpha dogging but let them at it... They are saying things to make them look more right than the next guy...

The crazies are all going to disagree with me but they still think the country was better under Bush than Obama.. A detached sense of reality..

The country was definitely better for people like the Koch Brothers under Bush.

For the rest of America, however, it sucked.

yeah back to Booooooooooooooooosh
what about all your rich Politicians from the Democrat party under Obama that you all bow down to? did they get poorer of something? You're such a tool
The real winner of last night's debate, I hate to admit it, was Debbie W. Shultz. She was pivotal in letting debaters know that the "e-mail and servers scandals" were off limits, do NOT under any circumstances denigrate fellow candidates rise above anything controversial. If I didn't know better, I would think that one or more of the candidates received questions ahead of time. Or they are very lucky when deducing what questions would probably be brought up.

Compare this to the RNC, who's establishment wanted no part of Trump, made a mockery of his candidacy and an all out effort to discredit him was in the works with Fox. They pitted candidate on candidate until it looked like a food fight. And because of this, Trump has come out on top and remained there. The Republicans can blame themselves for their own interference in the debate and a possible defeat in 2016.
I love the GOP woman on CNN who said she had debate envy. She was hoping after they get rid of the idiots in their race they might get talking about substance instead of name calling...

Truth is Democrats are far closer to picking a candidate than GOP... RWers a jealous that Democrats can conduct themselves in public so much better. I would let Sanders and Clinton debate every week, they are both good at it and most people like them more, the more they see them. They are trying to nail down solutions...

The GOP debates are car crash TV right now... It is like episodes of Survivor, they will eat there own, alpha dogging but let them at it... They are saying things to make them look more right than the next guy...

The crazies are all going to disagree with me but they still think the country was better under Bush than Obama.. A detached sense of reality..

The country was definitely better for people like the Koch Brothers under Bush.

For the rest of America, however, it sucked.

yeah back to Booooooooooooooooosh
what about all your rich Politicians from the Democrat party under Obama that you all bow down to? did they get poorer of something? You're such a tool

You seem stressed, Step.

Here's some kittehs to help.

Truth is Democrats are far closer to picking a candidate than GOP... RWers a jealous that Democrats can conduct themselves in public so much better. I would let Sanders and Clinton debate every week, they are both good at it and most people like them more, the more they see them. They are trying to nail down solutions...

The GOP debates are car crash TV right now... It is like episodes of Survivor, they will eat there own, alpha dogging but let them at it... They are saying things to make them look more right than the next guy...

The crazies are all going to disagree with me but they still think the country was better under Bush than Obama.. A detached sense of reality..
We did much better during the Bush years. The economy crashed at the end but we had big issues. Then the banking and housing crisis to finish it off, both of which the Dems acknowledge but somehow STILL blame on Bush.

When you need a scapegoat, you aren't looking for a solution but a means to distract the masses.
Sep 15, 2013 - President Obama has been loud and clear about his fight against income inequality, but he admitted that the rich have fared far better than the ...

Is that why he (and Hillary) have been exposed for not paying their female staffers as much as they pay the men?

Is this why he used $500 MILLION tax dollars to put back into the pockets of hit '1% Buddies / Donors' so they would not lose any of their investment money they sunk into Solyndra and 12 other failed Green Energy companies while the Middle Class whose hard-earned tax money that was lost all that money, getting NOTHING for it?!

And is he condemning HIMSELF for being in that top 1% and for wasting millions and millions of dollars taking SEVERAL $100 Million dollar tax-payer funded family vacations each year (when many families can't even afford to take 1 vacation a year)? It's good to be the king'!

The hypocrisy is thick enough to choke on!
The democrat party has gone from JFK "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" to "I'm gonna give you free stuff for your vote". Sad.

What "free stuff" has Obama given out that wasn't previously given out under Bush?

Be specific.

specifics: he's TRIPLED the free phone program

13 MILLION MORE are on food stamps then were under Bush in obama's SEVENTH YEAR (closer to eighth year)

So he created the food stamp program? Interesting, I never knew that.

Still waiting for you to answer what Obama is giving out that Bush didn't.

it's hilarious watching you losers fall apart and cry if you cant frame every debate. things the Left is supposedly against got much worse on the Progressive watch.

So that's a no, Obama didn't in fact create the Food Stamp program. Is that what you're saying?
The democrat party has gone from JFK "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" to "I'm gonna give you free stuff for your vote". Sad.

What "free stuff" has Obama given out that wasn't previously given out under Bush?

Be specific.

specifics: he's TRIPLED the free phone program

13 MILLION MORE are on food stamps then were under Bush in obama's SEVENTH YEAR (closer to eighth year)

So he created the food stamp program? Interesting, I never knew that.

Still waiting for you to answer what Obama is giving out that Bush didn't.

it's hilarious watching you losers fall apart and cry if you cant frame every debate. things the Left is supposedly against got much worse on the Progressive watch.

So that's a no, Obama didn't in fact create the Food Stamp program. Is that what you're saying?

here's a tissue for crying into since left-wing crybabies fall apart if they cant frame every debate

point out for me please which right-winger here said OR implied obama created the food stamp program ok?

or just keep looking stupid, your choice
this is only ONE of the Billionaires that owns the Socialist/democrat party. and he's Investing on you swallowing the globull warming scam so he and that party he champions can get rich off YOU.
- The Daily Caller - The Daily Caller -

Green Billionaire Glad Democrats Said Global Warming Is Country’s Biggest Threat

Posted By Alex Pappas On 1:11 AM 10/14/2015 In

LAS VEGAS — Tom Steyer, the billionaire liberal environmentalist, told The Daily Caller he is pleased that several of the Democrats running for president expressed the belief that global warming is the biggest threat to the United States.

In a brief interview with TheDC in the spin-room after the debate, Steyer said, “what we liked is the people that talked about energy and climate.”

“I’d say four out of five mentioned it in their opening statement,” Steyer said. “Two of them said it was the biggest security risk facing the United States.”

Asked the greatest national security threat, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley listed global warming along with ISIS and a nuclear Iran.

“The scientific community is telling us that if we do not address the global crisis of climate change, transform our energy system away from fossil fuel to sustainable energy, the planet that we’re going to be leaving our kids and our grandchildren may well not be habitable,” Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders responded to the question. “That is a major crisis.”

Steyer is willing to spend his fortune on politics: Forbes reported Steyer spent about $74 million in the 2014 midterm elections, much of that going to his NextGen Climate Action super PAC to go after Senate Republican candidates. (and then they wail about how there's too much money in Politics, or should say, they LIE to you about it)
all of it here:
Green Billionaire Glad Democrats Said Global Warming Is Country’s Biggest Threat | The Daily Caller

George Soros is another one.

You need to wake up that fact. they (the Socialist/dem party) are beholden to the Billionaires, they could care less about YOU
What "free stuff" has Obama given out that wasn't previously given out under Bush?

Be specific.

specifics: he's TRIPLED the free phone program

13 MILLION MORE are on food stamps then were under Bush in obama's SEVENTH YEAR (closer to eighth year)

So he created the food stamp program? Interesting, I never knew that.

Still waiting for you to answer what Obama is giving out that Bush didn't.

it's hilarious watching you losers fall apart and cry if you cant frame every debate. things the Left is supposedly against got much worse on the Progressive watch.

So that's a no, Obama didn't in fact create the Food Stamp program. Is that what you're saying?

here's a tissue for crying into since left-wing crybabies fall apart if they cant frame every debate

point out for me please which right-winger here said OR implied obama created the food stamp program ok?

or just keep looking stupid, your choice

I asked what "free stuff" Obama has given out that wasn't given out under Bush.

You answered with Food Stamps.

Which part confused you sparky?
The progressives are just beside themselves with envy...

Hashtag mind your own affairs

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