CNN...has it become a 24 hour anti-Trump channel?

CNN...has it become a 24 hour anti-Trump channel?

No, they have Trump Tards like Jeffrey Lord and that little Negro man who likes to argue with Don Lemon, and the blond airhead chick, and Miller, the adulterous former Trump campaign official, and a whole parade of other Trump sycophants.
...a serious question.
Over the past few days I have left CNN on while I am doing other things around the for the past 3 hours. And in that past three hours...100% of that time was completely dedicated to negative stories against Trump. Three hours straight.
Is there nothing else going on in the world? Nothing?
Over these past few days I would say it is accurate to say that CNN is spending 90% of their 24 hour broadcast doing some variation of a story that directly paints Trump in a bad light.
To the point - can one even consider them a news channel?
And that is an honest question.
Created News Network has obviously decided if they keep hammering away sooner or later they might finally actually come up with something that sticks rather than adding to their failed heap of allegations about Trump that began in June '15. They've been completely exposed as DNC shills and that's apparently okay with them as they continue the slide to journalistic irrelevancy.
A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.
Perfect liberal response. Smug, superior, reeking of condescension. Fox's fair and balanced theme regards the network, not the individuals. They air left wingers, some work there. They do lean to the right but at least you can see other view points.

You claim a journalist's job is to oppose and be critical of power? Where were they the previous eight years then? So you are inadvertently admitting that CNN doesn't even have journalists, they are paid to carry the water for the left. Which is why O don't watch them, they are just a propaganda spewing machine. Russia Today and Al Jazeera is more even handed.
A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.
Perfect liberal response. Smug, superior, reeking of condescension. Fox's fair and balanced theme regards the network, not the individuals. They air left wingers, some work there. They do lean to the right but at least you can see other view points.

You claim a journalist's job is to oppose and be critical of power? Where were they the previous eight years then? So you are inadvertently admitting that CNN doesn't even have journalists, they are paid to carry the water for the left. Which is why O don't watch them, they are just a propaganda spewing machine. Russia Today and Al Jazeera is more even handed.

You think and speak only in the memes that have been drilled into your head by con-talk-radio and Faux News. You have lost the ability to think for yourself.

I pity you but its a hole you have to dig yourself out of.

“To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant.” - Amos Bronson Alcott -
A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.
Perfect liberal response. Smug, superior, reeking of condescension. Fox's fair and balanced theme regards the network, not the individuals. They air left wingers, some work there. They do lean to the right but at least you can see other view points.

You claim a journalist's job is to oppose and be critical of power? Where were they the previous eight years then? So you are inadvertently admitting that CNN doesn't even have journalists, they are paid to carry the water for the left. Which is why O don't watch them, they are just a propaganda spewing machine. Russia Today and Al Jazeera is more even handed.

You think and speak only in the memes that have been drilled into your head by con-talk-radio and Faux News. You have lost the ability to think for yourself.

I pity you but its a hole you have to dig yourself out of.

“To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant.” - Amos Bronson Alcott -
I don't have any memes, nor was I trained to think in terms of party politics. You need to think so because you're simple and need a simple answer. The hole is between your ears, Einstein.
A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.
Liberal News spawned Fox. It was the logical response to news that was totally Liberal, totally one sided. I miss the days when National News actually "Spanned The Globe" to bring insight on a changing world. Even within the US there are so many issues being ignored while our so called "News", Fox or otherwise gives us the view through the soda straw of biased politics.
A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.
Liberal News spawned Fox. It was the logical response to news that was totally Liberal, totally one sided. I miss the days when National News actually "Spanned The Globe" to bring insight on a changing world. Even within the US there are so many issues being ignored while our so called "News", Fox or otherwise gives us the view through the soda straw of biased politics.

The major news networks grew naturally out of the culture. Faux News was created specifically to be a propaganda outlet for the Republican political party.

The false equivalency that conservatives LOVE to argue on every issue is nonsense. It is a big lie. The normal news networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, HLN actually report news. Researched by journalists. Opinion shows are scarce on network news channels and a little more numerous on cable channels.

Faux News has nonstop opinion shows to tell the gullible viewers how to think. They sprinkle in some weather and a few other stories so they can keep the illusion of being a news channel. They aren't.

Republicans have a whole new gaggle of gods they bow to regularly. The false equivalency is one of their favorites. The never ending 'ad absurdem' is another they kneel to. It would be easier to just accept reality but why do that when you can be outraged every minute by Faux News or some con-radio talk show assbag.
A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.
Liberal News spawned Fox. It was the logical response to news that was totally Liberal, totally one sided. I miss the days when National News actually "Spanned The Globe" to bring insight on a changing world. Even within the US there are so many issues being ignored while our so called "News", Fox or otherwise gives us the view through the soda straw of biased politics.

The major news networks grew naturally out of the culture. Faux News was created specifically to be a propaganda outlet for the Republican political party.

The false equivalency that conservatives LOVE to argue on every issue is nonsense. It is a big lie. The normal news networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, HLN actually report news. Researched by journalists. Opinion shows are scarce on network news channels and a little more numerous on cable channels.

Faux News has nonstop opinion shows to tell the gullible viewers how to think. They sprinkle in some weather and a few other stories so they can keep the illusion of being a news channel. They aren't.

Republicans have a whole new gaggle of gods they bow to regularly. The false equivalency is one of their favorites. The never ending 'ad absurdem' is another they kneel to. It would be easier to just accept reality but why do that when you can be outraged every minute by Faux News or some con-radio talk show assbag.
Are you telling me you see no bias on the news networks you listed? I don't believe there has been a 'normal' unbiased news show in the US for at least 20 years.
...a serious question.
Over the past few days I have left CNN on while I am doing other things around the for the past 3 hours. And in that past three hours...100% of that time was completely dedicated to negative stories against Trump. Three hours straight.
Is there nothing else going on in the world? Nothing?
Over these past few days I would say it is accurate to say that CNN is spending 90% of their 24 hour broadcast doing some variation of a story that directly paints Trump in a bad light.
To the point - can one even consider them a news channel?
And that is an honest question.

Looks like they're pissed over constantly being called "fake news" by Trump and threatened with being kicked out of the Press Corps.

Why does Trump hate CNN so much and not MSNBC? Obviously he loves Fox. I wouldn't be surprised if he invests heavily in the Fox over the next four years.
Seeing as CNN is owned by a Republican and that a number of Republicans routinely work for them, the OP is just talking out of his ass.

How about don't be the most inept and corrupt administration ever at this early a stage in the game? CNN was more than fair to Don through the entire campaign. Always there to question how Don might pay for a certain policy like infrastructure or the wall, but never actively belittling him as a network or implying as a network that he was some kind of enemy of the state like right-wing propaganda has convinced people to think about Hillary on such terms, which are of course baseless.
I saw their morning show a couple of days ago, and virtually every story and interview was framed anti-Trump.

It's that way on most of their other shows and interviews too - the underlying assumption of the segment is anti-Trump, and all conversations surround that standpoint.

I voted against Trump too. But this isn't reporting or journalism, it's obviously agenda-based, not very well-hidden, and irresponsible. This is not what the press is for.
I voted against Trump too. But this isn't reporting or journalism, it's obviously agenda-based, not very well-hidden, and irresponsible. This is not what the press is for.
Agreed it isn't reporting or journalism. Chris Cuomo is no more a journalist than Bill O'Reilly, but O'Reilly has the integrity to admit he isn't a journalist.

The journalists are usually the field reporters who give a video report then Chris gives his opinion on it.

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