CNN Hits 15 Year Low In Ratings...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011

Unfortunately for CNN, “Piers Morgan Tonight” was the apparent victim of the busy night, drawing only 39,000 viewers 25-54 at 9 PM. To say those ratings are anomalous would be something of an understatement. That is the lowest 9 PM weekday demo rating for CNN since at least 1997. While the ratings were an outlier, it was a fairly normal edition of “PMT,” with Morgan hosting. Guests included Jane Lynch and “The man with the golden voice” Ted Williams.

“PMT” drew 284,000 total viewers, which was down from a typical weekday, but not a record-breaking low.

“PMT”s lead-in and lead-out, “AC360,” drew around 90,000 demo viewers at both 8 and 10 PM, also down from a typical weekday this year.

Last week on Twitter, Piers Morgan taunted me with an invitation to come on his show and debate. We responded in the most serious way we could; we reached out directly to his producer and said, "anytime."

Haven't heard back.

Kind of glad now. I can get more attention strolling through a supermarket.

A bad day for the MSM is a good day for America, and today is a very good day for America.

To be fair, though, CNN's problem isn't just Piers Morgan. It's that through the years, the network's brand as a whole has been tarnished.

This is what happens when you insult your audience by pretending to be objective; what happens when you utilize dishonest fact-checking to downplay stories inconvenient to your left-wing agenda; what happens when you bring conservatives on in an attempt to embarrass them, only to see it backfire; what happens when you carry Obama's racially divisive Trayvon Martin water and get it as wrong as anyone can; and what happens when some of your so-called talent is smug, ill-informed, insulting, and not terribly interesting...

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Ratings: CNN Hits 15 Year Low
Because CNN sucks.

As evidenced by hiring people off the street (Dana Loecsch) to be "commentators".

I hope they fail.

CNN Int'l much better than Fox also

The ratings don't indicate that. And personally, i'm completely sick of Media Outlets who obsess over the Middle East. I just don't give a damn about that region anymore. It's such old & tired news. Same ole same ole.
CNN Int'l much better than Fox also

The ratings don't indicate that. And personally, i'm completely sick of Media Outlets who obsess over the Middle East. I just don't give a damn about that region anymore. It's such old & tired news. Same ole same ole.

I know what you say. Much negative news here.

It bores me now. I really would like to see this Nation dramatically pull back from the Middle East. I'm just so sick of hearing about the same ole shite over there. I would prefer us being less involved with their internal affairs & conflicts. We have more than enough problems to solve right here at home.
CNN Int'l much better than Fox also

The ratings don't indicate that. And personally, i'm completely sick of Media Outlets who obsess over the Middle East. I just don't give a damn about that region anymore. It's such old & tired news. Same ole same ole.

Yes, I know ratings higher for Fox but CNN has better news bureaus here

Yeah, they are more established. And they do like to focus on International affairs. It's that whole Big Government Globalist thing for them. They feel interfering with every nations' affairs is America's responsibility. As you can tell, i'm definitely very Anti-Globalist. I've had enough Middle East News to last me several lifetimes. I don't need anymore.
I know what you say. Much negative news here.

It bores me now. I really would like to see this Nation dramatically pull back from the Middle East. I'm just so sick of hearing about the same ole shite over there. I would prefer us being less involved with their internal affairs & conflicts. We have more than enough problems to solve right here at home.

When Saudi Arabia runs out of oil, you won't hear any more news about us Ha

That's true.
I know what you say. Much negative news here.

It bores me now. I really would like to see this Nation dramatically pull back from the Middle East. I'm just so sick of hearing about the same ole shite over there. I would prefer us being less involved with their internal affairs & conflicts. We have more than enough problems to solve right here at home.

As they say in America drill baby drill?

Drilling in America wont solve all of our problems. But it could lessen our dependence on foreign oil a bit. There will have to be many solutions implemented to truly meet our energy needs. Drilling here at home is just one solution.
As they say in America drill baby drill?

Drilling in America wont solve all of our problems. But it could lessen our dependence on foreign oil a bit. There will have to be many solutions implemented to truly meet our energy needs. Drilling here at home is just one solution.

I know. But much oil in US and is inexpensive to produce. I think more oil in American than Saudi Arabia. No?

The energy problem is gonna require many different solutions. It wont be just one solution. The problem is too big for that. That being said, i sure am sick of kissing up to Middle East psychos for oil. And i don't want to hear anymore about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict either. It's just so old & tired at this point. Let those people sort out their own problems.
The media used to be consumer driven. It still is with sit-coms that come and go in a heartbeat but propaganda media outlets seem to be different. CNN should have folded years ago but it it is still hanging in there and the NY Times still manages to print a million pounds of mulch that nobody reads. Who pays for it? The UN?
The media used to be consumer driven. It still is with sit-coms that come and go in a heartbeat but propaganda media outlets seem to be different. CNN should have folded years ago but it it is still hanging in there and the NY Times still manages to print a million pounds of mulch that nobody reads. Who pays for it? The UN?

:lol: The UN? Funny, but probably true. NPR & PBS are still milking American Taxpayers.
They should hire Krystal Ball....
Get a hottie on there.
They give out shows to anybody on MSNBC so why not...
I watch none of the network nooz.
Well virtually none.
I catch a bit channel surfing sometimes.
They have all gotten to enquireristic to suit me.

Unfortunately for CNN, “Piers Morgan Tonight” was the apparent victim of the busy night, drawing only 39,000 viewers 25-54 at 9 PM. To say those ratings are anomalous would be something of an understatement. That is the lowest 9 PM weekday demo rating for CNN since at least 1997. While the ratings were an outlier, it was a fairly normal edition of “PMT,” with Morgan hosting. Guests included Jane Lynch and “The man with the golden voice” Ted Williams.

“PMT” drew 284,000 total viewers, which was down from a typical weekday, but not a record-breaking low.

“PMT”s lead-in and lead-out, “AC360,” drew around 90,000 demo viewers at both 8 and 10 PM, also down from a typical weekday this year.

Last week on Twitter, Piers Morgan taunted me with an invitation to come on his show and debate. We responded in the most serious way we could; we reached out directly to his producer and said, "anytime."

Haven't heard back.

Kind of glad now. I can get more attention strolling through a supermarket.

A bad day for the MSM is a good day for America, and today is a very good day for America.

To be fair, though, CNN's problem isn't just Piers Morgan. It's that through the years, the network's brand as a whole has been tarnished.

This is what happens when you insult your audience by pretending to be objective; what happens when you utilize dishonest fact-checking to downplay stories inconvenient to your left-wing agenda; what happens when you bring conservatives on in an attempt to embarrass them, only to see it backfire; what happens when you carry Obama's racially divisive Trayvon Martin water and get it as wrong as anyone can; and what happens when some of your so-called talent is smug, ill-informed, insulting, and not terribly interesting...

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Ratings: CNN Hits 15 Year Low

good. Cnn sucks
I think I see the MSM's problem. They are all idiots. Anderson Cooper, New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman and NBC News correspondent Kelly O’Donnell were on Jeopardy tonight. Cooper did win, but for a supposed journalist, he is sadly lacking in his knowledge of current events and general knowledge.
Should we have the 3 presidential candidates on Jeopardy?

Or maybe dancing with the stars?


I think thats a GREAT idea actually. There should ALWAYS be a jeapordy debate for every Presidential election.

yes with questions pertaining to the world and facts concering decisions they would have to make as president.

Palin would have won hands down :)

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