CNN Host: Naked men in girls locker room with 12 yr olds should be allowed

Old dick in girl's locker room good.

Old dick in Milo's mouth with consent bad.

Libs. make a lot of sense.
They've thrown all fag men under the bus with Milo. Even the fags go along with it. How can't they see that Milo fights to make them more acceptable to the mainstream while the left fights tooth and nail to make the mainstream loathe gays.
What a fucking asshole. Alex Jones school of fake news.

I LOVE IT WHEN DUMB ASSES LIKE YOU MAKE YOURSELVES LOOK LIKE THE BIGGEST IDIOTS ALL ON YOUR LONESOME LMFAO.................. and it's all in front of everyone who just watched it and KNEW IT WAS NOT ALEX JONES............. way to go loser :clap2::clap:

Try making the font bigger next time.

It's nice to hear from one of the Alex Jones School O Fake News illustrious alumni!

Say, did you and that asshat on the video go to school together?

LOL yes I do like that word ASSHAT heehhe
CNN Host: Naked men in girls locker room with 12 yr olds should be allowed

Why that's ironic ---- that's what Rump used to do.

Oh wait, no that's when the girls were naked.
If it was a bad thing then, is it a good thing now?
Women don't want guys following them into bathrooms or locker rooms. Why is that so hard for some here to understand?
Women don't want guys following them into bathrooms or locker rooms. Why is that so hard for some here to understand?

Because die hard radical ANTIFA like Leftist get off on twisting everything into something it's not . Hence Your a trannyphobe, or your a gay phobe. Either they are seriously that out of it where they can't seem to understand a normal man acting like he's a female for a day so he can molest, take pictures in a girls bathroom, or even rape her. They act like no man would ever, ever do that. Their heads are as thick as a bank vault if not thicker.

Hard to tell if they are literally that stupid, or just being trolls.
Old dick in girl's locker room good.

Old dick in Milo's mouth with consent bad.

Libs. make a lot of sense.
They've thrown all fag men under the bus with Milo. Even the fags go along with it. How can't they see that Milo fights to make them more acceptable to the mainstream while the left fights tooth and nail to make the mainstream loathe gays.

I don't much care for Milo, though he is very smart. He makes a good point that in the future, we will allow for marriage between adults and 13-14 year old children, likely with parental consent. Am I for it? Hell no, but I'm not for gay marriage either. Gay marriage opened the door to all kinds of marriages, especially between relatives.
Repeat after me:

From gay marriage to gay adoption to men using the women's bathroom, the agenda has ALWAYS been to disseminate confusion from the individual to the public. That and they are simply trying to imitate the opposite sex, and/or heterosexuality.

Liberals will never be happy until the country looks like a giant freak show: men holding hands with other men and kissing in public, guys wearing dresses and going to the women's rest room, wedding announcements of Mrs and Mrs Harris, and having to proclaim your "identity" in the event God screwed up.

Don't forget, heterosexuality being banned in public sex Ed.
I'm sure Cuomo won't have to worry about it. He'd have to get an "adult sized" penis first.

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