CNN Host: Naked men in girls locker room with 12 yr olds should be allowed

Has anyone else noticed the irony of the Left, weunuch quickly.ry White Mile Privilege and insist on Safe Spaces, now advocating for Grown Men to be able to use the locker room with young girls?

If I ever caught a grown man... nekkid or not in the locker room with my 12 year old he'd be a eunich real quick.
Has anyone else noticed the irony of the Left, weunuch quickly.ry White Mile Privilege and insist on Safe Spaces, now advocating for Grown Men to be able to use the locker room with young girls?

If I ever caught a grown man... nekkid or not in the locker room with my 12 year old he'd be a eunich real quick.
Well at least you'd save him the surgery cost.
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No, kid, because you posted something that was not true.

No one need refute you, just out what you did.
the grown man in Mark's video who identifies as a six year old is NOT A JOKE either check it out..



Canadian man leaves family to be transgender six-year-old girl Stefonknee Wolscht | Daily Mail Online

this is why Trump wants to protect the GIRLS/WOMEN in the women's room................
So that's who he identifies as, huh?


Nasty fucker
Repeat after me:

From gay marriage to gay adoption to men using the women's bathroom, the agenda has ALWAYS been to disseminate confusion from the individual to the public. That and they are simply trying to imitate the opposite sex, and/or heterosexuality.
No, kid, because you posted something that was not true.

No one need refute you, just out what you did.
Jake everyone who knows you understands that schizophrenics create their own reality as they go. As you do.
rightwinger also thinks guys should be allowed in female locker rooms and bathrooms. He said the girls/women should find another place if they don't like it.

This nonsense is going to change. We now have a president with common sense.
People like rightwinger are fighting a losing battle.
CNN - Crap News Network

is full of perverts

starting with that lunatic Cuomo.

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