CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

Because his life's work centers on making a bad business or a bankrupt state solvent and viable.

Right now, the US is teetering. Romney will fix it.

Romney is our own Mr. Fix It, a true handy man. :D

How can mitt be the one to fix America when he has nearly ALL of his investments in overseas countries and not even the usa? He has no faith in america or Americans is the way his 2010 tax return reads.

Please READ this Vanity Fair article IF YOU REALLY want to know more about you Mr Fix it!

Investigation: Mitt Romney

You're all about money. Mitt Romney is all about service to the American people.

He's done plenty. When he was called to fix Massachusetts impending bankruptcy, they hired him to be governor, and he fixed their financial indebtedness and turned things around for the state.

America has had two financial downgrades under Barack Obama, which has never happened before in my lifetime. I say we give Governor Romney a shot to fix it.

Obama does not have enough negotiation skills to pass a budget in Congress. His last budget was met with 97 nays and 0 yeas.

We think that Romney can pass a budget every year that he holds office. That assures accountability to the American people.

Playing the game to obfuscate spending by refusal to negotiate comes down to one thing: Obama and his followers are only fooling themselves, and not the rest of America.

Not only will Romney pass all his budgets, he will turn America's downgrades into upgrades, which will benefit the entire world. As America goes, so goes the rest of the world. I've watched and read a lot of news articles. When we have financial problems historically, markets in Tokyo and Beijing plummet. Then Europe , South America, and the Mideast start digging for dear life, too.

You can bite his ankles all you like, but Mitt Romney will calm the quake. He will fix broken markets. And maybe a coupla broken hearts, too. ;)
you do know that the Republicans CAUSED those downgrades...the only congress in history that did this...

oh pleaseeeee, Mitt is not god or anywhere near close to being our 'savior''....he's the biggest flip flopper and liar that i've ever seen, he puts kerry to shame and I don't think Obama is doing a stellar job but pretty boy mitt is the greater of 2 evils to this Nation...that he doesn't obviously, believe in enough to invest in it with his wealth. Wake up! You picked the wrong guy.... of course this is just my opinion and I respect your opinion on this becky but I still totally disagree with it....

And romney WAS MY governor so please enough with this garbage about him saving my State....
This just in, from a very reliable source. The cause of death for the baby chimpanzee that was killed at the LA Zoo a few days ago has been solved.

L.A. Zoo officials confirm Harry Reid raped baby chimp - LA Daily News

Reliable sources have confirmed that Senator Harry Reid killed the chimp. He has rough sex with the poor primate, causing it to die. It was not from the sex, the chimp died of shame. The burden of proof is now upon him to prove otherwise.

I heard a reliable source claimed the reliable source was dead on accurate in what he was saying. So Reid needs to prove its not true.
How can mitt be the one to fix America when he has nearly ALL of his investments in overseas countries and not even the usa? He has no faith in america or Americans is the way his 2010 tax return reads.

Please READ this Vanity Fair article IF YOU REALLY want to know more about you Mr Fix it!

Investigation: Mitt Romney

You're all about money. Mitt Romney is all about service to the American people.

He's done plenty. When he was called to fix Massachusetts impending bankruptcy, they hired him to be governor, and he fixed their financial indebtedness and turned things around for the state.

America has had two financial downgrades under Barack Obama, which has never happened before in my lifetime. I say we give Governor Romney a shot to fix it.

Obama does not have enough negotiation skills to pass a budget in Congress. His last budget was met with 97 nays and 0 yeas.

We think that Romney can pass a budget every year that he holds office. That assures accountability to the American people.

Playing the game to obfuscate spending by refusal to negotiate comes down to one thing: Obama and his followers are only fooling themselves, and not the rest of America.

Not only will Romney pass all his budgets, he will turn America's downgrades into upgrades, which will benefit the entire world. As America goes, so goes the rest of the world. I've watched and read a lot of news articles. When we have financial problems historically, markets in Tokyo and Beijing plummet. Then Europe , South America, and the Mideast start digging for dear life, too.

You can bite his ankles all you like, but Mitt Romney will calm the quake. He will fix broken markets. And maybe a coupla broken hearts, too. ;)
you do know that the Republicans CAUSED those downgrades...the only congress in history that did this...

oh pleaseeeee, Mitt is not god or anywhere near close to being our 'savior''....he's the biggest flip flopper and liar that i've ever seen, he puts kerry to shame and I don't think Obama is doing a stellar job but pretty boy mitt is the greater of 2 evils to this Nation...that he doesn't obviously, believe in enough to invest in it with his wealth. Wake up! You picked the wrong guy.... of course this is just my opinion and I respect your opinion on this becky but I still totally disagree with it....

And romney WAS MY governor so please enough with this garbage about him saving my State....

So RomneyCare was a bust?
How can mitt be the one to fix America when he has nearly ALL of his investments in overseas countries and not even the usa? He has no faith in america or Americans is the way his 2010 tax return reads.

Please READ this Vanity Fair article IF YOU REALLY want to know more about you Mr Fix it!

Investigation: Mitt Romney

You're all about money. Mitt Romney is all about service to the American people.

He's done plenty. When he was called to fix Massachusetts impending bankruptcy, they hired him to be governor, and he fixed their financial indebtedness and turned things around for the state.

America has had two financial downgrades under Barack Obama, which has never happened before in my lifetime. I say we give Governor Romney a shot to fix it.

Obama does not have enough negotiation skills to pass a budget in Congress. His last budget was met with 97 nays and 0 yeas.

We think that Romney can pass a budget every year that he holds office. That assures accountability to the American people.

Playing the game to obfuscate spending by refusal to negotiate comes down to one thing: Obama and his followers are only fooling themselves, and not the rest of America.

Not only will Romney pass all his budgets, he will turn America's downgrades into upgrades, which will benefit the entire world. As America goes, so goes the rest of the world. I've watched and read a lot of news articles. When we have financial problems historically, markets in Tokyo and Beijing plummet. Then Europe , South America, and the Mideast start digging for dear life, too.

You can bite his ankles all you like, but Mitt Romney will calm the quake. He will fix broken markets. And maybe a coupla broken hearts, too. ;)
you do know that the Republicans CAUSED those downgrades...the only congress in history that did this...

oh pleaseeeee, Mitt is not god or anywhere near close to being our 'savior''....he's the biggest flip flopper and liar that i've ever seen, he puts kerry to shame and I don't think Obama is doing a stellar job but pretty boy mitt is the greater of 2 evils to this Nation...that he doesn't obviously, believe in enough to invest in it with his wealth. Wake up! You picked the wrong guy.... of course this is just my opinion and I respect your opinion on this becky but I still totally disagree with it....

And romney WAS MY governor so please enough with this garbage about him saving my State....

put the koolaid down, dear.
You're all about money. Mitt Romney is all about service to the American people.

He's done plenty. When he was called to fix Massachusetts impending bankruptcy, they hired him to be governor, and he fixed their financial indebtedness and turned things around for the state.

America has had two financial downgrades under Barack Obama, which has never happened before in my lifetime. I say we give Governor Romney a shot to fix it.

Obama does not have enough negotiation skills to pass a budget in Congress. His last budget was met with 97 nays and 0 yeas.

We think that Romney can pass a budget every year that he holds office. That assures accountability to the American people.

Playing the game to obfuscate spending by refusal to negotiate comes down to one thing: Obama and his followers are only fooling themselves, and not the rest of America.

Not only will Romney pass all his budgets, he will turn America's downgrades into upgrades, which will benefit the entire world. As America goes, so goes the rest of the world. I've watched and read a lot of news articles. When we have financial problems historically, markets in Tokyo and Beijing plummet. Then Europe , South America, and the Mideast start digging for dear life, too.

You can bite his ankles all you like, but Mitt Romney will calm the quake. He will fix broken markets. And maybe a coupla broken hearts, too. ;)
you do know that the Republicans CAUSED those downgrades...the only congress in history that did this...

oh pleaseeeee, Mitt is not god or anywhere near close to being our 'savior''....he's the biggest flip flopper and liar that i've ever seen, he puts kerry to shame and I don't think Obama is doing a stellar job but pretty boy mitt is the greater of 2 evils to this Nation...that he doesn't obviously, believe in enough to invest in it with his wealth. Wake up! You picked the wrong guy.... of course this is just my opinion and I respect your opinion on this becky but I still totally disagree with it....

And romney WAS MY governor so please enough with this garbage about him saving my State....

put the koolaid down, dear.
Why? It's 'Truth' flavored! I just love it.
Harry Reid Romney Tax Tipster 'Is A Credible Person,' New Source Tells CNN (VIDEO)

There are times [Reid] says things off the cuff that make his aides wince, like talking about smelly tourists in the Capitol -- I'm not making this up. This is not one of those times. This is one of those times he knows exactly what he's doing. He's doing it on purpose, he is doing it for political reasons, because he wants this issue -- Romney's taxes -- talked about on programs like yours, wants it to be headlines in newspapers and wants Mitt Romney to respond on this issue which they think is a negative for Romney, as opposed to issues Romney wants to talk about.

Seriously. Why doesn't Mitt just release the tax forms? It should be fairly clear to them by now that the story isn't going away, and it's picked up some steam since Pelosi has backed Reid. If there's nothing to be ashamed of, he's made a massive error in not releasing them. If there is something to be ashamed of, he's made it a million times worse by not releasing them.

This guy backs the claim too--:badgrin::badgrin:


'When you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama
John McCain took a look at Bishop Romney's questionably legal, ethical, and moral tax returns, and decided to go with a bimbo from Alaska instead.

What a slap in the face! :lol:
Why Mr. Synthaholic, methinks thee are gloating.

Why, methinks you are correct.

Bishop Romney is toast.
He will be the toast of Washington when he reverses Obama's failure to pass a budget which protects Obama from full knowledge of how much spending he is doing behind Congress' backs by calling up the Treasury and demanding half-billion dollar checques for his buddies' buddies.

You see, vigilance is totally necessary in dealing with an usurper.
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How can mitt be the one to fix America when he has nearly ALL of his investments in overseas countries and not even the usa? He has no faith in america or Americans is the way his 2010 tax return reads.

Please READ this Vanity Fair article IF YOU REALLY want to know more about you Mr Fix it!

Investigation: Mitt Romney

You're all about money. Mitt Romney is all about service to the American people.

He's done plenty. When he was called to fix Massachusetts impending bankruptcy, they hired him to be governor, and he fixed their financial indebtedness and turned things around for the state.

America has had two financial downgrades under Barack Obama, which has never happened before in my lifetime. I say we give Governor Romney a shot to fix it.

Obama does not have enough negotiation skills to pass a budget in Congress. His last budget was met with 97 nays and 0 yeas.

We think that Romney can pass a budget every year that he holds office. That assures accountability to the American people.

Playing the game to obfuscate spending by refusal to negotiate comes down to one thing: Obama and his followers are only fooling themselves, and not the rest of America.

Not only will Romney pass all his budgets, he will turn America's downgrades into upgrades, which will benefit the entire world. As America goes, so goes the rest of the world. I've watched and read a lot of news articles. When we have financial problems historically, markets in Tokyo and Beijing plummet. Then Europe , South America, and the Mideast start digging for dear life, too.

You can bite his ankles all you like, but Mitt Romney will calm the quake. He will fix broken markets. And maybe a coupla broken hearts, too. ;)
you do know that the Republicans CAUSED those downgrades...the only congress in history that did this...

oh pleaseeeee, Mitt is not god or anywhere near close to being our 'savior''....he's the biggest flip flopper and liar that i've ever seen, he puts kerry to shame and I don't think Obama is doing a stellar job but pretty boy mitt is the greater of 2 evils to this Nation...that he doesn't obviously, believe in enough to invest in it with his wealth. Wake up! You picked the wrong guy.... of course this is just my opinion and I respect your opinion on this becky but I still totally disagree with it....

And romney WAS MY governor so please enough with this garbage about him saving my State....
Mitt is not god or anywhere near close to being our 'savior''

Apparently you read something into my statement that is so not there.

'....he's the biggest flip flopper and liar that i've ever seen,

You've been reading the lying leftist lockstep press, hm? Well, in that case, I can understand a little of that.

You picked the wrong guy.... of course this is just my opinion and I respect your opinion on this becky but I still totally disagree with it....

I do agree that we disagree.

And romney WAS MY governor so please enough with this garbage about him saving my State...

My colonial ancestors founded "your" state and my native ancestors' friends and families suffered selected expropriation of their best hunting grounds and a rather hazardous walk down the Trail of Tears after giving all our Massachusetts and other states, Pilgrims and European settlers sustenance from winter larders for many moons to prevent starvation.


You might feel slightly less generous toward dear leader if you lived in a state he did not win and immediately put its businesses in his targets for destruction just as fast as he possibly could.

And you might realize people from his target states (the ones who did not vote to place him in the Oval Office, which he is using as a throne) are not taking another day of him doing that to us than we have to.

All we have of your President is his attitude toward states and people he has no intention of helping since they didn't help him on election day. Here's your caveman the way we see him:

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CNN-Huff Post....... of course.. The order came straight from Moveon.. They passed right by Valerie Jarret.
The president has released his tax records. The least Romney could do is match what the president has already disclosed.

Prior candidates released their college transcripts. It s how we found out GW was smarter then kerry.

I understand you do not wish to be punked again.
George Bush's transcripts were hacked. I also recall everyone on the right saying college transcripts were meaningless. I agreed with them then and I still do.

College transcripts are meaningless. What people say about the candidates based on college transcripts is what's important. Al Gore was the smartest man in the world (until obama came along). Gore was so smart that ordinary mortals couldn't understand his nuance. Right up until we found out that he failed and washed out of two colleges including seminary. Kerry was brilliant. Except that he too had a remarkable catalog of failure.

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