CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

At some point, common sense has got to be applied here. All Romney has to do is release the damn tax returns!!! But he absolutely refuses.

So common sense makes us ask, why??? The only valid explanation is that there is something on these returns he does not want anyone to see. Simple!!!

But why was he not prepared for all of this noise??? He had to know what would happen. I think it is once again his sense of entitlement that got him in this mess. He's special. He doesn't have to show his taxes like those before him. So he just put it out of his mind. But it is not going to go away, Mr. Romney.
They're not that mean, more ignorant than mean.

Obama should release his transcripts.
To convince us he's smarter than those mean, ignorant Republicans.

Congress should start working on jobs, jobs, jobs. His transcripts are a non issue.
Congress should start working on jobs, jobs, jobs, as soon as Obama furnishes an acceptable budget that will provide for those jobs, jobs, jobs, while his collaborators in Congress are making away with the money, money, money on lost-leader failed businesses they gave taxpayer-backed guarantees for FULL recovery of losses to Reid's son and Nancy Pelosi's B-I-L. to the tune of billions.

Those two are in it for themselves and they will do anything to get at taxpayer money to stuff their own relatives' pockets with, and they're in charge of the chicken house.

I'm sorry, nobody can keep up with that level of nepotism and crime when elected people go after tax money and do it after they're in unbannable trolling positions in Congress.

They're beating up the people who are trying as hard as they can to avoid making any mistakes whatever in their own lives.

The press is sitting on the toilet about these crimes, but fortunately, Judicial Watch is not. Corruption Chronicles

The network of Obama's Crime family is so deep, you can't even wrap your mind around it, and my link is not for sissies. It makes his computer-generated birth certificate seem like the least of this nation's worries.
The House passed an awesome jobs bill in January 2011.
Harry "Wide Stance" Reid ignored it.

They passed it again very recently, Harry was cruising bus station bathrooms and ignored it again.

Hmm. Sounds like Obama's jobs bill that hasn't even come to a vote.

What's it like to base every single political theory you have on lies and propaganda?

No, it was a House bill.
Obama's $800 billion wasteful stimulus bill didn't work.

So you're either completely clueless to the fact that Obama's had a jobs bill proposal on the table that the House won't even vote on, or you're just a lying piece of shit. Me? I'm going with the experience I have with you here...want to guess what that is?
The House passed an awesome jobs bill in January 2011.
Harry "Wide Stance" Reid ignored it.

They passed it again very recently, Harry was cruising bus station bathrooms and ignored it again.

Hmm. Sounds like Obama's jobs bill that hasn't even come to a vote.

What's it like to base every single political theory you have on lies and propaganda?

Sad thing is, these are probably not even his theories, more like he's spouting talking points.

Well, he's PROGRAMMED for that theory anyway. Murdoch and Ailes made sure of it.
There is no reason to refuse to release the returns unless he's hiding something or he perhaps hopes to release them closer to the election to embarrass Obama.

There is a very good reason to not want to release them. You are just topo naive to realize it.

When he released his 2010, the left pundits and even some very highly regarded democratic elected officials spun the information....please recall...."he committed a felony"...and "his tax returns show that he has hidden overseas bank accounts"..

Really? They ShOWED that he had HIDDEN bank accounts? How can something that is "shown" be "hidden"?

So why should he release them? So the democrats can play on the idiocy of their base and say stupid shit like "they show hidden bank accounts"?
At some point, common sense has got to be applied here. All Romney has to do is release the damn tax returns!!! But he absolutely refuses.

So common sense makes us ask, why??? The only valid explanation is that there is something on these returns he does not want anyone to see. Simple!!!

But why was he not prepared for all of this noise??? He had to know what would happen. I think it is once again his sense of entitlement that got him in this mess. He's special. He doesn't have to show his taxes like those before him. So he just put it out of his mind. But it is not going to go away, Mr. Romney.

My previous post is not onlyu a valid reason not to...but it is a logical reason not to.

But then again....logic escapes the left.
Obama should release his transcripts.
To convince us he's smarter than those mean, ignorant Republicans.

Congress should start working on jobs, jobs, jobs. His transcripts are a non issue.
Congress should start working on jobs, jobs, jobs, as soon as Obama furnishes an acceptable budget that will provide for those jobs, jobs, jobs, while his collaborators in Congress are making away with the money, money, money on lost-leader failed businesses they gave taxpayer-backed guarantees for FULL recovery of losses to Reid's son and Nancy Pelosi's B-I-L. to the tune of billions.

This just demonstrates that you do not have a clue how government works.
At some point, common sense has got to be applied here. All Romney has to do is release the damn tax returns!!! But he absolutely refuses.

So common sense makes us ask, why??? The only valid explanation is that there is something on these returns he does not want anyone to see. Simple!!!

But why was he not prepared for all of this noise??? He had to know what would happen. I think it is once again his sense of entitlement that got him in this mess. He's special. He doesn't have to show his taxes like those before him. So he just put it out of his mind. But it is not going to go away, Mr. Romney.

I think he is just following precedent what with Obama hiding behind every record from his past being sealed. :eusa_whistle: What's good for the goose and all that.
Congress should start working on jobs, jobs, jobs. His transcripts are a non issue.
Congress should start working on jobs, jobs, jobs, as soon as Obama furnishes an acceptable budget that will provide for those jobs, jobs, jobs, while his collaborators in Congress are making away with the money, money, money on lost-leader failed businesses they gave taxpayer-backed guarantees for FULL recovery of losses to Reid's son and Nancy Pelosi's B-I-L. to the tune of billions.

This just demonstrates that you do not have a clue how government works.

actually, your response shows how irresponsible you must be with money.

How can one determine what money to spend where if they dont work within a budget?

How do you you say...

"gee I want that bog screen TV. Not sure if it will force me to dip into my rent money becuase I dont budget..but heck, I really want that TV".....

At some point, common sense has got to be applied here. All Romney has to do is release the damn tax returns!!! But he absolutely refuses.

So common sense makes us ask, why??? The only valid explanation is that there is something on these returns he does not want anyone to see. Simple!!!

But why was he not prepared for all of this noise??? He had to know what would happen. I think it is once again his sense of entitlement that got him in this mess. He's special. He doesn't have to show his taxes like those before him. So he just put it out of his mind. But it is not going to go away, Mr. Romney.

I think he is just following precedent what with Obama hiding behind every record from his past being sealed. :eusa_whistle: What's good for the goose and all that.

What part of "graduated magna cum laude" do you Birther fucks not get? I do love that his College Transcripts have become the sublimation of the birth certificate though. It's like you've all been wrapped on the knuckles so much about the birth certificate that you've chosen a new completely irrelevant document to obsess on.
Congress should start working on jobs, jobs, jobs, as soon as Obama furnishes an acceptable budget that will provide for those jobs, jobs, jobs, while his collaborators in Congress are making away with the money, money, money on lost-leader failed businesses they gave taxpayer-backed guarantees for FULL recovery of losses to Reid's son and Nancy Pelosi's B-I-L. to the tune of billions.

This just demonstrates that you do not have a clue how government works.

actually, your response shows how irresponsible you must be with money.

How can one determine what money to spend where if they dont work within a budget?

How do you you say...

"gee I want that bog screen TV. Not sure if it will force me to dip into my rent money becuase I dont budget..but heck, I really want that TV".....


Do you buy a Bog Screen TV in the swamp?
There is no reason to refuse to release the returns unless he's hiding something or he perhaps hopes to release them closer to the election to embarrass Obama.

There is a very good reason to not want to release them. You are just topo naive to realize it.

When he released his 2010, the left pundits and even some very highly regarded democratic elected officials spun the information....please recall...."he committed a felony"...and "his tax returns show that he has hidden overseas bank accounts"..

Really? They ShOWED that he had HIDDEN bank accounts? How can something that is "shown" be "hidden"?

So why should he release them? So the democrats can play on the idiocy of their base and say stupid shit like "they show hidden bank accounts"?

You're funny. Are you saying that the contents of his taxes for 2010 should not have been criticized?? Why not?? If there were things that did not make sense or seem wrong. I don't know if the claims you are making are true or not. But I do know that in 2010 he paid only 13.9% in taxes.

Romney's tax rate is below that of most wage-earning Americans because most of his income, as outlined in more than 500 pages of tax documents, flows from capital gains on investments.

Under the U.S. tax code, capital gains are taxed at 15 percent, compared with a top tax rate of 35 percent for wage earners.

Of course he is going to be criticized. Also, he is the only presidential candidate that ever had a Swiss bank account. And that's just for starters. So if he doesn't like the negative feeback, don't run for president.
Congress should start working on jobs, jobs, jobs, as soon as Obama furnishes an acceptable budget that will provide for those jobs, jobs, jobs, while his collaborators in Congress are making away with the money, money, money on lost-leader failed businesses they gave taxpayer-backed guarantees for FULL recovery of losses to Reid's son and Nancy Pelosi's B-I-L. to the tune of billions.

This just demonstrates that you do not have a clue how government works.

actually, your response shows how irresponsible you must be with money.

How can one determine what money to spend where if they dont work within a budget?

How do you you say...

"gee I want that bog screen TV. Not sure if it will force me to dip into my rent money becuase I dont budget..but heck, I really want that TV".....


Are you claiming that Congress cannot do anything about passing a jobs bill until the president submits a budget?
Obama should release his transcripts.
To convince us he's smarter than those mean, ignorant Republicans.

Congress should start working on jobs, jobs, jobs. His transcripts are a non issue.
Congress should start working on jobs, jobs, jobs, as soon as Obama furnishes an acceptable budget that will provide for those jobs, jobs, jobs, while his collaborators in Congress are making away with the money, money, money on lost-leader failed businesses they gave taxpayer-backed guarantees for FULL recovery of losses to Reid's son and Nancy Pelosi's B-I-L. to the tune of billions.

Those two are in it for themselves and they will do anything to get at taxpayer money to stuff their own relatives' pockets with, and they're in charge of the chicken house.

I'm sorry, nobody can keep up with that level of nepotism and crime when elected people go after tax money and do it after they're in unbannable trolling positions in Congress.

They're beating up the people who are trying as hard as they can to avoid making any mistakes whatever in their own lives.

The press is sitting on the toilet about these crimes, but fortunately, Judicial Watch is not. Corruption Chronicles

The network of Obama's Crime family is so deep, you can't even wrap your mind around it, and my link is not for sissies. It makes his computer-generated birth certificate seem like the least of this nation's worries.

Do you know how ridiculous you sound?? Just cannot take that a black man is in the White House, right?? I wish people like you would just say it instead of supporting ridiculous stories like this. Please consider it.
Mitt is ending this race now imho, if he does not release his tax returns so he can get on to other issues.

MANY Republican operatives like george will, bloomberg magazine, national review.... have said such themselves....

I say if he hasn't broken any laws, he should just release them back to 2000.....if he has broken laws, then he does have the right not to testify against himself, (or not release information that could get him legally in trouble, the 5th) and he probably shouldn't release them.

We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class, and less than other wealthy people like Newt Gingrich and Obama....we already know about his offshore tax haven investments through his 2010 if his previous tax returns only show the same ole same ole, then mitt should have no problems releasing my opinion.

BUT if there is something else that he doesn't want us to know, like taking amnesty in 2009, or how he got soooooo much money in his IRA when there are legal limits on what can be put in them each year, or that he lied about Bain Capital and when he left.....

Then by all means, he should keep hiding them....

Everyone pays taxes through existing law.

Your distractions and calls for increased wealth envy, are pretty sickening to be quite honest. Now to see you sipping the kool-aid.

Congress should start working on jobs, jobs, jobs. His transcripts are a non issue.
Congress should start working on jobs, jobs, jobs, as soon as Obama furnishes an acceptable budget that will provide for those jobs, jobs, jobs, while his collaborators in Congress are making away with the money, money, money on lost-leader failed businesses they gave taxpayer-backed guarantees for FULL recovery of losses to Reid's son and Nancy Pelosi's B-I-L. to the tune of billions.

Those two are in it for themselves and they will do anything to get at taxpayer money to stuff their own relatives' pockets with, and they're in charge of the chicken house.

I'm sorry, nobody can keep up with that level of nepotism and crime when elected people go after tax money and do it after they're in unbannable trolling positions in Congress.

They're beating up the people who are trying as hard as they can to avoid making any mistakes whatever in their own lives.

The press is sitting on the toilet about these crimes, but fortunately, Judicial Watch is not. Corruption Chronicles

The network of Obama's Crime family is so deep, you can't even wrap your mind around it, and my link is not for sissies. It makes his computer-generated birth certificate seem like the least of this nation's worries.

Do you know how ridiculous you sound?? Just cannot take that a black man is in the White House, right?? I wish people like you would just say it instead of supporting ridiculous stories like this. Please consider it.

Fuck off, you racist fat cow...

I wish every one of you turds who thinks disagreement with 0bama is because he's black would just go away and die someplace... Society doesn't need you...
What part of "graduated magna cum laude" do you Birther fucks not get? I do love that his College Transcripts have become the sublimation of the birth certificate though. It's like you've all been wrapped on the knuckles so much about the birth certificate that you've chosen a new completely irrelevant document to obsess on.

Where's the evidence that he graduated magna cum laude?

Furthermore, his grades aren't the main reason people want to see his records from Columbia and Harvard.
I just received a neg rep from Dr. House with his typical name calling, low class comments. But guess what??? When I tried to respond I got a message saying he does not accept messages. :D That makes him out to be something pretty low. And chicken.
I just received a neg rep from Dr. House with his typical name calling, low class comments. But guess what??? When I tried to respond I got a message saying he does not accept messages. :D That makes him out to be something pretty low. And chicken.

you continue to use race in your debates and you have the audacity to criticize House?

You sicken me.
Congress should start working on jobs, jobs, jobs, as soon as Obama furnishes an acceptable budget that will provide for those jobs, jobs, jobs, while his collaborators in Congress are making away with the money, money, money on lost-leader failed businesses they gave taxpayer-backed guarantees for FULL recovery of losses to Reid's son and Nancy Pelosi's B-I-L. to the tune of billions.

Those two are in it for themselves and they will do anything to get at taxpayer money to stuff their own relatives' pockets with, and they're in charge of the chicken house.

I'm sorry, nobody can keep up with that level of nepotism and crime when elected people go after tax money and do it after they're in unbannable trolling positions in Congress.

They're beating up the people who are trying as hard as they can to avoid making any mistakes whatever in their own lives.

The press is sitting on the toilet about these crimes, but fortunately, Judicial Watch is not. Corruption Chronicles

The network of Obama's Crime family is so deep, you can't even wrap your mind around it, and my link is not for sissies. It makes his computer-generated birth certificate seem like the least of this nation's worries.

Do you know how ridiculous you sound?? Just cannot take that a black man is in the White House, right?? I wish people like you would just say it instead of supporting ridiculous stories like this. Please consider it.

Fuck off, you racist fat cow...

I wish every one of you turds who thinks disagreement with 0bama is because he's black would just go away and die someplace... Society doesn't need you...

^^ Psycho alert.

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