CNN is Going to Have Little Bitch Thornburg on a 1 Hour Program on Coronavirus. WTF?

Is there anything more pitiful, more risible than grown people afraid of an autistic child?
Where is the stupid term 'triggered' when we need it?
Is there anything more pitiful, more risible than grown people afraid of an autistic child?
Where is the stupid term 'triggered' when we need it?

They really are this stupid folks, they create cults of personality under criminal sociopaths like hitlery, pretend an unaccomplished and incompetent meat puppet faggot was a successful president, and then make an "expert" out of a literal fucking retard then act as if anyone is "afraid" of her?

If we are afraid of anything it's the possibility complete blithering idiots like this reproduce. It's actually scary to know pieces of shit like these are allowed to operate vehicles on public roads, and that so many of them work in government.

When I see vacuous shit like this I'm hoping we get a REAL pandemic next year that seriously reduces the urban population where most of these sniveling pathetic drones steal their oxygen. They are a malignancy to the species. I'm not even fucking joking. I'm admonishing God to have pity on humanity and wipe out the dumbest 25% who failed to show up to Planned Unparenthood.

This has gone to the ridiculous.
I would NEVER call her a little bitch. She's just unfortunately being used by her "handlers" and parents, and not responsible for what comes out of her mouth. Her handlers and parents should be ashamed of themselves. I actually feel sorry for the girl because SHE didn't create the mindless little one she appears to be. I hope she turns out alright after she gets out of the clutches of her handlers and parents.

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