CNN is race baiting scum

A feral criminal who robbed a store and then attacked a cop was shot to death.

Go rob a store and attack a cop and see how it goes for you.

So much for waiting for the facts. Even the store owner didnt say it was Brown but why let that stop you.
Then the cop that shot him was feral, since he had the ability to control his actions, since that is in his training, but decided to let his aggression take over his common sense training. He had the ability to take down Brown without deadly force...I have had to do it for years as security for night clubs over the last 35 years..I never used weapons yet was able to take down large males when drunk that have gone wild..

You need the negro to be innocent. I get it.
I don't have to "prove" anything. You don't get to set the rules. YOU prove that others are looters...I don't care. Looting is against the law and can get you, white, asian or aborigine...

This is a negro riot, started by negroes to protest having to obey white mans laws.
Play word games if you think it makes you look clever...doesn't change the facts.

Ok, you are akin to Tank, and McGarrett, no further responses from me.
You evidently missed the 1960's and 1970's...

No. I lived through them and Watts is within a mile or so of where I grew up.

During those time, police ARRESTED and jailed the scum who burned businesses.

There is absolutely no similarity to those riots and the crap going on now by out-of-the-area thugs.

IMHO, the police should react even more forcefully than they are now.
There's a rumor of a 2nd degree murder charge in his (currently sealed) records.

Wouldn't THAT be interesting.

but it doesn't matter. He did what he did and now he's not going to rob any more stores or attack any more cops. A win-win situation.
I almost puked this morning when, on CNN New Day, they brought out TRAYVON MARTIN'S MOTHER to comment on how she grieves with the mother of Brown.

They don't give a damn about the truth!!!! :mad: All they want is ratings.
Ok, you are akin to Tank, and McGarrett, no further responses from me.
We aren't talking about those other people, are we? Why are you trying to change the subject?

Here's what I said;
rotagilla said:
This is a negro riot, started by negroes to protest having to obey white mans laws.

Don't run away. Prove me wrong if you can.
Arrests made last night, some from NY & California:

Late Monday night, peaceful protests devolved into sporadic violence, including gunshots, by what the authorities said was a small number of people, and demonstrators were met with tear gas and orders to leave. Two men were shot in the crowd, officials said in an early-morning news conference, and 31 people — some from New York and California — were arrested. Fires were reported in two places. The police were shot at, the authorities said, but did not fire their weapons.

More riots tonight, more arrests needed.
We aren't talking about those other people, are we? Why are you trying to change the subject?

Here's what I said;

Don't run away. Prove me wrong if you can.
So you think only white people create laws???
  1. Very few people have rioted or committed acts of violence and of those who have most have been outsiders. The vast majority of people protesting have not been violent in nature. Most of the violence has come from the government.
  2. Some of us have been warning about increased police militarization for years. The publicity of the Ferguson shooting has simply brought it to light for many people as well as the media.
  3. Comparisons between Bundy and these protests are apples and oranges. Bundy was trespassing on land that wasn't his and refused to remove his cattle despite losing 20 years of court battles. The real protesters in Ferguson aren't breaking any laws. Yes, the BLM assaults on Bundy protesters were also over zealous and criminal, in my opinion.
  4. The media covering the Brown protests have also been physically assaulted by the police, so maybe that's why their reporting hasn't been in their favor. Just a thought.

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