CNN is race baiting scum

No criminal record, the Officer had no disciplinary record either.

I know, but the officer is TRAINED in hand to hand, has pepper spray, Taser and a night stick, plenty of tools to take someone down without drawing his pistol...He was evidently wanting to kill this individual...
  1. Very few people have rioted or committed acts of violence and of those who have most have been outsiders. The vast majority of people protesting have not been violent in nature. Most of the violence has come from the government.

I see....So it's "the government" that is committing arson, robbery, shooting and looting in ferguson.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.
I know, but the officer is TRAINED in hand to hand, has pepper spray, Taser and a night stick, plenty of tools to take someone down without drawing his pistol...He was evidently wanting to kill this individual...
No..he attacked the cop...moved away and then turned and came back..Just like saint trayvon...if he'd kept his hands to himself he'd be alive...
I know, but the officer is TRAINED in hand to hand, has pepper spray, Taser and a night stick, plenty of tools to take someone down without drawing his pistol...He was evidently wanting to kill this individual...
You watch a lot of tv, don't you?
right...great rebuttal. Very intelligent and mature. :rolleyes:

I posted your own words exactly as you typed them.

Yes, you can post them, but apparently were incapable of reading them.
...but it isn't the "government" out there robbing businesses, looting, shooting and committing arson, is it?

Please provide evidence that those actions encompass "most of the violence," which is, as you pointed out, exactly what I said.
The festivities in Ferguson, MO, and the media's reaction to the events there have been decidedly favorable and sympathetic to the "protesters" (some people would call them looters, but to-may-to, to-mah-to). Suddenly, we hear (rightful, in my opinion) calls for the demilitarization of police forces. We have CNN "reporters" doing live stand-ups in front of the house of the police officer who shot this common thug in self-defense. CNn even broadcast his home address, thus endangering not only him, but his family, friends, and neighbors - by daring the rioters to bring the violence to the police officer's street.

In short, every national broadcast network has suddenly become anti-government.

Contrast this coverage with the coverage of the Bundy Ranch standoff with the Bureau of Land Management. Citizens assembled peacefully against government aggression. These people who stood ready to resist government overreach were widely derided in the media as "right-wing nut jobs", "extremists", "domestic terrorists", and worse.

That coverage was very pro-government.

The rioters in Ferguson have destroyed property, have caused economic disruption in the area, have sought to create anarchy.

The Bundy Ranch protesters were defending private property from government overreach by exercising their constitutional rights to bear arms and freely assemble.

So. We have the media sympathetic to people resisting government on the one hand, and very pro-government and anti-liberty when another group of people prevents government overreach. What's the difference?

Could it be that liberals are race-baiting scum? Is there another explanation?

Nope, your post is spot on!!

We live in dangerous times.....

Damn only three post and already making latent homersexual passes...

You evidently missed the 1960's and 1970's...

You say "evidently." What evidence?

I look forward to this debate.....

Evident by your ability to not know what went on during the period mentioned...and to see that this one incident has no comparison.

Provide evidence.

Ah, so no evidence of your contention.

Get back to me when you're ready....

I may not have cut and pasted all the quotes correctly, but clearly you are not ready, willing or able to follow the discussion, much less provide lucid debate on the specific discussion.

I asked for specific information to support your contention. You've not provided it.

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