CNN is race baiting scum

More from me YESTERDAY:

The autopsy has yet to be released, tox tests on the officer, not even the state investigation is finished. Nothing obvious except the rioters, and looters need to be locked up, one & all.

They are working on it..
He also marched with the bloods

He is just the governors puppet. Funny because as a COP you'd think he'd see the evidence of it.
The festivities in Ferguson, MO, and the media's reaction to the events there have been decidedly favorable and sympathetic to the "protesters" (some people would call them looters, but to-may-to, to-mah-to). Suddenly, we hear (rightful, in my opinion) calls for the demilitarization of police forces. We have CNN "reporters" doing live stand-ups in front of the house of the police officer who shot this common thug in self-defense. CNn even broadcast his home address, thus endangering not only him, but his family, friends, and neighbors - by daring the rioters to bring the violence to the police officer's street.

In short, every national broadcast network has suddenly become anti-government.

Contrast this coverage with the coverage of the Bundy Ranch standoff with the Bureau of Land Management. Citizens assembled peacefully against government aggression. These people who stood ready to resist government overreach were widely derided in the media as "right-wing nut jobs", "extremists", "domestic terrorists", and worse.

That coverage was very pro-government.

The rioters in Ferguson have destroyed property, have caused economic disruption in the area, have sought to create anarchy.

The Bundy Ranch protesters were defending private property from government overreach by exercising their constitutional rights to bear arms and freely assemble.

So. We have the media sympathetic to people resisting government on the one hand, and very pro-government and anti-liberty when another group of people prevents government overreach. What's the difference?

Could it be that liberals are race-baiting scum? Is there another explanation?
What you are forgetting is the purpose for both events.

In one case you have protesters angry at the senseless death of an unarmed teenager by the brutish force of a police officer. Followed by then overwhelming police force when protesters congregated.

The other is a case of a man who choose not to pay his fair share and called in his unity unlawful citizens force to train guns on law enforcement and citizens alike.

That you compare the two is simply jawdropping.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
you have yet to prove that only Afro-Americans are the only ones looting...
I don't have to "prove" anything. You don't get to set the rules. YOU prove that others are looters...I don't care. Looting is against the law and can get you, white, asian or aborigine...

This is a negro riot, started by negroes to protest having to obey white mans laws.
Play word games if you think it makes you look clever...doesn't change the facts.
Oh, common, mass media are not an objective source of information any more. If they have even ever been one... CNN, just like many others, is simply a tool that is used to broadcast a certain point of view and to influence the public opinion. They question is only if you let them influence you. ;)
What you are forgetting is the purpose for both events.

In one case you have protesters angry at the senseless death of an unarmed teenager by the brutish force of a police officer. Followed by then overwhelming police force when protesters congregated.

The other is a case of a man who choose not to pay his fair share and called in his unity unlawful citizens force to train guns on law enforcement and citizens alike.

That you compare the two is simply jawdropping.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

A feral criminal who robbed a store and then attacked a cop was shot to death.

Go rob a store and attack a cop and see how it goes for you.
Oh, common, mass media are not an objective source of information any more. If they have even ever been one... CNN, just like many others, is simply a tool that is used to broadcast a certain point of view and to influence the public opinion. They question is only if you let them influence you. ;)

It has changed since I was a mass communications journalist student..
Go look up the definition of "feral", then. Robbing stores and attacking cops would be considered feral behavior.
Then the cop that shot him was feral, since he had the ability to control his actions, since that is in his training, but decided to let his aggression take over his common sense training. He had the ability to take down Brown without deadly force...I have had to do it for years as security for night clubs over the last 35 years..I never used weapons yet was able to take down large males when drunk that have gone wild..

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