CNN Jake Tapper 'Turning Alt Right' For Condemning Women's March Embrace of Cop Killer?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...At least that s what convicted murder / cop killer and unapologetic terrorist Assata Shakur claimed when Tapper condemned the Women's march for recently embracing and HONORING Shakur.

Linda Sarsour Is Molding The Left In Her Own Image

"The most prominent movement (within the Democratic Party) dedicated to “resisting” the presidency of Donald Trump announced last week it considers a cop killer a hero.

The official Women’s March Twitter account wished convicted murder and unapologetic terrorist Assata Shakur a happy birthday. The tweet drew immediate backlash from conservatives, which prompted the group that counts as one of its leaders the rising left-wing star Linda Sarsour, to explain its decision to show support for someone as odious as Shakur.

Women’s March didn’t apologize for the tweet, didn’t condemn murders of police officers and didn’t swear off violence as a political tactic in
its tweet storm in response to the outrage. All the group said was that it prefers non-violence and it primarily honors Shakur for fighting against sexism within her black power terror group, the Black Liberation Army.

What a noble endeavor.

The odious endorsement was met mostly with silence from the bigger news outlets and liberal pundits. But a lone exception to the case was CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who attacked Women’s March for praising a cop killer hiding from justice in Cuba.

That attack drew a sharp reply from Sarsour, who accused Tapper of joining the ranks of the Alt-Right with his criticism. That might be one of the silliest responses to a prominent voice calling them out for glorifying a terrorist."

Way to go, Jake!
Many on the Left are stricken with borderline personality disorder. If a person agrees with them they are totally enamored with that person. If you disagree with them, they have total and absolute raging hate for you. For them there is no middle ground.

For the Left everything is either black or white. They don't even see, of if they do, recognize shades of grey. I can't even imagine living in a monochromatic world such as that.
At the Women's March not long ago the Democrats had a woman convicted of kidnapping, sodomizing, murdering, and THEN attempting to ransom an 80+yo man as their keynote speaker...

Now this. 'Nuff said.
Women's march? ROFLMAO!

"I am thinking about blowing up the white house"

- Madonna

These people are completely deranged drones of free shit and entitlement.

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