CNN Jim Acosta tweets fake news about Trump not seeing congressman Scalise in hospital


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
CNN’s Jim Acosta Tweets Fake News About Trump Not Seeing Congressman Scalise in Hospital

Oh look the dirty little liar is at it some more imagine how his zombies bit that bullet lol
I see CNN, LATimes, USAToday, Washington Post, CBSNews links about trump visiting Scalise in the hospital.
I'm surprised they allowed visitors with him being in critical condition. ICU, right? Creepers, they don't usually allow in anyone but family.
How's he doing today?

The hysterical anti-Trump media has blood on its hands as Hollywood’s twisted crusade to destroy President Donald Trump begins to radicalize leftists into cold blooded killers.

HOLLYWOOD's Message and the sheep run with it as a truth bible.

The hysterical anti-Trump media has blood on its hands as Hollywood’s twisted crusade to destroy President Donald Trump begins to radicalize leftists into cold blooded killers.

HOLLYWOOD's Message and the sheep run with it as a truth bible.

Why is it only the conservatives on this board keep putting up that picture? Then they complain about it. What libs on this board are putting it up and cheering about it?

The hysterical anti-Trump media has blood on its hands as Hollywood’s twisted crusade to destroy President Donald Trump begins to radicalize leftists into cold blooded killers.

HOLLYWOOD's Message and the sheep run with it as a truth bible.

This is just as hateful, one of the faves around here. Deemed "hilarious" by conservatives. Wash your own hands, right wingers.
CNN’s Jim Acosta Throws Hissy Fit Because He Had to be a Journalist
What ever happened to pen and paper?


Trey Sanchez

im Acosta, CNN’s White House correspondent, was very unhappy with Monday’s press briefing because no audio or video recordings were allowed, forcing reporters to go old school and write things down. But listening to Acosta whine on air to anchor Brooke Baldwin about it, you’d think they don’t remember how to do that.

Baldwin wanted to find out what press secretary Sean Spicer had to say, but Acosta, standing on the lawn in front of the White House, acted like he didn’t know:


If Acosta didn’t have pen and paper, perhaps he has an Apple Pen and iPad Pro? Anyway…

Over-dramatically, Acosta continued:


It’s tough being a journalist when you don’t have a buddy in the White House.

CNN’s Jim Acosta Throws Hissy Fit Because He Had to be a Journalist

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