CNN (June 11th): No criminal charges expected against Clinton in email probe

Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -

Wow, a Democrat isn't going to be held responsible for the consequences of their own actions? I'm stunned. Knock me over with a feather ...
What were the consequences of her actions?

What sensitive information was leaked?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?

We the people were harmed. Transparency and accountability are vital to our form of government. That is not to say she committed any crimes, that is for the FBI to decide, but principled Americans have a voice in the coming election. Hillary was wrong and it is more than a trivial matter regardless of criminality.
AKA, because I hate her guts, I believe she should FRY for anything I perceive she did that I don't like. It's really all about my feelings and not-so-much about the facts.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The fact is, and it is undeniable, she used a private server to conduct State business, a breach of the public's trust. That is the fundamental fact that gets lost in all the rhetoric about criminality. Deal with it.

And there was no other reason for her to set up her own server other than to evade accountability. The left like to ignore that in blindly defending her, the fact that it made no legitimate sense to do in the first place
Bullshit. Trump was for the war before he was against it...

That was Hillary.

Sorry,but I recognize the voice in that video, supporting the war, to be Trump's, not Hillary's.

Hillary voted for that war, remember? You support her, and I guess that war now?

No, she did not vote for the war. The bill she voted for was to let Bush decide if it war was necessary. Neither Hillary nor anyone in Congress could ever have imagined Bush would pull the U.N. inspectors out in favor of war.

She supported and voted for the war no matter how hard you try to spin it. You support her so you are for the Iraq war.

Exactly. Democrats did that fiasco arm and arm with Republicans
The FBI will find there was no classified information leaked and that rules and regulations were broken but no crime was committed
Hillary will be criticized in the report for using a private server and she will apologize and say she will never do it again

She had an illegal server, she deleted government emails that are under federal law.....she is a felon waiting for conviction.......she sold her office to the highest bidd er and then hid the corruption on her private server....

but guys have never cared about the this won't matter either.....everything you guys touch turns to shit....and this is how you accomplish it.........
Home owned servers aren't illegal dipshit. Otherwise, Bush could have been impeached.

Your ignorance of the law continues to amaze,'s been illegal for government officials to hide their official communications from Congressional oversight since the Nixon years! The reason Hillary Clinton installed two private servers in her house and used them for ALL of her State Department business was that she didn't want a record of her dealings to be available for scrutiny. Think about that for a while...why would someone NEED to do that?
Still no answer? What security was installed on Hillary's email server?

I can tell you what security WASN'T installed on her two servers! The kind that the State Department has for IT'S official communications! The kind that isn't easy to hack!
But WAS hacked, while the Clinton's wasn't. And it was already there, she didn't have it installed. Convenience, that's it. And the e-mails she deleted were personal, as she was allowed to. Breaking for hater dupes: The Secretary of State is NOT the enemy. lol

this can''t be right .. we'll need at least 9 more congressional investigations, and 6 more FBI/CIA probes before we appoint another Republican led Special Investigations Committee to get to the bottom of this email travesty.

Yes indeedy. We need to spend quite a few millions, if not billions, of American taxpayer's dollars to investigate what has already been investigated numerous times.
We don't need anymore investigations. We need an unbiased President who respects the Constitution and Rule of Law, an AG who is not crooked, and a DOJ that doesn't need to attend court-ordered Ethics classes for failing to legally carry out the enforcement of our laws in a fair/honest judicial manner.
And who would that president be? LOL As if there has ever been one. Maybe Jimmy Carter. That's about it. Nixon was a crook. Both Bushes were crooks. Reagan was a crook. You folks are partisans. You think Republican presidents are perfect and Democratic ones are complete failures and crooks. What BS. You're pathetic.
Nailed it.

Truth be told, most Republicans feel that Nixon was unjustly convicted. Since then they try to tear down Democrats by making them worse than Nixon the crook with statements like "X is worse than Nixon!"

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Nixon wasn't convicted of anything...bill "the rapist" clinton was impeached.
Nixon was pardoned, moron. Clinton was the victim of the worst witch hunt in US history- five years of Whitewater investigation found a slut "who had her presidential knee pads" as she told her GOP gal pals before going to DC. You dupes and the New BS GOP are a misinformed disgrace.
That was Hillary.
Sorry,but I recognize the voice in that video, supporting the war, to be Trump's, not Hillary's.
Hillary voted for that war, remember? You support her, and I guess that war now?
No, she did not vote for the war. The bill she voted for was to let Bush decide if it war was necessary. Neither Hillary nor anyone in Congress could ever have imagined Bush would pull the U.N. inspectors out in favor of war.
She supported and voted for the war no matter how hard you try to spin it. You support her so you are for the Iraq war.

Exactly. Democrats did that fiasco arm and arm with Republicans
Dems gave Boooosh leverage with Saddam. He used to it to attack a sovereign (secular) state based on lies and a jingoist propaganda hysteria from the GOP propaganda machine.
Yes indeedy. We need to spend quite a few millions, if not billions, of American taxpayer's dollars to investigate what has already been investigated numerous times.
We don't need anymore investigations. We need an unbiased President who respects the Constitution and Rule of Law, an AG who is not crooked, and a DOJ that doesn't need to attend court-ordered Ethics classes for failing to legally carry out the enforcement of our laws in a fair/honest judicial manner.
And who would that president be? LOL As if there has ever been one. Maybe Jimmy Carter. That's about it. Nixon was a crook. Both Bushes were crooks. Reagan was a crook. You folks are partisans. You think Republican presidents are perfect and Democratic ones are complete failures and crooks. What BS. You're pathetic.
Nailed it.

Truth be told, most Republicans feel that Nixon was unjustly convicted. Since then they try to tear down Democrats by making them worse than Nixon the crook with statements like "X is worse than Nixon!"

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Nixon wasn't convicted of anything...bill "the rapist" clinton was impeached.
Nixon was pardoned, moron. Clinton was the victim of the worst witch hunt in US history- five years of Whitewater investigation found a slut "who had her presidential knee pads" as she told her GOP gal pals before going to DC. You dupes and the New BS GOP are a misinformed disgrace.

He wasn't convicted asshole....he wasn't impeached some history...asshole....
Sorry,but I recognize the voice in that video, supporting the war, to be Trump's, not Hillary's.
Hillary voted for that war, remember? You support her, and I guess that war now?
No, she did not vote for the war. The bill she voted for was to let Bush decide if it war was necessary. Neither Hillary nor anyone in Congress could ever have imagined Bush would pull the U.N. inspectors out in favor of war.
She supported and voted for the war no matter how hard you try to spin it. You support her so you are for the Iraq war.

Exactly. Democrats did that fiasco arm and arm with Republicans
Dems gave Boooosh leverage with Saddam. He used to it to attack a sovereign (secular) state based on lies and a jingoist propaganda hysteria from the GOP propaganda machine.
Hillary looked at the evidence and voted for the war. Or are you admitting that Hillary cannot think for herself? If she can be that easy to manipulate, she isn't qualified to be president.
Wow, a Democrat isn't going to be held responsible for the consequences of their own actions? I'm stunned. Knock me over with a feather ...
What were the consequences of her actions?

What sensitive information was leaked?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?

We the people were harmed. Transparency and accountability are vital to our form of government. That is not to say she committed any crimes, that is for the FBI to decide, but principled Americans have a voice in the coming election. Hillary was wrong and it is more than a trivial matter regardless of criminality.
AKA, because I hate her guts, I believe she should FRY for anything I perceive she did that I don't like. It's really all about my feelings and not-so-much about the facts.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The fact is, and it is undeniable, she used a private server to conduct State business, a breach of the public's trust. That is the fundamental fact that gets lost in all the rhetoric about criminality. Deal with it.

And there was no other reason for her to set up her own server other than to evade accountability. The left like to ignore that in blindly defending her, the fact that it made no legitimate sense to do in the first place
Pure convenience. The server was already there before, she didn't install it for SoS business, and was secure.
Wow, a Democrat isn't going to be held responsible for the consequences of their own actions? I'm stunned. Knock me over with a feather ...
What were the consequences of her actions?

What sensitive information was leaked?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?

We the people were harmed. Transparency and accountability are vital to our form of government. That is not to say she committed any crimes, that is for the FBI to decide, but principled Americans have a voice in the coming election. Hillary was wrong and it is more than a trivial matter regardless of criminality.
AKA, because I hate her guts, I believe she should FRY for anything I perceive she did that I don't like. It's really all about my feelings and not-so-much about the facts.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The fact is, and it is undeniable, she used a private server to conduct State business, a breach of the public's trust. That is the fundamental fact that gets lost in all the rhetoric about criminality. Deal with it.

And there was no other reason for her to set up her own server other than to evade accountability. The left like to ignore that in blindly defending her, the fact that it made no legitimate sense to do in the first place

Yes there was...when she was taking bribes from foreign governments she had to have a safe way to talk to them...
What were the consequences of her actions?

What sensitive information was leaked?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?

We the people were harmed. Transparency and accountability are vital to our form of government. That is not to say she committed any crimes, that is for the FBI to decide, but principled Americans have a voice in the coming election. Hillary was wrong and it is more than a trivial matter regardless of criminality.
AKA, because I hate her guts, I believe she should FRY for anything I perceive she did that I don't like. It's really all about my feelings and not-so-much about the facts.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The fact is, and it is undeniable, she used a private server to conduct State business, a breach of the public's trust. That is the fundamental fact that gets lost in all the rhetoric about criminality. Deal with it.

And there was no other reason for her to set up her own server other than to evade accountability. The left like to ignore that in blindly defending her, the fact that it made no legitimate sense to do in the first place
Pure convenience. The server was already there before, she didn't install it for SoS business, and was secure.

Asshole..she put in her own fucking server...
We don't need anymore investigations. We need an unbiased President who respects the Constitution and Rule of Law, an AG who is not crooked, and a DOJ that doesn't need to attend court-ordered Ethics classes for failing to legally carry out the enforcement of our laws in a fair/honest judicial manner.
And who would that president be? LOL As if there has ever been one. Maybe Jimmy Carter. That's about it. Nixon was a crook. Both Bushes were crooks. Reagan was a crook. You folks are partisans. You think Republican presidents are perfect and Democratic ones are complete failures and crooks. What BS. You're pathetic.
Nailed it.

Truth be told, most Republicans feel that Nixon was unjustly convicted. Since then they try to tear down Democrats by making them worse than Nixon the crook with statements like "X is worse than Nixon!"

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Nixon wasn't convicted of anything...bill "the rapist" clinton was impeached.
Nixon was pardoned, moron. Clinton was the victim of the worst witch hunt in US history- five years of Whitewater investigation found a slut "who had her presidential knee pads" as she told her GOP gal pals before going to DC. You dupes and the New BS GOP are a misinformed disgrace.

He wasn't convicted asshole....he wasn't impeached some history...asshole....
If the Clintons didn't stonewalled and didn't with hold evidence. We wouldn't of found out about Lewinsky.
We don't need anymore investigations. We need an unbiased President who respects the Constitution and Rule of Law, an AG who is not crooked, and a DOJ that doesn't need to attend court-ordered Ethics classes for failing to legally carry out the enforcement of our laws in a fair/honest judicial manner.
And who would that president be? LOL As if there has ever been one. Maybe Jimmy Carter. That's about it. Nixon was a crook. Both Bushes were crooks. Reagan was a crook. You folks are partisans. You think Republican presidents are perfect and Democratic ones are complete failures and crooks. What BS. You're pathetic.
Nailed it.

Truth be told, most Republicans feel that Nixon was unjustly convicted. Since then they try to tear down Democrats by making them worse than Nixon the crook with statements like "X is worse than Nixon!"

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Nixon wasn't convicted of anything...bill "the rapist" clinton was impeached.
Nixon was pardoned, moron. Clinton was the victim of the worst witch hunt in US history- five years of Whitewater investigation found a slut "who had her presidential knee pads" as she told her GOP gal pals before going to DC. You dupes and the New BS GOP are a misinformed disgrace.

He wasn't convicted asshole....he wasn't impeached some history...asshole....
I was there, sonnie, he was guilty as hell duh. D'oh. Duped again. The New BS GOP is a disgrace.
OK ....if you were harmed explain how you or anyone was actually harmed
Conducting government business in private weakens our democracy. It is harmful to our form of government by further eroding the trust in government officials.

She wasn't conducting government business in private. She was corresponding with Government employees
You are being disingenuous. There are thousands of emails from her server on wiki leaks website that refute your assertion. I especially like those marked "strictly internal".

Show what sensitive information was leaked and what harm was done

You want her in jail, shouldn't she have actually harmed someone?
If you break the law you are to be punished. Hillary, according to the State Dept, broke the law.

'As long as nobody 'gets hurt'' is NOT part of the judicial process / law, no matter how badly you want to argue that for Hillary / liberals.
According to the state department she broke the freedom of information records keeping law

Last time I checked, that qualifies for a firm slap on the wrist
Hillary voted for that war, remember? You support her, and I guess that war now?
No, she did not vote for the war. The bill she voted for was to let Bush decide if it war was necessary. Neither Hillary nor anyone in Congress could ever have imagined Bush would pull the U.N. inspectors out in favor of war.
She supported and voted for the war no matter how hard you try to spin it. You support her so you are for the Iraq war.

Exactly. Democrats did that fiasco arm and arm with Republicans
Dems gave Boooosh leverage with Saddam. He used to it to attack a sovereign (secular) state based on lies and a jingoist propaganda hysteria from the GOP propaganda machine.
Hillary looked at the evidence and voted for the war. Or are you admitting that Hillary cannot think for herself? If she can be that easy to manipulate, she isn't qualified to be president.

And her husband was President eight of the nine years before the buildup to war began, geez these ridiculous people
What were the consequences of her actions?

What sensitive information was leaked?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?

We the people were harmed. Transparency and accountability are vital to our form of government. That is not to say she committed any crimes, that is for the FBI to decide, but principled Americans have a voice in the coming election. Hillary was wrong and it is more than a trivial matter regardless of criminality.
AKA, because I hate her guts, I believe she should FRY for anything I perceive she did that I don't like. It's really all about my feelings and not-so-much about the facts.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The fact is, and it is undeniable, she used a private server to conduct State business, a breach of the public's trust. That is the fundamental fact that gets lost in all the rhetoric about criminality. Deal with it.

And there was no other reason for her to set up her own server other than to evade accountability. The left like to ignore that in blindly defending her, the fact that it made no legitimate sense to do in the first place

Yes there was...when she was taking bribes from foreign governments she had to have a safe way to talk to them...

Read my post more carefully, though obviously we agree on the underlying point
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -

It's kinda hard to file criminal charges when no crime was committed.

Sorry Trumpenfuhrer fans, I know you were counting .on it
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -

Well if they would stop these stupid email investigations, maybe they would be able to find the next terrorist in this country before they strike.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?

We the people were harmed. Transparency and accountability are vital to our form of government. That is not to say she committed any crimes, that is for the FBI to decide, but principled Americans have a voice in the coming election. Hillary was wrong and it is more than a trivial matter regardless of criminality.
AKA, because I hate her guts, I believe she should FRY for anything I perceive she did that I don't like. It's really all about my feelings and not-so-much about the facts.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The fact is, and it is undeniable, she used a private server to conduct State business, a breach of the public's trust. That is the fundamental fact that gets lost in all the rhetoric about criminality. Deal with it.

And there was no other reason for her to set up her own server other than to evade accountability. The left like to ignore that in blindly defending her, the fact that it made no legitimate sense to do in the first place

Yes there was...when she was taking bribes from foreign governments she had to have a safe way to talk to them...

Read my post more carefully, though obviously we agree on the underlying point

I know.....I have a bad habit of having to step on other posts to get my own humor in....

I apologize.
  • Thanks
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Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -

Well if they would stop these stupid email investigations, maybe they would be able to find the next terrorist in this country before they strike.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

Maybe if she was 't so busy selling out our country and taking bribes she could have saved those men in Bhengazi and stooped more terrorists...

this can''t be right .. we'll need at least 9 more congressional investigations, and 6 more FBI/CIA probes before we appoint another Republican led Special Investigations Committee to get to the bottom of this email travesty.

Yes indeedy. We need to spend quite a few millions, if not billions, of American taxpayer's dollars to investigate what has already been investigated numerous times.
We don't need anymore investigations. We need an unbiased President who respects the Constitution and Rule of Law, an AG who is not crooked, and a DOJ that doesn't need to attend court-ordered Ethics classes for failing to legally carry out the enforcement of our laws in a fair/honest judicial manner.
And who would that president be? LOL As if there has ever been one. Maybe Jimmy Carter. That's about it. Nixon was a crook. Both Bushes were crooks. Reagan was a crook. You folks are partisans. You think Republican presidents are perfect and Democratic ones are complete failures and crooks. What BS. You're pathetic.
Nailed it.

Truth be told, most Republicans feel that Nixon was unjustly convicted. Since then they try to tear down Democrats by making them worse than Nixon the crook with statements like "X is worse than Nixon!"

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Nixon wasn't convicted of anything...bill "the rapist" clinton was impeached.
An impeachment is not a conviction. Now ya know.

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