CNN (June 11th): No criminal charges expected against Clinton in email probe

Yes.....hilary is a morons don't care and we will all suffer for it....

The Facts Keep Undermining Hillary’s E-mail Tales, by David French, National Review
You are basing your perspective on purely partisan grounds.
Unfortunately the facts prove Hillary's guilt.

Liberals ignore the law.
Liberals ignore the facts.
Liberals ignore other liberals:
Liberals ignore the State Dept's own admission.
Liberals ignore Obama's declaration that she was criminally negligent.
Waaaaah stfu
These are the laws that Hillary could have broken:

18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
18 U.S. Code § 798 – Disclosure of classified information
18 U.S. Code § 1924 – Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material
18 U.S. Code § 2071(b) — Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally
18 U.S. Code § 641 – Public money, property or records
18 U.S. Code § 1505 – Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees
18 U.S. Code § 1519 — Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in federal investigations
18 U.S. Code § 1031 — Fraud against the United States
18 U.S. Code § 1343 – Fraud by wire, radio or television
18 U.S. Code § 1346 — Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud”
18 U.S. Code § 371 – Conspiracy to defraud the United States
18 U.S. Code § 371 – Conspiracy to commit a federal offense
18 U.S. Code S 666 - Governing while not Republican
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -

Wow, a Democrat isn't going to be held responsible for the consequences of their own actions? I'm stunned. Knock me over with a feather ...
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -

Wow, a Democrat isn't going to be held responsible for the consequences of their own actions? I'm stunned. Knock me over with a feather ...
What were the consequences of her actions?

What sensitive information was leaked?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?
Again.... notify the FBI. It appears they don't know that.

It seems that you know what the FBI knows, that there will be no recommendation for indictment. Can you refer me to the agent who told you that?
I've already informed you who my "source" is.

Which isn't the FBI. In all honesty you don't know what decision they've made. So unless you're John Edward, you can't possibly know.
Nor have I claimed to know.

Please don't lie, Faun.

And again... it appears no criminal charges are coming.
Sounds like she won't be unless you share your findings with the FBI.
I am not a liar because you're an idiot.

I never said she will not be charged nor have I said I know what the FBI knows. Even my quotes you posted make no such declaration.

The news is reporting that the word they're getting is that no charges will be coming. That's why I said, "it appears" and "sounds like" she won't be charged; and not "She isn't being charged."
Why Hillary will not be indicted

Valerie Plame Wilson: No Ordinary Spy

The Bush administration leaked her name in retaliation for political statements made by her husband. Plames cover was broken and her life was jeopardized. Nobody in the Bush administration was punished and Bush pardoned those who were blamed

Yet, Republicans hold a witch hunt over Hillary having a server where no classified information was actually leaked

Place was nothing but a chick that served coffee and cookies at the CIA. No cover was blown. This is why it went away so fast.
True RW vision of women in the workplace.

USMB - The champagne has gone flat, the cake is stale, but the tards are still wearing their party hats, waiting for the signal that will never come.

"I haven't gone to the bathroom in eighteen months", one creduloid who is literally full of shit stated. "I'm worried the indictment will come down while I'm taking a dump and I'll miss my chance to be the first to post about it."

As they talk in excited tones in their huddled groups, the eyes of the lonely chumps are constantly darting to their propaganda news sites, hoping against hope that today is finally the day.

"I heard an anonymous inside source has said an FBI agent said a judge has just signed a Tase on Sight (TOS) order for Hillary Clinton!", one dupe titters excitedly. "It's happening! It's finally happening!"

But, it isn't happening. It is never happening. And as the sun rises after another long lonely night's vigil and heartbreak, the saps wander blearily-eyed toward the nearest Dunkin Donuts with free wifi to recharge their pathetic souls with black coffee and day old crullers.

"It's being signed right now. I just know it, " one mutters to another as he checks his phone's signal strength.

Just what are you trying to accomplish with your satirical posts, g5?
I think this captures it pretty well:


Yeah, so you don't contribute anything useful to the discussion. Go figure.

For over a year, we've had countless topics claiming Hillary's indictment was imminent. Tips from unnamed sources in the FBI. Blah, blah, blah.

Please explain how any of that is a useful contribution. :lol:
Please explain how the OP predicting the exoneration of Hillary Clinton is a useful contribution.
What the fuck is wrong with you? If you don't find this thread to be of useful contributuon.... then why the fuck are you posting here??

USMB - The champagne has gone flat, the cake is stale, but the tards are still wearing their party hats, waiting for the signal that will never come.

"I haven't gone to the bathroom in eighteen months", one creduloid who is literally full of shit stated. "I'm worried the indictment will come down while I'm taking a dump and I'll miss my chance to be the first to post about it."

As they talk in excited tones in their huddled groups, the eyes of the lonely chumps are constantly darting to their propaganda news sites, hoping against hope that today is finally the day.

"I heard an anonymous inside source has said an FBI agent said a judge has just signed a Tase on Sight (TOS) order for Hillary Clinton!", one dupe titters excitedly. "It's happening! It's finally happening!"

But, it isn't happening. It is never happening. And as the sun rises after another long lonely night's vigil and heartbreak, the saps wander blearily-eyed toward the nearest Dunkin Donuts with free wifi to recharge their pathetic souls with black coffee and day old crullers.

"It's being signed right now. I just know it, " one mutters to another as he checks his phone's signal strength.

Just what are you trying to accomplish with your satirical posts, g5?
Hit very close...didn't it?
Yes.....hilary is a morons don't care and we will all suffer for it....

The Facts Keep Undermining Hillary’s E-mail Tales, by David French, National Review
You are basing your perspective on purely partisan grounds.
Unfortunately the facts prove Hillary's guilt.

Liberals ignore the law.
Liberals ignore the facts.
Liberals ignore other liberals:
Liberals ignore the State Dept's own admission.
Liberals ignore Obama's declaration that she was criminally negligent.
No they don't. She has been investigated over and over on this. Wasting taxpayer money. No guilt. Mistakes. Breaking rules, not laws. This is a manufactured right-wing scandal. Nothing more. Get a life. Live in the real world.
You know they would make nothing of this had she not been running for president. They don't care about right v. wrong. They only care about winning v. losing. That's why they're magnetized to Trump -- because they like hearing how they won't get tired of winning if they support him.
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -

Wow, a Democrat isn't going to be held responsible for the consequences of their own actions? I'm stunned. Knock me over with a feather ...
What were the consequences of her actions?

What sensitive information was leaked?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?

We the people were harmed. Transparency and accountability are vital to our form of government. That is not to say she committed any crimes, that is for the FBI to decide, but principled Americans have a voice in the coming election. Hillary was wrong and it is more than a trivial matter regardless of criminality.
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -

Wow, a Democrat isn't going to be held responsible for the consequences of their own actions? I'm stunned. Knock me over with a feather ...
What were the consequences of her actions?

What sensitive information was leaked?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?

We the people were harmed. Transparency and accountability are vital to our form of government. That is not to say she committed any crimes, that is for the FBI to decide, but principled Americans have a voice in the coming election. Hillary was wrong and it is more than a trivial matter regardless of criminality.
OK ....if you were harmed explain how you or anyone was actually harmed
Why can't our board Republicans answer a simple question?

You repeatedly call Hillary a crook and a criminal. You claim her crimes are worthy of imprisonment

What damage was actually done by Hillary having a private server?
What sensitive information was leaked? To whom? Who was harmed by her actions?
Yes.....hilary is a morons don't care and we will all suffer for it....

The Facts Keep Undermining Hillary’s E-mail Tales, by David French, National Review
You are basing your perspective on purely partisan grounds.
Unfortunately the facts prove Hillary's guilt.

Liberals ignore the law.
Liberals ignore the facts.
Liberals ignore other liberals:
Liberals ignore the State Dept's own admission.
Liberals ignore Obama's declaration that she was criminally negligent.
No they don't. She has been investigated over and over on this. Wasting taxpayer money. No guilt. Mistakes. Breaking rules, not laws. This is a manufactured right-wing scandal. Nothing more. Get a life. Live in the real world.
You know they would make nothing of this had she not been running for president. They don't care about right v. wrong. They only care about winning v. losing. That's why they're magnetized to Trump -- because they like hearing how they won't get tired of winning if they support him.
No, I actually don't know that, and you saying this shows you don't know the seriousness of the matter.

The WH said info so classified it can't be released or it would cause grave danger was found on Hillary's unencrypted personal computer....and that a foreign hacker....and Putin/Russia...and who knows who else may now have that info.

Even if it hasn't been hacked, she broke at least 2 laws - FOIA & the Fed Records Act. Laws matter, even when Liberals break them.

Then again, Barry is still President & is running the most lawless administration in US history...
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -

Wow, a Democrat isn't going to be held responsible for the consequences of their own actions? I'm stunned. Knock me over with a feather ...
What were the consequences of her actions?

What sensitive information was leaked?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?

We the people were harmed. Transparency and accountability are vital to our form of government. That is not to say she committed any crimes, that is for the FBI to decide, but principled Americans have a voice in the coming election. Hillary was wrong and it is more than a trivial matter regardless of criminality.
OK ....if you were harmed explain how you or anyone was actually harmed
Conducting government business in private weakens our democracy. It is harmful to our form of government by further eroding the trust in government officials.
Why can't our board Republicans answer a simple question?

You repeatedly call Hillary a crook and a criminal. You claim her crimes are worthy of imprisonment

What damage was actually done by Hillary having a private server?
What sensitive information was leaked? To whom? Who was harmed by her actions?
Thank you for demonstrating liberals don't give a damn when LIBERALS break the law.

'Yeah, she broke several laws, but what damage did it REALLY do?!'

That's something NO one will hear / read you say about Trump, attempting to minimize unethical, illegal activity.

When something does come up and it involves Trump or another Conservative remember you said this - I expect you to defend them the same way...or either ADMIT to being a HYPOCRITE.
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -

Wow, a Democrat isn't going to be held responsible for the consequences of their own actions? I'm stunned. Knock me over with a feather ...
What were the consequences of her actions?

What sensitive information was leaked?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?
Who was harmed by Hillary having a private server?

We the people were harmed. Transparency and accountability are vital to our form of government. That is not to say she committed any crimes, that is for the FBI to decide, but principled Americans have a voice in the coming election. Hillary was wrong and it is more than a trivial matter regardless of criminality.
OK ....if you were harmed explain how you or anyone was actually harmed
Conducting government business in private weakens our democracy. It is harmful to our form of government by further eroding the trust in government officials.

She wasn't conducting government business in private. She was corresponding with Government employees

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