CNN (June 11th): No criminal charges expected against Clinton in email probe


USMB - The champagne has gone flat, the cake is stale, but the tards are still wearing their party hats, waiting for the signal that will never come.

"I haven't gone to the bathroom in eighteen months", one creduloid who is literally full of shit stated. "I'm worried the indictment will come down while I'm taking a dump and I'll miss my chance to be the first to post about it."

As they talk in excited tones in their huddled groups, the eyes of the lonely chumps are constantly darting to their propaganda news sites, hoping against hope that today is finally the day.

"I heard an anonymous inside source has said an FBI agent said a judge has just signed a Tase on Sight (TOS) order for Hillary Clinton!", one dupe titters excitedly. "It's happening! It's finally happening!"

But, it isn't happening. It is never happening. And as the sun rises after another long lonely night's vigil and heartbreak, the saps wander blearily-eyed toward the nearest Dunkin Donuts with free wifi to recharge their pathetic souls with black coffee and day old crullers.

"It's being signed right now. I just know it, " one mutters to another as he checks his phone's signal strength.

Just what are you trying to accomplish with your satirical posts, g5?
I think this captures it pretty well:


Yeah, so you don't contribute anything useful to the discussion. Go figure.

For over a year, we've had countless topics claiming Hillary's indictment was imminent. Tips from unnamed sources in the FBI. Blah, blah, blah.

Please explain how any of that is a useful contribution. :lol:
Please explain how the OP predicting the exoneration of Hillary Clinton is a useful contribution.
When you kick a retard in the nuts for hoisting their stupidity on the rest of us, that IS a worthy contribution.

You can't let a retard be a retard without getting a kick in the nuts. That would just encourage them to continue being retards. They have to learn being a retard comes with a price.
Sounds like condescension to me.
It never occurred to any of you that the RWM(right wing media) was taken you for a ride?

You already had a revelation that it will support BS during the debates. Why didn't you suspect BS in other stories?
The mere existence of this non sanctioned or approved server is criminal.
Nope. There was no law against it.

It was stupid, it was careless, but it was not illegal.

Putting classified documents on it was illegal.

By even retaining any classified e-mails on that server she broke the law. 18 USC 1924 (a).

"(a)Whoever, being an officer… of the United States, and by virtue of his office… becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.

Under who's authority?
The secretary or the president?

There is only one other office Hillary has to answer too, if I am not mistaken. Add in the fact that OK Barry knew about the server and its uses......?what law was broken again?
The State Department itself made the case against Hillary violating both the FOIA and The Federal Records Act by declaring Hillary never turned over all State Dept-related e-mails and documents as required by the law.
It has been proven Barry's has been the most criminally non-compliant administration in US hostory regarding obeying the FOIA - 70% non-compliant, and it has been declared by Obama's own State Department that Hillary has been one of THE biggest offenders of breaking this law.

Barry and the WH made the case against Hillary be declaring info was found on her un-encrypted server 'so classified it could not be released in any format because it would cause grave danger to our national security' and by Barry, trying ineptly to defend her, declaring she had acted 'negligently'. Considering both those together, that is enough to prove her guilt regarding 'gross negligence' under the Espionage Act.

The OP is correct, however - IMO, about how no charges will be forthcoming. In an act of MASSIVE CONFLICT OF INTEREST, Barry just made history by becoming the 1st President to endorse someone being investigated by HIS FBI, prematurely signaling there is no way he is going to allow an indictment.

He might as well have held a press conference and declared no matter what evidence is presented he will bever allow Hillary to be indicted.

Knowing all the facts, especially those listed above - admissions by our own govt - this is the easiest case in the world to see / prove guilt. Common Sense, even a spoonfull, dictates / shows Hillary is guilty as hell of breaking the law.

And Barry just declared by endorsing her that he will never allow his administration to indict her, adding the final proof that his is the most lawless in our nation's history.
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -


this can''t be right .. we'll need at least 9 more congressional investigations, and 6 more FBI/CIA probes before we appoint another Republican led Special Investigations Committee to get to the bottom of this email travesty.

Yes indeedy. We need to spend quite a few millions, if not billions, of American taxpayer's dollars to investigate what has already been investigated numerous times.
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -


this can''t be right .. we'll need at least 9 more congressional investigations, and 6 more FBI/CIA probes before we appoint another Republican led Special Investigations Committee to get to the bottom of this email travesty.

Yes indeedy. We need to spend quite a few millions, if not billions, of American taxpayer's dollars to investigate what has already been investigated numerous times.
We don't need anymore investigations. We need an unbiased President who respects the Constitution and Rule of Law, an AG who is not crooked, and a DOJ that doesn't need to attend court-ordered Ethics classes for failing to legally carry out the enforcement of our laws in a fair/honest judicial manner.
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -


this can''t be right .. we'll need at least 9 more congressional investigations, and 6 more FBI/CIA probes before we appoint another Republican led Special Investigations Committee to get to the bottom of this email travesty.

Yes indeedy. We need to spend quite a few millions, if not billions, of American taxpayer's dollars to investigate what has already been investigated numerous times.
We don't need anymore investigations. We need an unbiased President who respects the Constitution and Rule of Law, an AG who is not crooked, and a DOJ that doesn't need to attend court-ordered Ethics classes for failing to legally carry out the enforcement of our laws in a fair/honest judicial manner.
And who would that president be? LOL As if there has ever been one. Maybe Jimmy Carter. That's about it. Nixon was a crook. Both Bushes were crooks. Reagan was a crook. You folks are partisans. You think Republican presidents are perfect and Democratic ones are complete failures and crooks. What BS. You're pathetic.
Yes.....hilary is a morons don't care and we will all suffer for it....

The Facts Keep Undermining Hillary’s E-mail Tales, by David French, National Review
You are basing your perspective on purely partisan grounds.
Unfortunately the facts prove Hillary's guilt.

Liberals ignore the law.
Liberals ignore the facts.
Liberals ignore other liberals:
Liberals ignore the State Dept's own admission.
Liberals ignore Obama's declaration that she was criminally negligent.
Yes.....hilary is a morons don't care and we will all suffer for it....

The Facts Keep Undermining Hillary’s E-mail Tales, by David French, National Review
You are basing your perspective on purely partisan grounds.
Unfortunately the facts prove Hillary's guilt.

Liberals ignore the law.
Liberals ignore the facts.
Liberals ignore other liberals:
Liberals ignore the State Dept's own admission.
Liberals ignore Obama's declaration that she was criminally negligent.
No they don't. She has been investigated over and over on this. Wasting taxpayer money. No guilt. Mistakes. Breaking rules, not laws. This is a manufactured right-wing scandal. Nothing more. Get a life. Live in the real world.
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -


this can''t be right .. we'll need at least 9 more congressional investigations, and 6 more FBI/CIA probes before we appoint another Republican led Special Investigations Committee to get to the bottom of this email travesty.

Yes indeedy. We need to spend quite a few millions, if not billions, of American taxpayer's dollars to investigate what has already been investigated numerous times.
We don't need anymore investigations. We need an unbiased President who respects the Constitution and Rule of Law, an AG who is not crooked, and a DOJ that doesn't need to attend court-ordered Ethics classes for failing to legally carry out the enforcement of our laws in a fair/honest judicial manner.
And who would that president be? LOL As if there has ever been one. Maybe Jimmy Carter. That's about it. Nixon was a crook. Both Bushes were crooks. Reagan was a crook. You folks are partisans. You think Republican presidents are perfect and Democratic ones are complete failures and crooks. What BS. You're pathetic.
There has NEVER been a more criminal, lawless President ever. Confirmed, for example - Barry was recently proven to be the most criminally non-compliant administration in regards to the FOUA, the vers same law the State Department admitted Hillary broke. 70%, 7 out of every FOIA Request, has been illegally ignored by this President.
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Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -


this can''t be right .. we'll need at least 9 more congressional investigations, and 6 more FBI/CIA probes before we appoint another Republican led Special Investigations Committee to get to the bottom of this email travesty.

Yes indeedy. We need to spend quite a few millions, if not billions, of American taxpayer's dollars to investigate what has already been investigated numerous times.
We don't need anymore investigations. We need an unbiased President who respects the Constitution and Rule of Law, an AG who is not crooked, and a DOJ that doesn't need to attend court-ordered Ethics classes for failing to legally carry out the enforcement of our laws in a fair/honest judicial manner.
And who would that president be? LOL As if there has ever been one. Maybe Jimmy Carter. That's about it. Nixon was a crook. Both Bushes were crooks. Reagan was a crook. You folks are partisans. You think Republican presidents are perfect and Democratic ones are complete failures and crooks. What BS. You're pathetic.
There gas NEVER been a more criminal, lawless President ever. Confirmed, for example - Barry was recently proven to be the most criminally non-compliant administration in regards to the FOUA, the vers same law the State Department admitted Hillary broke. 70%, 7 out of every FOIA Request, has been illegally ignored by this President.
You are ridiculous. Obama is rated as the 18th best president ever, by presidential scholars and historians. That's right in the middle of the pack. He has done fine. Bill Clinton is rated 7th, in the top ten. These are non-partisan ratings. If you were able to think and see the world w/o bias, you would understand that all your thinking is partisanship, not reality.
Yes.....hilary is a morons don't care and we will all suffer for it....

The Facts Keep Undermining Hillary’s E-mail Tales, by David French, National Review
You are basing your perspective on purely partisan grounds.
Unfortunately the facts prove Hillary's guilt.

Liberals ignore the law.
Liberals ignore the facts.
Liberals ignore other liberals:
Liberals ignore the State Dept's own admission.
Liberals ignore Obama's declaration that she was criminally negligent.
No they don't. She has been investigated over and over on this. Wasting taxpayer money. No guilt. Mistakes. Breaking rules, not laws. This is a manufactured right-wing scandal. Nothing more. Get a life. Live in the real world.
You lie - I have provided the links numerous times. The State Dept declared she did NOT turn over all e-mails and documents as required by law.

The State Dept also was found to have hidden documents - that had been subpoenaed - for almost a year until they had been found.

Forget FOIA - the State Dept was found hiding docs, regusing to turn over SUBPOENAED documents. MOST CRIMINALLY NON-COMPLIANT ADMINISTRATION EVUH!
Yes.....hilary is a morons don't care and we will all suffer for it....

The Facts Keep Undermining Hillary’s E-mail Tales, by David French, National Review
You are basing your perspective on purely partisan grounds.
Unfortunately the facts prove Hillary's guilt.

Liberals ignore the law.
Liberals ignore the facts.
Liberals ignore other liberals:
Liberals ignore the State Dept's own admission.
Liberals ignore Obama's declaration that she was criminally negligent.
No they don't. She has been investigated over and over on this. Wasting taxpayer money. No guilt. Mistakes. Breaking rules, not laws. This is a manufactured right-wing scandal. Nothing more. Get a life. Live in the real world.
You lie - I have provided the links numerous times. The State Dept declared she did NOT turn over all e-mails and documents as required by law.

The State Dept also was found to have hidden documents - that had been subpoenaed - for almost a year until they had been found.

Forget FOIA - the State Dept was found hiding docs, regusing to turn over SUBPOENAED documents. MOST CRIMINALLY NON-COMPLIANT ADMINISTRATION EVUH!

this can''t be right .. we'll need at least 9 more congressional investigations, and 6 more FBI/CIA probes before we appoint another Republican led Special Investigations Committee to get to the bottom of this email travesty.

Yes indeedy. We need to spend quite a few millions, if not billions, of American taxpayer's dollars to investigate what has already been investigated numerous times.
We don't need anymore investigations. We need an unbiased President who respects the Constitution and Rule of Law, an AG who is not crooked, and a DOJ that doesn't need to attend court-ordered Ethics classes for failing to legally carry out the enforcement of our laws in a fair/honest judicial manner.
And who would that president be? LOL As if there has ever been one. Maybe Jimmy Carter. That's about it. Nixon was a crook. Both Bushes were crooks. Reagan was a crook. You folks are partisans. You think Republican presidents are perfect and Democratic ones are complete failures and crooks. What BS. You're pathetic.
There gas NEVER been a more criminal, lawless President ever. Confirmed, for example - Barry was recently proven to be the most criminally non-compliant administration in regards to the FOUA, the vers same law the State Department admitted Hillary broke. 70%, 7 out of every FOIA Request, has been illegally ignored by this President.
You are ridiculous. Obama is rated as the 18th best president ever, by presidential scholars and historians. That's right in the middle of the pack. He has done fine. Bill Clinton is rated 7th, in the top ten. These are non-partisan ratings. If you were able to think and see the world w/o bias, you would understand that all your thinking is partisanship, not reality.
You cite POLLS, cite 'statistical' opinion such as 'he has done fine', and post emojis as your 'denial' response while I cite recorded and reported FACT, fact which you partisanly ignore because it does not fit in your own prefered liberal 'reality'.

And you call ME ridiculous. :p

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