CNN Medical Analyst Admits After Two Years There's Been 'Overcounting' of COVID Deaths

Arrogance is thinking you know more about a family member of somebody on the internet than they do. Arrogance is refusing to take all factors of the situation and saying it didn't happen because you know better.
Just pointing out what is blisteringly obvious.

You’d see it too if you weren’t blinded by partisanship.

Someone gave your uncle COVID. Accept it.
Obviously someone near him did have COVID because that’s how you get COVID.

How can YOU be this stupid?

As I said, anybody near him was tested, quarantined or both. Nobody had it. That's just a fact. Nobody gets covid with complete zero symptoms. Even the most mildest case people get headaches and many experience a change in taste of food. Nothing, not even a sneeze, and most of these people were elderly with other medical conditions.

Oh, but forget about that. Government would never lie to me. They've been earnest and truthful my entire life! Big Brother is God, and God is always right.
As I said, anybody near him was tested, quarantined or both. Nobody had it. That's just a fact. Nobody gets covid with complete zero symptoms. Even the most mildest case people get headaches and many experience a change in taste of food. Nothing, not even a sneeze, and most of these people were elderly with other medical conditions.

Oh, but forget about that. Government would never lie to me. They've been earnest and truthful my entire life! Big Brother is God, and God is always right.
Yes. People get COVID without any symptoms.
Tests have false negatives, especially if you don’t do them aggressively.
Tests also don’t come positive until days into your infection (you already admitted this).

There’s a lot of things you don’t understand about COVID, or don’t want to understand because you’re so politically biased.

But yeah, invent a government conspiracy because of your ignorance. That’s what you love doing.
Yes. People get COVID without any symptoms.
Tests have false negatives, especially if you don’t do them aggressively.
Tests also don’t come positive until days into your infection (you already admitted this).

There’s a lot of things you don’t understand about COVID, or don’t want to understand because you’re so politically biased.

But yeah, invent a government conspiracy because of your ignorance. That’s what you love doing.

What I like dealing with are facts. You like dealing with excuses. That's why you're a Communist.
Yeah, "cherry picked" from the CDC and it's #1 guy (Redfield).
And you ? Man without a source. Ho hum. :icon_rolleyes:
Listening to and observing the news and print media is without a source? At least I don't waste hours of time looking for articles that support what I say, do you? Your "sources" seem to all agree with any lie they wish to tell you, and you believe them. Not ho hum, just stupid.
Radio reporting on the local radio station. But then that is a truth so you and yours want nothing to do with it.
How would I know that to be the truth? And not only the truth, but truth representative of national statistics?

Should I just take everyones word on everything? Should I take some telephone gamed snippet about some guy somewhere and make conclusions about national statistics?

Just because thats your dogshit standard for beliving something to be a fact, doesn't mean it is for sane people you are conversing with.
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You are UNQUALIFIED to make any such assessment, dumbass liberal fucktard.
Who said I've made such assessment? Medical professionals have made that assessment, so you'll have to come up with some other fig-leaf excuse to not accept it as factual.

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How would I know that to be the truth? And not only the truth, but truth representative of national statistics?

Should I just take everyones word on everything? Should I take some telephone gamed snippet about some guy somewhere and make conclusions about national statistics?

Just because thats your dogshit standard for beliving something to be a fact, doesn't mean it is for sane people you are conversing with.
Actually, you already do take anything that supports your hopes on the subject as truth while demeaning anything that would make you think. Can't have you thinking, it would disturb the matrix.
I only joined this board in August of last year.

But I was a Democrat (I apologize!) from 2004 to March of 2020. I started drifting away during the Trump years, but the COVID lockdowns and Antifa/BLM riots had me switch over to the Republican party by May.

Then I started watching FOX on YouTube, which led me to independent right leaning sources like Tim Pool and Salty Cracker. (And now many many more.)

I had already been reading RealClearPolitics (which is actually pretty balanced, but has a lot of great Right leaning editorials and such); and then I started looking at Right Wing sources online. (American Greatness, PJ Media, Townhall, Gateway Pundit, Zero Hedge...way too many to name, you get the point). I quickly realized that, regardless of politics, these sources were all much more honest with the facts despite their bias, and the more I read the more I realized how utterly in the dark I had been for so many years. (Although one could legitimately argue the Right has changed significantly over the past few years, I assure you if we were still running Bush/McCain/Romney candidates I would not be in this camp.)

But I digress. :)

The point is there was a healthy ecosystem of content all over the internet questioning the status quo of the medical tyrants as early as April/May 2020, and has not only grown substantially since, but has been proven absolutely correct on 99% of everything.

And it's yet another truth nuke flying in the faces of the mainstream Left.

Their power in terms of fooling the mass populace is shrinking, don't let these dark times convince you otherwise.
This is the post of the year so far
What a detailed accounting of your transformation to facts and thinking versus liberal wishes and feelings.!!
Well thats not particularly smart of you to say.

Thats not a true knowable considering Covid-19 is airborne, can be asymptomatic and testing for it can have false-negatives.

It's one thing to say "could" and quite another to say that's the only possibility, especially when there is a motive to making up bullshit to get money from the government. Even asymptomatic people test positive for covid if they have it. As I stated last summer one of my other Uncles had a 90th birthday party planned and that was interrupted by covid. Many of the people that caught it were there when my late Uncle was hauled away to the hospital. None of them were asymptomatic. They all got sick and some very sick.

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