CNN Medical Analyst Admits After Two Years There's Been 'Overcounting' of COVID Deaths

Why wouldn't they get paid extra for it? We all have bosses. We all know what they want. Fudge the numbers a bit, who's going to know?
Because hospital doctors don't get paid from payer. Hospitals pay them and there are layers of bureaucracy between clinical, billing and administration.

Some admin having conversations with individual doctors about commiting fraud so that hospital can bill more is borderline crazy.
All involved in the Covid oversell have now admitted the so called vaccine does not do 80% of what researched and tested vaccines have always done; in fact in mid stream it was suddenly declared “not a vaccine”
It does not prevent you from getting it, does not prevent you from Transmitting it, and does not effect the intensity of the transmission. In the 6% of cases severe or worse it does decrease the likely hood that you will die or get worse. The other 94% it has no effect upon.
It took them 2 years to become statistically honest but by then liberals were so emotionally invested in lockdown and other lunacy that they can’t come to grasp facts.
Because hospital doctors don't get paid from payer. Hospitals pay them and there are layers of bureaucracy between clinical, billing and administration.

Some admin having conversations with individual doctors about commiting fraud so that hospital can bill more is borderline crazy.

Then riddle me this: Why is it when the VA contacted my cousins and they voiced a complaint about the primary cause of death, the doctor told them to take a number. A lot of people were complaining about the exact same thing. Are all these families wrong?
More people got vaccine. Billions.

And? What changed in complication statistics?

it's been two years since trials and almost two years since wide scale public distribution started. How long will your empty denials last?

Like I said, these things can take years at times. How long did it take before we learned about the escalating myocarditis cases in young people after getting the shot not only here, but in Israel as well?

None of the vaccines have FDA approval yet. They only have EUA (emergency use authorization) approval.
COVID deaths idiot

My opinion?

You are refusing plain data, facts and reason.

Why do you refuse that Covid-19 death certificate diagnosis well corresponds to overall increases in deaths in 2020 and 2021?

If Covid diagnosis record is wildly off, then what was killing all the people in footstep with Covid waves? It's incoherent.

I gave you the data, I gave you the reasons, you can't refute any of it.

So why the denials? Because you came here with preconceptions and it hurts your ego to just admit it was wrong.

That's ok, you don't have to admit anything to me.
I deny what you claim because you present only one side, that which supports you bias.

You continue to disregard the fact that not all deaths blamed on covid are because of covid. Many deaths had other primary causes but were blamed on covid just because the patient happened to test positive. Driving up the concept that covid was the cause of the death. That is just not true. Look at the percentage of deaths "due to covid" versus the number of cases of it. The percentages alone do not support y our claims, in fact they put to lie yuir c;ao,s/ your claims. But you don't care, since it does not support your idiotic claims.

That is why you are so upset that no one believes your claims, that and the fact that you lie about them constantly. Shame on you for hour hate.
Then riddle me this: Why is it when the VA contacted my cousins and they voiced a complaint about the primary cause of death, the doctor told them to take a number. A lot of people were complaining about the exact same thing. Are all these families wrong?
As you were told, VA hospitals don't get paid more for Covid treatment....yet you still think your uncle was diagnosed with Covid-19 is some sort of scheme to make money.

You are not being coherent.
Every tagged hospital visit, stay or death was falsely reported for 18 months as “from Covid”if Covid was one of the ailments
That caused more money to be released
So it turns out that even the Left are now admitting that those of us who pointed out the death numbers were BS (which was obvious given the mortality rates), were completely right; and the Branch Covidians were completely fucking wrong.

Of course, this comes as rotten/stale news to anyone with a functioning brain with the ability to question the "Narrative".

But now even fucking CNN is owning up to the grift. Blue states decimated their schools, terminated state employees, and bankrupted businesses all for a grandiose lie.

And we tried to warn you.

Wren acknowledged that “90 percent of patients diagnosed with COVID are actually in the hospital for some other illness.”

“Since every hospitalized patient gets tested for covid, many are incidentally positive,” Wren wrote, citing Robin Dretler, an attending physician at Emory Decatur Hospital.

The CDC claimed that the U.S. is experiencing at least 400 deaths from Covid every day. However, Wren questioned whether those deaths were directly from the virus itself or another illness.

“At that rate, there would be nearly 150,000 deaths a year. But are these Americans dying from COVID or with COVID?” She asked.

Wren admitted that hospitals are adding Covid to patients' death certificates, but often the virus plays no role at all in how they died.

Total disgrace. is another conspiracy theory lying websiite:

  • Overall, we rate Townhall Right Biased and Questionable based on consistent one-sided reporting that always favors the right and numerous failed fact checks.

Then riddle me this: Why is it when the VA contacted my cousins and they voiced a complaint about the primary cause of death, the doctor told them to take a number. A lot of people were complaining about the exact same thing. Are all these families wrong?

Yes they are. Because, like you, they believe the lies they were told.
As you were told, VA hospitals don't get paid more for Covid treatment....yet you still think your uncle was diagnosed with Covid-19 is some sort of scheme to make money.

You are not being coherent.

Yeah, you are so correct.

As of April 14, 2021, the Department of Veterans Affairs reported 224,538 cumulative COVID-19 cases among veterans, with 11,366 deaths.

The VA received $19.6 billion in supplemental funding in March 2020 to respond to the pandemic.

Yes they are. Because, like you, they believe the lies they were told.

What lies? Their families suffered deaths that were labeled as covid being the primary cause of death, and they didn't believe it like our family doesn't believe that had to do with my Uncle's death that had colon cancer.
Why wouldn't they get paid extra for it? We all have bosses. We all know what they want. Fudge the numbers a bit, who's going to know?
The doctors don’t get paid more for it. Especially at a VA.

You can’t “fudge the numbers” a bit unless you somehow find a way to start faking the results of COVID tests.

If you bill the government or insurance for a fraudulent diagnosis, they arrest you. It’s called insurance fraud. People go to jail for it.
The doctors don’t get paid more for it. Especially at a VA.

You can’t “fudge the numbers” a bit unless you somehow find a way to start faking the results of COVID tests.

If you bill the government or insurance for a fraudulent diagnosis, they arrest you. It’s called insurance fraud. People go to jail for it.

Where did I say the doctors financially benefited from it? I said the hospitals did. Doctors are merely employees of those hospitals.
Where did I say the doctors financially benefited from it? I said the hospitals did. Doctors are merely employees of those hospitals.
Oh okay. So the doctors are committing insurance fraud that could land them in jail for nothing.

That’s a pretty stupid conspiracy.
Yeah, you are so correct.

As of April 14, 2021, the Department of Veterans Affairs reported 224,538 cumulative COVID-19 cases among veterans, with 11,366 deaths.

The VA received $19.6 billion in supplemental funding in March 2020 to respond to the pandemic.


I guess we have to read your link togather.

(VA) received $19.6 billion in supplemental funding—additional funding above the annual appropriation—in March 2020 to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

You know what that means? It means that this VA suplemental budget was apropriated before most deaths, so obviously it had nothing to do with their diagnosis.
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