CNN Medical Analyst Admits After Two Years There's Been 'Overcounting' of COVID Deaths

Really? Check this out:


So what company owns this insurance?

I guess we have to read your link togather.

(VA) received $19.6 billion in supplemental funding—additional funding above the annual appropriation—in March 2020 to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

You know what that means? It means that this VA suplemental budget was apropriated before most deaths, so obviously it had nothing to do with their diagnosis.

Your claim was that the VA got no covid money. Well??????

And what do you think happens if that money isn't spent? They just keep giving it away?
How are you cult fucks this stupid.



How fucking difficult is that to put together?
Your claim was that the VA got no covid money. Well??????

And what do you think happens if that money isn't spent? They just keep giving it away?

It's tough to converse with someone who is suffering from A.D.D and is having trouble keeping track of what the conversation is about.

Try to concentrate:

The point of this conversation was that your uncle in VA hospital was supposedly mis-dignosed with Covid-19 in some fraud conspiracy to charge government more money.

But your story doesn't addup - VA hospitals do not get paid by diagnosis, they have an overall butget that was suplemented to deal with Covid-19 at the onset of the pandemic, well before most of VA's Covid-19 patients died and had their death certificate issued. What you are saying is incoherent.
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4 out of 100? Nowhere near that high is another conspiracy theory lying websiite:

  • Overall, we rate Townhall Right Biased and Questionable based on consistent one-sided reporting that always favors the right and numerous failed fact checks. is a conspiracy lying website.

Overall I rate it Left biased and questionable based on consistent one-sided "fact checks" that always favor the left.

Why don't you just type up a template with "BLANK" is Fake Right Wing News and "conspiracy!" (just like Hunter's laptop, just like Trump ISN'T a Russian asset, just like the Covington Kids committed "hate crimes" and on and on and on), and then hit repeat ad infinitum in every single thread you post.

I mean, as embarrassingly laughable as that idea is, it's essentially what you're already doing now.
4 out of 100? Nowhere near that high is a conspiracy lying website.

Overall I rate it Left biased and questionable based on consistent one-sided "fact checks" that always favor the left.

Why don't you just type up a template with "BLANK" is Fake Right Wing News and "conspiracy!" (just like Hunter's laptop, just like Trump ISN'T a Russian asset, just like the Covington Kids committed "hate crimes" and on and on and on), and then hit repeat ad infinitum in every single thread you post.

I mean, as embarrassingly laughable as that idea is, it's essentially what you're already doing now.

These cult fucks are just ridiculous.
And again… excess deaths show that deaths were higher by almost the exact death count of COVID BEFORE the vaccine was available
I deny what you claim because you present only one side, that which supports you bias.

You continue to disregard the fact that not all deaths blamed on covid are because of covid. Many deaths had other primary causes but were blamed on covid just because the patient happened to test positive. Driving up the concept that covid was the cause of the death. That is just not true. Look at the percentage of deaths "due to covid" versus the number of cases of it. The percentages alone do not support y our claims, in fact they put to lie yuir c;ao,s/ your claims. But you don't care, since it does not support your idiotic claims.

That is why you are so upset that no one believes your claims, that and the fact that you lie about them constantly. Shame on you for hour hate.

If they are incorrect, the why do excessive deaths statistics closely track Covid-19 death certificates?

SOMETHING extraordinary was killing a lot of people since early 2020 and what you are saying is - NOPE! Wasn't Covid!

Do you not understand how crazy you fools sound?
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Covid was a Zionist Fascist plot to accomplish the following

1. force absentee ballots for massive election fraud aimed at Trump and stopping any Congressional hearings
2. stall and shut down Trump DOJ cases about to come out
3. targeted mass murder of non Zionist Fascists and those the ZFs do not own
4. use fraud to create a weapon of mass murder/population control mislabeled as a "vaccine"

Everyone involved is a traitor
Covid was a Zionist Fascist plot to accomplish the following

1. force absentee ballots for massive election fraud
....must you publicly shit yourself like that?

Even run of the mill anti-vaxxers are cringing at a thought of being associated with this sort of crazy.
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If they are incorrect, the why do excessive deaths statistics closely track Covid-19 death certificates?

SOMETHING extraordinary was killing a lot of people since early 2020 and what you are saying is - NOPE! Wasn't Covid!

Do you not understand how crazy you fools sound?
You seem convinced that the government would never lie to you, in spite of all the evidence presented which you purposely try not to comprehend. Do YOU not realize how idiotic that makes you sound?
You seem convinced that the government would never lie to you, in spite of all the evidence presented which you purposely try not to comprehend. Do YOU not realize how idiotic that makes you sound?
Nonsense, there has been no evidence presented that anyone is messing with straight death counts.

These death counts are consistent with recorded Covid-19 deaths not just nationally but on individual state, local level and other countries as well. Are they all in on the conspiracy as well?

Give me break.

You just don't want to accept death counts because it destroys your fringe half-baked theories and so you are down to baseless denials and grand conspiracies.
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