CNN Medical Analyst Admits After Two Years There's Been 'Overcounting' of COVID Deaths

What's the disgrace? Can you answer simple questions?
The disgrace is the dishonest misrepresentation of why someone is in the hospital, causing a seemingly intended false premise of far more people were in the hospital because of COVID than actually were.

Then, the Democrats, MSM, and big tech all used these inflated numbers as a club to attack anyone who disagrees with their extremist policies. And it’s not as if it was a mistake, the knowledge of who to count in COVID death numbers was known.. Conservatives used the correct numbers, Democrats used the incorrect, heightened numbers.

Once again, another Democrat staple position has been proven false, and Conservatives were right all along. It’s too bad we can’t clean up all the false opinions that were made based on this misinformation.. but like I said, it wasn’t a mistake, it was likely a deliberate by the left to manipulate American voters by fear.

Remember, the abrasive CNN COVID DEATH counter stopped shortly after January of 2021.. what do you think happened that would cause a sudden 180 in focus on COVID deaths? LOL
CNN is a liberal lap dog yet even they can no longer deny the accumulating fact evidence.
They did not care how many thinking, productive people they lost with the two years of lampoonish lying but they now don’t want to lose all of them, we buy the products they advertise-loafing lib loons not so much, so they don’t want to lose every one of us forever.
The disgrace is the dishonest misrepresentation of why someone is in the hospital, causing a seemingly intended false premise of far more people were in the hospital because of COVID than actually were.

Then, the Democrats, MSM, and big tech all used these inflated numbers as a club to attack anyone who disagrees with their extremist policies.
Read the thread, Covid-19 death counts during shutdowns are independently supported by straight death counts.

And by the way it is those very death count statistics that show that since 2022 Covid-19 deaths seem to be over-counted. And it's reasonable too - as our population immunity to virus improved more people in the hospital will have incidental mild Covid-19 infection as opposed to deadly one.
Nonsense, there has been no evidence presented that anyone is messing with straight death counts.

These death counts are consistent with recorded Covid-19 deaths not just nationally but on individual state, local level and other countries as well. Are they all in on the conspiracy as well?

Give me break.

You just don't want to accept death counts because it destroys your fringe half-baked theories and so you are down to baseless denials and grand conspiracies.
Try the evidence, which y ou are intent on ignoring, provided by the CDC doctor who provided it for public consumption. You are intent on accepting a false death count even when those who make it say they are wrong.

That makes and confirms you to be a public menace.
Try the evidence, which y ou are intent on ignoring, provided by the CDC doctor who provided it for public consumption. You are intent on accepting a false death count even when those who make it say they are wrong.

That makes and confirms you to be a public menace.
Bullshit, nowhwere does the CDC doctor state that total death count statistics are being somehow manipulated or are incorrect.

Death counts confirm that in 2022-23 Covid-19 deaths are being over counted.
So it turns out that even the Left are now admitting that those of us who pointed out the death numbers were BS (which was obvious given the mortality rates), were completely right; and the Branch Covidians were completely fucking wrong.

Of course, this comes as rotten/stale news to anyone with a functioning brain with the ability to question the "Narrative".

But now even fucking CNN is owning up to the grift. Blue states decimated their schools, terminated state employees, and bankrupted businesses all for a grandiose lie.

And we tried to warn you.

Wren acknowledged that “90 percent of patients diagnosed with COVID are actually in the hospital for some other illness.”

“Since every hospitalized patient gets tested for covid, many are incidentally positive,” Wren wrote, citing Robin Dretler, an attending physician at Emory Decatur Hospital.

The CDC claimed that the U.S. is experiencing at least 400 deaths from Covid every day. However, Wren questioned whether those deaths were directly from the virus itself or another illness.

“At that rate, there would be nearly 150,000 deaths a year. But are these Americans dying from COVID or with COVID?” She asked.

Wren admitted that hospitals are adding Covid to patients' death certificates, but often the virus plays no role at all in how they died.

Total disgrace.

Now that they can no longer deny that, A) the "vaccines" don't do shit, and B) the media/government/corporate reaction to the pandemic did far more harm than good, they are going to try to flip the whole script and blame it all on Trump. Mark my words, you will soon see a lot of stories about how Trump engineered the whole thing.
Bullshit, nowhwere does the CDC doctor state that total death count statistics are being somehow manipulated or are incorrect.

Death counts confirm that in 2022-23 Covid-19 deaths are being over counted.
Read her report, she does say just that. You are so full of shit that you can't even accept that your prize sources are denying what you say, or just fantasize is true. Extremely stupid.

YOu do realize that you just posted a refutation of your claims, right? You are really lost.
YOu do realize that you just posted a refutation of your claims, right? You are really lost.
No. I realize you aren't bright, don't understand what you are reading and saying.
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You p0sted a part of her report and apparently did not read it, yet demand others who did read it to read it again, thus once again proving you to be a huge moron.
I've read it. It doesn't say what you think it says and you don't understand how it relates to total death counts (not just Covid deaths)

Quote the part and I'll specifically explain to you how it relates to total death count statistics.
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