CNN Medical Analyst Admits After Two Years There's Been 'Overcounting' of COVID Deaths

Yep, as I've said you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

Covid causes many side-effects that are expected to be listed alongside as the cause of death.

Most comonly people die from pnuemonia. Does that mean it wasn't Covid that caused it? Of course it doesn't dummy.

Here is CDC explaining it to you:

Among death certificates from calendar year 2020 listing COVID-19 and at least one other co-occurring diagnosis, the documentation is consistent with these deaths being attributable to COVID-19. Specifically, in 97% of 357,133 death certificates with COVID-19 and at least one other diagnosis, the documented chain-of-event and significant contributing conditions were consistent with those reported in clinical and epidemiologic studies to occur among patients with severe COVID-19–associated outcomes (5,9). Only 5.5% of death certificates had COVID-19 without any other conditions listed. Attributability of death to COVID-19 could not be evaluated for these death certificates and represents an opportunity for improvement in documentation.

Do you get that? 5% of certificates is MISSING an expected diagnosis, because it's not Covid-19 itself that kills people, but rather all the complications from it.
And you're going to actually come into this thread and try to claim that when a death has comorbidities, that it was Covid that caused the comorbidities? Your posts are getting dumber & dumber as you go along.

Did I get it ? Yeah, I got it. Did YOU get it ? What you just posted is exactly what I and the CDC have been telling you. and there is nothing in the link that indicates anything about complications from Covid. If a person drowns in a lake, is killed in a car accident, dies in a fire, gets shot, those aren't caused by complications from Covid.

The simple fact is, hospitals got incentivized to inflate reports of Covid deaths by getting PAID for doing that. In case you didn't get it, here is YOUR POST again, with the important words highlighted in red.

Only 5.5% of death certificates had COVID-19 without any other conditions listed. Attributability of death to COVID-19 could not be evaluated for these death certificates
Get it ?
No dummy, what I'm CDC is saying is that all Covid deaths have at least one other related cause that is EXPECTED on each on every death certificate.

Certificates that list ONLY Covid-19 as the cause of death are DEFICIENT.

You claimed that CDC stated that over-counting is happening. Do you now understand that your claim was bullshit?

Aside from Covid-19 deaths reporting there are independent total mortality statistics that closesly corraborate that data. SOMETHING very exrodinary was killing people since the spring of 2020 and there is no sane explanation for that aside from Covid.

When taken togather it's clear that the reported Covid-19 deaths in 2020 and 2021 are rock solid.
I'm wasting my time talking to either a totally vested interest hospital worker, who is one of the ones who issued the thousands of false reports, to cash in on CARES Act $$$, or to a hopeless moron., I'm missing a good football playoff game, while attending to your mindless banter.

Screw you, and all your crazy babbling.
And you're going to actually come into this thread and try to claim that when a death has comorbidities, that it was Covid that caused the comorbidities?

You are conflating comorbidities with co-occurring diagnosis.

Diabetics are vulnerable to covid - thats an example of common Covid-19 comorbidity.
Pneumonia is how Covid-19 most often kills you - that is an example of co-diagnosis you would commonly see.

AGAIN, the volume of Covid-19 diagnosis on death certificates was well backed up by independent excessive deaths statistics. You have to be straight stupid to still deny it.
I'm wasting my time talking to either a totally vested interest hospital worker, who is one of the ones who issued the thousands of false reports, to cash in on CARES Act $$$, or to a hopeless moron., I'm missing a good football playoff game, while attending to your mindless banter.

Screw you, and all your crazy babbling.
Yep, you better go watch that game.

Much better passtime for you than spreading ignorant nutbag bullshit.
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You are conflating comorbidities with co-occurring diagnosis.

Diabetics are vulnerable to covid - thats an example of common Covid-19 comorbidity.
Pneumonia is how Covid-19 most often kills you - that is an example of co-diagnosis you would commonly see.

AGAIN, the volume of Covid-19 diagnosis on death certificates was well backed up by independent excessive deaths statistics. You have to be straight stupid to still deny it.
Which still does not explain why US Tax Dollars were given to hospitals just because a patient had COVID.
Only 5.5% of death certificates had COVID-19 without any other conditions listed. Attributability of death to COVID-19 could not be evaluated for these death certificates
Get it ?
The problem is that YOU don't get it moron.

CDC is saying here that those 5% of death certificates that list ONLY Covid-19 are deficient because Covid-19 itself is not what kills people. Most often they die from resulting pnuemonia.
The problem is that YOU don't get it moron. CDC is saying here that those 5% are deficient because Covid-19 itself is not what kills you.

The problem is that YOU don't get it moron.

CDC is saying here that those 5% of death certificates that list ONLY Covid-19 are deficient because Covid-19 itself is not what kills people. Most often they die from resulting pnuemonia.
You are ignoring the fact that millions of US taxpayer dollars were given to hospitals that gave IDC10s to tons of patients that were young and nowhere near death.
You are ignoring the fact that millions of US taxpayer dollars were given to hospitals that gave IDC10s to tons of patients that were young and nowhere near death.

He and facts waved bye bye a long time ago.

Along with common sense.

And sexual relationships.

Or probably any relationships.
You can roll your eyes all you want, fact is CDC didn't claim over-counting in 2020. You also can't explain how death certificates you claim are bs ended up matching independently tracked excessive deaths statistics.

You are full of shit and can't face up to it.
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Some of us knew this in early Spring 2020--and some are just now waking up to it.

And when Leana Wen wakes up to it, the Covidian cult should wake up. But some never will. It became their religion. More pity them.

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