CNN Medical Analyst Admits After Two Years There's Been 'Overcounting' of COVID Deaths

Moron, what's the disgrace?

Covid counts are correlated to total excessive deaths. As it happens death rates are very stable and it's pretty easy to spot a new mortality factor like Covid or 9/11 for example
You admitting that covid was man made?
Many on the Left believe it is perfectly fine to lie like hell to us because they are convinced it is for our own good. Not just on COVID but also a number of other issues.
Whats the lie?

I keep asking, people can't sanely answer.
Moron what part of I'm not interested in your piles of bullshit do you not get?

Go ahead and give straight quote with a straight link, wihtout all the side junk.

This is the only CDC link you are giving and ther eis nothing in there that claims over-counting.

I just did, imbecile. I cant help it if you cant read. And when you dismiss all the other links, including those that are from Dr Robert Redfield HIMSELF (which I have been posting REPEATEDLY in this thread), you are obviously some kind of troll here, who isn't engaging in a serious discussion.

Now go back to post # 77 and pop in a positive rating, like all the sane people here have been doing.

Comorbidities and other conditions​

Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The number of deaths that mention one or more of the conditions indicated is shown for all deaths involving COVID-19 and by age groups. For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death. For data on deaths involving COVID-19 by time-period, jurisdiction, and other health conditions.

explain the excesses deaths....

This the problem the conspiracy theorists have...
I have several dozen times...
Almost no one under the age of 60 passed away.
Most of the deaths were people 60 and older with a pre-existing condition; COVID stopped their medications from working.
I had several friends over 60 who passed away due to COVID defeating their medication.

Comorbidities and other conditions​

Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The number of deaths that mention one or more of the conditions indicated is shown for all deaths involving COVID-19 and by age groups. For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death. For data on deaths involving COVID-19 by time-period, jurisdiction, and other health conditions.

Yep, as I've said you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

Covid causes many side-effects that are expected to be listed alongside as the cause of death.

Most comonly people die from pnuemonia. Does that mean it wasn't Covid that caused it? Of course it doesn't dummy.

Here is CDC explaining it to you:

Among death certificates from calendar year 2020 listing COVID-19 and at least one other co-occurring diagnosis, the documentation is consistent with these deaths being attributable to COVID-19. Specifically, in 97% of 357,133 death certificates with COVID-19 and at least one other diagnosis, the documented chain-of-event and significant contributing conditions were consistent with those reported in clinical and epidemiologic studies to occur among patients with severe COVID-19–associated outcomes (5,9). Only 5.5% of death certificates had COVID-19 without any other conditions listed. Attributability of death to COVID-19 could not be evaluated for these death certificates and represents an opportunity for improvement in documentation.

Do you get that? 5% of certificates is MISSING an expected diagnosis, because it's not Covid-19 itself that kills people, but rather all the complications from it.
Moron, what part of I'm not interested in your piles of wordpress bullshit do you not get?

This is the only CDC link you are providing and there are no claims of over-counting there.

Maybe you just don't know wtf you are talking about and think that if a Covid infection is listed along with a stroke, heart attack, or pnuemonia then therefore Covid had nothing to do with the death.
It's not that Covid had "nothing to do with the death", it is that with the many comorbidites, these deaths were not conclusively established as being only from Covid (other than 6% of them - so says the CDC)

So what are you saying ? That if Covid, on the death certificate, Covid is listed as having been present, that we should autimatically assume that to be the cause of death, while ignoring all the other things ? If a body pulled dead out of a car in a car accident, is found to have had Covid in it, we should count that as a Covid death ?

At this point, I'm guessing you either have some vested interest in denying over-counting Covid, for purposes of cashing in on the CARES money, or you are just some kind of weird loon. You work in a hospital, by any chance ? :doubt: hmmm
Keep getting your booster, all I can say. It does intrigue me, that you loons all a sudden trust pharmaceutical companies. The very ones, before Trump you hated. Get your Trump booster as fast as you can! You loons make me laugh.
Yep can't address anything, so straight to deflection.

I had my shot, I had my booster, I had my mild omicron. I'm fucking jacked and have no Covid worries.
Yep can't address anything, so straight to deflection.

I had my shot, I had my booster, I had my mild omicron. I'm fucking jacked and have no Covid worries.
Okay you have Trump flowing through your veins. I don't, I wouldn't get that crap injected in me. No matter what.
It's not that Covid had "nothing to do with the death", it is that with the many comorbidites, these deaths were not conclusively established as being only from Covid (other than 6% of them - so says the CDC)

So what are you saying ? That if Covid, on the death certificate, Covid is listed as having been present, that we should autimatically assume that to be the cause of death, while ignoring all the other things ? If a body pulled dead out of a car in a car accident, is found to have had Covid in it, we should count that as a Covid death ?

At this point, I'm guessing you either have some vested interest in denying over-counting Covid, for purposes of cashing in on the CARES money, or you are just some kind of weird loon. You work in a hospital, by any chance ? :doubt: hmmm

No dummy, what I'm CDC is saying is that all Covid deaths have at least one other related cause that is EXPECTED on each on every death certificate.

Certificates that list ONLY Covid-19 as the cause of death are DEFICIENT.

You claimed that CDC stated that over-counting is happening. Do you now understand that your claim was bullshit?

Aside from Covid-19 deaths reporting there are independent total mortality statistics that closesly corraborate that data. SOMETHING very exrodinary was killing people since the spring of 2020 and there is no sane explanation for that aside from Covid.

When taken togather it's clear that the reported Covid-19 deaths in 2020 and 2021 are rock solid.

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