CNN Medical Analyst Admits After Two Years There's Been 'Overcounting' of COVID Deaths

My "link" is listening to the news and reading the internet. Your "7 links" are cherry picked and posted only to back your claim. No truth to them at all.
Yeah, "cherry picked" from the CDC and it's #1 guy (Redfield).
And you ? Man without a source. Ho hum. :icon_rolleyes:
Exception. A lot of our arguments are well reasoned and logical, also containing facts.

You moonbeams just go with what you are told and never question it. Obviously.
Which one did I not reasonably address?
You recall? That's nice.

What's the source? Some meme?

You really don’t remember that?
From cancer. Are you mentally retarded or what? Do you think he'd be alive today had he not been falsely diagnosed with covid?
Cancer patients on treatment often have compromised immune systems that make them vulnerable to infections like Covid.

Just because someone is expected to die from cancer doesn't mean Covid didn't contribute and often with dual dignosis it's very hard to know.
Cancer patients on treatment often have compromised immune systems that make them vulnerable to infections like Covid.

Just because someone is expected to die from cancer doesn't mean Covid didn't contribute and often with dual dignosis it's very hard to know.

Even if that was the case the primary cause of death should be cancer and covid a contributing factor. However because it's listed as cancer being the contributing factor instead, they get money from the government; guaranteed money.

But I won't even go that far because I nor anybody in our family believe he ever had covid in the first place. Covid doesn't come sneaking in your door in the middle of the night. You catch it from other people which was virtually impossible in this case given everybody near him was tested, quarantined or both.
I posted the copy /paste directly from the CDC website 2 years ago.. Everybody has known about this for 2+ years and you're just finding out now - and then you say you don't believe it. HA HA HA HA.
Ok go ahead, quote and link to it.

Not interested in your piles of irrelavant bullshit.

One link and quote from CDC claiming that early 2020 Covid deaths were over-counted.
I’m not saying they aren’t inflated. They most certainly are. The 94% figure seems suspect. You posted 15 articles. Which one has the 94% figure.
I posted 7.

What's his name?

Where did you get that anecdote?

Nobody is going to record Covid as cause of death from MVA, hell, they won't even test for Covid unless the guy has his lungs full and shortness of breath.

At the time they tested every patient for covid for the safety of the facility itself. You could go to an ER for a broken finger and you were tested.
Even if that was the case the primary cause of death should be cancer and covid a contributing factor. However because it's listed as cancer being the contributing factor instead, they get money from the government; guaranteed money.

Did you not read my explanation why primare or secondary does not matter here? If Covid was a contrbuting cause it's good enough to count. Why do we have to talk in cicles?

What you say about primary covid diagnosis vs contrbuting diagnosis re-imbursement is straight false, hospital gets paid the same either way.
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Even if that was the case the primary cause of death should be cancer and covid a contributing factor. However because it's listed as cancer being the contributing factor instead, they get money from the government; guaranteed money.

But I won't even go that far because I nor anybody in our family believe he ever had covid in the first place. Covid doesn't come sneaking in your door in the middle of the night. You catch it from other people which was virtually impossible in this case given everybody near him was tested, quarantined or both.

The whole conversation is ridiculous.

Tennis bro's comparing a virus that is asymptomatic for 40% of the population, and no more than a common cold for much of the rest - to fucking cancer.

Balls to the walls Clown World on steroids.

I just can't with these people. Drop 'em all off on Epstein's Island and let his tortured ghost haunt them all forever.

Or something. ;)
Everyone who saw Trump was tested or quarantined. I guess he didn’t get COVID either!

Someone around him gave him COVID. You just don’t know who.

Or for that matter exactly when he got COVID.

But you said yourself he tested positive, so that’s all we really do know.

My Uncle was not around hundreds of people before they claim he had covid. He was pretty much bed ridden, didn't go anywhere, and only a handful of people seen him. Therefore tracking people he was in contact with is ten times easier than tracking who a US President was around.
Ok go ahead, quote and link to it.

Not interested in your piles of irrelavant bullshit.

One link and quote from CDC claiming that early 2020 Covid deaths were over-counted.
Is this some kind of moronic joke ?I posted 7 links, most of them with the Director of the CDC (Robert Redfield) saying the Covid counts were over-counted (inflated). Can you read ? And the words of the Director of the CDC is not "irrelevant bullshit". YOU are,

Also, the 3rd link in this group is from the CDC website, and it talks about the comorbidities, with the numbers.

CDC Admits Finacial Hospital Incentives Drove up COVID-19 Death Rates

Minnesota state senator and family physician Scott Jenson has critiqued the CDC's prevention guidelines on how doctors are certifying COVID-19 deaths on death certificates.

CDC Director: ‘I Think You’re Correct’ About Inflated COVID Death Statistics

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield acknowledged Friday that the number of COVID-19 deaths could be inflated where someone who had the virus actually died from something else, but it was recorded as a COVID death.

COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics

Tabulated data on provisional COVID-19 deaths by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, and comorbidities. Also includes an index of state-level and county-level mortality data available for download.

CDC director admits hospitals, medical folks have 'perverse incentive' to falsely count Covid deaths

CDC Director Robert Redfield admitted to Congress that there's a "perverse incentive" for hospitals to overcount their coronavirus deaths.

Physicians Say Hospitals Are Pressuring ER Docs to List COVID-19 on Death Certificates. Here’s Why | Jon Miltimore

Are hospitals conspiring to gin up COVID-19 deaths to make the pandemic look worse than it is? No. There’s a simpler explanation: incentives. As Minnesota lawmaker and longtime family practitioner Dr. Scott Jensen recently observed, hospitals are incentivized to pressure physicians to include...

Inflated Reporting of COVID Deaths Is a Real Conspiracy

In the early months of 2020, many mainstream news media laughingly called concerns that there were more deaths reported from COVID than could be attributed to the disease a “death toll conspiracy”1…

CDC numbers reveal hospital counted over 130k deaths from pneumonia, influenza, heart attack, as covid-19

Over 84% of all Covid-19 deaths are in Democratic states, according to the CDC. Hospital systems are accused of counting patients who died from serious pre-existing conditions as Covid-19 deaths in…
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The whole conversation is ridiculous.

Tennis bro's comparing a virus that is asymptomatic for 40% of the population, and no more than a common cold for much of the rest - to fucking cancer.

Balls to the walls Clown World on steroids.

I just can't with these people. Drop 'em all off on Epstein's Island and let his tortured ghost haunt them all forever.

Or something. ;)

For a leftist, government to them is like God to us. You believe God is all good and incapable of evil. That's why they are in such denial.
Is this some kind of moronic joke ?I posted 7 links

Moron, what part of I'm not interested in your piles of wordpress bullshit do you not get?

This is the only CDC link you are providing and there are no claims of over-counting there.

Maybe you just don't know wtf you are talking about and think that if a Covid infection is listed along with a stroke, heart attack, or pnuemonia then therefore Covid had nothing to do with the death.
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Did you not read my explanation why primare or secondary does not matter here? If Covid was a contrbuting cause it's good enough to count. Why do we have to talk in cicles?

What you say about primary covid diagnosis vs contrbuting diagnosis re-imbursement is straight false, hospital gets paid the same either way.

No they do not. Trust me, my sister works for a hospital and we had this discussion after my Uncle passed away at a family gathering.

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