CNN: Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges

Knowledge of Illegal activity is not protected under attorney client privilege.

"The attorney-client privilege is one of the oldest privileges in law. Without such a privilege, clients may not feel compelled to fully and openly communicate with their attorneys. The privilege is not absolute, however, and there are certain exceptions that allow the opposing side access to communications that would normally be protected. One such exception, known as the crime-fraud exception, involves communications in furtherance of a contemplated or ongoing crime or fraud."

No Attorney-Client Privilege for You: The Crime-Fraud Exception | Section of Litigation | Section of Litigation / Trial Practice


So DJT was colluding to win after he won? Oh....

Let's say Trump went to Cohen and asked, "You think it would be alright if I met with some members of the Russian government to get some dirt on Hillary". That statement would not be protected by attorney client privilege, Cohen could be called to testify, and it would be admissible in court.

No it wouldn’t. Because it’s not a crime or in the future
Knowledge of Illegal activity is not protected under attorney client privilege.

"The attorney-client privilege is one of the oldest privileges in law. Without such a privilege, clients may not feel compelled to fully and openly communicate with their attorneys. The privilege is not absolute, however, and there are certain exceptions that allow the opposing side access to communications that would normally be protected. One such exception, known as the crime-fraud exception, involves communications in furtherance of a contemplated or ongoing crime or fraud."

No Attorney-Client Privilege for You: The Crime-Fraud Exception | Section of Litigation | Section of Litigation / Trial Practice


So DJT was colluding to win after he won? Oh....

Let's say Trump went to Cohen and asked, "You think it would be alright if I met with some members of the Russian government to get some dirt on Hillary". That statement would not be protected by attorney client privilege, Cohen could be called to testify, and it would be admissible in court.
there is nothing in that that says anything though. It has to be because of a crime or criminal act. that isn't against the law.
Past as defined by the moment of the communication and not by today. I just explained a possible scenario that happened in "the past" but would most certainly be exempt from attorney client privilege. Sorry that this is beyond your intelligence level.
Sorry, but it's difficult for me to think like a liberal.

Because I still have a fully functioning brain. .... :cool:

I would suggest your fully functioning brain go to WSJ, Reuters, AP, or your choice of news outlet and stop babbling like a baboon on this one.
Cohen is the link to Trump, the link that Mueller needs to implicate Trump.
And then Duh Donald WILL be the focus of the investigation.
This whole process is EXACTLY how the Genovese and Colombo crime families were busted by Comey and Mueller.

And when he doesn't implicate Trump will you still think of something else?? LOL
Cohen once bragged he'd 'take a bullet for Trump' .... I don't think that's the case any longer.

Well lets not get too hasty
Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges - CNNPolitics

As part of the plea deal under discussion earlier Tuesday, Cohen was not expected to cooperate with the government, one source told CNN. However, by pleading guilty both Cohen and prosecutors would avoid the spectacle and uncertainty of a trial.

Again I don't think he has anything....Mueller wouldn't have given it away......the lefties are gonna have to scream at the sky again.
Knowledge of Illegal activity is not protected under attorney client privilege.

Some future criminal activity yes.

Past criminal activities heck no!

That would defeat the purpose of attorney client privilege

Again, "past" does not mean before today, it means before the time of the communication. The exception also applies to ONGOING criminal activity.
sorry friend yesterday is in the past. just saying you got a screw missing.

Another one who is commenting on something beyond their comprehension. Look at the example I provided. Hell, my ten year old grandson could understand it. Basically your claim is that if, yesterday, a client told his attorney that he was going to kill his wife that evening, the statement would be protected by attorney client privilege because it was made yesterday. That is STUPID.
are you trying to say that the lawyer has a responsibility to turn his client in in that scenario? :auiqs.jpg:

Why yes, yes I am. Are you so dimwitted that you think the lawyer has an obligation to let the wife get killed? I mean I know most people think lawyers are low life scum but there are limits. The protection of a life is the most critical exception to attorney client privilege.
Cohen knows all of Trumpy’s criminal activity.

If true, he is bound by attorney client privilege that can only be broken with consent from Trump. If it is broken otherwise it’s illegal and cannot be used in a court of law and any evidence obtained by it is tainted and likewise illegal

Knowledge of Illegal activity is not protected under attorney client privilege.

Some future criminal activity yes.

Past criminal activities heck no!

That would defeat the purpose of attorney client privilege

Again, "past" does not mean before today, it means before the time of the communication. The exception also applies to ONGOING criminal activity.

You might want to read your link. It undercuts you
Knowledge of Illegal activity is not protected under attorney client privilege.

"The attorney-client privilege is one of the oldest privileges in law. Without such a privilege, clients may not feel compelled to fully and openly communicate with their attorneys. The privilege is not absolute, however, and there are certain exceptions that allow the opposing side access to communications that would normally be protected. One such exception, known as the crime-fraud exception, involves communications in furtherance of a contemplated or ongoing crime or fraud."

No Attorney-Client Privilege for You: The Crime-Fraud Exception | Section of Litigation | Section of Litigation / Trial Practice


So DJT was colluding to win after he won? Oh....

Let's say Trump went to Cohen and asked, "You think it would be alright if I met with some members of the Russian government to get some dirt on Hillary". That statement would not be protected by attorney client privilege, Cohen could be called to testify, and it would be admissible in court.

No it wouldn’t. Because it’s not a crime or in the future

LMAO Wonder if they think the same of Hitlery, the DNC, Steele and Fusion???
Some future criminal activity yes.

Past criminal activities heck no!

That would defeat the purpose of attorney client privilege

Again, "past" does not mean before today, it means before the time of the communication. The exception also applies to ONGOING criminal activity.
sorry friend yesterday is in the past. just saying you got a screw missing.

Another one who is commenting on something beyond their comprehension. Look at the example I provided. Hell, my ten year old grandson could understand it. Basically your claim is that if, yesterday, a client told his attorney that he was going to kill his wife that evening, the statement would be protected by attorney client privilege because it was made yesterday. That is STUPID.
are you trying to say that the lawyer has a responsibility to turn his client in in that scenario? :auiqs.jpg:

Why yes, yes I am. Are you so dimwitted that you think the lawyer has an obligation to let the wife get killed? I mean I know most people think lawyers are low life scum but there are limits. The protection of a life is the most critical exception to attorney client privilege.
no one has an obligation. everyone with morals would, but obligated nope. dude, a high school girl just got away with assisting her boyfriend in killing himself. she didn't call the police. so there is absolutely no obligation for any human. come on man!
If true, he is bound by attorney client privilege that can only be broken with consent from Trump. If it is broken otherwise it’s illegal and cannot be used in a court of law and any evidence obtained by it is tainted and likewise illegal

Knowledge of Illegal activity is not protected under attorney client privilege.

Some future criminal activity yes.

Past criminal activities heck no!

That would defeat the purpose of attorney client privilege

Again, "past" does not mean before today, it means before the time of the communication. The exception also applies to ONGOING criminal activity.
sorry friend yesterday is in the past. just saying you got a screw missing.

Another one who is commenting on something beyond their comprehension. Look at the example I provided. Hell, my ten year old grandson could understand it. Basically your claim is that if, yesterday, a client told his attorney that he was going to kill his wife that evening, the statement would be protected by attorney client privilege because it was made yesterday. That is STUPID.

He would only be able to break privilege to stop the crime. If the crime happened in the past he can’t break privilege because he knew of it before hand. And he can’t reveal non criminal information
Knowledge of Illegal activity is not protected under attorney client privilege.

"The attorney-client privilege is one of the oldest privileges in law. Without such a privilege, clients may not feel compelled to fully and openly communicate with their attorneys. The privilege is not absolute, however, and there are certain exceptions that allow the opposing side access to communications that would normally be protected. One such exception, known as the crime-fraud exception, involves communications in furtherance of a contemplated or ongoing crime or fraud."

No Attorney-Client Privilege for You: The Crime-Fraud Exception | Section of Litigation | Section of Litigation / Trial Practice


So DJT was colluding to win after he won? Oh....

Let's say Trump went to Cohen and asked, "You think it would be alright if I met with some members of the Russian government to get some dirt on Hillary". That statement would not be protected by attorney client privilege, Cohen could be called to testify, and it would be admissible in court.
there is nothing in that that says anything though. It has to be because of a crime or criminal act. that isn't against the law.

The only time privilege can be broken is if it’s to stop a violent or fraudulent crime. If the crime has already occurred any conversation about its legality beforehand is privileged
Some future criminal activity yes.

Past criminal activities heck no!

That would defeat the purpose of attorney client privilege

Again, "past" does not mean before today, it means before the time of the communication. The exception also applies to ONGOING criminal activity.
sorry friend yesterday is in the past. just saying you got a screw missing.

Another one who is commenting on something beyond their comprehension. Look at the example I provided. Hell, my ten year old grandson could understand it. Basically your claim is that if, yesterday, a client told his attorney that he was going to kill his wife that evening, the statement would be protected by attorney client privilege because it was made yesterday. That is STUPID.
are you trying to say that the lawyer has a responsibility to turn his client in in that scenario? :auiqs.jpg:

Why yes, yes I am. Are you so dimwitted that you think the lawyer has an obligation to let the wife get killed? I mean I know most people think lawyers are low life scum but there are limits. The protection of a life is the most critical exception to attorney client privilege.

Yes the exception is to prevent the crime from occurring.

If you go “I’m going to kill my wife” and your attorney doesn’t believe you will actually do it, but then you do it, he doesn’t get to break privilege AFTER the crime occurs. It’s privileged
What does failure to pay taxes have to do with Russians and an altered election outcome?

Who knows?

It does show the difference between republicans and democrats though.

When republicans don’t pay taxes they go to jail.

When democrats don’t pay taxes they get a cabinet appointment to run the Treasury
Why isn’t Trump in jail then?
If Cohen made a plea agreement -- this proves the case against Cohen is weak and Trump and all others are 100% innocent, because reasons
Again, "past" does not mean before today, it means before the time of the communication. The exception also applies to ONGOING criminal activity.
sorry friend yesterday is in the past. just saying you got a screw missing.

Another one who is commenting on something beyond their comprehension. Look at the example I provided. Hell, my ten year old grandson could understand it. Basically your claim is that if, yesterday, a client told his attorney that he was going to kill his wife that evening, the statement would be protected by attorney client privilege because it was made yesterday. That is STUPID.
are you trying to say that the lawyer has a responsibility to turn his client in in that scenario? :auiqs.jpg:

Why yes, yes I am. Are you so dimwitted that you think the lawyer has an obligation to let the wife get killed? I mean I know most people think lawyers are low life scum but there are limits. The protection of a life is the most critical exception to attorney client privilege.

Yes the exception is to prevent the crime from occurring.

If you go “I’m going to kill my wife” and your attorney doesn’t believe you will actually do it, but then you do it, he doesn’t get to break privilege AFTER the crime occurs. It’s privileged

Hell fawking no, you are incorrect. Read the damn link again, or get someone to explain it to you.

The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege

Concentrate on the two examples given and the section on "Past, Present, and Future". It ain't that damn difficult, and in this example, well the attorney risks being charged with accessory to murder in most states.
Here's avatar defending Trump.


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