The Western democracies now know America cannot be trusted to abide by any treaty or accord it signs. The US has ceased to be the leader of the world and will be increasingly ignored. Our national security will suffer because of it.
We can't formally withdraw until November of 2020. It will be an interesting campaign season and this will surely be a central topic of debate.

Yes we can.. it is not a treaty but an executive agreement as Obama ratified it himself. It means nothing. Only 2/3 of the U.S. Senate can ratify it and have it binding and that never happened.

Once again the left's claim that president Trump cannot undo Obama's legacy blows up in their face. Just like their claim about blocking Trump's SCOTUS nominee poor libs, I almost feel sorry for them. :itsok:
Ok, now that you got your little partisan macho orgasm out of the way, would you like to try and make a relevant point to the discussion?

The left's hypocrisy and dishonesty is off the scale. You people lost, all that shit you harped about when Obama won, we had to give him a chance, elections have consequences, sit down and don't do a lot of talking, where did that go? This time you people lost and you can't handle it. You are throwing a temper tantrum. Whaaaa we lost :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby: goddamn why don't you fall to the floor kicking and screaming.

Ann Coulter ✔ @AnnCoulter Trump's decision on Paris accord has lefties everywhere shitting bricks. Now if they could just shit some rebar, we could build the wall! 2:40 PM - 1 Jun 2017 1,272 1,272 Retweets 3,426 3,426 likes
Well it got us started down a path of working towards reducing dangerous emissions that could devastate the environment and the health of humans who currently live on the planet (You know, all 7 billion of them.)

And now we're just gonna let coal companies run hog wild, weeeee...

Without coal there is no steel industry.

Without steel the United States is just another service oriented manufacture free rust belt.
It ought to scare the hell out of you how thoroughly the globalist movement has the world completely enslaved to their lies and utter bullshit.

It scares me a little. I mean have any of them even taken the time to read any of it and see how badly America got fucked and how intentional that was?

If any of you ever doubted me about these American haters, this should prove me correct.

After reading what that fucking agreement did to the average American in this country and how virtually every other country did not have half of the regulations this country had.

And these fucking losers think this will kill the fucking planet.

He pulls us out of the Paris Climate Agreement..... OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But wait.... the agreement was non-binding?
The agreement was non-enforceable?
The signers relied on the U.S. to pay the bill??

JUST IN - (and I am serious they just said this)...THE WORLD IS NOW IN DANGER OF EXTINCTION BY PULLING OUT OF THE DEAL...... AUUUUUUUUGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But wait....what did the Paris agreement actually do?

It's the end of the world. Oh no!
The Western democracies now know America cannot be trusted to abide by any treaty or accord it signs. The US has ceased to be the leader of the world and will be increasingly ignored. Our national security will suffer because of it.

A "treaty" is not a treaty without the ratification of the United States Senate.

The Western Democracies now know that the signature of an egotistical mongrel dies not represent the word and the will of the American people.
We can't formally withdraw until November of 2020. It will be an interesting campaign season and this will surely be a central topic of debate.

Yes we can.. it is not a treaty but an executive agreement as Obama ratified it himself. It means nothing. Only 2/3 of the U.S. Senate can ratify it and have it binding and that never happened.

Once again the left's claim that president Trump cannot undo Obama's legacy blows up in their face. Just like their claim about blocking Trump's SCOTUS nominee poor libs, I almost feel sorry for them. :itsok:
Ok, now that you got your little partisan macho orgasm out of the way, would you like to try and make a relevant point to the discussion?

The left's hypocrisy and dishonesty is off the scale. You people lost, all that shit you harped about when Obama won, we had to give him a chance, elections have consequences, sit down and don't do a lot of talking, where did that go? This time you people lost and you can't handle it. You are throwing a temper tantrum. Whaaaa we lost :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby: goddamn why don't you fall to the floor kicking and screaming.
There is a fraction on the left that are doing whining and being hypocritical. There was a fraction on the Right that did the same thing for the past 8 years, they act very hypocritical too. The danger is when people like you lump all the moderates that are open to discussion and compromise into the same category as the wing nuts. It wasn't fair to the moderate republicans when the same happened to them in the past and it's not fair to the moderate Dems now. I didn't vote for Hillary, I made posts on this board after Trump won saying that we should give him a chance. Yet you still lump me into a category that I'm not in... why can't you just discuss the topics at hand and not resort back to your lame partisan snowflake talking points? People like you are ruining civil/political discourse in our country
It ought to scare the hell out of you how thoroughly the globalist movement has the world completely enslaved to their lies and utter bullshit.

It scares me a little. I mean have any of them even taken the time to read any of it and see how badly America got fucked and how intentional that was?

If any of you ever doubted me about these American haters, this should prove me correct.

After reading what that fucking agreement did to the average American in this country and how virtually every other country did not have half of the regulations this country had.

And these fucking losers think this will kill the fucking planet.


You are the backwards hillbillies of the human race. The United States needs to stop being United and break up. It's time you dull-witted chimps go have your own enclosure so you can pretend science isn't real and a magical invisible genie flies through the sky.

Go, you people are just too stupid to be part of normal humanity. I feel sorry for you but your minds are shut and only stupid is in there. Let's break the country up and all the people that want to force the world to live in 1834 or 834 can go have their own batshit mentally ill place where their absolute disconnection from reality can be contained in the walls you weirdos build to keep the scary world out.

Go be happy.
Remember when Bush didn't go for the Kyoto Protocol? The lefties said it was the end of the world. Yet the US lowered its emissions by better standards on its own, while the other countries that did sign the Kyoto Protocol failed to live up to its standards.
We can't formally withdraw until November of 2020. It will be an interesting campaign season and this will surely be a central topic of debate.

What part of non-binding and non-enforceable do you need explanation for?
The agreement came with a 3 year commitment before being able to formally withdraw. Sure Trump can say fuck it and just not act in accordance with the agreement. Do you really think that is a good way to lead? It would completely discredit our word and any agreements we have or make with foreign allies. What good is making a deal with the US if we can't keep our promises through new administrations?

It is by definition an excellent way to lead. Our "leader" before should have never agreed to it.
The part liberals and the media are of course ignoring is that while removing us from this one-sided deal, he will seek a better climate deal - with teeth.
Trump ran as a big part of his platform to make better deals. America, especially under Obama, constantly got the short end of the stick. That is be definition leadership of the worst kind.
The Western democracies now know America cannot be trusted to abide by any treaty or accord it signs. The US has ceased to be the leader of the world and will be increasingly ignored. Our national security will suffer because of it.

The European panhandlers and panty wearers now know that America is no longer their drive thru ATM.
Just like the NATO defense agreement - we paid for it, and they not only didn't pay their share, but failed to abide by the entire premise of the deal.
But I know, you high pinkies think it is just deplorable to DARE call out the Europeans and expect them to be responsible partners. They don't exist just to judge us, and of course accept out tax dollars for their leisure.
Remember when Bush didn't go for the Kyoto Protocol? The lefties said it was the end of the world. Yet the US lowered its emissions by better standards on its own, while the other countries that did sign the Kyoto Protocol failed to live up to its standards.

The Euro-deals are always such that nothing happens if the favored countries do not commit to them. Complete scams and farces.
It ought to scare the hell out of you how thoroughly the globalist movement has the world completely enslaved to their lies and utter bullshit.

It scares me a little. I mean have any of them even taken the time to read any of it and see how badly America got fucked and how intentional that was?

If any of you ever doubted me about these American haters, this should prove me correct.

After reading what that fucking agreement did to the average American in this country and how virtually every other country did not have half of the regulations this country had.

And these fucking losers think this will kill the fucking planet.


You are the backwards hillbillies of the human race. The United States needs to stop being United and break up. It's time you dull-witted chimps go have your own enclosure so you can pretend science isn't real and a magical invisible genie flies through the sky.

Go, you people are just too stupid to be part of normal humanity. I feel sorry for you but your minds are shut and only stupid is in there. Let's break the country up and all the people that want to force the world to live in 1834 or 834 can go have their own batshit mentally ill place where their absolute disconnection from reality can be contained in the walls you weirdos build to keep the scary world out.

Go be happy.
Beautiful. Finally a little honesty from a leftie. You want to destroy the country. Just what we've been saying all along.
He pulls us out of the Paris Climate Agreement..... OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But wait.... the agreement was non-binding?
The agreement was non-enforceable?
The signers relied on the U.S. to pay the bill??

JUST IN - (and I am serious they just said this)...THE WORLD IS NOW IN DANGER OF EXTINCTION BY PULLING OUT OF THE DEAL...... AUUUUUUUUGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But wait....what did the Paris agreement actually do?

It was a bad deal - good riddance to the fucking shit deal…:dance:
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It ought to scare the hell out of you how thoroughly the globalist movement has the world completely enslaved to their lies and utter bullshit.

It scares me a little. I mean have any of them even taken the time to read any of it and see how badly America got fucked and how intentional that was?

If any of you ever doubted me about these American haters, this should prove me correct.

After reading what that fucking agreement did to the average American in this country and how virtually every other country did not have half of the regulations this country had.

And these fucking losers think this will kill the fucking planet.


You are the backwards hillbillies of the human race. The United States needs to stop being United and break up. It's time you dull-witted chimps go have your own enclosure so you can pretend science isn't real and a magical invisible genie flies through the sky.

Go, you people are just too stupid to be part of normal humanity. I feel sorry for you but your minds are shut and only stupid is in there. Let's break the country up and all the people that want to force the world to live in 1834 or 834 can go have their own batshit mentally ill place where their absolute disconnection from reality can be contained in the walls you weirdos build to keep the scary world out.

Go be happy.
I hope we meet one day, trust that.
Well it got us started down a path of working towards reducing dangerous emissions that could devastate the environment and the health of humans who currently live on the planet (You know, all 7 billion of them.)

And now we're just gonna let coal companies run hog wild, weeeee...
Typical liberal simple minded replay.
We can't formally withdraw until November of 2020. It will be an interesting campaign season and this will surely be a central topic of debate.
That's correct but it's a formality with his announcement Trump has nixed all of the terms of the agreement immediately from a U.S. perspective, there won't be any commitments honored nor any expansion of the bureaucracy to accommodate the terms of the accord, at least not unless the next President gets back into the accords.

IMHO All in all this is much ado about nothing since it was non-binding and unenforceable anyways, better that we have given up the pretense of a toothless "accord" than allow the money-wasters in Washington to use it as a pretext to rip off the tax payers even more than they already do.

Perhaps now we can get on with letting the free market accelerate the development and deployment of sustainable green technologies and get government out of its way; just like it has been doing for years in spite of government interference.

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