The United States is paying for it, we can't afford that shit deal anyway it was just a shitty all way around because no one but us was committed to anything… So take your fucking Paris accord and shove it up your fucking progressive Ass... lol
We can't formally withdraw until November of 2020. It will be an interesting campaign season and this will surely be a central topic of debate.
That's correct but it's a formality with his announcement Trump has nixed all of the terms of the agreement immediately from a U.S. perspective, there won't be any commitments honored nor any expansion of the bureaucracy to accommodate the terms of the accord, at least not unless the next President gets back into the accords.

IMHO All in all this is much ado about nothing since it was non-binding and unenforceable anyways, better that we have given up the pretense of a toothless "accord" than allow the money-wasters in Washington to use it as a pretext to rip off the tax payers even more than they already do.

Perhaps now we can get on with letting the free market accelerate the development and deployment of sustainable green technologies and get government out of its way; just like it has been doing for years in spite of government interference.
The globalist American hating world know all of this. They set a trap for the US and Trump did not fall for it. Not like the treasonous American hating globalist politicians. All protected and insulated by our traitors in the media. Clearly they are against America (especially the middle class worker.) That is beyond clear.

The traitors in the media have not once reported the unreal unfair slanted regulations on America while the rest of the world did not need to adhere to any of it. The media has left that out of their reports and instead they promote this fucking notion that Trump is destroying the world. All while ALL of the other countries did not need to adhere to any of the regulations. Yet, not one of these beloved media outlets say or report any of it.

For instance the US would need to cut their emissions by 26% which means mass retooling of factories, mass lay offs due to cost and those costs passed on to us. No other country had to do that. We did though. Yet, there are the left wing ELITISTS crying. Why? Cause those fucking elitists are rich as hell, living behind walls and chiding down from their ignorant disposition. Just following the pied piper as they all celebrate at their cocktail parties about how good they are.

It is a war, and we are beyond words. It could not be more clear and I do blame the media. They control the minds of the morons. Like that fucking loser Isaac newton. How ironic, that the stupidest post here would name himself after a great God fearing man like Sir Isaac Newton.
We can't formally withdraw until November of 2020. It will be an interesting campaign season and this will surely be a central topic of debate.

What part of non-binding and non-enforceable do you need explanation for?
The agreement came with a 3 year commitment before being able to formally withdraw. Sure Trump can say fuck it and just not act in accordance with the agreement. Do you really think that is a good way to lead? It would completely discredit our word and any agreements we have or make with foreign allies. What good is making a deal with the US if we can't keep our promises through new administrations?

It is by definition an excellent way to lead. Our "leader" before should have never agreed to it.
The part liberals and the media are of course ignoring is that while removing us from this one-sided deal, he will seek a better climate deal - with teeth.
Trump ran as a big part of his platform to make better deals. America, especially under Obama, constantly got the short end of the stick. That is be definition leadership of the worst kind.
Then I'll expect support From you when the New Democratic president comes in and takes a wrecking ball to Trumps deals to make his/her own. Good leadership right?
We can't formally withdraw until November of 2020. It will be an interesting campaign season and this will surely be a central topic of debate.
That's correct but it's a formality with his announcement Trump has nixed all of the terms of the agreement immediately from a U.S. perspective, there won't be any commitments honored nor any expansion of the bureaucracy to accommodate the terms of the accord, at least not unless the next President gets back into the accords.

IMHO All in all this is much ado about nothing since it was non-binding and unenforceable anyways, better that we have given up the pretense of a toothless "accord" than allow the money-wasters in Washington to use it as a pretext to rip off the tax payers even more than they already do.

Perhaps now we can get on with letting the free market accelerate the development and deployment of sustainable green technologies and get government out of its way; just like it has been doing for years in spite of government interference.
Fair points... well said.

I'd agree with you but I think the way Trump went about this was very reckless in a dimplomatic sense. Sets a very bad example as the worlds leader.
We can't formally withdraw until November of 2020. It will be an interesting campaign season and this will surely be a central topic of debate.

What part of non-binding and non-enforceable do you need explanation for?
The agreement came with a 3 year commitment before being able to formally withdraw. Sure Trump can say fuck it and just not act in accordance with the agreement. Do you really think that is a good way to lead? It would completely discredit our word and any agreements we have or make with foreign allies. What good is making a deal with the US if we can't keep our promises through new administrations?

It is by definition an excellent way to lead. Our "leader" before should have never agreed to it.
The part liberals and the media are of course ignoring is that while removing us from this one-sided deal, he will seek a better climate deal - with teeth.
Trump ran as a big part of his platform to make better deals. America, especially under Obama, constantly got the short end of the stick. That is be definition leadership of the worst kind.
Then I'll expect support From you when the New Democratic president comes in and takes a wrecking ball to Trumps deals to make his/her own. Good leadership right?
Hillary will win by a landslide.
Then I'll expect support From you when the New Democratic president comes in and takes a wrecking ball to Trumps deals to make his/her own. Good leadership right?

Again, by definition, a LEADER does what is good for his/her people. A LEADER does NOT sacrifice his people to glorify himself!
If a Democrat President gets rid of bad policies set forth by Trump - absolutely I will support that.
Then I'll expect support From you when the New Democratic president comes in and takes a wrecking ball to Trumps deals to make his/her own. Good leadership right?

Again, by definition, a LEADER does what is good for his/her people. A LEADER does NOT sacrifice his people to glorify himself!
If a Democrat President gets rid of bad policies set forth by Trump - absolutely I will support that.
Never going to happen, and You have idea what bad policies are. Things that hurt our workers and citizens are bad and looks to me like that's what you want.
Then I'll expect support From you when the New Democratic president comes in and takes a wrecking ball to Trumps deals to make his/her own. Good leadership right?

Again, by definition, a LEADER does what is good for his/her people. A LEADER does NOT sacrifice his people to glorify himself!
If a Democrat President gets rid of bad policies set forth by Trump - absolutely I will support that.
What you don't seem to understand is that what half of America thinks is good the other half thinks is bad. We aren't all the same and our government is supposed to represent the voice of all people as best they can, not just half.

And if you don't think Trump glorifies himself then you must be blind. Maybe after he hangs one of his big gold Trump signs on top of his Great Wall you will see it.
I'd agree with you but I think the way Trump went about this was very reckless in a dimplomatic sense. Sets a very bad example as the worlds leader.

Again, you are completely wrong.
Diplomatic doesn't mean you fall on swords gleefully laid before you. Diplomatic is not handing out money without any regard to what the others do with it.
What part of that do you need further explanation?
It is beyond high time that our European partners - wait for it - TAKE PART IN THE RESPONSIBILITIES and not just ACCEPT AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS for their private slush funds.
It is beyond high time that an American President stops paying homage to our whining, lazy and spoiled allies and demand they do something other than conduct endless meetings and condemnation for everything we do.
Then I'll expect support From you when the New Democratic president comes in and takes a wrecking ball to Trumps deals to make his/her own. Good leadership right?

Again, by definition, a LEADER does what is good for his/her people. A LEADER does NOT sacrifice his people to glorify himself!
If a Democrat President gets rid of bad policies set forth by Trump - absolutely I will support that.
What you don't seem to understand is that what half of America thinks is good the other half thinks is bad. We aren't all the same and our government is supposed to represent the voice of all people as best they can, not just half.

And if you don't think Trump glorifies himself then you must be blind. Maybe after he hangs one of his big gold Trump signs on top of his Great Wall you will see it.
And exactly what policies did Obama initiate that was for all of the people and not just one group of people?
Now, before you answer....he passed legislation that was in defense of minorities...he passed legislation that was to help the poor with healthcare....he passed legislation that helped those underwater with their homes...and, of course, using tax payer dollars

But what did he do for the average tax paying non minority American business owner who, despite some minor financial struggles, were able to put food on the table, have healthcare for their family and able to pay their mortgages ...all without government assistance?
What you don't seem to understand is that what half of America thinks is good the other half thinks is bad. We aren't all the same and our government is supposed to represent the voice of all people as best they can, not just half.

And if you don't think Trump glorifies himself then you must be blind. Maybe after he hangs one of his big gold Trump signs on top of his Great Wall you will see it.

I don't give a rat's ass if Trump glorifies himself. I don't like the man. He is egotistical and obviously hard headed. But as long as he does what is good for our country - I DON"T CARE.
And BTW, Obama was an obvious narcissist, elitist and globalist. He was also the greatest friend to Wall Street this country has ever seen. Corporatism, the REAL ENEMY...grew in power and wealth at a rate unheard of under him. And, pardon the insult but it is true, you all are too stupid and full of Kool Aid to have seen it.
I'd agree with you but I think the way Trump went about this was very reckless in a dimplomatic sense. Sets a very bad example as the worlds leader.

Again, you are completely wrong.
Diplomatic doesn't mean you fall on swords gleefully laid before you. Diplomatic is not handing out money without any regard to what the others do with it.
What part of that do you need further explanation?
It is beyond high time that our European partners - wait for it - TAKE PART IN THE RESPONSIBILITIES and not just ACCEPT AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS for their private slush funds.
It is beyond high time that an American President stops paying homage to our whining, lazy and spoiled allies and demand they do something other than conduct endless meetings and condemnation for everything we do.
That's fine, you can have that opinion and Trump can take that approach, I'll keep my fingers crossed that it works out well for our country... do you recognize the value in our alliances? Do you recognize any sort of risks to our relationships by Trumps actions?
Then I'll expect support From you when the New Democratic president comes in and takes a wrecking ball to Trumps deals to make his/her own. Good leadership right?

Again, by definition, a LEADER does what is good for his/her people. A LEADER does NOT sacrifice his people to glorify himself!
If a Democrat President gets rid of bad policies set forth by Trump - absolutely I will support that.
What you don't seem to understand is that what half of America thinks is good the other half thinks is bad. We aren't all the same and our government is supposed to represent the voice of all people as best they can, not just half.

And if you don't think Trump glorifies himself then you must be blind. Maybe after he hangs one of his big gold Trump signs on top of his Great Wall you will see it.
And exactly what policies did Obama initiate that was for all of the people and not just one group of people?
Now, before you answer....he passed legislation that was in defense of minorities...he passed legislation that was to help the poor with healthcare....he passed legislation that helped those underwater with their homes...and, of course, using tax payer dollars

But what did he do for the average tax paying non minority American business owner who, despite some minor financial struggles, were able to put food on the table, have healthcare for their family and able to pay their mortgages ...all without government assistance?
I see your point and I think he focused more on the poor and minorities than he did for the average middle class white worker... this is why I think Trump is sitting in the White House today and not Clinton.

I by no means think Obama did everything perfectly.
What you don't seem to understand is that what half of America thinks is good the other half thinks is bad. We aren't all the same and our government is supposed to represent the voice of all people as best they can, not just half.

And if you don't think Trump glorifies himself then you must be blind. Maybe after he hangs one of his big gold Trump signs on top of his Great Wall you will see it.

I don't give a rat's ass if Trump glorifies himself. I don't like the man. He is egotistical and obviously hard headed. But as long as he does what is good for our country - I DON"T CARE.
And BTW, Obama was an obvious narcissist, elitist and globalist. He was also the greatest friend to Wall Street this country has ever seen. Corporatism, the REAL ENEMY...grew in power and wealth at a rate unheard of under him. And, pardon the insult but it is true, you all are too stupid and full of Kool Aid to have seen it.
Wall Street and wealth inequality are important factors in our economy... how much control do you think the president has over that stuff? What do you think Obama specifically did that favored them?
He pulls us out of the Paris Climate Agreement..... OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But wait.... the agreement was non-binding?
The agreement was non-enforceable?
The signers relied on the U.S. to pay the bill??

JUST IN - (and I am serious they just said this)...THE WORLD IS NOW IN DANGER OF EXTINCTION BY PULLING OUT OF THE DEAL...... AUUUUUUUUGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But wait....what did the Paris agreement actually do?


If you Love Global Government.
If you Love Global Taxation
If you Love Global Control of the World's Economies.
If you Love Global Socialism
If you Love Globalist Wealth Redistribution
If you Love having your life managed for you and the way you live dictated to you by people who don't give a fuck about you or your country who live half a world away.

Then The Paris Accord is for you.
What you don't seem to understand is that what half of America thinks is good the other half thinks is bad. We aren't all the same and our government is supposed to represent the voice of all people as best they can, not just half.

And if you don't think Trump glorifies himself then you must be blind. Maybe after he hangs one of his big gold Trump signs on top of his Great Wall you will see it.

I don't give a rat's ass if Trump glorifies himself. I don't like the man. He is egotistical and obviously hard headed. But as long as he does what is good for our country - I DON"T CARE.
And BTW, Obama was an obvious narcissist, elitist and globalist. He was also the greatest friend to Wall Street this country has ever seen. Corporatism, the REAL ENEMY...grew in power and wealth at a rate unheard of under him. And, pardon the insult but it is true, you all are too stupid and full of Kool Aid to have seen it.
Wall Street and wealth inequality are important factors in our economy... how much control do you think the president has over that stuff? What do you think Obama specifically did that favored them?

100 cents on the dollar...ring a bell?
An extraordinary gracious FED chair.
Larry Summers, should need no further explanation...if it more.
There is NO SUCH thing as Wealth inequity in this country. There only reasons for not having as much money as you want, lack of discipline, and lack of ambition. There is a real inequity in both of them. You can take a penny each day, even a bum can find one, and make millions from it If you have the discipline, and the ambition to do so. oshitass was a thief, and traitor to everyone in this country especially the POOR.
President Button Pusher?

Withdraws from a non-binding agreement?

Face it. People will not stop burning fossil fuel for energy.

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