Cons react on pure emotion. You flail your arms on every issue and think other people are as emotional as you are.

Hahahahaha...holy cow.
Man this guy takes the cake.
Conservatives react on emotion....hahahahaha

Meanwhile leftist hysterics are running wild....
What the hysterical left doesn't want you to know


Guess what the Paris Climate agreement put all of its's emphasis on? (hint: Blue)
Guess who footed the entire bill?....(hint:Blue)
Guess what the Paris Climate agreement did nothing to address? (hint: RED)
Guess who paid nothing to the Paris accord? (hint: RED)

It was a BAD DEAL - get over it.
I see your point and I think he focused more on the poor and minorities than he did for the average middle class white worker... this is why I think Trump is sitting in the White House today and not Clinton.

I by no means think Obama did everything perfectly.

Hillary Clinton would have lost to any candidate run by the Republicans. President Trump crushed and embarrassed her. She is overwhelmed with baggage, she stirred up more scandals than anyone could imagine. Had a Republican done half as much as she, they'd have had the character to resign. The woman is seriously ill, which was obvious, lazy, entitled and, arrogant.
He barely won. Less than 100k votes seperated the EC
Hillary would have been President, but she didn't care about national security. Neither did her husband.
According to dupes, she and Obama are war mongerers, hawks, AND pussies. What a pile of crap...

They (Hil/Obama) stole my pop tarts too :)
Yup, the oil industry crazies are. . . crazy.

The oilfield industry crazies? Better look around you.. there is a whole lot of plastic. :lmao:
There is, but the oil is behind the plastics. Nice try. :2up:

Also, any plastic made out of oil can be made out of coal.
Damn coal and damn those filthy hillbilly Republican Trump voting coal miners!
Hidden Motivations

You got that right; it's all about limp-wristed pencil-pushing snobbery. Also, "Those rednecks get all sweaty and dirty; why can't they get a nice comfy office job?"

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