It ought to scare the hell out of you how thoroughly the globalist movement has the world completely enslaved to their lies and utter bullshit.

It scares me a little. I mean have any of them even taken the time to read any of it and see how badly America got fucked and how intentional that was?

If any of you ever doubted me about these American haters, this should prove me correct.

After reading what that fucking agreement did to the average American in this country and how virtually every other country did not have half of the regulations this country had.

And these fucking losers think this will kill the fucking planet.


You are the backwards hillbillies of the human race. The United States needs to stop being United and break up. It's time you dull-witted chimps go have your own enclosure so you can pretend science isn't real and a magical invisible genie flies through the sky.

Go, you people are just too stupid to be part of normal humanity. I feel sorry for you but your minds are shut and only stupid is in there. Let's break the country up and all the people that want to force the world to live in 1834 or 834 can go have their own batshit mentally ill place where their absolute disconnection from reality can be contained in the walls you weirdos build to keep the scary world out.

Go be happy.

It was plain to see that democrats would irrationally fly off the handle when Ms. Clinton reluctantly conceded the presidency to Donald Trump.

You may or may not be the first one, but here you are, Perfect example of the Biblical crying and gnashing of teeth,
There is NO SUCH thing as Wealth inequity in this country. There only reasons for not having as much money as you want, lack of discipline, and lack of ambition. There is a real inequity in both of them. You can take a penny each day, even a bum can find one, and make millions from it If you have the discipline, and the ambition to do so. oshitass was a thief, and traitor to everyone in this country especially the POOR.

I hope you know that isn't a bit true. (wealth inequity)
For a moment I thought you were joking, but then I see you aren't.
Of course their is inequity when it comes to an ability to obtain wealth.
Opportunity is the ground where one's financial foundation is built on. An it is just that, that is grossly unfair in the corporatist America. Our corrupt, bought and paid for politicians pass all manner of regulations that favor large businesses and make it exceedingly difficult for small businesses to compete.
Clearly you are young, and therefore do not have enough life experience to make such a statement.
Learn before you speak.
He pulls us out of the Paris Climate Agreement..... OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But wait.... the agreement was non-binding?
The agreement was non-enforceable?
The signers relied on the U.S. to pay the bill??

JUST IN - (and I am serious they just said this)...THE WORLD IS NOW IN DANGER OF EXTINCTION BY PULLING OUT OF THE DEAL...... AUUUUUUUUGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But wait....what did the Paris agreement actually do?


If these nations like France and Germany want it so bad, then let them show it by footing for the bill. No skin in the game? It must not have been that important an issue for them. Actions speak louder than a freeloader asking for a bailout.
What you don't seem to understand is that what half of America thinks is good the other half thinks is bad. We aren't all the same and our government is supposed to represent the voice of all people as best they can, not just half.

And if you don't think Trump glorifies himself then you must be blind. Maybe after he hangs one of his big gold Trump signs on top of his Great Wall you will see it.

I don't give a rat's ass if Trump glorifies himself. I don't like the man. He is egotistical and obviously hard headed. But as long as he does what is good for our country - I DON"T CARE.
And BTW, Obama was an obvious narcissist, elitist and globalist. He was also the greatest friend to Wall Street this country has ever seen. Corporatism, the REAL ENEMY...grew in power and wealth at a rate unheard of under him. And, pardon the insult but it is true, you all are too stupid and full of Kool Aid to have seen it.
Wall Street and wealth inequality are important factors in our economy... how much control do you think the president has over that stuff? What do you think Obama specifically did that favored them?

Obama and Hillary both have Wall Street and Goldman Sach's balls deep in their asses. Give it up.
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We can't formally withdraw until November of 2020. It will be an interesting campaign season and this will surely be a central topic of debate.

What part of non-binding and non-enforceable do you need explanation for?
The agreement came with a 3 year commitment before being able to formally withdraw. Sure Trump can say fuck it and just not act in accordance with the agreement. Do you really think that is a good way to lead? It would completely discredit our word and any agreements we have or make with foreign allies. What good is making a deal with the US if we can't keep our promises through new administrations?
It's not enforceable in the US without a 2/3 vote of the Senate.

End of story.
The Western democracies now know America cannot be trusted to abide by any treaty or accord it signs. The US has ceased to be the leader of the world and will be increasingly ignored. Our national security will suffer because of it.
We can't formally withdraw until November of 2020. It will be an interesting campaign season and this will surely be a central topic of debate.

Democrats better hope that NO ONE READS the 20 or so pages between now and then.
Well it got us started down a path of working towards reducing dangerous emissions that could devastate the environment and the health of humans who currently live on the planet (You know, all 7 billion of them.)

And now we're just gonna let coal companies run hog wild, weeeee...

What got us started down a path of reducing emissions?

Why shouldn't the coal companies turn out as much coal as possible?
The Western democracies now know America cannot be trusted to abide by any treaty or accord it signs. The US has ceased to be the leader of the world and will be increasingly ignored. Our national security will suffer because of it.
Feel free to keep the financial commitments. Go start a "go fund me" page and see how close you and your liberal buddies can get to $100 billion and send to them. Then, when the next installment of $100 billion is due next year, do it again. When the number jumps substantially in 2025, you'll be a pro and it will be easy for you. Plus you'll be a hero for saving the planet.

Still waiting for someone to explain how the Paris Accord benefits the US, particularly the middle class.
The agreement came with a 3 year commitment before being able to formally withdraw. Sure Trump can say fuck it and just not act in accordance with the agreement. Do you really think that is a good way to lead? It would completely discredit our word and any agreements we have or make with foreign allies. What good is making a deal with the US if we can't keep our promises through new administrations?

I'm curious. I'm always eager to learn.

What is the significance of NOT being able to withdraw from an agreement, which is not a treaty, is not enforceable and costs us nothing to withdraw today but it won't be "formal" for three years?

So what? What is your point?

If you read the agreement you'd know too that it was TERRIBLE for the U.S., would cost us many billions of dollars and cost us millions of jobs.

YES, bailing out of such a SNAFU is showing brave, committed LEADERSHIP.
The Western democracies now know America cannot be trusted to abide by any treaty or accord it signs. The US has ceased to be the leader of the world and will be increasingly ignored. Our national security will suffer because of it.

All the fault of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Had the former president gone through the actual treaty procedure, you might have a point. Just as the Iran agreement was never ratified and means nothing. The former president knew both agreements were terrible for the United States and that he could NEVER get them ratified by Congress. He banked heavily on Hillary winning and that she'd be just as anti-American as himself.
Then I'll expect support From you when the New Democratic president comes in and takes a wrecking ball to Trumps deals to make his/her own. Good leadership right?

Again, by definition, a LEADER does what is good for his/her people. A LEADER does NOT sacrifice his people to glorify himself!
If a Democrat President gets rid of bad policies set forth by Trump - absolutely I will support that.
What you don't seem to understand is that what half of America thinks is good the other half thinks is bad. We aren't all the same and our government is supposed to represent the voice of all people as best they can, not just half.

And if you don't think Trump glorifies himself then you must be blind. Maybe after he hangs one of his big gold Trump signs on top of his Great Wall you will see it.
So when half the voters have opinions that are contradictory with the opinions of the other half of the voters, then the president should take both sides?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
The agreement came with a 3 year commitment before being able to formally withdraw. Sure Trump can say fuck it and just not act in accordance with the agreement. Do you really think that is a good way to lead? It would completely discredit our word and any agreements we have or make with foreign allies. What good is making a deal with the US if we can't keep our promises through new administrations?

I'm curious. I'm always eager to learn.

What is the significance of NOT being able to withdraw from an agreement, which is not a treaty, is not enforceable and costs us nothing to withdraw today but it won't be "formal" for three years?

So what? What is your point?

If you read the agreement you'd know too that it was TERRIBLE for the U.S., would cost us many billions of dollars and cost us millions of jobs.

YES, bailing out of such a SNAFU is showing brave, committed LEADERSHIP.
You have to keep in mind the lefts narrative here.

First that the treaty does nothing really so why bail on it.

Second that if we bail on it the world is going to end.

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