CNN not again!!!!!!!

White House attacks CNN to cover-up Liar in Chief's lies. CNN and other media 'Rump always attacks admit mistakes, make retractions and apologize. Reporters get punished, even fired. In the White House, they just double down on the lies and make new ones.
The trumpettes don't need to do anything, the news agency's have repeatedly been proven to have lied. No one believes them anymore except for those who wish to believe.

Nope. Errors? Yes. Mistakes? Yep. Lies and made up news? Nope.

Irresponsible to make that claim. Asshole.

Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.

Nope. They have done thousands of stories with hundreds of thousands of facts related to this president. . They miss some. So few that you hear about every one.


You are being irresponsible. As is the president.

they miss some...hmmm....except they always, miss in one direction..... when did they miss by being too positive for the president?

It is not their job to be positive for anyone. A free press is ADVERSARIAL.

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Nope. Errors? Yes. Mistakes? Yep. Lies and made up news? Nope.

Irresponsible to make that claim. Asshole.

Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.

Nope. They have done thousands of stories with hundreds of thousands of facts related to this president. . They miss some. So few that you hear about every one.


You are being irresponsible. As is the president.

they miss some...hmmm....except they always, miss in one direction..... when did they miss by being too positive for the president?

It is not their job to be positive for anyone. A free press is ADVERSARIAL.


The word is "hostile", stupid.
Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.

Nope. They have done thousands of stories with hundreds of thousands of facts related to this president. . They miss some. So few that you hear about every one.


You are being irresponsible. As is the president.

they miss some...hmmm....except they always, miss in one direction..... when did they miss by being too positive for the president?

It is not their job to be positive for anyone. A free press is ADVERSARIAL.


The word is "hostile", stupid.

Must have been a typo, idiot.
Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.

Nope. They have done thousands of stories with hundreds of thousands of facts related to this president. . They miss some. So few that you hear about every one.


You are being irresponsible. As is the president.

they miss some...hmmm....except they always, miss in one direction..... when did they miss by being too positive for the president?

It is not their job to be positive for anyone. A free press is ADVERSARIAL.


The word is "hostile", stupid.

Wow, called stupid for misspelling a word. Better yet in a thread about CNN lies, which according to you idiots is only an "error" or "mistake". Bigotry runs rampant in dumbasses like you.

You equate FOX and CNN.

That's whack.

CNN used to be middle of the road with Fox and MSNBC on the wings. CNN has taken a hard left turn since Trump so now we have all three of the major cable news media outlets playing sides. I don’t see how you can make the case that this isn’t true

That's bullshit.

You can't make the case that it is true.

FOX calls themselves news but are actually a commentary source. They tell lies and make shit up ( Seth Rich ) and then never issue corrections.

MSNBC does commentary. They don't lie. They sometime make errors. When they do, they issue directions.

CNN does news and GOES OUT OF THEIR WAY to be fair to Trump. They don't lie. They sometimes make mistakes and then issue corrections.

Not the same.

You are whack.
Hannity absolutely does what you claim along with shows like Fox and Friends, Waters World and Judge Janine, however there are also many of the Fox shows that are pretty balanced and do a good job (for the most part) providing the oppositional point of view. Yes they are skewed right but not much more than CNN shows that are skewed left, like Don Lemon and AC 360 who usually have 7 on 1 or 3 on 1 panels talking shit about Trump all night. Fox has Shep who dogs on Trump all the time, Parino, Wallace and Baer who are fairly objective and then a handful of right leaning anchors. I'm not making the case that Fox is middle of the road, they are obviously catering to the conservative crowd and have a handful of shows that I can't even watch, but they also have some balance. CNN used to be very balanced but like I said they have taken a very hard anti-trump turn. It is understandable since Trump declared war against them, but don't deny that it isn't true.

Nope. CNN....even Lemon,,,,abide by journalistic standards. FOX does no such thing.

CNN is fair to Trump.

Their opinion guests are clearly advertised as opinion guests. He's a mess. Therefore honest reporting portrays him as a mess. Simple.
Yeah, CNN focuses on the mess and Fox focuses more on the progress. Despite the bias, Fox still has a lot of critical coverage on Trump
See post 106, he said it after he was president and even after the law passed, it wasn't just campaign rhetoric. But you know that already.

And what of Trumps promises. Are they a lie under your same standards?

Well child you're the one that claimed "Obama didn't lie", I proved he did, and now all you got is your whataboutism. LMAO

Now, what promises are you talking about?

The hell you proved it... All of those are very debatable... Unlike Trump saying illegals voted, Hillary Obama and the foundation were crooked etc etc. All investigated multiple times and nothing was found. Of course that doesn't stop Fox and Rush etc etc repeating discredited b******* for years and years. And you people believe it all. As if our wonderful justice system is a conspiracy against you. What a load of crap.

they have never been discredited.

if you think the foundation was legit, you are a reason to talk to you, youre in the lakhota category.
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. So it's a conspiracy of the entire Us justice system even now? Right-wing idiocy.

The trumpettes don't need to do anything, the news agency's have repeatedly been proven to have lied. No one believes them anymore except for those who wish to believe.

Nope. Errors? Yes. Mistakes? Yep. Lies and made up news? Nope.

Irresponsible to make that claim. Asshole.

Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.

Nope. They have done thousands of stories with hundreds of thousands of facts related to this president. . They miss some. So few that you hear about every one.


You are being irresponsible. As is the president.

they miss some...hmmm....except they always, miss in one direction..... when did they miss by being too positive for the president?

It is not their job to be positive for anyone. A free press is ADVERSARIAL.

uh they wete very possitive and not very adverserial for obama

and all these"mistakes" happen to fall in one let me see cnn make a mistake that favors trump.........just one

You equate FOX and CNN.

That's whack.

CNN used to be middle of the road with Fox and MSNBC on the wings. CNN has taken a hard left turn since Trump so now we have all three of the major cable news media outlets playing sides. I don’t see how you can make the case that this isn’t true

That's bullshit.

You can't make the case that it is true.

FOX calls themselves news but are actually a commentary source. They tell lies and make shit up ( Seth Rich ) and then never issue corrections.

MSNBC does commentary. They don't lie. They sometime make errors. When they do, they issue directions.

CNN does news and GOES OUT OF THEIR WAY to be fair to Trump. They don't lie. They sometimes make mistakes and then issue corrections.

Not the same.

You are whack.
Hannity absolutely does what you claim along with shows like Fox and Friends, Waters World and Judge Janine, however there are also many of the Fox shows that are pretty balanced and do a good job (for the most part) providing the oppositional point of view. Yes they are skewed right but not much more than CNN shows that are skewed left, like Don Lemon and AC 360 who usually have 7 on 1 or 3 on 1 panels talking shit about Trump all night. Fox has Shep who dogs on Trump all the time, Parino, Wallace and Baer who are fairly objective and then a handful of right leaning anchors. I'm not making the case that Fox is middle of the road, they are obviously catering to the conservative crowd and have a handful of shows that I can't even watch, but they also have some balance. CNN used to be very balanced but like I said they have taken a very hard anti-trump turn. It is understandable since Trump declared war against them, but don't deny that it isn't true.

Nope. CNN....even Lemon,,,,abide by journalistic standards. FOX does no such thing.

CNN is fair to Trump.

Their opinion guests are clearly advertised as opinion guests. He's a mess. Therefore honest reporting portrays him as a mess. Simple.

wow, cnn doesnt check hasnt fucked up as bad or as often as the "mainstream" press........

again fake not fox
blowing up trucks when they couldnt get it to blow up on its own......nbc not fox

gove me some of foxs most egregious errors
bucky, if CNN does not have anything worthwhile, then why all the anger.
of course you'd ask that question. um putting out slanted propaganda on a news show, notveven an opinion show like don lemon and calling yourself a news org is a joke.
I asked you a question, snowflake. Why all the anger is they are not giving anything worthwhile?

starky youre a joke, ive been in hige threads where i produce evidence and facts and yoi produce im done crushimg you over and over....i need someone with a brain to challenge me
And what of Trumps promises. Are they a lie under your same standards?

Well child you're the one that claimed "Obama didn't lie", I proved he did, and now all you got is your whataboutism. LMAO

Now, what promises are you talking about?

The hell you proved it... All of those are very debatable... Unlike Trump saying illegals voted, Hillary Obama and the foundation were crooked etc etc. All investigated multiple times and nothing was found. Of course that doesn't stop Fox and Rush etc etc repeating discredited b******* for years and years. And you people believe it all. As if our wonderful justice system is a conspiracy against you. What a load of crap.

they have never been discredited.

if you think the foundation was legit, you are a reason to talk to you, youre in the lakhota category.
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. So it's a conspiracy of the entire Us justice system even now? Right-wing idiocy.

The foundation was investigated many times and no problems were found, no evidence of any quid pro quos. Only the GOP and it's ridiculous propaganda machine have a problem.
Well child you're the one that claimed "Obama didn't lie", I proved he did, and now all you got is your whataboutism. LMAO

Now, what promises are you talking about?

The hell you proved it... All of those are very debatable... Unlike Trump saying illegals voted, Hillary Obama and the foundation were crooked etc etc. All investigated multiple times and nothing was found. Of course that doesn't stop Fox and Rush etc etc repeating discredited b******* for years and years. And you people believe it all. As if our wonderful justice system is a conspiracy against you. What a load of crap.

they have never been discredited.

if you think the foundation was legit, you are a reason to talk to you, youre in the lakhota category.
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. So it's a conspiracy of the entire Us justice system even now? Right-wing idiocy.

The foundation was investigated many times and no problems were found, no evidence of any quid pro quos. Only the GOP and it's ridiculous propaganda machine have a problem.

yeah sure it was and clinton and lynch talked about golf and grandkids on the plane
The hell you proved it... All of those are very debatable... Unlike Trump saying illegals voted, Hillary Obama and the foundation were crooked etc etc. All investigated multiple times and nothing was found. Of course that doesn't stop Fox and Rush etc etc repeating discredited b******* for years and years. And you people believe it all. As if our wonderful justice system is a conspiracy against you. What a load of crap.

they have never been discredited.

if you think the foundation was legit, you are a reason to talk to you, youre in the lakhota category.
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. So it's a conspiracy of the entire Us justice system even now? Right-wing idiocy.

The foundation was investigated many times and no problems were found, no evidence of any quid pro quos. Only the GOP and it's ridiculous propaganda machine have a problem.

yeah sure it was and clinton and lynch talked about golf and grandkids on the plane
You have no evidence that they did not accept a giant pile of conspiracy Nut Job ism.
bucky, if CNN does not have anything worthwhile, then why all the anger.
of course you'd ask that question. um putting out slanted propaganda on a news show, notveven an opinion show like don lemon and calling yourself a news org is a joke.
I asked you a question, snowflake. Why all the anger is they are not giving anything worthwhile?

starky youre a joke, ive been in hige threads where i produce evidence and facts and yoi produce im done crushimg you over and over....i need someone with a brain to challenge me
Snowflake, why the anger? You have offered nothing of worth on this Board . . . ever. All you do is jump up and down and yell. So calm down. . . and offer something of worth other than your silly anger.
Snowflake, why the anger? You have offered nothing of worth on this Board . . . ever. All you do is jump up and down and yell. So calm down. . . and offer something of worth other than your silly anger.
Better yet, wear a pussy hat and scream at the sky trying to convince others you aren't a snowflake.
You equate FOX and CNN.

That's whack.

CNN used to be middle of the road with Fox and MSNBC on the wings. CNN has taken a hard left turn since Trump so now we have all three of the major cable news media outlets playing sides. I don’t see how you can make the case that this isn’t true

That's bullshit.

You can't make the case that it is true.

FOX calls themselves news but are actually a commentary source. They tell lies and make shit up ( Seth Rich ) and then never issue corrections.

MSNBC does commentary. They don't lie. They sometime make errors. When they do, they issue directions.

CNN does news and GOES OUT OF THEIR WAY to be fair to Trump. They don't lie. They sometimes make mistakes and then issue corrections.

Not the same.

You are whack.
Hannity absolutely does what you claim along with shows like Fox and Friends, Waters World and Judge Janine, however there are also many of the Fox shows that are pretty balanced and do a good job (for the most part) providing the oppositional point of view. Yes they are skewed right but not much more than CNN shows that are skewed left, like Don Lemon and AC 360 who usually have 7 on 1 or 3 on 1 panels talking shit about Trump all night. Fox has Shep who dogs on Trump all the time, Parino, Wallace and Baer who are fairly objective and then a handful of right leaning anchors. I'm not making the case that Fox is middle of the road, they are obviously catering to the conservative crowd and have a handful of shows that I can't even watch, but they also have some balance. CNN used to be very balanced but like I said they have taken a very hard anti-trump turn. It is understandable since Trump declared war against them, but don't deny that it isn't true.

Nope. CNN....even Lemon,,,,abide by journalistic standards. FOX does no such thing.

CNN is fair to Trump.

Their opinion guests are clearly advertised as opinion guests. He's a mess. Therefore honest reporting portrays him as a mess. Simple.

wow, cnn doesnt check hasnt fucked up as bad or as often as the "mainstream" press........

again fake not fox
blowing up trucks when they couldnt get it to blow up on its own......nbc not fox

gove me some of foxs most egregious errors
Well Bret Baer did report that Hillary was going to be indicted by the FBI a week before the election. That was a bad fuck up. And then there is Hannity and his Seth Rich conspiracy implying that he was murdered by the DNC or Clinton’s. Remember when Napolitono said that British intelligence wiretapped trump and then trump told that to the Germans? And of course they have the small stuff that gets redacted like all other networks have.

Trump is just branding CNN and the MSM as fake news to discredit them. Don’t be fooled by that nonesense. I’m all for upping the accountability of our media, all institutions need to do better. But the fake news narrative is being grossly distorted
bucky, if CNN does not have anything worthwhile, then why all the anger.
of course you'd ask that question. um putting out slanted propaganda on a news show, notveven an opinion show like don lemon and calling yourself a news org is a joke.
I asked you a question, snowflake. Why all the anger is they are not giving anything worthwhile?

starky youre a joke, ive been in hige threads where i produce evidence and facts and yoi produce im done crushimg you over and over....i need someone with a brain to challenge me
Snowflake, why the anger? You have offered nothing of worth on this Board . . . ever. All you do is jump up and down and yell. So calm down. . . and offer something of worth other than your silly anger.

wait you gave up on the alt right moniker?
you finally figired out only lefties jerk off to that one. Noone else cares.

And you dont even know what a snowflake lefties crack me up....

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